HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Reso 2021-04 RESOLUTION NO. 2021-04 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CATHEDRAL CITY, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING GOALS THAT HAVE BEEN IDENTIFIED BY THE CITY COUNCIL FOR 2021. WHEREAS, on January 30, 2021 the City Council held a Planning and Goal Setting Workshop to establish goals for 2021; and WHEREAS, many of the goals identified by the City Council can be achieved with existing resources, however, in those cases where additional resources are required, the need will be addressed through the budget development or amendment process. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CATHEDRAL CITY, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE, DETERMINE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The City Council has identified the following items, by category, as their Goals for 2021: 1. PUBLIC SAFETY a. Create virtual opportunities for the public to interact with the Police and Fire departments. b. Encourage Police to expand the use of cameras and other surveillance technology through grants and other sources. c. Provide an update on the Citizens on Patrol (COP) program, policies, training and potential additional tasks they could address including Municipal Code enforcement. d. Provide an update to Council on gang enforcement efforts and planned improvements. e. Provide information and presentations to Council on the available public safety radio options and make a decision on future direction. f. Provide an update on options, costs and benefits of alternative service delivery options related to the ambulance service. 2. HOUSING AND HOMELESSNESS a. In cooperation with regional partners, non-profits and others promote rapid housing and other options for the homeless and provide a presentation and update to Council. b. Work with regional partners to establish annual summer cooling centers for the homeless and winter shelter services. c. Provide a discussion on tools to promote infill housing projects by reducing development costs, providing incentives or other solutions. 3. FINANCE AND GENERAL GOVERNMENT a. Complete and implement the comprehensive fee study and initiate the Development Impact Fee (DIF) study. b. Assistant City Manager— develop a plan and hire the position. c. Provide a presentation and recommendations to Council on the current ordinances related to the functions of our Boards and Committees and update as necessary. d. Develop procedures to annually approve recurring Arts education events and proposed expenditures for the year to streamline the Council review and approval process. e. Assign a Councilmember (or two) to serve as liaison to the Arts Commission, Parks and Community Events Commission and the Historic Preservation Commission for the purpose of meeting periodically with the Chair to help facilitate Commission work. f. Develop a mechanism for Councilmembers to be able to introduce themselves and interact with Commission members on a scheduled basis. g. Support the Arts Commission in development of an annual Student Government Day Field Trip to inspire civic engagement; consider a Youth in government day as well. h. Provide a comprehensive presentation on staffing throughout the City including the use of contracts and overtime, support services, etc. i. Conduct a comprehensive review of the City website with the goal of improving and modernizing the site. j. Develop a mechanism to provide more frequent and more comprehensive budget updates. k. Begin the process to complete the required redistricting based on the 2020 Census using appropriate consulting services. I. Provide a study session discussion on the procedures for Councilmembers to add agenda items. m. Identify methods to formalize the process used for City Manager and City Attorney evaluations. n. Provide a presentation on options to clean-up the ambiguities on the Mayoral rotation ordinance. o. Review the procurement ordinance, policies and procedures. p. Consult with the advisory commissions prior to the goal setting session to have the benefit of their input as goals are developed. q. Establish a searchable repository of Council resolutions available via the City website. r. Support Arts Commission objectives to bring art into the neighborhoods. 4. Economic Development and Events a. Continue efforts to promote the development of the 13.5 acres and work toward the start of construction. b. Formalize the City policy to promote local hiring programs in cooperation with the business sector and encourage local business to business purchasing. c. Conduct some research on available, legal incentives for business attraction. d. Monitor the activity of providers related to broadband capability and provide an update to Council by the end of 2021. 5. PLANNING, STREETS, AND INFRASTRUCTURE a. Complete the SCAG grant and identify and publicize the availability of bicycle facilities/loops and off-street pedestrian paths. b. Complete the review and approval process for the General Plan including the housing element and develop options to address infrastructure needs north of 1-10 and in the area North of Ramon near Dream Homes. c. Develop a presentation on the downtown design standards for Council review. d. Form an ad-hoc Council subcommittee (Ross and Gutierrez) to explore options for a pilot program to address parking on street sweeping days including signage and towing, text or email reminders or other options. e. Provide recommendations on methods and resources necessary to expedite the plan review process including a review of normal turnaround times and causes of exceptions. f. Provide a presentation on the legal methods available to reduce, over time, the number of billboards in the City. g. Provide information through the budget process on our street maintenance efforts and funding gaps. h. Address a method to address the zoning code status of existing multi- family properties in single-family zones. 6. CODE ENFORCEMENT a. Develop a new Code Enforcement model including moving from just a complaint-based system, using volunteers, rebuilding staff with a customer service focus and prepare the necessary budget recommendations. b. Review existing procedures and resources to address Shopping Carts that are removed from the store or shopping center and develop recommendations to improve relevant codes and procedures. 7. PARKS AND RECREATION a. Re-engage with the Desert Recreation District working toward a 2022 annexation vote. b. Offer smaller-scale family events at local parks. c. Take an item to the Parks and Community Events Commission to consider providing T-Ball facilities at our parks. d. Support Parks and Community Events Commission priorities for improvements to our Parks facilities. e. Conduct planning and provide funding to address community desire for dog parks in the City considering both long and short-term projects. f. Pursue grants for funding of the Dream Homes Park and provide periodic reports to Council. g. Make the CCHS pool available for community use by the summer of 2022. SECTION 2. By adoption of this Resolution, the City Council is establishing the aforementioned as the Goals for the City for 2021 and directs staff to move forward with implementation and completion of these goals as feasible. SECTION 3. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon adoption. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Cathedral City held on this 24th day of February, 2021, by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmembers Ross, Lamb and Carnevale; Mayor Pro Tem Gutierrez and Mayor Gregory Noes: None Absent: None Abstain: None �► &Ik :11; ilmond ! , Mayor ATTEST: \_9,14.t,; 1171_,,6.(x_ Tracey R.Martinez, ity Clerk APPROVED ASTO ' OR • Eric S. Vail, City Attorney