HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 2021-06-23 litCITY COUNCIL
Cathedral City
Study Session
Wednesday, June 23, 2021
3:00 PM
City Council Chambers
68-700 Avenida Lalo Guerrero
Cathedral City, CA 92234
The meeting was called to order at 3:00 PM by Mayor Raymond Gregory.
Attendee Name Title Status Arrived
Raymond Gregory Mayor Present 3:00 PM
Ernesto Gutierrez Mayor Pro Tern Present 3:00 PM
Mark Carnevale Councilmember Present 3:00 PM
Rita Lamb Councilmember Present 3:00 PM
Nancy Ross Councilmember Present 3:00 PM
The City Attorney Eric Vail announced that the City Council will meet in Closed
Session to discuss the following item on the agenda.
A. Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation Pursuant to
Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(2).
Number of Potential Cases: One
The City Council recessed to Closed Session at 3:00 pm.
The City Council reconvened at 3:40 pm.
City Attorney Eric Vail announced that the City Council met in Closed Session to
discuss item 1A. Conference with Legal Counsel for one case of anticipated
litigation. There was no reportable action taken.
Alan Carvalho feels the City should honor individuals that have served on
Commissions and allow them to continue serving for a longer period of time. He
wants the City Council to follow the rules.
A. Alternative Ambulance Staffing
Recommendation: This item is presented for information, discussion and
direction only. The Fire Department recommends
implementation of Ambulance Operator Program Option Two
as an alternative staffing model for the department-operated
ambulance services. This recommendation is better suited to
meet the departments' increased demand.
Fire Chief John Muhr presented the Fire Department's recommendation to
implement an Ambulance Operator Program Option Two as an alternate staffing
model for the department-operated ambulance services.
Councilmember Nancy Ross supports option two.
Councilmember Rita Lamb supports option two.
Councilmember Mark Carnevale supports option two.
Mayor Pro Tem Ernesto Gutierrez supports option one. He indicated that he
would consider option two in the future.
Mayor Raymond Gregory supports option two.
It was the consensus of the City Council to support the implementation of an
Ambulance Operator Program and Option Two as the alternative staffing model
for the department ambulance services, and direct staff to bring back an item for
authorization at the July 28, 2021 City Council meeting.
Mayor Raymond Gregory adjourned the June 23, 2021 Study Session Meeting at 4:58 pm.
M.� r, Cit .f . -dral City _ ity Clerk, 00 ity of Cathedral
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Cathedral City
Regular Meeting
Wednesday, June 23, 2021
5:30 PM
City Council Chambers
68-700 Avenida Lalo Guerrero
Cathedral City, CA 92234
The meeting was called to order at 5:30 PM by Mayor Raymond Gregory.
Reverend Clinton Crawshaw led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Reverend Clinton Crawshaw offered the Invocation.
Attendee Name Title Status Arrived
Raymond Gregory Mayor Present 5:30 PM
Ernesto Gutierrez Mayor Pro Tern Present 5:30 PM
Mark Carnevale Councilmember Present 5:30 PM
Rita Lamb Councilmember Present 5:30 PM
Nancy Ross Councilmember Present 5:30 PM
City Manager Charles McClendon announced that Item 5G. Resolution for Cathedral
City Council to accept CHP Cannabis Tax Fund Law Enforcement Grant
FY2021/2022- #3683 and Item 5H. CHP Cannabis Tax Fund Law Enforcement
Grant FY2021/2022 - #3683 would be pulled from the Agenda and will be heard on
July 28, 2021.
1. SPECIAL PRESENTATION - CV Mask Makers Project Awards
The City Council honored CV Mask Makers Project with an award of recognition.
2. SPECIAL PRESENTATION - Recognition Fire Personnel Promotions
Fire Chief John Muhr announced the recent promotions of Fire Department Personnel.
Piper Scott, recently appointed Public Arts Commissioner, formally introduced
herself to the City Council and indicates that she looks forward to serving on the
Martha Vistica expressed her concern with the constant use of illegal fireworks in the
City. She thanked Mayor Pro Tem Gutierrez for his help.
Mark Durkton expressed his concern with the approval process of CUP No. 19-019.
Alan Carvalho thanked the City Council for acknowledging the CV Masks Makers
and Fire Department. He feels that the City Council should honor those who
volunteer on the commissions and they should follow the rules.
Danielle Mead stated that she is a new member of the community. She expressed
her concern with the shortage of veterinarians in the area and she offered to help in
any way she can.
Councilmember Nancy Ross reported that a lot has happened since last meeting
and she is grateful for the opportunity to make an impact in the community. She
announced that she attended the post COVID opening of the Senior Center and
noted how great the facility is. She also announced that she attended the CVAG
Energy and Environment Resources Committee meeting where they discussed the
Salton Sea. She along with Economic Development Director Stone James was able
to assist a couple of new businesses, which will offer opportunities for children in the
City. She reported that she was given a tour of the City by Engineering and Public
Works Director John Corella, which she was very thankful for. She reported on the
City Council Special Meeting to fill vacant seats on the City's Commissions and
Committees. She reported that she attended the ribbon cutting at the new Grocery
Outlet which was a lot of fun. She stated that she was able to celebrate Father's Day
and her first Juneteenth Holiday. She was also able to attend the Greater Coachella
Valley Chamber of Commerce award and installation dinner along with her
Councilmember Rita Lamb reported that she was unable to attend the ribbon cutting
of the new Grocery Outlet, however she stopped by later that evening for some
shopping, which was wonderful. She announced that the S.C.R.A.P. Gallery has
some new events coming and more information can be found at scrapgallery.org.
She attended the Dinner with Patsi fundraiser, which benefitted the Fire Department,
and noted the food was delicious. She had meetings with Will Page, Editor of the
Desert Daily Guide and with Richard Altman owner of the Runway. She commented
on the great programs provided by the Chamber of Commerce throughout the
pandemic. She reported that she attended, along with Mayor Raymond Gregory,
City Hall at Your Corner. She reported that the vaccination rate in Riverside County
is currently at 50% with a goal of 70%. She encouraged everyone to get vaccinated.
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She thanked Councilmember Nancy Ross for informing her about a nonprofit
program in conjunction with Palm Springs Unified School District, which provides
field trips for high school students to tour colleges out of the area. She commented
on the 360 Sports bar located in the Agua Caliente Casino. She reported that she
met with Carla Sullivan-Dilley from the Coachella Valley Disaster Preparedness
Network. She mentioned that Parks and Community Events Commissioner Stephen
Vericker is in the hospital and she thanked the Fire Department for their assistance
in helping him.
Councilmember Mark Carnevale reported that he attended the CVAG Homeless
Committee meeting and shared a video that was created by Tom Cox. He thanked
Police Chief Crumb and the Police Department liaisons for all that they are doing to
help with the homeless issue. He reported that he also attended the CVAG Public
Safety Committee meeting where Chief Crum provided a presentation, which was
well received. He announced that he attended the ribbon cutting of the new Grocery
Outlet and noted that they have some great prices. He also attended the Town Hall
meeting at the Mary Pickford with Senator Melissa Melendez, which was very
interesting. He, along with Planning Director Robert Rodriguez and City Engineer
John Corella, met with a property owner who submitted plans for an upscale service
station. He, along with Economic Development Director Stone James, met with Larry
Davis from Forest Lawn to discuss their plan to build a mausoleum. He reported that
he also attended the League of California Cities Solid Waste and Recycling meeting.
He stated that he will be attended the upcoming CVAG General Assembly meeting.
He announced the upcoming mosquito control treatments and indicated more
information can be found by calling (760)342-8287.
Mayor Pro Tern Ernesto Gutierrez stated that it is nice to be back in the Council
Chambers. He hopes everyone had a great Father's Day holiday. He reported that
he, along with Mayor Gregory and City Manager McClendon, met with the Parks and
Community Events Commission sub-committee. He stated that he met with a
developer who is interested in development within the City. He stated he also met
with City Manager McClendon for his regular meeting to discuss the agenda. He
announced that he attended the Town Hall meeting at Mary Pickford with Senator
Melissa Melendez. He reported that he was able to read and answer many emails
and phone calls from constituents about parking, fireworks, and other issues. He
stated that he recently drove around the City and observed code compliance issues,
which he feels need to be addressed. He stated that he spoke with the owner of the
Palm Springs Boxing Club, Steve Quinonez, regarding his interest in relocating his
business to Cathedral City. He reported that he attended the Greater Coachella
Valley Chamber of Commerce award and installation dinner along with his
colleagues. He reported that he will also be attending the upcoming Greater Palm
Springs Convention and Visitors Bureau meeting, where they will be discussing a
possible name change.
Mayor Raymond Gregory reported that he attended his liaison meeting with the
Parks and Community Events Commission and a City Hall at Your Corner event. He
announced the upcoming Coffee with the Chiefs event which will be held on Monday
June 28, 2021 at 10:00 a.m. and indicated that more information can be found at
discovercathedralcity.com. He also reported that he attended his Council
Introduction to the Public Arts Commission on June 14th and the Special City Council
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Workshop Meeting on June 16th, where the Council was able to make several
appointments to vacant seats on the Commissions. He encouraged those who are
interested in serving on a Commission should contact the City Clerk for more
information. He stated that he also attended the ribbon cutting of the new Grocery
Outlet. He announced that recently Juneteenth became a Federal Holiday, and the
City is in the process making sure Juneteenth is added as a City Holiday as well. He
announced that he attended the Desert Community Energy meeting for the last time.
They continue to struggle, and he hopes for the best. He reported that he attended
the Desert Business Association meeting and the Greater Coachella Valley
Chamber of Commerce awards and installation dinner, which was a nice event. He
also reported that he attended the SunLine Transit Agency committee and board
meetings, where they adopted their final budget and provided a brief update on their
mask policy. He announced that the Council will be going dark and the next
scheduled meeting will be on July 28, 2021. He thanked the Fire Department for the
mailer sent out to residents regarding illegal fireworks and noted the importance of
reporting any illegal use of fireworks.
A motion was made by Councilmember Carnevale and seconded by Councilmember
Lamb to approve the following Consent Agenda items:
MOVER: Mark Carnevale, Councilmember
SECONDER: Rita Lamb, Councilmember
AYES: Gregory, Gutierrez, Carnevale, Lamb, Ross
A. Waive Full Reading of Ordinances on Agenda
M.O. 2021-88
B. Minutes Approval
M.O. 2021-89
1. City Council - Study Session - Jun 9, 2021 3:00 PM
2. City Council - Regular Meeting -Jun 9, 2021 5:30 PM
3. City Council - Special Meeting -Jun 16, 2021 2:00 PM
C. Receive and file Payment of Claims and Demands for May 2021
Recommendation: The City Council acting in its capacity for the City, the
Successor Agency to the former Redevelopment Agency,
the Housing Successor Agency, and the Cathedral City
Public Finance Authority Board receive and file payment of
claims and demands in the aggregate sum of$4,752,771 for
the month of May 2021.
M.O. 2021-90
D. Payroll Coordinator Recruitment
Recommendation: To engage Robert Half International, Inc to provide
professional services for the recruitment of a Payroll
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M.O. 2021-91
E. Consent to Transfer of Big League Dreams — Cathedral City to TC
Sports Group, LLC
Recommendation: To approve the Conditional Consent to Transfer Agreement
for the transfer of BLD USA and BLD CC membership
interests to TCSG and authorize the City Manager to
execute the Agreement and any other non-substantive
documents necessary to implement the transfer.
M.O. 2021-92
F. Resolution accepting public improvements and certifying completion of
private improvements required of the Mirage Bob Hope Varner, LLC
(Developer) for Parcel Map 36619 (PUD 13-002), also know as "The
Crossings at Bob Hope."
Recommendation: To adopt a Resolution accepting the public improvements
and certifying completion of private improvements required
for Parcel Map 36619 and PUD 13-002 (also known as the
Crossings at Bob Hope); and, authorize the release of the
Improvement Agreement securities and deposits as
described in the above stated Resolution; and, authorize the
City Manager to execute the Notice of Completion and the
Director of Engineering/Public Works to file said document
for the project.
Reso 2021-20
M.O. 2021-93
G. 2762 pulled from Consent
H. 2763 pulled from Consent
Exercise Option to extend Traffic Signal Preventative Maintenance
Agreement with Siemens, ITS for an additional year and Authorize City
Manager to execute an Amendment to the Agreement for an ownership
Recommendation: To authorize the City Manager to exercise an option to
extend the existing Traffic Signal Preventative Maintenance
Agreement (Agreement) with Siemens, ITS, for an additional
year; and, authorize the City Manager to execute an
Amendment to the Agreement to assign the Agreement to
Yunex, LLC once Yunex, LLC completes its acquisition of
Siemens, ITS.
M.O. 2021-94
J. Contract Amendment for HSIP Cycle 9B Consultant -Kimley-Horn and
Recommendation: To approve Amendment No. 1 to the Design Professional
Services Agreement with Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.
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to provide archeological research services on the Federal
Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) Cycle 9
Project at Date Palm and Varner Road in the not to exceed
amount of$9,566.84; and, authorize the City Manager to
execute Amendment No. 1.
M.O. 2021-98
K. 2040 General Plan Update - Change Order#3
Recommendation: To approve Change Order#3 to the agreement with Terra
Nova Planning & Research, Inc. to complete the 2040
General Plan Update.
M.O. 2021-97
A. Resolution for Cathedral City Council to accept CHP Cannabis Tax Fund
Law Enforcement Grant FY2021/2-#3683
Recommendation: Staff recommends the City Council adopt a City Resolution
authorizing the Police Chief to accept the California Highway
Patrol (CHP) Cannabis Tax Fund Law Enforcement Grant
funds, for FY2021/2022, not to exceed $85,780.08.
This item will be heard on July 28, 2021.
B. CHP Cannabis Tax Fund Law Enforcement Grant FY2021/2022 -#3683.
Recommendation: To accept the California Highway Patrol (CHP) Cannabis
Tax Fund Law Enforcement Grant funding, for FY2021/2022,
in the amount of$85,780.08.
This item will be heard on July 28, 2021.
A. Approval of Burrtec Waste and Recycling LLC request for rate increases
on Commercial, Residential and Roll-Off Services; and, approve a
Resolution of the City Council of the City of Cathedral City, California,
approving the Tax Roll Billing and the new adjusted Rate Schedule of
Fees for Residential, Commercial and Roll-Off for the collection,
recycling and disposal of Municipal Solid Waste and
Residential/Commercial Recycling.
Recommendation: To approve a rate increase for Burrtec Waste and Recycling,
LLC Commercial, Residential and Roll-Off Services; and,
adopt a Resolution approving tax roll billing and the new
adjusted Rate Schedule of Fees for roll-off, residential, multi-
family and commercial, for the collection, recycling, and
disposal of municipal solid waste and residential/
commercial recycling.
Deanna Pressgrove, Environmental Conservation and Public Works Manager
presented the rate increase request on the collection of solid waste and recycling
services for residential, commercial, and roll-off accounts.
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Councilmember Nancy Ross expressed her support for this item. She inquired
what the City's strategy will be to improve green waste collection.
Ms. Pressgrove provided a brief overview of the strategy needed to improve
green waste collection.
Mayor Raymond Gregory opened the Public Hearing for public comments.
Rick Smith reported on issues with trash around the City and expressed his
support of Burrtec.
Ayman Elraheb expressed his concern with the proposed rate increases and
homeless issues.
Peter Bedard applauded the City Council for addressing homeless issues and
suggested finding ways to support and help those who pick up trash for a living.
He would also like non-gated communities to have access to the same Burrtec
services as gated communities.
City Clerk Tracey Martinez announced that the City Clerk's office received 6 valid
City Attorney Eric Vail stated that in order for the rate increase to fail, 7,937 valid
protests were required. The City received far short of that required number.
Mayor Raymond Gregory closed the Public Hearing and returned discussion to
the City Council.
Councilmember Mark Carnevale expressed his support for this item.
Mayor Pro Tem Ernesto Gutierrez expressed his support for this item.
Reso 2021-21
A motion was made by Councilmember Carnevale and seconded by Mayor Pro
Tem Gutierrez to approve a rate increase for Burrtec Waste and Recycling, LLC
Commercial, Residential and Roll-Off Services; and, adopt a Resolution
approving tax roll billing and the new adjusted Rate Schedule of Fees for roll-off,
residential, multi-family and commercial, for the collection, recycling, and
disposal of municipal solid waste and residential/commercial recycling.
MOVER: Mark Carnevale, Councilmember
SECONDER: Ernesto Gutierrez, Mayor Pro Tern
AYES: Gregory, Gutierrez, Carnevale, Lamb, Ross
A. Greater Coachella Valley Chamber of Commerce Fiscal Year 2021/2022
Service Agreement
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Recommendation: To approve the Greater Coachella Valley Chamber of
Commerce Service Provider Agreement for a total of
$30,000 for the fiscal year, Exhibit "A" Scope of Services,
and Exhibit "B" Payment Program for FY21/22; and
authorize the City Manager to sign the collective Agreement.
Stone James, Economic Development Director presented the Greater Coachella
Valley Chamber of Commerce service agreement.
Peter Bedard supports a business center in town and the Greater Coachella
Valley Chamber of Commerce.
Danielle Mead expressed her concern for the support of businesses who are not
a member of the Chamber.
Alan Carvalho expressed his support for the Chamber of Commerce.
M.O. 2021-99
A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Gutierrez and seconded by
Councilmember Carnevale to support the increase to the proposed contract to
$46,800 and bring back a budget amendment for FY 2021/2022 and an amended
contract for the City Council to consideration on July 28, 2021.
MOVER: Ernesto Gutierrez, Mayor Pro Tem
SECONDER: Mark Carnevale, Councilmember
AYES: Gregory, Gutierrez, Carnevale, Lamb, Ross
The City Council recessed at 7:45 pm.
The City Council reconvened at 7:55 pm.
B. Update on the City's 40th Anniversary Celebration
Recommendation: To update the city council on the 40th Anniversary Planning
Committee's progress.
Mayor Raymond Gregory expressed his concern with the proposed Gala. He
feels that that cost, and type of event presented may financially be out of reach
for many residents.
Mark Carnevale noted that the planning committee can go back to the drawing
board to come up with more ideas if necessary.
Councilmember Nancy Ross feels many of the residents in her district would not
consider this event and offered suggestions.
Mayor Pro Tem Ernesto Gutierrez supports the ideas presented.
Councilmember Rita Lamb provided an overview of the planning committee's
intent when problem solving and coming up with ideas to accommodate every
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JoAnn Kennon stated that she serves on the 40th Anniversary Celebration
Planning Committee and provided a brief overview of their ideas and vision for
the event.
Danielle Mead appreciates Councilmember Ross' and Mayor Gregory's
comments. She expressed her concern with sending the wrong message with the
appearance of corporate interests. She supports being more inclusive and
suggested ways to get businesses involved.
It was the consensus of the City Council to direct the committee to continue
planning with feedback provided this evening and return with another update.
OC. Purchase of two ambulance chassis
Recommendation: To authorize the purchase of two new ambulances from
Republic Emergency Vehicle Services, and outfit them with
two new Striker power gurneys and two new gurney power
loading systems.
M.O. 2021-97
A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Gutierrez and seconded by
Councilmember Carnevale to authorize the purchase of two new ambulances
from Republic Emergency Vehicle Services, and outfit them with two new Striker
power gurneys and two new gurney power loading systems.
MOVER: Ernesto Gutierrez, Mayor Pro Tem
SECONDER: Mark Carnevale, Councilmember
AYES: Gregory, Gutierrez, Carnevale, Lamb, Ross
D. Update on Emergency Actions Related to COVID-19
Recommendation: Update on Status of Emergency Proclamation. Possible
action to continue or rescind Resolution 2020-06.
Update on Emergency Actions taken by City, County, State
of Federal Agencies.
Possible consideration of additional measures to be taken.
Council may add items not listed on the agenda pursuant to
Government Code section 54954.2 by majority vote.
City Manager Charles McClendon provided an update on Emergency Actions
related to COVID-19. He indicated that the numbers of confirmed cases remain
good. He provided an overview of the legal analysis done by the City regarding
Cal/OSHA and the changes to mask requirements for those who are fully
vaccinated and have attested.
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City Attorney Eric Vail stated that the exceptions to the Brown Act which will
remain in place until September 30th. He provided an overview of proposed
Assembly Bills 361 and 339 and the effects they could have on the way the City
conducts public meetings should they pass. He also provided an overview of the
technical rule regarding members of the public coming into Council Chambers.
Mayor Raymond Gregory adjourned the June 23, 2021 City Council meeting at 9:01 pm.
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Ma .1 City of •a h ral City ity Clerk,l ity of C;thedral Cit Fit
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