HomeMy WebLinkAboutRecorded Doc 2009-005 2009-0018757 1304 • • RECORDING REQUESTED BY DOC # 2009 - 0018757 01/14/2009 08 ;00A Fee:NC Page 1 of 10 Recorded in Official Records County of Riverside WHEN RECORDED MAIL'S) Larry IC Ward Assessor, County Clerk & Recorder NAME Oliver, Sandifer & Murphy 1 MAILING 281 S. Figueroa Street Second Floor CITY. STATE Los Angeles, CA 90012 S R U PAGE SIZE DA MISC LONG RFD COPY ZIPE CODE M A L 465 426 PCOR NCOR SMF N EXAM S USE TITL E(S) JUDGMENT AND FINAL ORDER OF CONDEMNATION , V 509 41 APN: 687-030-056 i _ • , 11111 lilt 1111 t31'1418.7 1s�`F�Nq (1011111111111 11111111111111111111 ll ill I I DUFF MURPHY, State Bar No 106091 OLIVER, SANDIFER & MURPHY 2 281 S. Figueroa Street, 2nd Floor 3 D Los Angeles, California 90012 -2501 r t' 2104 1 "" ` 4a Q � 3LIPEI CCtILIF Telephone: (213) 621 -2000 COLln�f' n: I RIVE OF . C� A &1 DE U RPIIA 4 Facsimile: (213) 621 -2211 DEC 11 2U08 5 Attorneys for Plaintiff E. LaBarbera en J p, SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA ra 'd' Gd■ - . - FOR THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE E i li o t5 co CATHEDRAL CITY REDEVELOPMENT NO. INC 040 058 12 AGENCY, > JUDGMENT AND FINAL ORDER OF 8 $ N 13 Plaintiff, CONDEMNATIO f1 2 ZT J id g l m n W Ui � 14 v. (Parcel No. 687-030-056) t � t Cf P) ii U N N x 4 R 6 W_ 15 TRAMVIEW LAND COMPANY; HEIRS a u < t f 16 AND DE OF MARTHA [Exempt from filing fees - Government Code Q i ,1 Q N CROSSLEY, DECEASED; TACO BELL; §61031 ` 0 17 'THOMAS L. HOLLISTER, not personally, but solely as TRUSTEE OF THE THOMAS 18 AND JANICE HOLLISTER FAMILY Judge David Downing TRUST DATED DECEMBER 26, 1984; Department 2F 19 ' JANICE MOORE HOLLISTER, not 20 personally, but solely as TRUSTEE OF THE THOMAS AND JANICE HOLLISTER 21 FAMILY TRUST DATED DECEMBER 26, 1984;11ARRY A. SEYMOUR, not 22 personally, but solely as TRUSTEE OF THE SEYMOUR FAMILY TRUST DATED 23 DECEMBER 28, 1979;'StJSAN H. 24 SEYMOUR, not personally, but solely as TRUSTEE OF THE SEYMOUR FAMILY t 25 TRUST DATED DECEMBER 28, 1979; R. ' RANDALL HOLLISTER, not personally, but 26 solely as TRUSTEE OF THE R. RANDALL AND DEBORAH R. HOLLISTER FAMILY 27 TRUST DATED APRIL 3, 1984;45EBORAH 28 R. HOLLISTER, not •ersonali , but solel as I 1 -1- 174155 JUDGMENT AND FINAL ORDER OF CONDEMNATION 9 k - 1111 IIIIIIII IIIIH 1 111111 iH 111 11111 ID! iiI , - MI8757 3 of 10 1 TRUSTEE OF THE R. RANDALL AND DEBORAH R. HOLLISTER FAMILY 2 TRUST DATED APRIL 3, 1984; JOHN A. 3 HOWELL, not personally but solely as TRUSTEE UNDER DECLARATION OF 4 TRUST, DATED FEBRUARY 12, 1981; ANN T. HOWELL, not personally but solely 5 as TRUSTEE UNDER DECLARATION OF 6 TRUST, DATED FEBRUARY 12, 1981; OBERT HOLLISTER, not personally, but 7 solely as CO- TRUSTEE UNDER THE WILL OF LEWIS R. TREZONA, DECEASED 8 AND THE DECREE OF DISTRIBUTION OF HIS ESTATE;IFOHN SOSOKA, not 9 personally, but solely as CO- TRUSTEE UNDER THE WILL OF LEWIS R. 10 TREZONA, DECEASED AND THE 11 DECREE OF DISTRIBUTION OF HIS ESTATE; 7(UDREY A. SOSOKA, also 12 known as AUDREY SOSOKA and AUDREY Z o - o TREZONA SOSOKA; 71\1N TREZONA e N 8 N 13 HOWELL, also known as ANN HOWELL W 0 g "" N and ANN T. HOWELL;'BtRNARD ° .2 1 SNYDER;'C TITLE COMPANY, I z 1; - N 15 Trustee; l"AANCHISE MORTGAGE < N g Z W ACCEPTANCE COMPANY; GOLDEN N g 2 42 16 WEST TACOS ; INC. AY VIEW . ff "- s w FRANCHISE MORTGAGE ACCEPTANCE " 17 COMPANY; KLLIANCE TITLE 18 COMPANY; PALM SPRINGS V, INC.; DOE ONE THROUGH DOE ONE HUNDRED, 19 Inclusive, and ALL PERSONS UNKNOWN CLAIMING ANY TITLE OR INTEREST IN 20 OR TO THE PROPERTY, 21 Defendants. 22 23 Plaintiff Cathedral City Redevelopment Agency, by and through its attorneys Oliver, 24 Sandifer & Murphy, Special Counsel, by Duff Murphy, defendants Tramview Land Company, by 25 and through their attorneys Freeman, Freeman & Smiley, by Steven Young, and defendant Taco 26 Bell Corporation, by and through its attorneys Law Offices of Herman H. Fitzgerald, by Herman 27 H. Fitzgerald, having previously stipulated to all facts, terms and conditions stated herein and 28 having requested the court to enter judgment consistent herein. -2- 174155 JUDGMENT AND FINAL ORDER OF CONDEMNATION • 1 IT IS HEREBY FOUND AND DETERMINED: 2 1. On or about November 12, 2003, the Cathedral City Redevelopment Agency 3 ( "Agency ") adopted Resolution No. RDA R -376, declaring a public need and necessity to 4 condemn that certain real property described as Assessor's Parcel No. 687-030-056, as more 5 particularly described in the Complaint in Eminent Domain and below in this Judgment, for the 6 elimination of blight and redevelopment purposes. 7 2. The use for which Parcel 687- 030 -056 is being acquired is a use authorized by law 8 and the acquisition of the parcel is necessary to the use. Plaintiff is duly authorized and has the 9 power and right to acquire the Subject Property by eminent domain in this action. 10 3. Defendant Tramview Land Company was the owner of the Subject Property at the 11 time of the filing of the Complaint in Eminent Domain. Said defendant was served with the 12 Summons and Complaint on March 12, 2004, and filed an answer to the complaint alleging that a p 8 $ § N 13 they were the owners of the Subject Property and accordingly was entitled to just compensation. NN xI9 14 4. Defendant Taco Bell Corporation was a lessee on the Subject Property at the time W U g o a a = f U N N 15 of the filing of the Complaint in Eminent Domain. Said defendant was served with the Summons cg&. Ngvjod a 16 and Complaint on December 17, 2003, and filed an answer to complaint alleging a leasehold • W a� q" 16 o 17 interest on the Subject Property and accordingly was entitled to just compensation. 18 5. Defendants the Heirs and Devisees of Martha Crossley, Deceased were served 19 herein by publication which was completed on July 1, 2004. Said defendants failed to respond to a 20 the complaint within the time permitted by law and have had their default taken and entered herein CJ � 21 on September 15, 2004. Said defendants are entitled to no compensation herein. 22 6 Defendants Thomas L. Hollister, not personally, but solely as Trustee of the 23 Thomas and Janice Hollister Family Trust Dated December 26, 1984, Janice Moore Hollister, not 24 personally, but solely as Trustee of the Thomas and Janice Hollister Family Trust Dated December 25 26, 1984, Harry A. Seymour, not personally but solely as Trustee of the Seymour Family Trust 26 Dated December 28, 1979, Susan H. Seymour, not personally, but solely as Trustee of the .ate 27 Seymour Family Trust Dated December 28, 1979, Ann T. Howell, not personally but solely as t � 28 Trustee Under Declaration of Trust, Dated February 12, 1981, John Sosoka, not personally, but -3- 174155 JUDGMENT AND FINALORDER OF CONDEMNATION 1 I solely as Co- Trustee Under the Will of Lewis R. Trezona, Deceased and the Decree of 2 Distribution of His Estate, Audrey A. Sosoka, also known as Audrey Sosoka and Audrey Trezona 3 Sosoka, and Ann Trezona Howell, also known as Ann Howell and Ann T. Howell, are individual 4 shareholders of Tramview Land Company. Said defendants have filed Disclaimers and are 5 entitled to no compensation herein. 6 7. Defendant Bernard Snyder was served with the Summons and Complaint on March 7 25, 2004. Bernard Snyder filed an answer to the complaint, alleging ownership of an easement 8 and that he was entitled to just compensation. Said defendant has filed a Disclaimer and is entitled 9 to no compensation herein. 10 8. Defendant Chicago Title Company, Trustee was served with the Summons and 11 Complaint on December 17, 2003. Said defendant filed a Disclaimer on January 12, 2004, and is 12 entitled to no compensation herein. N 13 9. Defendant Franchise Mortgage Acceptance Company was served with the g o m 14 Summons and Complaint on March 25, 2004. Said defendant filed a Disclaimer on June 16, 2004, W N — " 15 and is entitled to no compensation herein. = D W W N =El 15 6 on 16 E € y 16 10. Defendant Golden West Tacos, Inc. was served with the Summons and Complaint 4 ` O F L o 17 on December 18, 2003. Said defendant having been regularly served with process and having 18 failed to answer within the time required by law, has had its default taken and entered herein on 19 March 26, 2004. Said defendant is entitled to no compensation herein. LeZ co a• g a o 20 11. Defendant Bay View Franchise Mortgage Acceptance Company filed a Disclaimer d. v� 21 on March 12, 2004, and is entitled to no compensation herein. 22 12. Defendant Alliance Title Company was served with the Summons and Complaint 23 on December 17, 2003. Said defendant, having been regularly served with process and having 24 failed to answer within the time required by law, has had its default taken and entered herein on 25 March 26, 2004. Said defendant is entitled to no compensation herein. 26 13. Defendant Palm Springs V, Inc was served with the Summons and Complaint on 27 December 18, 2003. Said defendant, having been regularly served with process and having failed .• 28 to answer within the time required by law, has had its default taken and entered herein on March -4- 174155 JUDGMENT AND FINAL ORDER OF CONDEMNATION _ _ l , 1 26, 2004. Said defendant is entitled to no compensation herein. 2 14. Defendants R. Randall Hollister, not personally, but solely as Trustee of the R. 3 Randall and Deborah R. Hollister Family Trust Dated April 3, 1984, Deborah R. Hollister, not 4 personally, but solely as Trustee of the R. Randall and Deborah R. Hollister Family Trust Dated 5 April 3, 1984, John A. Howell, not personally but solely as Trustee Under Declaration of Trust, 6 Dated February 12, 1981, Robert Hollister, not personally, but solely as Co- Trustee Under the 7 Will of Lewis R. Trezona, Deceased and the Decree of Distribution of His Estate, and Doe One 8 Through Doe One Hundred, Inclusive, and All Persons Unknown Claiming and Title or Interest in 9 or to the Property have been dismissed herein. Said defendants are entitled to no compensation 10 herein. 11 15. An Order for Prejudgment Possession was signed by the Court on December 16, 12 2003, and became effective on June 10, 2004, authorizing plaintiff to take possession of Parcel R e a $ N 13 687 - 030 -056. • i N N N w S N o o m 14 16. On or about December 16, 2003, pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure section • 0 ov cum 15 1255.010, plaintiff deposited with the Clerk of the Court the sum of $2 7 0,000.00 for the Subject fA�O a < 16 Property. > - ° 1- 6. I o N J 17 17. On or about June 21, 2006, pursuant to order of the Court, the probable amount of , I 18 compensation for the taking of the real property was increased by $95,000.00 and deposited by c 19 plaintiff with the Clerk of the Court. r- O COW g F 20 18. The total principal amount currently on deposit with the Clerk of the Court is the 21 sum of $365,000.00. 22 19. Pursuant to Revenue and Taxation Code section 5082, all current, general, and ... 23 special county taxes due and owing to the County of Riverside as to Parcel 687-030-056 shall be 24 prorated to June 10, 2004, the effective date of the Order for Prejudgment Possession. As of June M ENEM 25 10, 2004, Parcel 687 -030 -056 shall be exempt from general and special county taxes and all such 26 taxes shall be canceled after that date pursuant to Revenue and Taxation Code sections 4985 et MI 27 seq. and 5081 et seq. Any taxes due and owing to the County of Riverside shall be paid directly 28 by defendant Tramview Land Corporation outside of these court proceedings. -5- 174155 JUDGMENT AND FINAL ORDER OF CONDEMNATION 3 i • 1 20. The fair market value of Parcel 687- 030 -056 is the sum of $450,000.00. 2 21. The total just compensation, award and damages to be paid for Parcel 687-030-056, 3 including prejudgment interest through November 24, 2008 ($450,000.00 plus $78,960.58 for 4 prejudgment interest), is the sum of $528,960.68 ( "Total Award "). Additional interest shall accrue 5 at the daily rate of $44.45 from and after November 24, 2008, until paid. 6 22. The Total Award shall be apportioned between Tramview Land Company and the 7 just compensation for defendant Taco Bell Corporation. Defendant Taco Bell Corporation shall be 8 entitled to a fixed sum of $75,000.00 which shall be payable from the Total Award and is not 9 additional compensation owed to said defendant by plaintiff. 10 23. By execution of the Stipulation in Support of Entry of Judgment and Final Order of 11 Condemnation, the defendants waive the right to trial, Statement of Decision, Notice of Entry of 12 Judgment in Condemnation and Notice of Entry of Final Order of Condemnation as to the Subject a cc e = 13 Property and the right and time for appeal. .a ce tv N o 0 14 IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that the Clerk of the Court O � < � m N o - 15 shall cause a warrant to be drawn from the funds on deposit with the court in the amount of - El l 16 $75,000.00 and made payable as follows: cc o N 17 TO: Taco Bell Corporation 18 c/o Law Offices of Herman H. Fitzgerald 19 345 Lorton Avenue, Suite 302 m co m 20 Burlingame, California 94010 N CZ 21 IT IS HEREBY FURTHER ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that the Clerk of 22 the Court shall cause a warrant to be drawn from the funds on deposit with the court in the amount C 23 of $290,000.00 and made payable as follows: 24 TO: Tramview Land Company 25 c/o Freeman, Freeman & Smiley, LLP 26 3415 Sepulveda Boulevard, Penthouse Suite 1200 mom 27 Los Angeles, California 90034 28 11/ C -6- 1 174155 JUDGMENT AND FINAL ORDER OF CONDEMNATION 110111 111 • 11111 1111111 III 1111111 N11I 0111111 I10 I 81, 0 4/ lg 1 IT IS HEREBY FURTHER ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that the balance 2 of the award remaining to be paid herein to defendant Tramview Land Company in the amount of 3 $1 63,960.68, together with the interest accrued from November 24, 2008 until said sutras are paid, 4 shall be paid by plaintiff and distributed outside of these court proceedings as follows: 5 TO: Tramview Land Company 6 c/o Freeman, Freeman & Smiley, LLP 7 3415 Sepulveda Boulevard, Penthouse Suite 1200 8 Los Angeles, California 90034 9 IT IS HEREBY FURTHER ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that the CIerk of 10 the Court of the County of Riverside is directed to cause a warrant to be drawn for any interest 11 which may have accrued on the funds previously on deposit in this action and made payable as 12 follows: = ▪ O c n § N 13 TO: Cathedral City Redevelopment Agency i p kNN NN 1l1 • _NN Q § a O 14 c/o Oliver, Sandifer & Murphy 4 a . N N 15 281 S. Figueroa Street, Second Floor od E = a f 16 Los Angeles, California 90012 > "- o N 17 IT IS HEREBY FURTHER ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that the payment 18 of the sums specified to the parties entitled thereto shall constitute payment in full for the real 19 property and fixtures and equipment items taken, accrued interest, loss of business goodwill, costs 20 of suit and litigation expenses, prejudgment interest, and for all damages or claims of any kind or 21 nature whatsoever suffered by defendants by reason of such taking. 22 IT IS HEREBY FURTHER ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that the following 23 described real property is condemned in fee simple for the public use and purposes described in 24 the complaint, to wit, for the elimination of blight and redevelopment purposes, Agency to take 25 title to the real property, together with all improvements thereon free and clear of all liens, 26 encumbrances, easements, leaseholds, current and delinquent taxes and assessments of whatever 27 kind or nature. 28 /// -7- 174155 JUDGMENT AND FINAL ORDER OF CONDEMNATION ti 1 PARCEL 687- 030 -056 2 Parcel 17 of Parcel Map 8635, in the City of Cathedral City, County of Riverside, State of 3 California, as per map recorded in Book 38, page(s) 65, 66 and 67, of Parcel Maps, in the Office 4 of the County Recorder of said County. 5 Together with that portion described as follows: 6 Beginning at the Northeast corner of said Parcel 17; 7 Thence South 32° 17' 37" West, 147.54 feet; 8 Thence South 56° 28' 22" East, 4.04 feet; 9 Thence South 24° 29' 29" West, 2.76 feet; 10 Thence South 55° 41' 00" East, 25.62 feet; 11 Thence North 32° 17' 37" East, 150.21 feet; 12 Thence North 55° 41' 00" West, 30.03 feet to the True Point of Beginning. • 8 n $ = 13 EXCEPTING therefrom that portion conveyed to the City of Cathedral City by Deed • g N N N ? O D 14 recorded August 3, 19 4, as Instrument No. 176088 of Official Records. ri u � zt ;aa IS t` OQS 0 d - DATED: & 16 H u o N 17 1 , 18 JUDGE OF THE S C cf1 ' 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 11111111111111111111111111111111111 !1111111111111111111 2083 - 8018157 01114 9o1 EOM of le 28 -8- 174155 JUDGMENT AND FINAL ORDER OF CONDEMNATION • This must be in red to be a "CERTIFIED COPY" Each document to which this certificate is att b 1 ed o � c p yRT OF c is certified to be a full, true and correct copy JQ � . ., .. R E A' ��2 original on file and of record in my office. Superior Court of California. ® J` �"� County of Riverside y1,1�.ti P! : DEPUTY c0 1�`4- Cr; 41 OF ittiI• te d: Certification must be in red to be a "CERTIFIED COPY" { 111111 I II1 1111111 1fl11 111111111 1l1 11 11111 10 of 10 3,