HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 2021-03-24 CITY COUNCIL
Cathedral City
Study Session
Wednesday, March 24, 2021
3:00 PM
Pursuant to Executive Order N-29-20, this meeting was conducted by videoconference.
The meeting was called to order at 3:00 PM by Mayor Raymond Gregory.
Attendee Name Title Status Arrived
Raymond Gregory Mayor Remote
Ernesto Gutierrez Mayor Pro Tern Remote
Mark Carnevale Councilmember Remote
Rita Lamb Councilmember Remote
Nancy Ross Councilmember Remote
Deputy City Attorney Al Ford announced that the City Council will meet in Closed
Session to discuss the following item listed on the Agenda.
A. Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation Pursuant to
Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(2).
Number of Potential Cases: One
The City Council recessed to Closed Session at 3:00 pm.
The City Council reconvened at 3:30 pm.
Deputy City Attorney Al Ford announced that the City Council met in Closed Session
to discuss item 1A. Conference with Legal Counsel for Anticipated Litigation for one
case. There was no reportable action taken.
There were no members of the public that wished to comment.
A. Public Safety Enterprise Communication Project (PSEC)
Recommendation: This item is presented for information, discussion and
direction only.
Police Chief George Crum provided an overview on the Eastern Riverside
County Interoperable Communications Authority (ERICA), which included costs,
future upgrades needed and the current issues with the system's inability to
communicate with Riverside County Sheriff's Department in a seamless manner.
He indicated that the City Council will be presented an option by the Riverside
County Sheriff's Department for future emergency communication to allow
seamless interoperability throughout Riverside County. This type of service
would require the City to join Riverside County's system titled PSEC (Public
Safety Enterprise Communications) Project. He introduced Undersheriff Dennis
Vrooman of Riverside County Sheriff's Department and Cathedral City Police
Department Public Safety Dispatcher Supervisor Kathryn Cox.
Mayor Raymond Gregory requested clarification on the cost associated with
necessary equipment upgrades regardless of whether the City remains with the
ERICA or transitions to PSEC.
Chief George Crum provided a brief overview of the costs and necessary
upgrades needed.
Kathryn Cox indicated that the radio equipment will need to be upgraded as the
current radios are at end of life whether we stay with ERICA or move to PSEC.
Riverside County Undersheriff Dennis Vrooman provided an overview of the
goals of PSEC and a summary of the overall benefits of joining the system. He
briefly talked about the current operational costs with ERICA and went over
transition options for Cathedral City into PSEC and potential costs. He also
provided information on potential grant funding through the Anti-Terrorism
Approval Authority.
Councilmember Rita Lamb requested clarification on how coordination works
with the other Cities under the current JPA.
Chief George Crum provided further clarification of the provision of the current
Mayor Raymond Gregory stated that the exit provisions of the current JPA are
unclear and suggested our legal counsel decipher the language.
Councilmember Rita Lamb requested clarification on the Anti-Terrorism Approval
Authority grant.
Chief George Crum provided a brief overview on the Anti-Terrorism Approval
Authority grant as well as the planned use of the funds.
Councilmember Mark Carnevale inquired on the obligations to Desert Hot
Springs in regard to our contract for dispatch services. He also asked for Chief
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John Muhr to provide any thoughts or comments on the PSEC system and how it
would work with the Fire Department.
Chief George Crum stated that our contract with Desert Hot Springs for dispatch
services is up for renewal in September of 2022. He indicated that at the
direction of their City Council they have plans to pursue their own dispatch
center, which could be in effect by the renewal date.
Fire Chief John Muhr stated that he is interested to see what the PSEC system
can do for the Fire Department as they too face communication issues, however,
he feels that this should be evaluated widely as a County as they work closely
with other agencies.
Mayor Raymond Gregory noted that post 9-11 there has been a push to be better
able to communicate seamlessly. He inquired if the representative from (Cal Fire)
has any comments.
Mr. Chet Ashbaugh from Cal Fire provided a brief overview of their current VHF
infrastructure and the reasons and time frame for migrating. He feels that the
PSEC system's dual capabilities have beneficial uses.
Chief John Muhr inquired if the radio issues with PSEC for use in Fire
Departments have been addressed..
Mr. Ashbaugh provided a brief overview of some of the issues and the issues
that have been addressed.
Councilmember Rita Lamb questioned if the Federal relief package would be
helpful in regard the purchase of the radios.
City Manager Charles McClendon responded that that public safety radios are
not specifically listed in the relief package; however, public safety expenses are
listed, and it appears to be flexible.
Mayor Pro Tem Ernesto Gutierrez questioned what the advantages are to move
to PSEC sooner and what system do the neighboring Counties currently use.
Chief George Crum responded that the main benefit would be the ability to have
better interoperability communication and the cost would be lower in future years.
Undersheriff Dennis Vrooman responded that other neighboring Counties use
their own countywide radio systems and the PSEC system in some cases is
more advanced.
Councilmember Nancy Ross feels PSEC is our future and asked Chief Crum and
Chief Muhr to provide their expert opinion on when we should move to the PSEC
Chief George Crum responded that research on the exit provisions from the
current JPA needs to take place first and he would like to pursue purchasing
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equipment that will work on either system. He indicated that it is his opinion that
we need to migrate to the PSEC system and would like Council's support to
move forward at the appropriate time.
Councilmember Mark Carnevale questioned what the benefits of purchasing new
equipment would be verses the benefits of waiting two years.
Undersheriff Dennis Vrooman provided a brief overview on the technology,
upgrades, and life span of radios.
Chief George Crum indicated that he has been told there is a 40% discount to
purchase now, however, he has not seen that in writing yet.
Chief John Muhr responded that it is very complex for the Fire Department, not
all jurisdictions are on PSEC system and it will take some coordination. He
further stated that the City does not have any costs for the radio systems other
than the maintenance for our current radio system, which is also something to
consider if we migrate to PSEC. He stated that he doesn't feel that it would be a
bad idea to migrate to the PSEC system at some time in the future and feels that
it would be beneficial for PSEC to provide a presentation at the County Fire
Chiefs Association Meeting to get everyone on the same track.
Mayor Raymond Gregory requested that staff bring back to Council a financial
breakdown and a realistic time frame for the 2022 and 2023 transition date
City Manager Charles McClendon feels that the ERICA JPA is looking for
leadership on the issue. He indicated that it appears to be the Council's position
to transition to the PSEC system at the appropriate time. He believes there
needs to be some negotiations with the County of Riverside to figure out when it
will be the appropriate time to migrate over to PSEC. He stated that staff has
direction to move forward with research and will bring back an item to the Council
at a future date for consideration.
B. Cathedral City Small Business COVID-19 Physical Adaption Grant
Program UPDATE
Recommendation: Informational update only. No action is requested.
Stone James, Economic Development Director, provided an update on the
Cathedral City Small Business COVID-19 Physical Adaption Grant Program.
Mayor Pro Tem Ernesto Guiterrez asked for an overview of how to complete the
application of this program.
Director James provided a brief overview of the application process.
Councilmember Mark Carnevale expressed his concern with the number of
applications that were denied. He would like to ensure the process is simplified
and that effective information is communicated to those in need of this program.
Director James indicated that as issues arise, he works with the applicants to try
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and help them through the process. He mentioned that other surrounding cities
are experiencing similar issues.
Mayor Raymond Gregory adjourned the March 24, 2021 Study Session meeting at 5:25
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Cathedral City
Regular Meeting
Wednesday, March 24, 2021
5:30 PM
City Council Chambers
68-700 Avenida Lalo Guerrero
Cathedral City, CA 92234
The meeting was called to order at 5:30 PM by Mayor Raymond Gregory.
Pursuant to Executive Order N-29-20, this meeting was conducted by video
Councilmember Nancy Ross led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Councilmember Mark Carnevale offered the Invocation.
Attendee Name Title Status Arrived
Raymond Gregory Mayor Remote
Ernesto Gutierrez Mayor Pro Tern Remote
Mark Carnevale Councilmember Remote
Rita Lamb Councilmember Remote
Nancy Ross Councilmember Remote
There were no members of the public that wished to speak.
Councilmember Nancy Ross stated that it has been another exciting two weeks to
be on the Council. She participated in the League of California Cities emergency
rescue plan discussion, where she learned about the stimulus funds. She attended
the Riverside County Juvenile Probation Offices meeting on how to help at risk
children get on track and stay on track. She, along with Councilmember Lamb,
participated in the Riverside Women's Leadership Conference, which was fun and
informative. She announced the Lift to Rise pop-up event that will be held on April
10, 2021 at the Cathedral City Community Amphitheater, which is an opportunity for
residents in need of help with rent due to COVID-19. She stated that she is looking
forward to the re-opening of City Hall and being able to hold regular office hours.
She commented on the recent mass shootings in our Country.
Councilmember Rita Lamb stated that she has had an interesting two weeks. She.
along with Councilmember Ross. attended the Riverside Women's Leadership
Conference, and expressed how very proud she is to be representing Cathedral
City. She reported that she also attended the CVAG Conservation Committee
meeting. She stated that their primary purpose is the acquisition of land for the
Multiple Species Habitat Plan. She reported that she is part of the Noon Rotary, and
at their last meeting Geoff Corbin. Director of the Cathedral City Senior Center.
provided the presentation. She noted that the Senior Center is a non-profit
organization that is very dependent on donations from the community. She
announced that Josh Bonner from the Greater Coachella Valley Chamber of
Commerce is hosting a speaker's series and she was able to attend the most recent
one where Ricardo Lara, California Insurance Commissioner, was the speaker. She
also attended the repainting of the rainbow crossings, and acknowledged the great
community contribution of former Mayor, Kathy DeRosa, who is moving out of the
State. She stated that she was able to deliver more PPE to local businesses who
were very thankful. She stated that she received some resident concerns and
thanked John Corella and Charles McClendon for their help in assisting those
Councilmember Mark Carnevale stated that he attended the repainting of the
rainbow crossings, which was a wonderful day, and he thanked Sue Townsley and
the Public Arts Commission for their participation in the event. He reported that he
completed his sexual harassment training and will be completing his ethics training
next. He reported that he attended the Homeless Committee Meeting and expressed
his concern with the difficulties they face. He stated that many cities are rebounding
financially after the onset of the pandemic, which is good to see. He reported that
he was also able to deliver more PPE to local businesses in the City. He reported
that he watched the Riverside County Board of Supervisors meeting where they
certified the results of the March 2, 2021 Election. He was surprised by many of the
comments that were made. He stated that he was able to assist a local
businessman, with the help of City Manager Charles McClendon. He announced that
between April 25th and 31st small businesses can apply for financial assistance by
going to carelifegrant.com.
Mayor Pro Tem Ernesto Gutierrez stated that since the last Council Meeting the time
has changed, which takes time to adjust to. He expressed his excitement that
restaurants are now able to open for some indoor dining. He reported that he was
also able to deliver more PPE to local businesses. He gave a brief report on the
recent Special City Council Meeting, which was held on March 17, 2021. He
announced that there will be a virtual City Hall at Your Corner on March 25, 2021
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from 2:00-3:00 pm and encouraged those interested to attend. He reported that he
received resident concerns regarding code violations, traffic issues and questions on
short-term vacation rentals and Ordinance 842. He asked that his questions be
addressed when appropriate by City Manager Charles McClendon or the City
Attorney. He reported that he did some research and learned that many cities in the
Valley have reopened their counters or are taking appointments to serve the
community, and he is looking forward to City Hall reopening soon. He thanked all
those who supported Measure B.
Mayor Raymond Gregory reported that he attended the rainbow crossings repainting
and thanked Councilmember Carnevale and his wife for providing food for everyone.
He hopes that the repainting of the rainbow crossings will be an annual event
moving forward. He reported that he attended the Desert Community Energy
meeting and noted that there are some troubling things happening and feels the
Council was wise in its decision not to participate. He reported on the Special City
Council Meeting, which was held on March 17, 2021. He indicated that it ran longer
than expected but it was well worth it. He reported that he attended the Riverside
County Transportation Commission Budget and Implementation meeting where it
was recommended that Cathedral City be awarded 4.4 million in grant funds for the
Active Transportation Cycle 5 Plan. He also attended the SunLine Transit Agency
meeting which continues to move forward. He stated that SunLine recently lost their
Chief Performance Officer, Tommy Edwards, to an illness and he would like to
adjourn the City Council meeting in his honor. He announced the upcoming virtual
City Hall at Your Corner and encouraged everyone to join.
A motion was made by Councilmember Carnevale and seconded by Councilmember
Lamb to approve the following Consent Agenda items:
MOVER: Mark Carnevale, Councilmember
SECONDER: Rita Lamb, Councilmember
AYES: Gregory, Gutierrez, Carnevale, Lamb, Ross
A. Waive Full Reading of Ordinances on Agenda
B. Minutes Approval
M.O. 2021-29
1. City Council - Special Meeting - Mar 3, 2021 2:00 PM
2. City Council - Study Session - Mar 10, 2021 3:00 PM
3. City Council - Regular Meeting - Mar 10, 2021 5:30 PM
C. Council Appointments to Various Local Agencies
Recommendation: To review the list of Local Agency Assignments and ratify
the appointments.
M.O. 2021-30
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D. Fire Department Application for Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians
Recommendation: To approve accepting a tribal donation of$25,000.00 from
Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians to purchase 8
Mobile Data Terminals and install in each fire department
apparatus and ambulances.
M.O. 2020-31
E. Second Reading Amending Municipal Code 8.30 Underground Wires
Recommendation: To provide second reading by title only and adopt an
Ordinance amending Municipal Code 8.30 to revise sections
relating to undergrounding wires, specifically Local Lines for
infill lots within residential neighborhoods.
Ord 850
F. Declaration of Results for the March 2, 2021 Special Measure Election
Recommendation: To adopt a Resolution declaring the results of the March 2,
2021 Special Measure Election as certified by the Riverside
County Registrar of Voters.
Teri Hargreaves thanked all those involved in Measure B for their leadership
during the process.
Karyn McQueen urged the City Council not to accept the results of Measure B
and expressed her concern with the election process.
Doug Evans thanked all those involved in the Measure B process and feels the
vote of the people was decisive.
Ed Emond-Worline expressed his heartfelt thanks to the City Council for their
support of the short-term vacation rental ordinance and sending it to a vote by
the people.
Danny Lee thanked City staff for their hard work on Measure B and the City
Council for passing the short-term vacation ordinance. He expressed his concern
with the Board of Supervisors meeting.
Bob Ohda feels that the people have spoken on Measure B and the results and
voter turnout were decisive.
Reso 2021-06
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A. Discussion on the Coachella Valley Conservation Commission Trails
Management Sub-Committee Appointment
Recommendation: To provide direction on how to handle the appointment of the
Cathedral City representative on the Coachella Valley
Conservation Commission Trails Management Sub-
Danny Lee provided background on the sub-committee and encouraged the City
Council to consider option # 5 to accept applications from residents to serve as
the representative of Cathedral City on the Trails Sub-Committee, conduct
interviews and consider an appointment for a three-year term as most other
Council appointments on Commissions and Committees, in the staff report. He
urged the Council to ensure good communication with the Parks and Community
Events Commission and whoever represents the City on this sub-committee.
It was the consensus of the City Council to appoint Councilmember Rita Lamb to
represent the City on the Coachella Valley Conservation Commission's Trails
Management Sub-Committee and Councilmember Nancy Ross as the alternate
and to add this assignment to the list of Local Agency Assignments, and to invite
Keith Davis to provide Council or Councilmember Lamb with an overview on his
efforts on the sub-committee over the years.
B. 2021 SB 821 Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities Program Funding
Recommendation: To authorize the submittal of a 2021 SB 821 , Bicycle and
Pedestrian Facilities Program funding application for two (2)
potential sidewalk and bike lane improvement Projects; and,
authorize the Director of Engineering/Public Works to
authorize a Task Order under the Annual Contract for Traffic
Engineering Services with Albert A. Webb and Associates to
provide engineering assistance and complete the
Application(s) for the 2021 SB 821, Bicycle and Pedestrian
Facilities Program funding program; and, authorize the City
Manager to sign all applications/letters for the Funding
Robert Middleton, a local business owner on Perez Road, expressed his concern
with the lack of parking in the area of his business and the potential dangers of
having a bike lane in that area.
After discussion, it was the consensus of the City Council to support the Ocotillo
Park Area Sidewalk Gaps Project only for the 2021 SB 821 Bicycle and
Pedestrian Facilities Program funding application.
A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tern Gutierrez and seconded by
Councilmember Carnevale to authorize the submittal of a 2021 SB 821, Bicycle
and Pedestrian Facilities Program funding application for the Ocotillo Park Area
Sidewalk Gap Project; and authorize the Director of Engineering/Public Works to
authorize a Task Order under the Annual Contract for Traffic Engineering
Services with Albert A. Webb and Associates to provide engineering assistance
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and complete the application for the 2021 SB 821,Bicycle and Pedestrian
Facilities Program; and, authorize the City Manager to sign all applications/letters
for the funding program.
M.O. 2021-32
MOVER: Ernesto Gutierrez, Mayor Pro Tern
SECONDER: Mark Carnevale, Councilmember
AYES: Gregory, Gutierrez, Carnevale, Lamb, Ross
C. Agreement for Landscape Maintenance Services at City Facilities
Recommendation: To award a Landscape Maintenance Contract to PS Tree
Service & Maintenance for a monthly amount $11,062.
M.O. 2021-33
A motion was made by Councilmember Lamb and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem
Gutierrez to award a Landscape Maintenance Contract to PS Tree Service &
Maintenance for a monthly amount$11,062.
MOVER: Rita Lamb, Councilmember
SECONDER: Ernesto Gutierrez, Mayor Pro Tern
AYES: Gregory, Gutierrez, Carnevale, Lamb, Ross
D. COVID Update and Consideration of Emergency Order 3D
Recommendation: To approve the issuance of Emergency Order 3D requiring
the use of face coverings and the practice of social
distancing in Cathedral City through June 30, 2021.
City Manager Charles McClendon provided an update on Emergency Actions
related to COVID-19. He stated that the numbers continue to trend in the right
direction, however, we should avoid letting our guard down too soon. He
indicated that he has prepared Emergency Order 3D, which would extend the
requirement for face coverings and social distancing through June, for City
Council consideration. He feels it is time to begin making plans for the reopening
City Hall using logic but recommends waiting until we move into the orange tier to
have a final discussion by Council. He stated that all City staff is currently
operating within the social distancing guidelines to ensure staff exposures
continue to be limited.
M.O. 2021-34
A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Gutierrez and seconded by
Councilmember Lamb to approve the issuance of Emergency Order 3D requiring
the use of face coverings and the practice of social distancing in Cathedral City
through June 30, 2021.
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MOVER: Ernesto Gutierrez, Mayor Pro Tern
SECONDER: Rita Lamb, Councilmember
AYES: Gregory, Gutierrez, Carnevale, Lamb, Ross
Mayor Raymond Gregory adjourned the March 24, 2021 Regular City Council Meeting at
8:08 p.m. in memory of SunLine's Chief Performance Officer, Tommy Edwards.
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