HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 2021-11-30 44 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Cathedral City Special Meeting Tuesday, November 30, 2021 2:00 PM Pursuant to AB 361 and Cathedral City Resolution 2021-33, this meeting was conducted by videoconference. • CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 2:00 PM by Mayor Raymond Gregory. • ROLL CALL Attendee Name Title Status Arrived Raymond Gregory Mayor Remote Ernesto Gutierrez Mayor Pro Tem Remote Mark Carnevale Councilmember Remote Rita Lamb Councilmember Remote Nancy Ross Councilmember Remote • AGENDA FINALIZATION 1. AGENDA ITEMS A. Review of the Shopping Cart Ordinance and Retrieval Program Recommendation: The review of the Shopping Cart Ordinance and Retrieval Program is presented for the City Council's information, discussion and direction. Deanna Pressgrove, Environmental Conservation and Public Works Manager, indicated that at the January 30, 2021, City Council Goal Setting meeting, Council directed staff to conduct a study session review of the Cathedral City Municipal Code provisions related to shopping carts. At the September 8, 2021, City Council Study Session meeting, staff provided information on the Municipal Code, how the removal of abandoned shopping carts are handled, GoRequest reporting, challenges, and the utility cart reuse program. At that meeting, the City Council directed the City Attorney's office and Code Compliance to review the current Cathedral City Municipal Code to determine if there is a need to revise the Code to add additional provisions that require stores to implement a more consistent shopping cart retrieval process. It was determined that it was not necessary to amend the Code. They suggested that staff focus on verifying that the Shopping Cart Containment and Retrieval Plan is in place and enforced. Their plan should include which company they are contracting with for shopping cart retrieval. She provided an overview of what staff will be doing, beginning January 2022, to ensure the Code is adhered to related to the Code and abandoned shopping carts. This is a follow-up item. After discussion, it was the consensus of the Council to support staff's enforcement plan and to revisit this topic in the future should the abandoned shopping cart issue not improve. B. Billboard Regulation & Amortization Recommendation: It is recommended that the City Council receive the presentation on existing billboards within the City and provide direction on a possible amortization program. Erica Vega, Assistant City Attorney, indicated that on August 18, 2021, the City Council held a special study session on billboard regulation and amortization. At that meeting, the Council directed staff to conduct a survey of all the billboards within the City's jurisdiction. The Council also provided direction regarding future updates to the billboard regulations in the Municipal Code. Assistant City Attorney Vega provided a breakdown of the number of billboards based on Council's prior direction and the survey that was completed by staff and volunteers. She also provided options for reducing the number of billboards over time. She stated that the Outdoor Advertising Act prohibits the City from requiring the removal of any lawfully erected billboard without payment of just compensation to both the landowner and the billboard owner unless an exception to the rule applies. She indicated that there are no billboards in the City that qualify for amortization. Venessa Saunders, General Manager Lamar local office, stated that Lamar has served the Coachella Valley for decades and Cathedral City for over twenty years. They agree with staff on their analysis related to the monetary effects of the removal of the billboards in the City. She believes that the removal of billboards in the City will not only impact Lamar, but it will impact the landowners and local businesses that utilize this medium to communicate and advertise their businesses. They believe they offer affordable and effective advertising to local businesses, and they will suffer with the removal of billboards. Lamar urges the City Council to keep the status quo to help enhance local businesses. Danielle Mead stated that she would like to ensure that if a non-digital billboard is damaged, it can't be replaced with a digital billboard. She also stated that her preference would be to not allow a non-conforming billboard to be replaced at all if it is damaged. She indicated that she is familiar with marketing, and she believes that billboards are the least measurable marketing tool. Though she understands the historical value, she is not sure that there would be a measurable impact on local businesses if they were removed. After discussion, it was the consensus of the City Council to: • Amend the Ordinance to prohibit billboards in the City, with the exception of on the 1-10 Freeway, which will be capped at the number that exists Cathedral City Page 2 Printed on 12/16/2021 today, this means all other existing billboards in the City today would be legal non-conforming and could not be upgraded or replaced. • Eliminate billboard contracts on City property. • Explore the costs to buy out existing billboards and establish a priority list for elimination. • Amend the Ordinance to include Council's approval of the conversion of billboards on the 1-10 Freeway. C. Update on Panorama Dog Park and Design, Dog Ordinance Revisions, Signage Related to Dogs, Dog Stations and Schedules Recommendation: The update on Panorama Dog Park and design, dog ordinance revisions, signage related to dogs, dog stations and schedules for each are presented for the City Council's review, discussion and direction. John Corella, City Engineer, provided an update on the Panorama Dog Park and Design, ordinance revisions related to dogs in the park, signage and dog stations and the anticipated schedule, subject to material delivery that are out of staff's control. Danielle Mead expressed her excitement for the dog park. She questioned the amount of proposed rock and gravel around the park. She also questioned if the fence height will be high enough to prevent dogs from jumping out and suggested that it be dark in color to prevent people from running into it at night or at least some lighting. She suggested using bus shelters for seating and that a water feature of some type be installed. After discussion it was the consensus of the City Council to add language to the Ordinance related to the exceptions for dogs being required to be spayed and neutered dogs, allow dogs in City Parks with the exception of the amphitheater and to bring the proposal to purchase dog stations to the Council for formal action. D. Hall of Flowers December 2021 Event Update Recommendation: Staff is providing Council an update on the status of the Hall of Flowers Event. Stone James, Economic Development Director, provided an update of the Hall of Flowers Event that will be held on December 8 - 9, 2021, which included some changes in plans that occurred after the approval on August 11, 2021. This is a presentation only, there is no direction or action required. ADJOURN Mayor Raymond Gregory adjourned the November 30, 2021, Special Council Meeting at 4:46 PM Cathedral City Page 3 Printed on 12/16/2021 Mayor, City of Cathedral City City Clerk City of Cathedral C Cathedral City Page 4 Printed on 12/16/2021