HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 2023-09-13 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Cathedral City Study Session Wednesday, September 13, 2023 3:00 PM City Council Chambers 68-700 Avenida Lalo Guerrero Cathedral City, CA 92234 • CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 3:00 PM by Mayor Rita Lamb. • ROLL CALL Attendee Name Title Status Arrived Rita Lamb Mayor Present 3:00 PM Mark Carnevale Mayor Pro Tem Present • 3:00 PM Nancy Ross Councilmember Present 3:00 PM Raymond Gregory Councilmember Present 3:00 PM Ernesto Gutierrez Councilmember Present 3:00 PM • AGENDA FINALIZATION There were no changes to the agenda. 1. PUBLIC COMMENT Alan Carvalho, Cathedral City resident, thanked the City for their efforts related to Tropical Storm Hilary. Martha Vistica, Cathedral City resident, expressed her concern with illegal food vendors in the City and feels all codes should be enforced. 2. STUDY SESSION A. Presentation on Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) Annexation Process Recommendation: This is a presentation only. There is no formal action required. Gary Thompson, Executive Officer, Riverside County Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO), provided a presentation on the process of annexation. The following points were presented: • General LAFCO Policy Provisions • Steps Prior to Annexation Application • Initiating Annexation • Annexation SOI Application • Plan of Services • Fiscal Impact Analysis • Boundary Map and Legal Description • Property Tax Exchange Resolutions • California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) • LAFCO Staff/Executive Officer's Report and Recommendation • Commission Hearing and Decision • Protest (Conducting Authority Hearing) Provisions • Annexation Subject to a Public Vote • Certification of Completion (CoC) • Special Circumstances The City Council asked clarifying questions, which Mr. Thompson responded to. This item was for information and discussion only, there was no formal action taken by the City Council. B. Sidewalk Vendor Ordinance Update Recommendation: This item is presented for information, discussion and direction only. Sandra Molina, Deputy Director of Development Services, provided an update on the proposed Sidewalk Vendor Ordinance. The following points were presented: • Applicability • Senate Bill 946 and 972 • Operational Requirement and Prohibitions • Removal or Seizure of Product/Equipment • Fines • Enforcement Approach • Complaint Data 2/25/2023 to 8/5/2023 • Licensing Campaign Sunshine Herrera, Cathedral City resident, stated that the City declared Cathedral City a Sanctuary City. The Cities of Indio, La Quinta, Indian Wells and Palm Desert don't have a problem with illegal sidewalk vending. The City of Palm Springs and Cathedral City, the two sanctuary cities, are having problems with illegal sidewalk vendors. She stated that most of the people doing the vending illegally can't afford to pay a fine and would love to sue a City for taking their belongings. She feels they should consider all this when discussing this matter. Cathedral City Page 2 Printed on 9/21/2023 Martha Vistica, Cathedral City resident, feels this issue is related to human trafficking and recommends the Council watch the KESQ expose on Human Trafficking. She expressed her concern with the potential health issues that go along with sidewalk vending. She feels her health and welfare are jeopardized with the sanitation issue being created by illegal sidewalk vendors. The City Council provided their feedback and asked clarifying questions, which were responded to by staff and legal counsel. City Attorney Eric Vail provided a brief overview of the legal parameters related to enforcement of street vendors. He asked for Council's direction on how to proceed. City Manager McClendon and Assistant City Manager Ambrose discussed the practicality of enforcement in relation to staff resources and limitations due to current state laws. This item was for information and direction only, there was no formal action taken by the City Council. Staff will work with legal counsel to develop an enforcement plan based on the discussion heard this evening. 3. CLOSED SESSION City Attorney Eric Vail announced that the City Council will meet in Closed Session to discuss the following items listed on the agenda. A. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL — ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to Government Code section 54956.9(d)(2) Number of Matters: One (1) B. THREAT TO PUBLIC SERVICES AND FACILITIES Pursuant to Government Code section 54957 Consultation with: Fire Chief and Police Chief The City Council adjourned to Closed Session at 4:50 p.m. City Attorney Eric Vail reported out of Closed Session during the Regular City Council meeting and is reflected in the minutes of September 13, 2023. ADJOURN The City Council adjourned to Closed Session at 4:50 p.m. 14.2 Mayor, LP kqe-i-IL (Y)c)t )__1(40• of Cathedral City City Clem)City Y ity of Cathedral City Cathedral City Page 3 Printed on 9/21/2023 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Cathedral City Regular Meeting Wednesday, September 13, 2023 5:30 PM City Council Chambers 68-700 Avenida Lalo Guerrero Cathedral City, CA 92234 • CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 5:30 PM by Mayor Rita Lamb. • PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Councilmember Raymond Gregory led the Pledge of Allegiance. • INVOCATION (MOMENT OF REFLECTION) Councilmember Ross offered the moment of reflection. • ROLL CALL Attendee Name Title Status Arrived Rita Lamb Mayor Present 5:30 PM Mark Carnevale Mayor Pro Tern Present 5:30 PM Nancy Ross Councilmember Present 5:30 PM Raymond Gregory Councilmember Present 5:30 PM Ernesto Gutierrez Councilmember Present 5:30 PM • AGENDA FINALIZATION There were no changes to the agenda. 1. LOCAL EMERGENCY ITEMS A. Update on Emergency Actions Related to Tropical Storm Hilary Recommendation: Update on Status of Emergency Proclamation, Resolution 2023-29. Update on Emergency Actions taken by City, County, State of Federal Agencies. Possible consideration of additional measures to be taken. Council may add items not listed on the agenda pursuant to Government Code section 54954.2 by majority vote. City staff provided a comprehensive presentation of emergency actions related to Tropical Storm Hilary. The following points were presented: • The Situation- Tropical Storm Hilary • Emergency Management Cycle • Department Preparedness • Communications and Media Coverage • Timeline of Events and Response- Aug. 17, 2023 through Sep. 8, 2023 • Recognition of Individuals and City Staff • Community Resources Rick Saldivar thanked individuals, organizations and businesses that came together to help the Horizon neighborhood, which was most affected by Tropical Storm Hilary. Chip Yarborough, Panorama resident, expressed his concern with the lack of hero pay for firefighters, the lack of communication to the residents in preparation for the storm and the municipal code related to disaster protocol. Jerry Meza, Horizon Road resident, described his experience during and after Tropical Storm Hilary and expressed his concern with the services and responses provided by the City. John Hawkins, Horizon Road resident, expressed his concern with the services and responses provided by the City during and after Tropical Storm Hilary. Karina Perez, Horizon Road resident, described her experience during and after Tropical Storm Hilary and expressed her concern with the services and responses provided by the City. Richard Ravanello, Horizon Road resident, described his experience during and after Tropical Storm Hilary. He discussed the community volunteers that have provided assistance to the residents. He feels there can be a better structure in place and questioned who is going to stand up and help the community. Arcelia Mendiola, Horizon Road resident, described her experience during and after Tropical Storm Hilary and expressed her concern with the services and responses provided by the City. Elianna Mendiola, Horizon Road resident, describe her experience during and after Tropical Storm Hilary and expressed her concern with the services and responses provided by the City. Ronnie Mendiola, Horizon Road resident, described his experience during and Cathedral City Page 2 Printed on 9/21/2023 after Tropical Storm Hilary and expressed his concern with the services and responses provided by the City. Beatriz Toledo, Horizon Road resident, described her experience during and after Tropical Storm Hilary and expressed her concern with the services and responses provided by the City. Andrew Velasquez, Horizon Road resident, described his experience during and after Tropical Storm Hilary and expressed his concern with the services and responses provided by the City. The City Council recessed at 7:44 p.m. The City Council reconvened 7:51 p.m. Somu Desai, Owner Desert Promotions, indicated that his business was heavily impacted by Tropical Storm Hilary. He inquired what the City plans to do to prevent future flooding and the removal of the dirt from the area. He inquired if the City will offer any resources for small businesses that were impacted by the storm. Margaret Gutierrez, Thousand Palms resident, provided her background and experience. She expressed her concern with the services and responses provided by the City in relation to Tropical Storm Hilary. Silvia Hernandez, Horizon Road resident, described her experience during and after Tropical Storm Hilary and expressed her concern with the services and responses provided by the City. Ramiyah Toledo, Horizon Road resident, described her experience during and after Tropical Storm Hilary and expressed her concern with the services and responses provided by the City. Curtis Toledo, Horizon Road resident, described his experience during and after Tropical Storm Hilary. He wants to know where the resources are for him and his family because they deserve to be in a home like everyone else. Analisa Cayabyab, Horizon Road resident, described her experience during and after Tropical Storm Hilary and expressed her concern with the services and responses provided by the City. Julie Burgess, Horizon Road resident, described her experience during and after Tropical Storm Hilary and expressed her concern with the services and responses provided by the City. Chunmez Xu, Horizon Road resident, described her experience during and after Tropical Storm Hilary. She inquired about what is the City's responsibility and if there are plans for flood control in the future. Michael Sereno, Horizon Road resident, described his experience during and Cathedral City Page 3 Printed on 9/21/2023 after Tropical Storm Hilary and expressed his concern with the services and responses provided by the City. Dawn Figueroa, Horizon Road resident, described her experience during and after Tropical Storm Hilary and expressed her concern with the services and responses provided by the City. Brian Jay Jacobson, Horizon Road resident, expressed his concern with the services and responses provided by the City related to Tropical Storm Hilary. He urged the City to help. Marlyn Reddy, Horizon Road resident, described her experience after Tropical Storm Hilary and expressed her concern with the services and responses provided by the City. Terry Applegate, urged the City to work on a better process and structure related to disaster situations and response. B. Authorize Emergency Funding for Cleanup, Repairs and Emergency Protective Measures Resulting from the August 20, 2023 Tropical Storm Hilary Damages. Recommendation: To authorize the City Manager to execute task orders/purchase orders/contracts in the amount of $1,062,000 for the Phase I Emergency Response Work for Debris Removal (Cleanup) and Emergency Protective Measures resulting from the August 20, 2023 Tropical Storm Hilary impacts; and, approve a General Fund appropriation in the amount of $1 ,062,000 to fund this initial Phase I Emergency Response Work. M.O. 2023-139 A motion was made by Councilmember Gregory and seconded by Councilmember Ross to authorize the City Manager to execute task orders/purchase orders/contracts in the amount of $1,062,000 for the Phase I Emergency Response Work for Debris Removal (Cleanup) and Emergency Protective Measures resulting from the August 20, 2023 Tropical Storm Hilary impacts; and, approve a General Fund appropriation in the amount of$1,062,000 to fund this initial Phase I Emergency Response Work. RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Raymond Gregory, Councilmember SECONDER: Nancy Ross, Councilmember AYES: Lamb, Carnevale, Ross, Gregory, Gutierrez 2. PUBLIC COMMENT Shane Massoud, Southern California Edison Representative Government Relations Manager, introduced himself to the City Council. He indicated that he looks forward to working with the City. Cathedral City Page 4 Printed on 9/21/2023 Dorian Whitney, Cathedral City resident, expressed his concern with developing certain areas of the City, which he feels causes climate effects like Tropical Storm Hilary. He also expressed his concern with the lack of green infrastructure in the City. 3. COUNCIL REPORTS There were no Council reports. 4. CONSENT AGENDA A motion was made by Councilmember Gregory and seconded by Mayor Pro Tern Carnevale to approve the following Consent Agenda items: RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Raymond Gregory, Councilmember SECONDER: Mark Carnevale, Mayor Pro Tem AYES: Lamb, Carnevale, Ross, Gregory, Gutierrez A. Waive Full Reading of Ordinances on Agenda M.O. 2023-140 B. Minutes Approval M.O. 2023-141 1. City Council - Study Session - Aug 23, 2023 3:00 PM 2. City Council - Regular Meeting -Aug 23, 2023 5:30 PM C. Receive and File Payment of Claims and Demands for August 2023 Recommendation: The City Council acting in its capacity for the City, the Successor Agency to the former Redevelopment Agency, the Housing Successor Agency, and the Cathedral City Public Finance Authority Board receive and file payment of claims and demands in the aggregate sum of $12,082,993.34 for the month of August 2023. M.O. 2023-142 D. Rejection of Proposals for Professional Labor Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement Services for the Dream Homes Park Project Recommendation: To reject the one (1) proposal received for Professional Labor Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement Services for the Dream Homes Park Project; and, authorize the City Engineer to re-advertise the Request for Qualifications/Proposals for the before mentioned services. M.O. 2023-143 E. Accept GPS Tourism Grant by the Greater Palm Springs Tourism Foundation in the Amount of $29,926 Cathedral City Page 5 Printed on 9/21/2023 Recommendation: To approve and accept the $29,926 GPS Tourism Grant by the Greater Palm Springs Tourism Foundation. M.O. 2023-144 F. Special Use Permit 23-007 for the Cathedral City High School Homecoming Parade Scheduled to be held on September 28, 2023 Recommendation: To approve Special Use Permit 23-007 for the Cathedral City High School Homecoming Parade on Sept. 28, 2023, and waive the application fee. M.O. 2023-145 G. Approve the FY 2022-2023 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Consolidated Annual Performance Evaluation Report (CAPER) for Submittal to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Recommendation: To approve the City's Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) FY 2022-2023 Consolidated Annual Performance Evaluation Report (CAPER) for submittal to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). M.O. 2023-146 5. ITEMS PULLED FROM CONSENT 6. PUBLIC HEARINGS 7. LEGISLATIVE ACTIONS A. Fiscal Year (FY) 2023/2024 Operating Budget Adjustments Recommendation: To approve Fiscal Year (FY) 2023/2024 Operating/Non- Personnel Budget Adjustments M.O. 2023-147 A motion was made by Councilmember Gregory and seconded by Councilmember Gutierrez to approve Fiscal Year (FY) 2023/2024 Operating/Non-Personnel Budget Adjustments RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Raymond Gregory, Councilmember SECONDER: Ernesto Gutierrez, Councilmember AYES: Lamb, Carnevale, Ross, Gregory, Gutierrez 8. DISCUSSION ON FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS City Manager Charles McClendon stated that the City is working with the County Supervisor's Office, the Coachella Valley Water District, and the Flood Control District to discuss the concerns related to flood control to develop a plan for the future. 9. CLOSED SESSION Cathedral City Page 6 Printed on 9/21/2023 City Attorney Eric Vail announced that the City Council met in Closed Session during the Study Session meeting of September 13, 2023, there was no reportable action taken. ADJOURN Mayor Rita Lamb adjourned the meeting at 8:57 p.m. jt6:- 401,- Mayor, CitY of Cathedral City City ClerCity'of Cathedral City Y Cathedral City Page 7 Printed on 9/21/2023