HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 857 ORDINANCE NO. 857 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CATHEDRAL CITY, CALIFORNIA ADJUSTING THE BOUNDARIES OF CITY COUNCIL ELECTORAL DISTRICTS AND REDEFINING THE BOUNDARIES OF ALL CITY COUNCIL ELECTORAL DISTRICTS OF THE CITY OF CATHEDRAL CITY, CALIFORNIA The City Council of the City of Cathedral City, State of California, ordains as follows: SECTION 1: The City Council (Council) finds and determines: a. The U.S. Census Bureau (Bureau) is required by Article I, Section 2, of the U.S. Constitution to conduct an accurate count of the population every ten years; b. California Elections Code Section 21600 et seq. requires that "following each federal decennial census for a city whose council is already elected using district-based elections, the council shall, by ordinance or resolution, adopt boundaries for all of the council districts of the city so that the council districts shall be substantially equal in population as required by the United States Constitution.;" c. The Elections Code requires that the Council adopt an ordinance or pass a resolution amending supervisorial districts no later than April 17, 2022; d. The Council held public hearings on December 8, 2021, January 26, 2022, February 10, 2022 and February 23, 2022, to receive briefings from the City's demographic consultant relating to the redistricting process and state and federal redistricting criteria and communities of interest, including the California Elections Code, the Voting Rights Act and the United Constitution, heard public testimony, and directed staff and the City's demographic consultant to prepare draft district plans for consideration; e. In addition, City staff conducted public outreach by way of print and digital advertisements and established a dedicated redistricting website as a repository for the records of redistricting proceedings. During the public hearings public comment was received on redistricting criteria and communities of interest; f. At the four public hearings identified in subsection (d), the Council received a presentation on five draft maps prepared by the City's demographic consultant for compliance with applicable laws and standards and two additional maps submitted by the public; g. At its February 23, 2022 public hearing, the City Council settled on Map E, designating it as the Preferred Map and directed that the Preferred Map be presented to the Council for adoption by an Ordinance introduced on February 23, 2022; 98988.10031\34839829A I h. At each of the public hearings on redistricting, the Council heard testimony relating to "communities of interest," which led the Council to reach the following determinations about communities of interest on the Preferred Map as required under federal and state law: (1) The districts are geographically contiguous. The districts are arrayed in a simple and logical form without any islands and minimal intrusions from the area of one district into another; (2) To the extent practicable, the Preferred Map respects the geographic integrity of local neighborhoods and local communities of interest. The Council heard testimony about what constitute communities of interest in the public eye. (3) The districts are easily identifiable and understandable by residents. The districts in the Preferred Map form a relatively simple pattern. (4) To the extent practicable, the districts are geographically compact. Their configurations for the most part are compact, simple shapes, with nearby populations included in the same districts. (5) The districts are balanced in terms of total population and voting age population. The districts are well within the one-person/one-vote deviations permitted under federal and state voting rights laws. (6) The districts conform to concentration of minority voters. The Preferred Map creates two majority/minority Hispanic voting districts (Districts 1 and 4). k. All information in the staff reports, maps, presentations, Council debate and public testimony referenced above is hereby incorporated into this decision and serves as evidentiary basis for these findings and legislative decision. SECTION 2: Pursuant to the provisions of the Fair Maps Act of 2019 as amended in 2020, codified at California Elections Code section 21600 to 21609, after giving consideration to those provisions and applicable decisions of the courts, the Council hereby adjusts, changes, and establishes the boundaries of the City Council electoral districts as set forth on the Preferred Map considered by the Council at its public hearing on February 23, 2022, and reflected in Exhibit A hereto, and they shall constitute and are hereby established as the boundaries of the City Council districts of the City of Cathedral City for subsequent elections until further readjustment is required by law. SECTION 3: Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, and pursuant to California Elections Code section 21606, subdivisions (a) and (b), each of the Council Members in office at the time this Chapter takes effect shall continue in office until the expiration of the full term to which he or she was elected and until his or her successor is qualified, and any vacancy in a term currently underway 98988.10031\34839829.1 shall be filled based on the districts in effect at the time the current supervisors were elected. SECTION 4: All ordinances and resolutions, or parts thereof in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed. SECTION 5: The City Manager is directed to take all necessary steps to give effect to this Ordinance. If necessary to facilitate the implementation of this Ordinance, the City Manager or his or her designee is authorized to make technical adjustments to the district boundaries that do not substantively affect the populations in the districts, the eligibility of candidates, or the residence of elected officials within any district. The City Manager shall consult with the City Attorney concerning any technical adjustments deemed necessary and shall advise the City Council of any such adjustments required in the implementation of the districts. SECTION 6: This Ordinance is adopted following four noticed public hearings as required by Elections Code section 21607.1 and shall take effect and be in full force on and after the 9th day of March, 2022. INTRODUCED at a regular meeting of the City Council held on 23rd day of February, 2022 and PASSED and ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Cathedral City, State of California, on the 9th day of March, 2022, by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmembers Gregory, Ross and Carnevale; Mayor Pro Tem Lamb and Mayor Gutierrez NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: Nne Ernesto Gutierrez, Mayor ATTEST: Tracey R2 Hermosillo, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO-FORM: Eric. S. Vail, ity Attorney 98988.10031\34839829.1 EXHIBIT A [MAP OF ADOPTED DISTRICT LINES] 98988.10031\34839829.1 Map Option E __,...,.._ ;,... •F'.(54'''-2,,•""'',":"'„'`'$0',,,,,,eloW.••',......--,-:-..., . -, , -.,.--_,z---, ri.••,,,O,t 40•••,,r 4,„';.,,,.,,,,,,,....-......,,,-,-.4 1 --•.', .,..-.f...- ,•.•--r..#'.;;5,44'';'?,••.1•0•••4 4t,..'..T."•."-'zi'P''.-:•.:.0.4‘--',. . 1.4 -.- .•,'„-;..,-,--::::".--_:•L...,:„.„,...titl,,,,,,,NVrit"...ait.,e,A,..,•',-.4'..,', 1 ••- ....-•,,_,-r.74',44-.---,.j.,,',.,',Utiwil,1:',"- ,.,..--.''::',"4 '‘'''".....,,, . '''-','.-ftik'ii.'-"'"IMIliffilV!•::f-;;V:r.•::3..-,:•,,.:;', ..;-•,,,-',-•„ ,t. 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Map Option E Demographic Analysis CVAP19 CVAP19 Total Raw % CVAP19 CVAP19 CVAP19 CVAP Not CVAP19 CVAP19 NL CVAP19 District Population Population Population Total NLWhite NL Black Hispanic Hispanic NLAIAN NL ASIAN Hawaiian NLOther • 1 10,244 -93 -0.90% 6,050 2,604 155 3,110 2,933 - 91 - 37 r 2 10,328 -9 -0.08% 5,951 3,073 94 2,385 3,559 29 304 14 6 • 3 10,393 56 0.55% 6,886 3,715 284 2,205 4,641 63 436 - 12 4 10,385 48 0.47% 6,711 2,045 270 3,657 3,051 - 602 21 89 • 5 10,333 7,618 3,335 217 3,136 4,510 131 669 30 20 Total 51,683 Ideal 10,337 Deviation 1.44%