HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 2003 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE CITY OF CATHEDRAL CITY AND COACHELLA VALLEY ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS This Memorandum of Understanding (the "Memorandum") is made by and between the CITY OF CATHEDRAL CITY, a charter city ("CITY") and the COACHELLA VALLEY ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS ("CVAG"), as of AUGUST 10, 2022 with respect to the following: RECITALS WHEREAS, the City is interested in funding the provision of food, emergency shelter, and outreach to thosein need and, in that regard would like to support the CVAG homelessness program; and WHEREAS, the City has been supporting CVAG's CV Housing First program as a regional solution for homeless individuals; and WHEREAS, CVAG agrees to use the City funding for the CV Housing First program to provide case management and outreach services to homeless individuals in the Coachella Valley for the coming years; NOW, THEREFORE, the City and CVAG agree to the following: 1.0 TERM OF MEMORANDUM. The term of this Memorandum shall expire on June 30, 2025, unless earlier terminated by either party by giving written notice of termination at least sixty (60) days prior to July 1st of any fiscal year. 2.0 OBLIGATIONS OF THE PARTIES. 2.1 CVAG shall provide the services set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference ("Scope of Services"). CVAG shall deliver to the City quarterly reports detailing the CV Housing First program metrics as set forth in Exhibit B attached hereto and incorporated by this reference ("Quarterly Reports"). CVAG shall comply with any and all federal, state, and local laws and regulations applicable to CVAG, the Scope of Services, and the use of the City Funds (as defined in Section 2.2 below) and the use of any other public moneys (collectively, the "Compliance Requirements"). 2.2 The City will provide financial support of One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000) each fiscal year ("City Funds") for three fiscal years totaling Three Hundred Thousand Dollars ($300,000) to CVAG, provided CVAG complies with its obligations under this Memorandum and provided that the Memorandum is not earlier terminated as provided for herein. Tthe City shall disburse the City Funds no later than 60 days after the beginning of each fiscal year. All City Funds shall be used by CVAG for the Scope of Services and for no other purpose. If CVAG fails to provide CV Housing First services for a fiscal year, the City may withhold an installment disbursement of the City Funds thathave not yet been disbursed. If CVAG fails to comply with any Compliance Requirements, the City may (i) withhold an installment disbursement that has not yet been disbursed, (ii) order a return to the City of any portion or all City Funds that were not used in compliance with this Memorandum or any other Compliance Requirements, and/or (iii) seek any other rights or remedies available at law or in equity. 3.0 INDEMNITY AND RELEASE. CVAG hereby agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the City and its officers, employees, agents and independent contractors (collectively, "Indemnitees") from and against any and all of claims, causes of action, obligations, losses, liabilities, judgments, or damages, including reasonable attorneys' fees and costs of litigation (collectively "Claims") arising out of and/or in any way relating to CVAG's activities in the performance of this Memorandum, or to CVAG's acts and/or omissions in providing or administering the same, excepting only those claims, actions, obligations, losses, liabilities, judgments, or damages arising out of the sole negligence, active negligence or willful misconduct of the City. 4.0 CVAG INSURANCE OBLIGATIONS. Without limiting the indemnification provisions provided herein, CVAG, at its sole expense, shall obtain and keep in force during the term of this Memorandum and any extensions thereof, a policy or policies of general liability insurance covering all injuries to persons and damage to property occurring in, upon or about the CVAG facility(ies) resulting from any actions or omissions of CVAG or any use of the CVAG facility(ies), or the CVAG's invitees in accordance with the terms of this Memorandum. The policy or policies evidencing such insurance shall name the City as additional insureds, shall provide that same may not be cancelled or amended without thirty (30) days prior written notice to the City, and shall provide for a combined single limit coverage of bodily injury and property damage in the amount of not less than One Million Dollars ($1,000,000). Such policy or policies shall be issued by an insurance company licensed to do business in the Stateof California and be rated A-/VIII or better by ambest.com. Prior to the date of this Memorandum, and upon renewal of such policies, CVAG shall submit to the City certificates of insurance and any applicable endorsements evidencing that the foregoing policy or policies are in effect. The coverage contemplated in this paragraph will be primary and the City's coverage will not contribute. CVAG shall provide workers' compensation insurance in accordance with California law. 5.0 ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS. 5.1 In all cases, the language in all parts of this Memorandum shall be construed according to its fair meaning and not strictly for or against either party, if being agreed that the parties or their agents have all participated in the preparation of this Memorandum. 5.2 This Memorandum contains the entire agreement of the Parties and supersedes any prior oral or written statements or agreements between the Parties regarding the operation of CVAG's CV Housing First Program. 5.3 No termination of this Memorandum shall release either party from any liability or obligation hereunder resulting from any acts, omissions or events happening prior to the termination of this Memorandum. 5.4 In the event either party brings any suit or other proceeding with respect to the subject matter or enforcement of this Memorandum, the prevailing party (as determined by California law) shall, in addition to such other relief as may be awarded, be entitled to recover reasonable attorneys' fees, expenses and costs of suit or investigation as actually incurred (including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys' fees, expenses, and costs incurred in establishing the right to indemnification). [signatures on next page] IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Coachella Valley Association of Governments and PUBLIC ENTITY have executed this Memorandum as evidenced by the signatures contained below: CITY OF • THEDRAL CITY COACHELLA • LLEY ASSOCI • ON OVERNMENTS By � ,! By Name:CIYA vIe 5 P. 't 1z ia(16.)vj Name: I or Lr& Title: CITY MANAGER Title: Gk�-C-�` '��- �te-L Dated: AUCejt 11 ) .2,b22- Ari"--61-0t l Dated: k3` a.a) as 49Q- APPROVED AS TO FORM By: Name: / L Sl Title: CITY ATTORNEY Dated: / th7' /d ZOZZ ATTEST: B ' ! , AL/ Name: T61C..u4 2. N�1/1/VIOSIU l U Title: CITYCLERK Dated: 41)(i)264' EXHIBIT A Scope of Services Provide services to unhoused individuals and families in the Coachella Valley, and more specifically in CATHEDRAL CITY, who are literally homeless by providing outreach, connections to housing solutions (including crisis stabilization housing and/or permanent solutions), rapid resolution assistance for one-time emergency needs such as move-in costs, or other supportive services and resources such as food distribution, legal clinics, and linkages to services. Page 5 of 7 EXHIBIT B Page 6 of 7 ITEM 6B �,- Coachella Valley Association of Governments Homelessness Committee ! A April 20,2022 CVAG STAFF REPORT Subject: CV Housing First: First Quarter Report for 2022 Contact: Anyse Smith, Management Analyst (asmithcvaq.orq) Recommendation: Information Background: CVAG is now in its second year of operating the CV Housing First program with staff. The program is focused on the CV200, a by-name list of chronically homeless individuals residing in desert cities that have frequent contacts with law enforcement and who are likely to be shelter resistant or who have already fallen out of housing. The list was developed in partnership with CVAG's member jurisdictions and local law enforcement. CVAG staff has committed to adjusting CV Housing First programming based on the data, and provides quarterly updates to its members about the program. The CV Housing First team uses two primary methods to get clients to housing solutions: rapid resolution and crisis stabilization units: • Rapid resolution is an urgent, cost-saving solution that the Housing First staff use to help overcome the barriers that keep people from getting housing. This could include options such as helping them secure their identifying paperwork, which then can help them qualify for benefits. It also includes sorting out the process for housing, medical, mental health, substance abuse, employment, and mainstream benefits. • The crisis stabilization units allow CVAG to connect CV200 individuals to housing. These are apartments and hotel rooms where clients stay, generally up to 90 days, that keep them off the streets. Through case management and frequent interactions with the team, CVAG is helping them achieve the goal of permanent housing, programs, and family reunifications On a weekly basis, staff also conducts valley-wide coordinated outreach, and participates in regular planning meetings with law enforcement, healthcare providers, county behavioral health teams, and other service providers. In the first year, 75 CV200 clients were in permanent housing solutions and another 32 non-CV200 clients were housed. CVAG staff will continue to provide quarterly reports as it provides services in 2022. In the first quarter of 2022, 15 CV200 clients were in permanent housing solutions and another seven non-CV200 clients were housed. This represents a small uptick in statistics as compared to the latter half of 2021. CV Housing First Clients— By the Numbers through March 31, 2022 CV200 as of 3/31/2022 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 TOTAL Clients housed in Crisis Stabilization Units 33 33 (CSH) Clients being helped through Rapid Resolution 0 0 (RR) Clients returned to the street (failures) 5 5 Clients moved into permanent housing from 15 15 CSH (successes) Clients moved into permanent housing through 0 0 RR (successes) TOTAL HOUSED FROM LIST OF 200 15 15 NON CV200 as of 3/31/2022 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 TOTAL Households Housed in CSH Units 1 1 • Households being helped through RR 6 6 Households returned to the street (failures) 0 0 Households moved into permanent housing 1 1 from CSH (successes) Households moved into permanent housing 6 6 from RR (successes) TOTAL HOUSEHOLDS HOUSED 7 7 TOTAL INDIVIDUALS HOUSED 7 7 CVAG staff continues to track program metrics, such as the length of stay in the units. For the first quarter, the CV200 clients who successfully exited the program into permanent housing stayed in a crisis stabilization unit for 69 days. Those CV200 clients who exited the program unsuccessfully stayed 115 days. This is longer than CVAG staff aims to keep clients in the units. However, this quarter's figures — based on five people —were skewed by a couple of individuals who could not secure housing based on their low voucher level and no credit history. CVAG staff had hoped to not disrupt their progress by finding a solution, but had to exit them to emergency shelters when it became apparent no permanent solution would be found. Throughout the year, CVAG staff also added additional program metrics to track the permanent housing resolutions. Knowing the type of housing where clients resolve will help with identifying future opportunities and options for housing, while also highlighting where we face challenges in finding placement for clients. Of the 15 permanent housing resolutions in the first quarter, the breakdown of clients' Exit Destination is as follows: • Family/Friends—0 • Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) —2 • Rental With Ongoing Subsidy (Low Income Senior Housing) — 1 • Rental With Ongoing Subsidy (VASH Voucher) —0 • Rental With Ongoing Subsidy (Housing Choice Voucher) — 6 • Rental with No Ongoing Subsidy - 5 • Rapid Rehousing - 1 • Shared Housing - 0 CVAG staff will continue to track the housing status of permanently resolved clients at the six- and 12- month period after they were initially housed to determine which clients still remain in housing and which have returned to homelessness. For the clients who are still in housing or who have been recently housed, CVHF staff remains ready and available to assist with providing supportive services and linkages to services to prevent a return to homelessness. Fiscal Analysis: The CV Housing First program, including the staffing and CV200 program, is incorporated into the CV Housing First budget, which has been funded by contributions from cities, Riverside County, the Desert Healthcare District/Foundation, and grants.