HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Reso 2021-01 RESOLUTION NO. 2021-01 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CATHEDRAL CITY EXPRESSING THE CITY COUNCIL'S SUPPORT FOR MEASURE B, A REFERENDUM ON ORDINANCE NO. 842 OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CATHEDRAL CITY, ESTABLISHING MORE STRINGENT REGULATIONS ON SHORT-TERM VACATION RENTALS AND PHASING OUT PERMITS FOR SHORT-TERM VACATION RENTAL EXCEPT IN NEIGHBORHOODS WHERE SHORT-TERM VACATION RENTALS ARE PERMITTED BY A HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIATION WHEREAS, on September 9, 2020, the City Council unanimously adopted Ordinance No. 842 substantially changing the City's regulations of short-term vacation rentals (STVRs) to address resident concerns regarding the negative impacts STVRs have on the community, including but not limited to noise, trash, parking and maintenance issues, crime and demand for public safety services, and negative impacts to the affordable housing stock; and WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 842 was the result of a lengthy process of soliciting input from residents and STVR owners and operators regarding the quality of life issues presented by STVRs, and represents what the City Council believes is an appropriate change to the City's STVR regulations to protect the health, safety and welfare of the residents of Cathedral City while also allowing STVRs to continue to operate in certain areas subject to more stringent regulations to ensure that the STVRs are good neighbors to the permanent residents that surround them; and WHEREAS, STVR's have led to nearly two thousand complaints from residents including loud parties that disrupt residents who have work and school the next day, leave trash on neighborhood streets and occupy neighborhood parking spaces; and WHEREAS, the City's existing policy will improve the safety of local neighborhoods by reducing the number of unknown guests coming through the neighborhoods through STVR's; and WHEREAS, residents have felt unsafe by the dangerous and sometimes criminal activity of short-term renters including an incident with multiple stabbings last year; and WHEREAS, there is not enough housing available in Cathedral City and costs continue to increase with short-term rentals exacerbating the situation by operating rental properties like hotels and pushing out residents, working families and seniors; and WHEREAS the City's existing policy address this problem by reducing the number of short-term rentals making long-term housing available for more residents; and RIV#4826-0049-5062 v WHEREAS the City's existing policy address this problem by reducing the number of short-term rentals making long-term housing available for more residents; and WHEREAS, the community has identified policy priorities to be addressed including improving neighborhood safety, reducing criminal activity associated with short-term vacation rentals, reducing noise impacts of short-term vacation rentals and preserving neighborhood character; and WHEREAS, a petition was circulated within the City to place the referendum on the ballot with respect to Ordinance No. 842, and it was determined that the proponents of the referendum petition obtained a sufficient number of signatures to place the referendum on the ballot; and WHEREAS, on December 2, 2020, the City Council considered whether to repeal Ordinance No. 842 or submit the referendum on Ordinance No. 842 to the voters at a special election on March 2, 2020 in accordance with California Election Code requirements, and decided to call a special election for the referendum; and WHEREAS, the County Registrar of Voters has designated the referendum as Measure B; and WHEREAS, this resolution came before the City Council on January 13, 2021 at which time members of the public, including proponents and opponents of the referendum, were free to comment on the referendum and this resolution. NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved as follows: The City Council supports Measure B which, if approved by Cathedral City voters, would enact Ordinance No. 842 in its entirety as approved by the City Council on September 9, 2020. The City Council finds that approval of Measure B is in the best interests of the residents of Cathedral City and will remedy the negative impacts STVRs have on the quality of life in the City, including but not limited to noise, trash, parking and maintenance issues, crime and demand for public safety services, and negative impacts to the affordable housing stock. The City Council further supports Measure B because approving Measure B will avoid the ambiguities in the operational requirements applicable to STVRs that would be created if Measure B is not approved. The City has a strong interest in ensuring that its STVR regulations are clear and enforceable, and in avoiding ambiguities and inconsistencies that could hamper the City's ability to enforce its STVR regulations and possibly result in litigation. APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Cathedral City held on this 13th day of January, 2021 by the following vote: RIV#4826-0049-5062 v 2 AYES: 5 — Councilmembers Ross, Lamb and Carnevale; Mayor Pro Tem Gutierrez and Mayor Gregory NOES: 0 ABSENT: 0 ABSTAIN: 0 AR 1 OR ATTEST: �1 ittt k S-v1 ,a CITY CLEC APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY ATTORNEY RIV#4826-0049-5062 v 3