HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 2022-04-13 411 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Cathedral City Study Session Wednesday, April 13, 2022 3:00 PM City Council Chambers 68-700 Avenida Lalo Guerrero Cathedral City, CA 92234 This meeting was conducted in person and via Zoom. • CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 3:00 PM by Mayor Ernesto Gutierrez. • ROLL CALL Attendee Name Title Status Arrived Ernesto Gutierrez Mayor Present 3:00 PM Rita Lamb Mayor Pro Tem Present 3:00 PM Mark Carnevale Councilmember Present 3:00 PM Nancy Ross Councilmember Present 3:00 PM Raymond Gregory Councilmember Present 3:00 PM • AGENDA FINALIZATION There were no changes to the agenda. 1. CLOSED SESSION City Manager Charles McClendon announced that the City Council will meet in Closed Session to discuss the following item listed on the agenda. A. Conference with Labor Negotiator Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.6 Agency Negotiator: Charles McClendon, City Manager Represented Employees: Non-represented Employees The City Council recessed to Closed Session at 3:00 p.m. The City Council reconvened at 3:50 p.m. City Attorney Eric Vail announced that the City Council met in Closed Session to discuss Item 1A. Conference with Labor Negotiator Pursuant to Code Section 54956.6, there was no reportable action taken. 2. PUBLIC COMMENT There were no members of the public that wished to speak. 3. STUDY SESSION A. Introduction to SiFi Networks an Open Source Fiber Optic Developer Recommendation: An Introduction to SiFi Networks, an Open Source Fiber Optic Developer, for Council Review, Discussion and Direction Only. Scott Bradshaw, President SiFi Networks, provided an overview of Sifi Networks which is an Open Source Fiber Optic Developer. The following points were discussed: • Addressing the City's Goals and Vision • A Connected Community- More than just a gig • Changing the Status Quo- Community, Competition, Choice • Driving Community Equity- Removing the digital divide • Pricing that Supports Everyone- Competition and Philanthropy • Personalized Communication- Local Community Liaison • Network Installation- Minimally Invasive Technology • Future-Proofed Design- Supporting the Next Generations • Finished Product- Mimics Existing Roadway Surface • Neighborhood Engagement- Meet the Competing ISP's • Community Awareness- Consistent Messaging • Open Access Partnerships- 950,000 Premises in Design, Funding and Or Denise Cross expressed her concern with current cable lines in the City which obstruct views and hopes SiFi can remove them if this project moves forward. This item was presented for information and direction only, there was no formal action taken by the City Council. B. 2021 Crime Statistics Update Recommendation: 2021 Annual Crime Statistics Update. This item is presented for information, discussion and direction only. Police Chief George Crum provided an update on 2021 Crime Statistics. The following points where presented: • Five Year Crime History • Two Year Crime History • 2017-2021 Property Crimes • 2017-2021 Violent Crimes • 2021- Part 1 Crime Comparisons • Top 50 Safest Cities Cathedral City Page 2 Printed on 4/21/2022 • Future Crime Reduction Strategies Danielle Mead is happy to see the numbers in crime going down. She expressed her concern with people leaving items of value in their cars and feels public education related to larceny crimes may be helpful. This item was presented for information and direction only, there was no formal action taken by the City Council. ADJOURN Mayor Ernesto Gutierrez adjourned the Study Session meeting at 5:20 p.m. Mayor, City of Cathedral City City Clerk, &ity of Cathedra' City Cathedral City Page 3 Printed on 4/21/2022 44 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Cathedral City Regular Meeting Wednesday, April 13, 2022 5:30 PM City Council Chambers 68-700 Avenida Lalo Guerrero Cathedral City, CA 92234 This meeting was conducted in person and via Zoom. • CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 5:30 PM by Mayor Ernesto Gutierrez. • PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE • INVOCATION (MOMENT OF REFLECTION) • ROLL CALL Attendee Name Title Status Arrived Ernesto Gutierrez Mayor Present 5:30 PM Rita Lamb Mayor Pro Tem Present 5:30 PM Mark Carnevale Councilmember Present 5:30 PM Nancy Ross Councilmember Present 5:30 PM Raymond Gregory Councilmember Present 5:30 PM • AGENDA FINALIZATION 1. SPECIAL PRESENTATION - Fire Department Recognition Francisco Enriquez Fire Chief John Muhr introduced Francisco Enriquez, an individual who performed a heroic act on January 11, 2022 when he intervened in a traffic collision pulling a victim from a burning vehicle to safety. The City Council presented Francisco Enriquez with a Certificate of Recognition for his heroic act that saved a life. 2. SPECIAL PRESENTATION - 40th Anniversary Committee Recognition Chris Parman, Communications and Events Manager introduced the members of the 40th Anniversary Planning Committee who worked over eight months to provide the community with a great anniversary celebration in November of 2021. The City Council presented the following members of the 40th Anniversary Planning Committee with a certificate of appreciation for their efforts: • Sergio Espericueta • JoAnne Kennon • Thommy Kocan • Gary Marshall • Shauna McGloin • Karen Riley • James Thompson • Sue Townsley Chris Parman, Communications and Events Manager presented James and Ralph Thompson a Certificate of Recognition for their hard work in assisting with various Fall events. 3. PUBLIC COMMENT Richard Altman welcomed Council back and thanked them for everything they have been doing during these past two years. He thanked Chris Parman for everything he has done for the City over the last 7 years and expressed how much he will be missed. Dorian Whitney, spoke in honor of those who have died because of the lack of crosswalks. He feels that the City needs to prioritize pedestrian safety and public transit. He read names of individuals that have perished from getting hit by cars. 4. COUNCIL REPORTS Councilmember Nancy Ross reported that she attended a meet and greet at the Cabot's Pueblo Museum in Desert Hot Springs, which was a great event. She announced that the Museum of Ancient Wonders has reopened and will now be displaying items from the Historical Society and new Ancient Asian artifacts, she recommended that everyone go view them. She reported that she attended the LGBT Days festivities over the weekend and commented on the Old Gays who were honored with a Proclamation. She also reported that the Desert Business Association granted awards to Coachella Valley businesses, which included The Roost and the Runway from Cathedral City. She along with Mayor Ernesto Gutierrez attended a planning meeting for the Road Runner Motor Rally. She attended the Senior Inspiration Awards luncheon, where Cathedral City honored Terry Nelson a volunteer from the Cathedral City Boys and Girls Club. She stated that she was able to speak with Bea Gonzalez and Aurora Wilson who sit on the College of the Desert Board of Trustees, who gave her their commitment to vote to keep the Road Runner Motors Program in Cathedral City. She reported that she met with several constituents related to crosswalks, sewer connection costs, empty lot cleanups, and information on City Commissions. She attended the Road Runner Motors Rally and thanked all that participated. She reported that on her "Notes from Nancy"she wrote to her gated communities about the Library program where they can check out a free Cathedral City Page 2 Printed on 4/21/2022 State Park pass. She announced that she will be hosting a meetup at Ocotillo Park for residents to discuss sewer projects, Desert Recreation District, and the opportunity to officially name their neighborhood if they so choose. She also reported that she attended a seminar on Russia and future of the United States energy, which was a great event. She also attended the College of the Desert Board of Trustees meeting on April 6th and gave public testimony. She along with her husband attended a free Elton John tribute concert in Palm Springs and feels the City should hold something similar in the Cathedral City Community Amphitheater. She and her husband along with Councilmember Carnevale attended a tour of the Sunnylands Estate, which was fun and incredibly beautiful. She reported that the Parks and Community Events Commission hosted an athletic event at Panorama Park on April 9th, which was great fun. She was able to meet with one of the City's Commissioners to brainstorm and come up with great ideas for the City. She also attended another SCAG Leadership Academy. She met with one of the selected community member volunteers to discuss the active transportation plan and was briefed on their first meeting. She also had a lunch meeting with Lauren Skiver of SunLine and is happy to have the collaboration with their agency. Councilmember Raymond Gregory stated that it has been a long time since Council has been in Chambers and he is happy to be back. He reported that he attended the LGBT Days event and thanked all those involved. He reported that he was able to get out of town for a few days, which was nice. He also reported that he attended the Road Runner Motors Program Rally and thanked all those involved and feels things are headed in the right direction. He reported that he attended the Desert Aids Project volunteer event at the Cathedral City Community Amphitheater where he presented them with a proclamation and stated that everyone spoke very highly about the Amphitheater. He reported that he represented the City at the Riverside County Transportation Commission meeting where they discussed ways to move towards clean energy transit. He reported on the Parks and Community Events Commission Athletic Event at Panorama Park on April 9th. He announced that the City Council will hold a Special Meeting on Wednesday April 20th to discuss Cannabis related issues. He also announced that CVREP will be having a new production called "Native Gardens" and urged everyone to attend it. He announced that the Ofelia Bringas Bridge will be closed temporarily on Friday April 16, and reminded everyone to avoid it. He reminded everyone that this area in the Valley will be affected with traffic during Coachella and Stagecoach Festivals. He thanked staff for their continued efforts with the Dog Park in Panorama Park and stated that a grand opening will be coming soon. Mayor Pro Tem Rita Lamb thanked Commissioner Robert Puentes and Chairman Gary Marshall from the Parks and Community Events Commission for the Athletic Event at Panorama Park. She also thanked Chairman Gary Marshall for sitting in on the Coachella Valley Conservation Commission Trails Management Sub-committee on her behalf. She stated that she along with Chairman Gary Marshall and Commissioner Erin Hyland will be meeting to discuss trails and what can be done in Cathedral City. She reported that she participated in the FIND Food Bank fundraiser Telethon, which raised over $200,000. She announced that the Noon Rotary will be hosting a Black-Tie Bingo event on April 30th, which will benefit scholarships for Cathedral City High School. She reported that she attended the College of the Desert Board of Trustees meeting on April 6t" to voice her concerns related to the Cathedral City Page 3 Printed on 4/21/2022 Road Runner Motors Program and stated that the Board will take their final vote on April 22nd. She indicated that she represents the City on the Coachella Valley Mosquito and Vector Control Board of Trustees and is happy to take an upcoming field trip in the Cove to learn about mosquitos. She also represents the City on the CVAG Conservation Committee where they discussed acquiring land for the multiple species' habitat through tax sales. She stated that the Desert Sun had an article that discussed the Museum of Ancient Wonders displaying items from the Historical Society in their front lobby, which is a great history of the City. She also stated that the Old Gays were on the cover of Desert Living magazine and they are amazing. She thanked all the volunteers on the 40th Anniversary Planning Committee for all their hard work. She gave a special shoutout to Giselle Woo and the Night Owls for their performance during the 40th Anniversary Celebration. She reported that she spoke to some concerned residents related to debris in the wash area under the Cathedral Canyon Bridge, which has been referred to the appropriate agency. Councilmember Mark Carnevale thanked Chris Parman, Communications and Events Manager, for a great job with the LGBT Days which has grown over the years. He reported that he attended a CVAG Homeless Ad Hoc Committee meeting where they discussed the new homeless court pilot program in Riverside called Homeless Outreach Mediation and Education (H.O.M.E.). He announced that he will be attending the upcoming regular CVAG Homeless Committee meeting and will report back. He reported that he had some discussions with an interested party in the old Burlington Coat Factory building and is hopeful that something can be done after discussing it with Assistant City Manager Fuentes and City Manager McClendon. He also reported that he attended the LGBT Chamber of Commerce event where the Runway and Amp Sports Lounge received grants. He attended the Road Runner Motor Program Rally, and thanked Stone James, Economic Development Director, for all his efforts. He also reported that he met with developers of the Sunniva project and stated that they had a water issue which has been resolved now. He was able to secure a new refrigerator at a great price for the Senior Center, which he was able to pick up and deliver to them. He commented on the devastation happening in Ukraine and announced the City Council has issued a proclamation which will be displayed in City Hall. Mayor Ernesto Gutierrez expressed his concern for the atrocities and destruction he has seen transpiring in Ukraine. He feels we all must stand together and support Ukraine and urged everyone to help if they are able and pray for the Ukraine people. 5. CONSENT AGENDA A motion was made by Councilmember Carnevale and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Lamb to approve the following Consent Agenda items: RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Mark Carnevale, Councilmember SECONDER: Rita Lamb, Mayor Pro Tern AYES: Gutierrez, Lamb, Carnevale, Ross, Gregory A. Waive Full Reading of Ordinances on Agenda Cathedral City Page 4 Printed on 4/21/2022 M.O. 2022-68 B. Minutes Approval M.O. 2022-69 1. City Council - Study Session - Mar 23, 2022 3:00 PM 2. City Council - Regular Meeting - Mar 23, 2022 5:30 PM C. Amendment No. 1 to the MKASHIWAGI CONSULTING LLC Professional Service Agreement Recommendation: Approve Amendment No. 1 to the MKASHIWAGI CONSULTING LLC Professional Service Agreement for a total not-to-exceed Phase II contract amount of $195,000. M.O. 2022-70 D. Notice of Completion for Pavement Striping, Markings and Markers on City Arterial Streets Project Recommendation: Accept and approve the Pavement Striping, Markings and Markers on City Arterial Streets as final; and, authorize the City Manager to file a Notice of Completion with the Riverside County Recorder's office; and, authorize the release of retention funds to Superior Pavement Markings, Inc. upon expiration of the Notice of Completion. M.O. 2022-71 E. Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians Tribal Grant Recommendation: To approve accepting a tribal donation of$39,000 from Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians to purchase CERT Program Supplies, one Autel EVO Drone, and Water Tender equipment. M.O. 2022-72 F. Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians Donation Recommendation: Staff recommends the City Council approve accepting the $30,000 donation from the Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians to fund computer upgrades and the Citizens on Patrol Program M.O. 2022-73 G. Second reading and adoption of an Ordinance of the City of Cathedral City in order for the Cathedral City Police Department to continue its current use and deployment of specialized police equipment and Adopt Use Policies of Specialized Law Enforcement Equipment also known as "Military Equipment". Recommendation: Staff recommends that the City Council provide second reading and adopt an ordinance accepting the current inventory of specialized equipment and adopting the "Use Policy," related to military equipment as required by AB 481. Ord 858 Cathedral City Page 5 Printed on 4/21/2022 H. Second Reading of an Ordinance Amending Chapter 5.96 Short Term Vacation Rental Units Recommendation: Provide second reading by title only, and adopt an ordinance amending Chapter 5.96 Short Term Vacation Rental Units. Ord 859 ADOPT RESOLUTION ACCEPTING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS AND CERTIFYING COMPLETION OF PRIVATE IMPROVEMENTS IN TRACT NO. 37354 AND PUD 17-001 "DISTRICT EAST": JONES CREE VENTURES EAST, LLC: SUBDIVIDER AND DEVELOPER Recommendation: Adopt a Resolution accepting the public improvements and certifying completion of private improvements in Tract No. 37354 and PUD 17-001; and, authorize the release of the Improvement Agreement Securities and deposits as described in the Resolution; and, authorize the Director of Engineering/Public Works to file a Notice of Completion for the Project. Reso 2022-17 Denise Cross suggested this information should be shared with the Historic Preservation Committee. J. Annual Approval of the City's Investment Policy Recommendation: Staff recommends the City Council approve the updated Investment Policy. M.O. 2022-74 K. Tract No. 28561-1 and 28561: Rio Del Sol Area - Approval of Two Improvement Agreements with RDS Development, LLC. Recommendation: Approve an Improvement Agreement with RDS Development, LLC, for improvements in the Espana village portion of the Rio Del Sol development; and, approve an Improvement Agreement with RDS Development, LLC, for improvements in the Elements village portion of the Rio Del Sol development; and, authorize the City Manager and City Clerk to execute the Agreements on behalf of the City in a form approved by the City Attorney. M.O. 2022-75 Denise Cross discussed the history of the Rio Del Sol area, and questioned how these improvements may affect property owners who should pay attention and be aware. L. Tract No. 28561-1 and 28561: Rio Del Sol area: Approval of the Assignment of Two Improvement Agreements from Holt Opportunity Fund, L.P. to RDS Development, LLC Recommendation: Approve an Assignment of the Improvement Agreement with Holt Opportunity Fund, LP, executed on December 12, 2019, Cathedral City Page 6 Printed on 4/21/2022 for improvements in the Montecito village portion of the Rio Del Sol development, to RDS Development, LLC; and, to approve the Assignment of the Improvement Agreement with Holt Opportunity Fund, LP, executed on December 12, 2019, for improvements in the Palazzo village portion of the Rio Del Sol development, to RDS Development, LLC; and, to authorize the City Manager and City Clerk to execute the Assignments in a form approved by the City Attorney. M.O. 2022-76 6. ITEMS PULLED FROM CONSENT 7. PUBLIC HEARINGS 8. LEGISLATIVE ACTIONS A. Special Use Permit for Fields of Valor (formerly Healing Field) Recommendation: To approve SUP# 22-002 for the annual Fields of Valor (formerly known as "Healing Field") event at Patriot Park. Mayor Pro Tem Rita Lamb and Councilmember Raymond Gregory announced that they would sponsor and cover the cost of the Fields of Valor permit fee from their discretionary funds. M.O. 2022-77 A motion was made by Councilmember Gregory and seconded by Councilmember Ross to approve SUP# 22-002 for the annual Fields of Valor (formerly known as "Healing Field') event at Patriot Park which will be held November 5-12, 2022. RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Raymond Gregory, Councilmember SECONDER: Nancy Ross, Councilmember AYES: Gutierrez, Lamb, Carnevale, Ross, Gregory B. Zone Ordinance Amendment No. 22-001 Recommendation: Introduce, read by title, and waive further reading of the proposed ordinance amending Section 9.62.070 of the Cathedral City Municipal Code to prohibit new billboards in the City. M.O. 2022-78 A motion was made by Councilmember Gregory and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Lamb to introduce the first reading, by title only, and waive further reading of an ordinance amending Section 9.62.070 of the Cathedral City Municipal Code to prohibit new billboards in the City. Cathedral City Page 7 Printed on 4/21/2022 RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Raymond Gregory, Councilmember Y SECONDER: Rita Lamb, Mayor Pro Tern AYES: Gutierrez, Lamb, Carnevale, Ross, Gregory C. Update on Emergency Actions Related to COVID-19 Recommendation: Update on Status of Emergency Proclamation. Possible action to continue or rescind Resolution 2020-06. Update on Emergency Actions taken by City, County, State of Federal Agencies. Possible consideration of additional measures to be taken. Council may add items not listed on the agenda pursuant to Government Code section 54954.2 by majority vote. City Manager Charles McClendon stated that there is no action necessaryb the Council at this time. He indicated that the number of COVID-19 cases continue to decline in the County and the City which is good news. The City's workforce currently has no employees out due to COVID-19 for an illness or exposure. He stated that there has been some increase in cases in the Northeast regions of the nation and he continues to monitor the situation. Terry Applegate expressed her concern with the COVID-19 variants that have been spreading throughout the nation. She is fearful and would like us to monitor the data that the Desert Water Agency puts out. This item was for information and direction only, there was no formal action taken by the City Council. 9. CLOSED SESSION 10. DISCUSSION ON FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS There were no future agenda items to discuss. ADJOURN Mayor Ernesto Gutierrez adjourned the Regular Meeting at 6:54 p.m. \I/IL{ ,e( ayor, Ci y of Cat ecTral City City Clerk; i y of Cathedra; City Cathedral City Page 8 Printed on 4/21/2022