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Terra Nova/Cathedral City/Expanded Scope of Work
General Plan Update&EIRJChange Order No.1/Revised 4.8.20
42635 Melanie Place, Suite B-101
Palm Desert,CA 92211
FAX: 760-341-4455
Issued Pursuant to ORIGINAL Agreement
Effective December 28,2017
By and Between
Terra Nova Planning and Research,Inc.(Terra Nova)
City of Cathedral City(Client)
Client Office: City of Cathedral City Terra Nova Project Name:CCGP
Att: Robert Rodriquez
68-700 Avenida Lalo Guerrero Work Order Type: (Check One)
Cathedral City,CA 92234 Time-and-Materials ❑
Client Phone No.: (760)770-0322
1. SCOPE OF WORK: Expansion of General Plan research,documentation and drafting, and compliance with
new State GP Guidelines. Expanded and extended project management and administration, and incorporated
significant and substantial City data and information, and associated recording. Expand roadway and multi-
modal network analysis and design considerations. Expanded and revise GIS database development, land use,
transportation, hazards, resources and other mapping. Expand staff GP review process and revisions, Tribal
consultations and hearings, and planning for subsequent zoning ordinance and map revisions. See Attached
Exhibit A
3. PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE: September 1,2019-December 31,2020
4. AUTHORIZED FUNDING: See Attached Exhibit A
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By: By: AIM
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Name: John D.Criste Name: Charles McClendon
Title: President Title: City Manager
Date: April 8,2020 Date:
Terra Nova/Cathedral City/Expanded Scope of Work
General Plan Update&EIR/Change Order No.3/Revised 4.8.20
General Plan Update&EIR: Extension of Scope of Work
The City General Plan EIR comment period ended on September 3,2019.Three comment letters were received that
are in regard to the CEQA EIR and that warrant responses.These include letters from the California Department of
Fish and Wildlife, City of Rancho Mirage and Mr. Rich Malacoff. Additional comment letters were received that
have a bearing on the General Plan,including background discussions,policies and programs.These came from the
ACBCI, RivCo ALUC, CALFIRE, and SoCalGas. Terra Nova and the City have subsequently conferred with
CALFIRE,the ACBCI and CDFW,and Terra Nova is preparing draft responses for team review.
The City has also initiated an additional City staff review of the draft General Plan to ensure that it is consistent
with department goals, policies and programs, and any assignments of responsibility associated with them.
Completion of staff-level reviews and presentations at the PC and CC have been discussed,as have two additional
presentations to the ACBCI,and a possible schedule(see Exhibit B:Project Schedule)and task-based approach are
outlined below. The envisioned schedule end-point is the final CC hearing in June 2020, where the City would
certify the EIR and adopt the General Plan update,as revised.
For the reasons summarized below,we are hereby requesting a$71,000 budget augment.
Task 1: Meetings,Coordination& Consultations: City/Terra Nova and Others
Terra Nova continues to meet and otherwise consult and coordinate with City staff on completion of the draft GP
review. Additional effort associated with this task includes facilitating City staff review and input,recording same
in Track Changes and establishing consensus where needed. Includes on-going consultations with CALFIRE,
ACBCI and other GP commenters.
Current Budget:$27,700
Current Overage:($1,630)
Requested Augment: $8,000
Task 3: PC/ACBCUCC Hearings Materials Preparation&Presentations
Subsequent to securing City staff element-based input,Terra Nova will coordinate with City staff and prepare GP
presentation materials to facilitate Planning Commission, ACBCI and City Council review. Terra Nova will
coordinate with City staff and prepare a series of discussion topics, bullet items and mapping that will be
incorporated into a PowerPoint presentation. Hard copy materials will also be prepared to facilitate Planning
Commission,ACBCI and Council reviews.Two ACBCI hearings,one Planning Commission and one City Council
hearing are assumed to complete processing of the GP. Dates will be selected and confirmed.
Current Budget:$9,500
Remaining Budget:$887.50
Requested Augment:$8,000
Task 4:General Plan Reviews,Revisions and Additions
Terra Nova will coordinate with the Planning Department to lead and direct the department head/program manager
General Plan element reviews,ensuring timely review and assurance of relevance to their area of responsibility and
expertise. As reviews are received, City and TN staff will seek clarification where needed, and incorporate input
into a track changes version of the element,as the team deems appropriate.
Terra Nova has begun the initial review of agency and other comments received on the General Plan, including
those from the ACBCI CALFIRE RivCo ALUC,SoCalGas and others,and is makingrevisions in Track Changes
that will be further reviewed by City staff.As reviews from City staff,CALFIRE and others are received,City and
Terra Nova/Cathedral City/Expanded Scope of Work
General Plan Update&EIR/Change Order No.3/Revised 4.8.20
TN staff shall review and incorporate input into a track changes version of the element, as the team deems
appropriate.City and TN staff will assist commenters in understanding which comments or recommended revisions
are GP-related, and direct those that are not into other appropriate City regulatory documents(Zoning Ordinance,
Bldg Code,etc.).
Current Budget:$66,950
Current Overage:($2,545)
Requested Augment:$8,500
Task 4A: Riverside County Airport Land Use Commission General Plan Review&Processing
Terra Nova has been coordinating with ALUC and has completed the ALUC application and City review, and has
filed the City's ALUC General Plan review application.Terra Nova has conducted a subsequent review of General
Plan and airport land uses plans and has identified no significant conflicts.Per subsequent ALUC request,additional
policy and mapping analysis was conducted in preparation for and anticipation of possible ALUC concerns. In
addition to expanded ALUC analysis,Terra Nova staff also prepared for and presented the City General Plan update
to the ALUC.On November 14,2019 the ALUC found the proposed General Plan,as amended,consistent with the
2005 Palm Springs International Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan,as amended.
Current Budget:$00(This is a new task)
Remaining Budget: $00
Requested Augment:$ 7,500
Task 7: Staff Reports,Statement of Overriding Considerations,Resolutions,etc
This task includes the preparation of staff reports and related materials for past and planned presentations to the Planning
Commission,ACBCI and City Council. In addition to the preparation of the staff report,Terra Nova has also prepared
portions of the City Council EIR certification,Statement of Overriding Consideration,and adoption resolution adopting
the 2040 General Plan,as amended.
Original Budget:$8,400
Remaining Budget:1,565
Requested Augment:$4,800
Task 9:Project Management and Administration
Includes full range of task identification,assignment and management,validation of data and information,coordination
and review of General Plan revision requests, research, documentation and analysis. Includes task assignments and
schedules for draft completions and reviews.The task also includes administering variety of mapping and exhibit tasks,
data transfers,and others.Budget controls and administration,and related administration tasks.Budget augment for this
category is requested to address extended and additional management parameters, effects of schedule extensions,
opportunities to enhance City input and decision process, and continued assistance serving as an extension of City
planning staff.
Original Budget:$29,800
Remaining Budget:$971.25
Requested Augment:$5,800
Task 10: General Plan&EIR Editing and Formatting
This task includes the full range of task identification, assignment and management, as well as validation of data and
information,coordination and review of General Plan and EIR outlines,research,documentation and analysis.Includes
task assignments and schedules for draft completions and reviews. The task also includes administering to a variety of
mapping and exhibit tasks, data transfers to subconsultants, City staff and others. Budget controls and administration,
and related administration tasks. Budget augment for this category is requested to address extended and additional
management parameters, effects of schedule extensions, opportunities to enhance City input and decision process,and
continued assistance serving as an extension of City planning staff.
Original Budget:$4,500
Current Overage:($30)
Requested Augment:$2,900
Terra Nova/Cathedral City/Expanded Scope of Work
General Plan Update&EIR/Change Order No.3/Revised 4.8.20
Task 11:Administrative Support
This task includes the full range of task identification, assignment and management, as well as validation of data and
information,coordination and review of General Plan and EIR outlines,research,documentation and analysis. Includes
task assignments and schedules for draft completions and reviews. The task also includes administering to a variety of
mapping and exhibit tasks, data transfers to subconsultants, City staff and others. Budget controls and administration,
and related administration tasks. Budget augment for this category is requested to address extended and additional
management parameters, effects of schedule extensions, opportunities to enhance City input and decision process, and
continued assistance serving as an extension of City planning staff.
Original Budget:$3,600
Remaining Budget: $311.25
Requested Augment:$2,000
Task 16: GIS&Graphic Support
The review of the draft General Plan has resulted in the need for several land use mapping changes and corrections and
a few that are anticipated as the Plan passes through the approval process.Revisions are also required of the Fire Hazard
Map and other mapping as a result in input from state agencies and others.Additional refinements to GIS boundaries are
also being made.The possible extent of additional map revisions as a consequence of public or City official input is not
known.Requested additional funding will allow revisions to land use mapping and statistical analysis.
Original Budget:$30,000.00
Current Overage:($2,142)
Requested Augment:$6,000.00
Task 20: Scoping Zoning Ordinance and Map Revisions
This new task provides time for Terra Nova to work with City staff to review the City Zoning Ordinance in the
context of the adopted General Plan and associated land use map. When a Zoning Ordinance becomes inconsistent
due to a General Plan amendment, the city must enact a consistent zoning ordinance within a"reasonable time."
Gov't Code Section 65860(c). A comprehensive review of the Zoning Ordinance will be conducted and
recommendations for its revisions will be developed. These will be reviewed with City staff and revised
accordingly. Terra Nova will also assist in the preparation of a final draft of the Revised Zoning Ordinance and
associated mapping, and an adoption ordinance and staff report. Terra Nova will assist City staff in presenting the
revised Zoning Ordinance and mapping to the Planning Commission and City Council.This task will be undertaken
immediately following adoption of the General Plan.
Current Budget:$00(This is a new task)
Remaining Budget:$00
Requested Augment:$12,500
Task 21: Final General Plan& EIR Printing&DVDs
Staff has asked that costs associated with printing the final/adopted versions of the 2040 General Plan and Final
EIR be included in this budget change order.For purposes of estimating these costs it is assumed that the City will
require ten(10)print copies of the Final General Plan and FEIR, and twenty-five(25)DVD discs inclusive of the
2040 GP and FEIR. Totals are based on Terra Nova's costs (no markup), with print versions of the General Plan
being$180 each and FEIR$260 each.The costs as DVDs is$9.95 each.
Current Budget:$00(This is a new task)
Remaining Budget: $00
Requested Augment: $5,000±(This is a best estimate)
Task-Based Budget Summary
Task 1: $8,000
Task 3: $8,000
Task 4: $8,500
Task 4A: $7,500
Terra Nova/Cathedral City/Expanded Scope of Work
General Plan Update&EIR/Change Order No.3/Revised 4.8.20
Task 7: $4,800
Task 9.• $5,800
Task 10.• $2,900
Task 11: $2,000
Task 16: $6,000
Task 20: $12,500
Task 21: $5,000
Total: $71,000
Terra Nova/Cathedral City/Expanded Scope of Work
General Plan Update&EIR/Change Order No.3/Revised 4.8.20
General Plan Update& EIR: Extension of Scope of Work
The City has initiated a second City staff-level review of the draft General Plan to ensure that it is consistent with
department goals, policies and programs, and any assignments of responsibility associated with them. Completion
of staff-level reviews and presentations at joint PC/CC study sessions are planned,and a schedule and approach are
outlined above. At this juncture, the schedule end-point may be a joint PC/CC hearing on December 11 (or 18),
2019 where the City would certify the EIR and adopt the General Plan update,as revised.
Project 3/30/20 4/15/20 4/30/20 5/15/20 5/31/20 6/15/20 6/30 Notes
Task 3/20
GP Staff-
GP Team Assumes
Review about 10
GP Assumes
Revisions there-
and Team mental
Review review
RivCo Assumes
ALUC Pkg 11.14
Co & See
Comm- sessions
Hearing Electronic
Drafts of track chgs
Staff Resolution
Report and near
CC/PC Assumes
Hearing, either a
EIR Cert., 12/11 or