HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 2022-05-25 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Cathedral City Study Session Wednesday, May 25, 2022 3:00 PM City Council Chambers 68-700 Avenida Lalo Guerrero Cathedral City, CA 92234 This meeting was conducted in person and by Zoom. • CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 3:00 PM by Mayor Ernesto Gutierrez. • ROLL CALL Attendee Name Title Status Arrived Ernesto Gutierrez Mayor Present 3:00 PM Rita Lamb Mayor Pro Tern Present 3:00 PM Mark Carnevale Councilmember Present 3:00 PM Nancy Ross Councilmember Present 3:00 PM Raymond Gregory Councilmember Present 3:00 PM • AGENDA FINALIZATION City Manager Charles McClendon requested that the City Council hear item 3A first this afternoon as Item 2A. The Closed Session Item will be heard at the end of the meeting as Item 3A. 1. PUBLIC COMMENT There were no members of the public that wished to speak. 2. STUDY SESSION A. Desert Recreation District (DRD) Polling Results Recommendation: Review the Desert Recreation District (DRD) annexation polling results for discussion and direction only. Kevin Kalman, General Manager of Desert Recreation District, introduced Richard Bernard, Ph.D., Partner, FM3 Research, who will be providing a presentation on the Desert Recreation District annexation polling results. Richard Bernard, Ph.D., Partner, FM3 Research gave an overview of the results of the polling that was conducted related to the annexation into the Desert Recreation District. The following points were presented: • Survey Specifics and Methodology • Familiarity with and Opinions of the DRD • Community Context • Initial Opinions on Ballot Measure • Elements of the Ballot Measure • The Effects of Educational Statements • The Effects of Critical Statements • Views About DRD Taking Over Services in Cathedral City • Conclusions Terry Applegate feels that we are putting the cart before the horse. She expressed her concern with the lack of community involvement. She feels that there is not sufficient time to gain support for the November 2022 election. She expressed her support for the Desert Recreation District, however, she supports Option C. Denise Cross supports Desert Recreation District. She feels that there are families in need and the City needs to move forward and place this on the ballot. After discussion of the City Council, it was the consensus of the Council to move forward with placing the annexation into the Desert Recreation District on the November 2022 ballot. 3. CLOSED SESSION City Attorney Eric Vail announced that the City Council will meet in Closed session to discuss the following items listed on the agenda. A. Conference with Legal Counsel -Anticipated Litigation/Threat of Litigation, Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(2). Number of Potential Cases: One The City Council adjourned to Closed Session at 4:15 p.m. ADJOURN Mayor Ernesto Gutierrez adjourned the Study Session Meeting at 4:15 p.m. ‘/>(‘-( &&"' Mayor, City of Cathedral City City Clerk, iity of Cathedral City Cathedral City Page 2 Printed on 6/02/2022 44 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Cathedral City Regular Meeting Wednesday, May 25, 2022 5:30 PM City Council Chambers 68-700 Avenida Lalo Guerrero Cathedral City, CA 92234 This meeting was conducted in person and via Zoom. • CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 5:30 PM by Mayor Ernesto Gutierrez. • PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Councilmember Nancy Ross led the Pledge of Allegiance. • INVOCATION (MOMENT OF REFLECTION) Councilmember Raymond Gregory offered a moment of reflection. • ROLL CALL Attendee Name Title Status Arrived Ernesto Gutierrez Mayor Present 5:30 PM Rita Lamb Mayor Pro Tern Present 5:30 PM Mark Carnevale Councilmember Present 5:30 PM Nancy Ross Councilmember Present 5:30 PM Raymond Gregory Councilmember Present 5:30 PM • AGENDA FINALIZATION There were no changes to the agenda. 1. PUBLIC COMMENT Ricardo Loretta, Executive Director of the Dr. Carreon Foundation, extended an invitation to the City to partner with them to provide education opportunities for youth in Cathedral City. Brad Anderson expressed his interest in collecting data on the Closed Session Items discussed during the Study Session meeting of May 25, 2022. He also indicated that he is in favor of the Desert Recreation District being taken to a vote of the people. Dominic Lopez commented on police transparency and requested that the City Council consider having police radios be un-encrypted like some other agencies do. He also indicated that he feels unsafe at Ocotillo Park and encouraged the City do something about the drug issue. He stated that Desert Vista Road is in very bad condition and would like the street fixed and maintained. Corwin DeVeas expressed his concerns to Mayor Gutierrez related to his career. He also expressed his concern with the Mayor's requests related to code issues around the City and his conversations with current and former Police Officers. Richard Altman complemented the City and the Council on the recent State of the City held on May 19, 2022. Alan Carvalho echoed the comments of Richard Altman. He feels Chris Parman, Communications and Events Manager, has done a great job and thanked the Council for supporting him. Chuck Parker, Salton Sea Coalition, provided a written comment for the record. He urged the City Council to consider a resolution to reaffirm the Council's past resolution supporting the analysis of ocean water import to refill the Salton Sea, and to support the analysis to evaluate the potential greenhouse gas emissions from any proposed projects. 2. COUNCIL REPORTS Mayor Pro Tem Rita Lamb reported that she attended the CVAG Coachella Valley Conservation Commission meeting and stated that the Big Horn Sheep has been moved from endangered to threatened. She reported that she, along with Councilmember Ross, attended a CPR demonstration at the Fire Department. She reported that she met with Alberto Acosta from the Museum of Ancient Wonders. She also reported that she attended many of the Cathedral City High School year end events. She reported on the Cathedral City High School Senior scholarship and awards night and gave a special recognition to the Jeremy J. Bucker Memorial Scholarship fund. She also attended the Cathedral City High School Choral awards event which had a wonderful presentation. She reported that she attended a Palm Springs Museum that was showcasing of all the different local High School academies. She announced that Cathedral City High School is gearing up for a new football season. She reported that she represents the City on the Coachella Valley Mountains Conservancy Board. She shared that the Desert Sun provided an article on how to vote and she encouraged everyone to vote. She announced that there is a new restaurant in town called Mr. Claws Cajun Sea Food and that Restaurant Week is June 3rd through June 12th. She thanked Richard Altman for sponsoring a table of the Harvey Milk Breakfast fundraiser, which was a great event. She welcomed Lisa Luna as the City's new Communications and Events Manager. She reported that she received resident concerns related to code enforcement and thanked Sandra Molina, Code Compliance Manager, for her follow-up on the issues. She commented on the recent mass school shooting in Uvalde Texas and urged everyone to vote for representatives that will value our children. Cathedral City Page 2 Printed on 6/10/2022 Councilmember Mark Carnevale stated that Mayor Pro Tern Lamb's comments related to the mass shootings in Uvalde Texas were beautiful and he knows how she feels. He reported that he attended a CDBG Subcommittee meeting along with Mayor Gutierrez, City Engineer John Corella, and Assistant Engineer Andrew Lee. He reported on the recent State of the City, which was a great event. He reported that he provided dinner for the Cathedral City High School Choral Awards and also hosted the AMVETS Memorial Luncheon at his restaurant, Nicolinos. He reported that he spoke with a constituent related to the soccer park and thanked Deanna Pressgrove, Environmental Conservation and Public Works Manager, for her assistance with this issue. He reported that he spoke with Katrina Heinrich, owner of land north of 1-10, related to a possible development. He also reported that he spoke with Cornerstone Development related to the development of the 13.5 acres project, which is moving forward. He reported that he, along with Mayor Gutierrez, discussed the homeless issues in Cathedral City and Palm Springs with Police Chief Crum. He gave a special shout out to Chris Parman, who is retiring from the City as the Communications and Events Manager. Councilmember Gregory reported on the Grand Opening of the Panorama Dog Park, which was a great event and thanked all those involved. He reported that he attended the Pride Prom Event at the Air Museum and thanked all the community volunteers. He announced the upcoming Special City Council meeting, which will be held on May 18, 2022, to discuss CDBG grant funding. He reported on the recent State of the City event hosted by the Greater Coachella Valley Chamber of Commerce, and thanked Chris Parman, Communications and Events Manager, for his great video work which can be seen on the City's website. He reported that he attended a fundraiser for the Senior Center, the Riverside County Transportation Commission Budget and Implementation meeting, the Desert Business Association mixer, and the CVRep Drama Club's Breakfast. He announced that Memorial Day is coming up and reminded everyone to remember those who served to protect our Country. He also announced the Special City Council meeting scheduled for June 1, 2022, where they will be discussing the City's commissions and committees. Councilmember Nancy Ross reported that she along with Mayor Pro Tern Lamb attended a CPR demonstration at the Fire Department. She also attended the grand opening of the Panorama Dog Park. She reported that she met with some candidates for the upcoming election and attended the Dinner with Patsi fundraiser at Sunshine Café. She announced that she will be hosting a Father's Day fundraiser where all proceeds will go to support Coachella Valley Volunteers in Medicine. She reported that she attended the State of the City event, the Sunline Transit Agency Board meeting, and the Senior Center fundraiser event where she won a case of tequila. She announced an upcoming photo contest for the Jurassic Wonders Dinosaur installation, in conjunction with the Mary Pickford Theater and the new Jurassic World movie. She commented on the recent mass shootings in Uvalde Texas and many others. She urged everyone to watch, listen, and take responsibility to make the best decision when voting for elected officials. Mayor Ernesto Gutierrez attended the grand opening of the Panorama Dog Park, the Greater Palm Springs Convention and Visitors Bureau meeting, and the State of the City event, which was incredible. He thanked Chris Parman, Communications and Cathedral City Page 3 Printed on 6/10/2022 Events Manager, Stone James, Economic Development Director, and staff for their great work on the event. He indicated that he received great feedback from residents and businesses. He reported that he met with a Captain from the Salvation Army to discuss a partnership with the City. He reported that he attended the League of California Cities Riverside County Division meeting, where they discussed highways, freeways and a Bill that would stop freeway widenings. He asked that Councilmember Gregory look into it for more information. He also reported that he attended the Cathedral City High School Senior Scholarship and Awards night and hopes the City can provide a higher amount for scholarships moving forward. He also reported that he met with City Manager McClendon for their weekly meeting. He thanked Robert Rodriguez, Planning/Building Director, and City Manager Charles McClendon for their help with an issue a developer brought to his attention. He also reported that a local barber shop is looking to offer alcohol to their customers while they wait for their appointments, which staff will be researching and evaluating. He commented on the recent mass shooting in Uvalde Texas and expressed his sadness. The City Council presented Chris Parman a certificate of recognition for his role as the City's Communications and Events Manager for the past eight years. 3. CONSENT AGENDA A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Lamb and seconded by Councilmember Carnevale to approve the following Consent Agenda items: RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Rita Lamb, Mayor Pro Tem SECONDER: Mark Carnevale, Councilmember AYES: Gutierrez, Lamb, Carnevale, Ross, Gregory A. Waive Full Reading of Ordinances on Agenda M.O. 2022-93 B. Minutes Approval M.O. 2022-94 1. City Council - Study Session - May 11, 2022 3:00 PM 2. City Council - Regular Meeting - May 11, 2022 5:30 PM C. Receive and File Payment of Claims and Demands for April 2022 Recommendation: The City Council acting in its capacity for the City, the Successor Agency to the former Redevelopment Agency, the Housing Successor Agency and the Cathedral City Public Finance Authority Board receive and file payment of claims and demands in the aggregate sum of $6,772,210 for the month of April, 2022. M.O. 2022-95 Cathedral City Page 4 Printed on 6/10/2022 D. Establish the Annual Special Tax for Fiscal Year (FY) 2022-2023 (Rio Vista Village) Recommendation: Adopt a Resolution of the Cathedral City Community Facilities District (CFD) No. 2000-1 (Rio Vista Village) establishing the annual special tax for FY 2022-2023 Reso 2022-21 E. Amendment to the Regulations covering Executive, Administrative, Professional, Confidential and other Particular Employees Recommendation: To approve amendments to the regulations covering Executive, Administrative, Professional, Confidential and Other Particular Employees and authorize a budget amendment of$549,359 in the current budget (FY21-22). Brad Anderson expressed his concern with this item being part of the Consent Agenda. M.O. 2022-96 F. Approval of Grant Expenditure SLESA 2019-2020 Recommendation: Approve the Expenditure Plan Appropriating Supplemental Law Enforcement Services Account (SLESA) for FY 2019- 2020 allocation. M.O. 2022-97 G. Purchase of one vehicle for East PACT Recommendation: Approve supplementing the allocated PACT funds with additional funding from the vehicle replacement fund and payment of a deposit, if necessary to hold a vehicle, pending Council approval of the purchase on a future agenda. M.O. 2022-98 H. Replacement of Current Fire Department Breathing Apparatus Recommendation: To approve the purchase of forty-five (45) self-contained breathing apparatus' (SCBA), and accessory equipment, for use in hazardous environments. M.O. 2022-99 4. ITEMS PULLED FROM CONSENT 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. General Plan Amendment No. 20-001 2021-2029 Housing Element Update Recommendation: To approve a Resolution adopting a Negative Declaration in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act and approving General Plan Amendment No. 20-001 to update the Housing Element of the General Plan for the 2021-2029 Planning Period. Cathedral City Page 5 Printed on 6/10/2022 Nicole Criste, Terra Nova Consultant, provided an overview of the City's General Plan and the proposed Housing Element update, which must be updated every 8 years. The following points where presented: • Housing needs • Housing sites • Policies and Programs • Process • Recommendation Mayor Ernesto Gutierrez opened the Public Hearing to receive input from the general public related to General Plan Amendment No. 20-001 2021-2029 Housing Element Update, seeing none, Mayor Gutierrez closed the Public Hearing and returned discussion to the City Council. Reso 2022-22 A motion was made by Councilmember Gregory and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Lamb to approve a Resolution adopting a Negative Declaration in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act and approving General Plan Amendment No. 20-001 to update the Housing Element of the General Plan for the 2021-2029 Planning Period. RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Raymond Gregory, Councilmember SECONDER: Rita Lamb, Mayor Pro Tem AYES: Gutierrez, Lamb, Carnevale, Ross, Gregory 6. LEGISLATIVE ACTIONS A. Update on Emergency Actions Related to COVID-19 Recommendation: Update on Status of Emergency Proclamation. Possible action to continue or rescind Resolution 2020-06. Update on Emergency Actions taken by City, County, State of Federal Agencies. Possible consideration of additional measures to be taken. Council may add items not listed on the agenda pursuant to Government Code section 54954.2 by majority vote. Charles McClendon provided an update on Emergency Actions Related to COVID-19. He indicated that there is a flattening in the growth's curve of confirmed cases, which mirrors what is occurring at the County, State and National levels. He does not have any recommendations at this time. This item was for information and direction only, there was no formal action taken by the City Council. Cathedral City Page 6 Printed on 6/10/2022 7. DISCUSSION ON FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS It was the consensus of the City Council to agendize an item to consider a resolution, requested by Chuck Parker of the Salton Sea Coalition, to reaffirm the Council's past support to import ocean water to refill the Salton Sea. 8. CLOSED SESSION City Attorney Eric Vail announced that the City Council met in Closed Session during the Study Session meeting of May 25, 2022 to discuss Item 3A., originally Item 1A., Conference with Legal Counsel for anticipated litigation for one case. There was no reportable action taken. ADJOURN Mayor Ernesto Gutierrez adjourned the Regular Meeting of May 25, 2022 in memory of Jeff Levine former Chairman of the Board of the Greater Coachella Valley Chamber of Commerce. d e.7/6/c -4;("4rfrzfr----:' 4k.,"-City of Cathedral City ity Clerk,' , y o Cathedra! City Cathedral City Page 7 Printed on 6/10/2022