HomeMy WebLinkAboutRecorded Doc 2023-011 )t)L )// 2023-0043155 02/15/2023 10:41 AM Fee: $ 0.00 When Recorded Return to: } Page 1 of 4 CITY OF CATHEDRAL CITY } Recorded in Official Records CITY CLERK County of Riverside } Peter Aldana 68700 Avenida Lalo Guerrero } Assessor-County Clerk-Recorder Cathedral City CA 92234 'III �� I 'I III 4lx CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE NO. 2022-541 (Government Code Sec. 66499.35) (APN 674-711-013 & 014) WHEREAS, an application for a Certificate of Compliance No. 2022-541 for one parcel of real property located at the Northeasterly corner of Paseo Del Sol and Camino Mirasol, known as "Adjusted Lot 60", within the Rio Del Sol development and in Tract No. 28561-1, within the Northeast quarter of Section 34, Township 4 South, Range 5 East, San Bernardino Meridian, in the City of Cathedral City, County of Riverside, State of California, was received by the City of Cathedral City from the record owner of the said parcel: RDS Development, LLC, a California Limited Liability Company; as sublessor under Business Lease PSL-239 executed by Agua Caliente Allottees: and WHEREAS, the said parcel is more particularly described in the legal description marked Exhibit"A", and shown in the sketch marked Exhibit"B", which are attached hereto and made a part hereof; (APN 674-711-014 and 014) and WHEREAS, said application for a Certificate of Compliance has been duly reviewed in accordance with the Municipal Code of the City of Cathedral City; and WHEREAS, Lot Merger No. 2004-380, as approved by the City of Cathedral City and recorded on August 24, 2004, as Instrument No. 2004-0667905, created "Merged Lot 60", described in said document as a merger of Lots 59 and 60 of Tract No. 28561-1, as shown on the map recorded in Book 323, at Pages 35 through 49, inclusive, of Maps, Records of Riverside County; and WHEREAS, the above described "Merged Lot 60" was thereafter adjusted by Lot Line Adjustment No. 2004-381, as described in the document recorded on August 24, 2004, as Instrument No. 2004-0667906, in Official Records of Riverside County, into a new parcel described in said document as "Adjusted Lot 60", which parcel now consists of portions of Lots 58, 59, and 60 of Tract No. 28561-1, as shown on the said map recorded in Book 323 at Pages 35 through 49, inclusive, of Maps, Records of Riverside County, California; and WHEREAS, said Lot Line Adjustment No. 2004-381 was approved by the United States Department of the Interior Bureau of Indian Affairs, Palm Springs Agency, on July 18, 2008.. 1 NOW, THEREFORE, "Adjusted Lot 60", as described in said Lot Line Adjustment No. 2004-381, and as described in Exhibit "A", which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, is hereby found to comply with the provisions of the State Subdivision Map Act and with local ordinances enacted pursuant thereto and is hereinafter designated as a single legal parcel, entitled to such rights and privileges as are accorded it by law: This Certificate of Compliance relates only to issues of compliance or noncompliance with the Subdivision Map Act and local ordinances enacted pursuant thereto. The said parcel as described in Exhibit"A" may be sold, leased, or financed without further compliance with the Subdivision Map Act or any local ordinance enacted pursuant thereto. Development of the said parcel described in Exhibit "A" or its subdivision, adjustment or merger may require issuance of a permit or permits, or other grants or conditions of approval. Dated: , 202 AP ROVED -a3-a Robert Rodriguez Director of Planning/Building City of Cathedral City REVIEWED: ATTEST: & l, 8731 Tracey RbVlart iriez, CMC Engineering Division City Clerk City of Cathedral City City of Cathedral City As delegated by the Director of Engineering, pursuant to Government Code Sec. 66416.5(c) kOFESS04�_,, y 1' 1 R.C.E. 18731 r w fi ocaai \\*. }t/ FOF 5,0 2 EXHIBIT "A" "ADJUSTED LOT 60" Those portions of Lot 58 of Tract No. 28561-1 as shown on the map recorded in Book 323 at Pages 35 through 49, inclusive, of Maps, Records of Riverside County, California, and Merged Lot 60, as described in Lot Line Adjustment No. 2004-380, recorded on August 24,2004,as Instrument No. 2004-0667905 in Official Records, of Riverside County, California, described as follows: Beginning at the Southwest corner of Adjusted Lot "J" of Lot Line Adjustment No. 2004-356, recorded on May 2, 2004, as Instrument No. 2004-0417697, in Official Records of said Riverside County; Thence, South 00° 32' 28" West, 14.29 feet; Thence, South 00° 11' 27" East, 75.05 feet to the South line of said Merged Lot 60, said point also being the beginning of a non-tangent curve, concave Northeasterly and having a radius of 260.00 feet, a radial line through said point bears South 04°42' 06" West; Thence, along the Southerly and Westerly lines of said Merged Lot 60 and said Lot 58,the following four(4) courses: Northwesterly along said curve through a central angle of 10°06' 27" and an arc distance of 45.87 feet; Thence North 75° 11' 27" West, 37.72 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve concave Northeasterly and having a radius of 20.00 feet; Thence, Northwesterly along said curve through a central angle of 84° 59' 03" an arc distance of 29.67 feet to the beginning of a reverse curve concave Northwesterly and having a radius of 437.50 feet, a radial line through said point bears South 80° 12' 24" East; Thence, Northeasterly along said curve through a central angle of 07° 35' 46" an arc distance of 58.00 feet; Thence, leaving said Westerly line, North 89°45'53" East, 89.83 feet to the East line of said Lot 58; Thence, along said East line, South 01° 22' 38" East, 8.81 feet to the Point of Beginning, Said "Adjusted Lot 60" is also shown on map filed in Book 139, Records of Surveys, at Pages 5 through 7, inclusive, Records of Riverside County. . This legal description is based upon record data and was prepared by: —7-3 David R. Faessel, RCE 18731 O �of ESS fo .. 7( h � Z W R.C.E. 18731 t rh \* / `J> crvt 4\1/ CM. - 3 EXHIBIT B SHEET 1 OF 1 SHEET CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE NO. 2022-541 "ADJUSTED LOT 60" L ) MODIFIED LOT 57 LLA 2004-379 I — LLA 2004-381 .. 1-- 0 I— j> Q J II MODIFIED LOT 58 co (.),I LLA 2004-381 N L() w 00 *J 63 N N 0 ST rr) N87'448'10'W N89'45'531•-89.83' C m Fo I— SCALE 1"=30' b O e to N0032'28'E 41 co ll 14.29' MODIFIED g ADJUSTED LOT 60 LLOT 61 004-381 LOT MERGER 04-380 II LOT UNE ADJUSTMENT 2004-381 LLA 2004-382 c) co 0 (N8012124" 14 3 • Rq—p -- S L=29.67' I, 5 APPUCANT: R=20.00' `4 8 RDS DEVELOPMENT, LLC A=8459'03" L=45.87' .4Jil 8 R=260.00' o.1 NOTES: 1 1. THE BEARINGS AND A=10'06'27" DISTANCES SHOWN HEREON N75y>>27"w 3''2, zl ARE RECORD DATA PER LLA C 2004-381 RECORDED 8/24/2004 AS DOC. NO. CAM! p M/ 0667906. Rasp2. THERE MAY BE C EASEMENTS OF RECORD DELINEATED AND REFERENCED ON THE UNDERLYING MAP OR THERE MAY BE EASEMENTS WITHIN THE AREA BEING ADJUSTED THAT ARE NOT SHOWN ON THIS DOCUMENT 0� LAND S G LEGEND �}� R GF FTHIS DOCUMENT WAS PREPARED ADJACENT LOT UNE � BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTION, SUBJECT LOT UNE PHILLIP K.FOMOTOR BASED ON ECORD INFORMATION. No.7070 qT PHILUP K. FOMOTOR, P.L.S. OF CALIF�� t/ 10f1423