HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Min 2000-10-11 # � € � � �' � � ; " �� � �'L�: i�� C�thedr�l it ; � � CITY OF CATHEDRAL CITY 3 MlNUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL ' SITTING AS THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY WEDNESDAY� OCTOBER 1'I, 2000 This meeting of the City Council, also sitting as the Redevelopment Agency, was called to order by Mayor/Chairman Gary �. Amy in the Council Chamber at 68-700 � � Avenida Lalo Guerrero, Cathedral City, California, on October 11, 2000, at the 3:00 ' p.m. Study Session with Roll Call of all members present. The regular evening � meeting held at 7:30 p.m., was opened by Mayor/Chairman Amy. with an invocation by Councilmember/RDA Board Member Gregory S. Pettis, followed by the flag salute led by Mayor Pro Tem/RDA Board Member Sarah Di Grandi. ROLL CALL: � �,, Present: Councilmembers/RDA Board Members Kathleen De Rosa, Robert Gomer, Gregory S. Pettis, Mayor Pro Tem/RDA Board Member Sarah Di Grandi, and Mayor/Chairman Gary L. Amy Absent: None AGENDA FINALIZATION: 1. ADDED STARTERS: L The following matter was not described on the duly noted agenda for this � meeting, but required immediate action which could not reasonably wait � for the next regular meeting. This added Closed Session Agenda item was � posted prior to tne 72-hour posting requirements for this meeting and therefore did not require a vote of the City Council for the item to be heard. � � i 7. CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR pursuant to � Government Code Section 54956.8. (Paul Shillcock) � � Property: a Location: APN �670-373-008 thru -036 � APN �670-372-008 thru -016 � � Negotiating Parties: e Agencies: City of Cathedral City and Century Vintage ; Homes Property Owner: Century vintage Homes � under Negotiation: Disposition of Property � � x � z ` CC/RDA MINUTES � CTOBER 11, 2000 ACE 2 POSTED CLOSED SESSION: 1. PERSONNEL MATTER pursuant to Government Code Section 54957. (City Manager) Issue for Discussion: 1) Cathedral City Public Safety Management Association ; (CCPSMA); and, 2) American Federation of State, County and Municipal � Employees (AFSCME). 2. PERSONNEL MATTER pursuant to Government Code Section 54957. Public Employee Title: City Manager 3. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL REGARDING SIGNIFICANT EXPOSURE TO LITIGATION pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9, Subd. (b)(1). � No. of Cases: One z 4. CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8 (Paul Shillcock) Property: � Location: Southeast Corner of West Buddy Rogers Avenue at � �, East Palm Canyon � Negotiating Parties: � Agencies: Redevelopment Agency & Palm Canyon Partners ° Property Owner: Redevelopment Agency ! Under Negotiation: Disposition of Property '�, ; 5. CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR pursuant to Government � Code Section 54956.8. (Susan Moeller) � � 1 Property: p � � Location: Southwest and Southeast Corners of West Buddy � ' Rogers Avenue at East Palm Canyon � s Negotiating Parties: � � Agencies: Redevelopment Agency & Arbours Development � Property Owner: Redevelopment Agency # Under Negotiation: Disposition of Property � 6. CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR pursuant to Government � Code Section 54956.8. (Susan Moeller) � Property: � Location: 68961 and 68885 East Palm Canyon � Negotiating parties: �: � Agency: Redevelopment Agency � Property Owner: Cathedral Park Properties � Under Negotiation: Terms of Disposition and Development Agreement ; � � � � � � � 1 9 � . C/RDA MINUTES CTOBER 11, 2000 PAGE 3 A. Recommendation: Mayor/Chairman Amy made a motion, seconded by Councilmember/RDA Board Member Pettis, carried by a 5-0 vote, to � adjourn to the Study Session Conference ; Room to hear Closed Session matters. CLOSED SESSION ANNOUNCEMENTS: Mayor Amy advised that there were no Closed Session announcements. PUBLIC COMMENTS: j o Bill Cohen, Cathedral City - Informed everyone that there are t-shirts for sale at the Police Department and through him with a Cathedral City Police Department picture on the back at a cost of 515.00. All proceeds are going to the Citizens on Patrol organization. o Tony Barton, Recreation Manager, Cathedral City - Informed everyone � of the Halloween Haunt being held by Cathedral City Parks & Recreation at Big League Dreams on Tuesday, October 31 from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. He invited everyone to attend and noted that if � you are in costume, the entry fee at the gate would be waived. If you are not in costume, prices are 51.50 for adults and 5.75 for children. Lots of fun to be had by all. o Glenn Dobbs, owner of Fountains & Landscape Enhancements out of Bakersfield, CA, appeared before the Council to iterate a complaint that he is having a problem ending his contract with the City for work his firm has done on the fountain. He was informed that staff would be contacting him. � o George Stettler, Cathedral City - Reminded Council of the first � Friendship Feast to be held on October 22, 2000, between the hours of 11:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m., at The Court (old post office building). He � advised that tneY need volunteers and invited everyone to attend. The cost is 57.00 for all you can eat. This event is being sponsored by all Coachella Valley Senior Centers. The proceeds will go to the Senior Centers. o Tracy Deroche, Cathedral City - appeared before City Council to � register a complaint about a neighboring home that has been converted into six apartments and there is water running into the � streets, etc. Mayor Amy advised him that the conversion of the home � in question was done before Cathedral City was a City and therefore � there was not anything we can do until the property is sold. He was € � advised that staff would continue to look into the situation and he � would hear from someone shortly. ` O Councilmember Pettis read a fetter from Bill Beck: °Greetings to all ; t% desert seniors with love. United we stand...you know the rest. There � i �: � F T � C/RDA MINUTES CTOBER 11, 2000 PAGE 4 are kinds of people: 1) those who watch things happen; 2) those who make things happen and 3) those who don't know what is happening. Now take a second and check Box 1, 2 or 3. If you check Box 2(those who make things happen), I need your help and the Cathedral City Senior Center needs your help even more. There is a local business that sums it up in three little words -"Yes I Can". These three words are the essence of survival. They have inspired us to achieve our goals, overcome life's difficulties and have allowed us to learn that at 'J no time are we alone. When you are a person who makes things happen, you are a winner in everything you pursue. Winning is an attitude and when you surround yourself with others who share the "Yes I Can" attitude, there is no goaf that cannot be achieved or accomplished. Thank you for taking the time to read my sincere plea for your support. My name is Bill Beck and for the last 16 years I have owned the Red Tomato and Original House of Lamb across the street from the Cathedral City Senior Center. In August, Lois Jackman, who I have known for 10 years or more as a friend and loyal Red Tomato � patron, asked if 1 would consider becoming a member of the Board of � � Directors for the Cathedral City Senior Center. On September 20, I $ was voted to the Board. I accepted the position with honor and respect. Lois felt I could make things happen. I can do what I do best...that being creating fun and profitable methods of raising needed funds to maintain the great services the center provides to its members. Fundraising is what I do best. However, I cannot achieve my fundraising goals without help from you, the members and general public, the Board members, staff and volunteers. � Together we can make things happen. I love the color red in � everything but business. Its time to take a stand and repeat after � me...Yes I Can Make Things Happen! Thank you...Bill Beck° � COUNCIL COMMENTS: o Mayor Gary Amy - continued Mr. Cohen�s announcement of the availability of the Citizens on Patrol t-shirts which are S15 each. The proceeds go to benefit the Citizens on Patrol group. On October 215t � the Cathedral City Fire Department will host an open house. There � will be a pancake breakfast and they are asking people to stop by and � get to know the firemen, the equipment, the services available, etc., �. on a more personal basis. There is a S3.00 charge to cover the cost of x the pancakes. The time is 7:00 to 11:00 a.m. � � � o Councilmember Greg Pettis - advised that he has been appointed by ; the League of California Cities to serve on the Grass Roots lobbying € Task Force for the �eague with eight other elected officials in ; California. He noted that ne will be going up to Sacramento on Friday r � � � � , � C/RDA MINUTES CTOBER '11, 2000 PAGE 5 for a meeting with them to go over the League's lobbying strategy for the next year and see the kinds of things that can be done to hopefully get even a better year in Sacramento this coming year than ' we did this past year. o Councilmember Robert Gomer - reminded everyone that the Cathedral CitY Candidate Forum was held recently sponsored by the League of Women voters and Time-Warner Cable. That forum is scheduled to be aired on Time-Warner Cable Channel 10 twice daily ' from 11:00 to Noon and from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. on the following days: October 19, 21, 24, 26, 28, 31 and November 2, 4, 6 and the morning of the 7th. He suggested that the viewing audience take the time to i spend an hour to get acquainted with the candidates for our upcoming e{ection. He also announced that the Animal Samaritans are having their annual Walk with the Animals 2000 on Saturday, November 4th and takes place at the Pafm Desert Civic Center Park. It starts at 7:30 a.m. with registration and he invited everyone to come � and have fun with their pets and all the folks that will be there. It is a great cause and I would encourage everyone who is concerned about ; �,; animals, to join together and have a good time doing that. He also ; wanted to extend the thanks of Mr. Paul Washington and Mr. Tim Forrester for the great job that the Cathedral City Police Department has done, especially our Sgt. Hanlon, in their efforts to recover Miguel. That thanks is very heartfelt on their part and they have been most complimentary of the effort that the Police Department has made. o Councilmember Kathy De Rosa - congratulated CalState-San � Bernardino on their ground breaking today. We will have a four-year � university here hopefully starting next fall. The addition of CalState- � San Bernardino is a great asset, not only to the residents of Cathedral � City in their four-year college education, but obviously the whole Coachella valley. It was a great event and we certainly wish them well. She also wished to extend her apologies to the Desert Business Association. She had planned to go to their dinner Monday night. It turned out to be a holiday for her and she just completely blew it, so � wisned to extend her apologies. She understands it was a wonderful event and congratulated everyone who received an award. O Mayor Gary Amy - wanted to announce the ceremony the City held earlier this date regarding a donation the City received from the # � widow of artist, Val Samuelson. Tney have been residents of ` Cathedral City for 37 years living in the Cove area. Mr. Samuelson was � � a renowned artist, not to mention an activist in the valley. He was � actually one of the founders of the Palm Desert Museum, among � many other accomplishments in the valley. He was an accompfished 4 � C/RDA MINUTES CTOBER '11, 2000 PAGE 6 artist, a collector. Today, they donated a very large piece of artwork to the City. It is a painting called "The Arroyo" that depicts the view , from the Cove and it is a tremendous piece of art work. He noted we '�, are still looking for a location to hang it. We want to acknowledge �, the Samuelson family and their magnificent contribution to the City. o Mayor Pro Tem Sarah Di Grandi - stated sne pubfic{y wanted to thank Police Chief Stan Henry and the Cathedral City policemen who came ; to her rescue last Saturday evening during the dilemma she experienced with a vicious pitbull. She stated she felt her life was very much in danger and the policeman were really sympathetic. She stated that she was petrified. She thanked all of the Police officers who came to the scene. � � CALL FOR APPROVALICORRECTIONS TO MINUTES: Minutes of the CC/RDA Meeting held September 27, 2000, were approved as � submitted. , CONSENT AGENDA � � � Councilmember/RDA Board Member De Rosa stated tnat she understands that regarding Item No. 1, we only receive and file Claims and Demands; however, she wanted to put into the record some warrants as follows: #39777, #39393, �38998, #39732, #38810, �396772. � Councifinember Pettis advised that he will be voting no on Item No. 5. F � € Motion was made by Councilmember/RDA Board Member De Rosa, seconded by ; Mayor Pro Tem/RDA Board Member Di Grandi, carried by a 5-0 vote, with 4 Councilmember Pettis voting no on Item No. 5, to adopt the Consent Agenda. � 1. Received and Filed Claims and Demands incurred by the City Council, � Redevelopment Agency Board in the total aggregate sum of $9, 997,868.59 � for the month of August, 2000� by Minute Order Nos. 3174 and R-814. � � 2. Approved S'I,000 donation to Tuskegee Airmen Mural Foundation to be � taken from the Council Contingency Fund by Minute Order No. 3175. � � 3. Adopted Resolution No. 2000-64 accepting a painting as a gift to the City from Mrs. Val Samuelson. F � ` 4. Approved ratification of the Memorandum of Understanding by and � between the City of Cathedral City and the American Federation of State, `° County and Municipal Employees, Local 3961 by Minute Order No. 3176. ��: � � � � C/RDA MINUTES CTOBER 11, 2000 PAGE 7 5. Approved contribution to Cathedral City High School Boys Basketball Program in the amount of S150.00 for a nalf-page ad with monies to be taken from the City Council Contingency Fund by Minute order No. 3177 PUBLIC HEARING � 6. Proposed Ordinance amending procedures of Chapter 14.08 "Street Name � Changes" of Title 14 of the Cathedral City Municipal Code. ('S Reading) � � � Report was given by City Planner Cynthia Kinser. > � Public Hearing was opened and closed without comment. � Mayor Pro Tem Di Grandi made a motion, seconded by Councifinember De Rosa, carried by a 5-0 vote to Waive Further Reading and Introduce the Ordinance. � � LEGISLATIVE ACTIONS �' , �✓ � 7. Request from Bob Brown, representing variety Children's Charities of the � Desert, for Cathedral City to be co-sponsor of an event and request to reserve the City Hall Paseo for this event. Report was given by Recreation Manager Tony Barton. Public Input was opened: � � Gene Touchet, Cathedral City - wondered why it was noted in ; the agreement that no alcoholic beverages would be served � when, in fact, this was going to be a wine and cheese event. � Patty Drusky, Chamber of Commerce - stated that this event � would only be about 45 minutes in length with only about 50 people. She informed Council that the event is honoring Monty �' Hall and urged approval. � Public Input was closed. � Mayor Pro Tem Di Grandi made a motion, seconded by Councilmember Pettis, ; carried by a 5-0 vote, to autnorize the City's co-sponsorship of this event and to � reserve the City Hall Paseo as its site by Resolution No. 2000-65. � � � � 8. Proposed Reso{ution adopting procedures for the selection of � Administrative Hearing Officers to preside over Administrative Hearings € and granting to selected Administrative Hearing Officers the final authority � to render determinations of the issues presented at Administrative � � Hearings over which the officers preside. � � � � C/RDA MINUTES CTOBER 1'I, 2000 PAGE 8 Report was given by Mike Mingee of the Cathedral City Fire Department and Brett Deputy City Attorney Brett Bianco. ; Public Input was opened and closed without comment. Motion was made by Councilmember De Rosa, seconded by Mayor Amy, carried by a 5-0 vote to approve the procedures for selection of Administrative Hearing Officers per the staff report by Resolution No. 2000-66. ! 9. Amendment of Professional Services Agreement between the City of � Cathedral City and Michael �. Owens, Esquire, to provide continuing labor � � relations services. � Report was given by City Manager ponald Bradley. � k, � Public Input was opened and closed without comment. � Councilmember Gomer made a motion, seconded by Councilmember De Rosa, carried by a 5-0 vote to approve the agreement by Minute Order No. 3178. � � ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to discuss, this meeting was adjourned at 8:40 p.m. � � � � � /J / , L.a.. Ci.C�C— � � Donna M. Velotta � � City Clerk 4 � � � s` f F 4" € s F' Y f � b 5 � � � � � s � � �'� C�thedr�l it CITY OF CATHEDRAL CITY MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETINC OF THE CiTY COUNCIL AND REDEVELOPMENT ACENCY MONDAY, OCTOBER 16, 2000 This Special Meeting of the City Council and the City Council sitting as the Redevelopment Agency was called to order by Mayor/RDA Board Chairman Gary L. Amy in the Council Chamber at 68-700 Avenida Lalo Guerrero, Cathedral City, California, on October 16, 2000, at 6:00 p.m., with a Roll Call of _ all members present. � � � � ROLL CALL: Present: Councilmembers/RDA Board Members Kathleen � De Rosa, Robert Gomer, Gregory S. Pettis, Mayor � Pro Tem/BOard Member Sarah Di Grandi, and � Mayor/Chairman/President Gary L. Amy >� ; � Absent: None 1 :� t E CLOSED SESSION• 1. CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8. (Susan Moeller) Property: � Location: Southwest and Southeast Corners of West Buddy Rogers Avenue at East Palm Canyon �` Negotiating Parties: � Agency: RedevelopmentAgency &Arbours Development � Property Owner: Redevelopment Agency Under Negotiation: Property Disposition CLOSED SESSION ANNOUNCEMENTS: �: s � Mayor/RDA Chairman Amy announced that there was no action taken by the � City Council/Redevelopment Agency regarding this matter. � � � NO OTHER BUSINESS WAS DISCUSSED AT TH S ECIAL - ,ETINC. ` � / � � � ! �l�filc� � 6��2�� i�'j � � � � Donna M. Velotta � City Clerk � � � � � � � % # # :� '� :� V. ^` � ^'.# ' �' � b � � �� a - � � � � C�thedr�l �i� i � CITY OF CATHEDRAL CITY � f _ � � MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL SITTING AS THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ; � WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 25, 2000 � ; This meeting of the City Council, also sitting as the Redevelopment Agency, was � called to order by Mayor Pro Tem/RDA Board Member Sarah Di Grandi in the � Council Chamber at 68-700 Avenida Lalo Guerrero, Cathedral City, California, on October �1, 2000, at a 2:00 p.m. Study Session with Roll Call of all members present. ROLL CALL: Present: Councilmembers/RDA Board Members Kathleen De Rosa, Robert Gomer, Gregory S. Pettis, and Mayor Pro Tem/RDA Board Member Sarah Di Grandi � Absent: Mayor/Chairman Gary L. Amy Motion was made by Councilmember/RDA Board Member Gomer, seconded by Councilmember/RDA Board Member De Rosa, carried by a 4-0 vote to excuse Mayor/Chairman Amy. Mayor/Chairman Amy arrived at approximately 2:45 p.m. this date. � The regular evening meeting held at 7:30 p.m., was opened by Mayor/Chairman � Amy. with an invocation by Councilmember/RDA Board Member Gregory S. Pettis, � followed by the flag salute led by Mayor Pro Tem/RDA Board Member Sarah Di � Grandi. �. AGENDA FINALIZATION: None �: � � POSTED CLOSED SESSION: � � 1. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL REGARDING SIGNIFICANT EXPOSURE TO �' LITIGATION pursuant to Covernment Code Section 54956.9, Subd. (b)(1). � No. of Cases: One � � � 2. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL REGARDING EXISTING LITIGATION pursuant � to Government Code Section 54956.9, Subd. (a). (Donald Bradley) � Names of Parties: George F. Truppelli v. City of Cathedral City; Gary �. Amy, Gregory S. Pettis, Robert Gomer and Sarah Di � � } � fr � � CC/RDA MINUTES I � CTOBER 25, 2000 � �AGE 2 I � , � � � Grandi, Personally and in their Official Capacities as � Members of the Governing Bodies of the City of Cathedral City and its Agencies; Does 1-10 i Case No.: EDCV-99-238 RT (VAPx) , P � 3. CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR pursuant to Government ' Code Section 54956.8. (Warren Bradshaw) Property: ' Location: Northwest Corner of °B° Street & West Buddy ; � Rogers Avenue � Negotiating Parties: Agencies: Redevelopment Agency and Mercy Charities Property Owners: Redevelopment Agency Under Negotiation: Disposition and Development Agreement 4. CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8. (Warren Bradshaw) Property: � Location: 67-308 Mission Court � � Negotiating Parties: � Agency: Redevelopment Agency Property Owner: Lolita Riddle Under Negotiation: Acceptance of vacant �ot Transfer 5. CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8. (Warren Bradshaw) Property: � Location: 31-575 Neuma Drive � Negotiating Parties: � � Agency: Redevelopment Agency � Property Owner: Jon Cook & Eric Cook � Under Negotiation: Reconveyance of Vacant Lot to RedevelopmentAgency 6. CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR pursuant to Government � Code Section 54956.8. (Susan Moeller) � Property: � Location: Southwest & Southeast Corners of West Buddy Rogers Avenue at East Palm Canyon ; Negotiating Parties: � Agencies: Redevelopment Agency & Arbours Development g Property Owner: Redevelopment Agency � Under Negotiation: Disposition of Property � � � i � fi � I I �C/RDA MINUTES ; � CTOBER 25, 2000 � PACE 3 � � 7. CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8. (Susan Moeller) } Property: Location: Northeast Corner of West Buddy Rogers r Avenue at East Palm Canyon Negotiating Parties: Agencies: Redevelopment Agency & Palm Canyon Partners Property Owner: Redevelopment Agency Under Negotiation: Disposition of Property � 8. CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8. (Susan Moeller) Property: Location: 68961 and 68885 East Palm Canyon Negotiating Parties: Agency: Redevelopment Agency ± Property Owner: Cathedral Park Properties € � � Under Negotiation: Terms of Disposition and Development Agreement A. Recommendation: Councilmember/RDA Board Member Gomer made a motion, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem /RDA Board Member Di Grandi, carried by a 5-0 vote, to adjourn to the Study Session Conference Room to hear Closed Session matters. � € CLOSED SESSION ANNOUNCEMENTS: � Mayor Amy advised that there were no announcements after the first Closed Session meeting this date. The City Council/Redevelopment Agency Board reconvened to Closed Session after the regular City Council/Redevelopment �` Agency Meeting to hear the remainder of the Closed Session items. The Deputy City Attorney advised that there were no Closed Session announcements after the second meeting. , f PUBLIC COMMENTS: € � o Bill Cohen, Cathedral City - Reminded everyone that there are t-shirts � for sale at the Police Department and through him with a Cathedral ; � City Police Department picture on the back at a cost of $15.00. All � proceeds are going to the Citizens on Patrol organization. � � � � � � � � 1 a � � � � { � C/RDA MINUTES CTOBER 25, 2000 PACE 4 � o ,1im Nimmons, Cathedral City - heard about the Arbours project and is concerned about the way it is being presented in an exclusive manner is not good for the community and he wished that it could be totally presented as open for everyone and not marketed to one particular group. Mayor Amy responded to Mr. Nimmons stating that we have discussed it as an inclusive project from the Council�s and Staff�s standpoint in the fact that they are proposing to bring in a 300-seat theater, which will greatly benefit the community entirely. It will have �20,000 square feet of retail wherein the retail sales tax will benefit the community as a whole; 100-to-150-room boutique hotel resulting in TOT tax, which will also benefit the community. We all agree that it is an inclusive project and it is open to anyone and he felt that the community will be very proud of it. Mr. Nimmons stated that he appreciated all those amenities. It just � seems that the public perception is one that it would be something � � different, distinct and new in our nation as a pilot project focusing on � a particular group that seems almost a little discriminatory. o George Stettler, Cathedral City - stated he was just over at the Red Tomato and had a nice dinner and Bill Beck advised him to tell the Council that they raised 51,452.00 for the Senior Center from the dinner on Sunday. Everybody should be congratulated for that. He also wished to announce tonight that in conjunction with 4 or 5 �� organizations in Coachella Valley, we are putting together an "Adopt a � Marine or Sailor" for Thanksgiving. Sheriff Larry Smith, Supervisor Roy � Wilson, SunLine Transit, and the Association of Naval Aviation in conjunction with 29 Palms Marine Corps, we are going to arrange to bring two busloads of single marines, young men and women who are serving the country, and are all in training status at 29 Palms and probably away for the first time from home on Thanksgiving. What � we are asking for is families that will adopt these young marines and � sailors on Thanksgiving Day. We will arrange to have them brought � down to the valley about 1:00 p.m. on Thanksgiving Day and will have �. transportation to return them to the base at 7:30 p.m. We are � looking for volunteers to host these young marines. Anyone that is � interested, please call 770-3074. There will be a press conference on � �" this on Friday in Palm Desert. ; �r� � Mayor Pro Tem Di Grandi advised that she has taken some of these � marines into her home for the holidays and it is heart-warming, � � � C/RDA MINUTES CTOBER 25, 2000 PAGE 5 rewarding experience and you will never find a more appreciative group of young men. Mr. Stettler stated that this will be the first of an annual event and stated he hopes to get a lot of calls. o Greg Pettis, Cathedral City - stated he is speaking under Public Comments as a private citizen, not as a Councilman. He stated that a week ago, a group of his friends and he held a fund raiser to help a certain event that is happening November 7t", but also to help the Firefighters Association. Mr. Pettis presented to Scott Keeran, representing the Professional Firefighters Association, a check in the amount of $2,000 to be used toward the fund they use to help underprivileged families when they come into an unfortunate situation. � k o Phil Flickinger, Chairman, Chamber of Commerce, Cathedral City - � reminded every that the Chamber's annual Halloween Mixer will be � � held on Thursday, October 26 at the Palm Springs Mortuary on � Ramon Road. There will be a contest for the best costume, etc. He also wished to commend all of the candidates for the wonderful job that they did representing Cathedral City at the Chamber�s Breakfast Forum. It was a great success and he felt we should be proud of our candidates that are running. �: � � COUNCIL COMMENTS: ° o Councilmember De Rosa - she wished to make everyone aware that � October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. The Cancer � Society has done a number of fund raisers and it is important that we � all keep this in the forefront of our minds. She thanked the Fire � Department for a great pancake breakfast on Saturday. It was a huge success. She noted she was delighted, the turnout was great and everyone had a great time. She also wished to thank Jerry Jack and � Dave Faessel noting that most people are unaware that the City has received a check from the State in the amount of 5275,361. This is � new money. It is unbudgeted due to SB 2928, the Traffic Congestion Relief Program, signed by the Governor in July. The money is � restricted for ongoing street maintenance and cannot be used to � supplement transfers from other existing maintenance funds. This is � � great news for Public Works and Engineering. The project will last five years and we can expect about the same amount each year. The � money has been deposited in the Gas Tax Fund as a separate revenue account. There are plans for the money, but it is for our streets and � C/RDA MINUTES CTOBER 25, 2000 PAGE 6 we owe this to our Engineer and to Jerry Jack for some great work, it is greatly appreciated. She also thanked Mike Youngberg, from Code Enforcement. A real bug-a-boo to her is graffiti. It is probably one of her biggest things for which she wants to cringe and she has been after them for a number of weeks to get some graffiti cleared in the wash. Mike has finally taken care of it. He has had some problems with our vehicles, but she wanted to thank him. o Councilmember Gomer - wanted to bring to the attention of the general public a pamphlet that is being released today and is being sent to our schools. It is from the California Council on Problem Gambling. It is called Gambling Education for Teens Just In Time. It is printed both in English and Spanish. It is going to be distributed to the schools and is funded by monies from the Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians as well as the Office of Gil Garcetti, our District � Attorney in Los Angeles County. It is something that will help educate young people in regard to what problem gambling is. Also, on the � weekend of November 4t" and 5 on Sunday, November 5 is the � � annual Pride Festival and Parade in Palm Springs. He wanted to invite � everyone who is going to be in town to come down and participate. Several activities taking place the following weekend, which is veterans' Day, and one of these is taking place at Chiriaco Summit which is a Veterans' Day celebration dedicated to the honor of General Joseph McChristian of the Third Army. Another event is the Veterans' Day Parade taking place in Palm Springs at 3:30 p.m. on that � same day. � � 0 Mayor Pro Tem Di Grandi - Wanted to remind everyone that the � Senior Center Fund Raiser will be taking place on the third Sunday of � each month. She noted that the chicken and dumplings, carrots, � apple pie and cherry pie and pumpkin pie and everything else was absolutely delicious. We also had the honor of Mr. George � Montgomery attending and having his chicken and dumplings with all � of us. It was a wonderful event and great participation. When Mr. � Beck heard that the Senior Center was having a financial problem, he stepped up to the plate. If he can raise $1,452.00 the first month at only 57.00 a plate, you can imagine how this will grow and develop through the years. She thought it an absolutely fantastic event. Also, at Big League Dreams on Halloween night, Parks and Recreation are � having a special treat for all the children. Don't take your children trick or treating, bring them for a trick and a treat with all the other b children at Big League Dreams. If you wear a costume, you get in for free. If you don't, it's $1.50, and you get merchandise in return for � � � � 1 � � , � � E € C C/RDA MINUTES CTOBER 25, 2000 PAGE 7 � your $1.50. There will not be a Haunted House at the Boys and Girls Club, so there should be tons of children at Big League Dreams. If you want to see a lot of happy faces, go there. � Mayor Amy - stated he would save the Chairman of the Chamber. He stated he knew that Patti would ask him tomorrow if he mentioned the Athena Awards, which we thought he was going to do when he spoke under Public Comments. The Chamber is sponsoring the Athena Awards and they are looking for nominees. The qualifications and criteria for an Athena Award candidate and its basically dedicated to opening the doors of leadership opportunity for women. Criteria is being a member of the Chamber of Commerce, assist women in reaching their full leadership potential, demonstrate excellence, creativity and initiative in their business or profession, provide valuable service by devoting time and energy to improve the quality of life in the community. The submission deadline is November 15th. If anyone is aware of someone who meets that criteria, the Chamber { of Commerce is asking that you submit a nomination to them. He � �; also wished to acknowledge that we have two Athena Award winners with us here, Councilmember De Rosa from last year and Mayor Pro Tem Di Grandi is also a previous winner which is quite an honor. The criteria is high and if you are aware of anyone you believe fills that, please call the Chamber of Commerce at 328-�213. ; � � PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS: �; � Presentation of 10851 Awards by the California Highway Patrol to Cathedral City Police Officers. Chief of Police Stan Henry introduced Lt. Bill Lewis from the California Highway Patrol and Kathy Asher from the Automobile Club. This years presentations were made to Police ° Officers Corwin Deveas, Michael VanGorder and Scott Sharpe for � recovering the most stolen vehicles. � Proclamation Declaring November 15, 2000 "America Recycles Day" was presented to Karen Riley of the Scrap Gallery by Mayor Pro Tem Sarah Di Grandi on behalf of the City Council and the City of Cathedral � City. � CALL FOR CORRECTIONS/APPROVAL OF MINUTES: � Approved Minutes of the Regular City Council/Redevelopment Agency Board � Meeting Held on October 25, 2000, as submitted. � � � � � �' � C/RDA MINUTES CTOBER 25, 2000 PAGE 8 � CONSENT AGENDA � Councilmember/RDA Board Member Pettis made a motion, seconded by Councilmember/RDA Board Member De Rosa carried by a 5-0 vote, to approve the Consent Agenda as noted below. �; � 1. Adopted Ordinance No. 533 authorizing an amendment to the contract by �:. and between the Board of Administration of the California Public Employees' Retirement System and the City of Cathedral City to provide � Section 21574 Fourth Level 1959 Survivor Benefits to Safety Fire and Police � Members. c2"d Reading) � k 2. Adopted Ordinance No. 534 amending procedures of Chapter 14.08 "Street Name Changes" of Title 14 of the Cathedral City Municipal Code. (2"a � Reading) � � r 3. Approved request to grant utility easements to verizon (GTE) on city-owned � � property located at the southeast corner of �andau Boulevard and Madrid � Road. (La Pasada Tracts) by Minute Order Nos. 3179 and R-815. � 4. Tract 29665: Approved Final Tract Map located east of San Eljay and south of Cypress Road: Vista Del Rey II, LLC, Subdivider (Century Crowell) by Minute �. Order No. 3180. �. � ; LEGISLATIVE ACTIONS: � 5. Proposed Resolution authorizing the issuance of Community Facilities District No. 2000-1 Special Tax Bonds in a maximum aggregate principal amount of $12,230,000; approving certain documents related thereto and authorizing and directing execution and delivery of the documents. Report was given by Attorney Diane Holman. € Public Input was opened and closed without comment. � Councilmember Pettis made a motion, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Di Grandi, � carried by a 4-1 vote, with Councilmember De Rosa voting no, to approve this � request with an amendment to remove the addresses shown for Sabo and Green ' � in the documents provided, by Resolution No. 2000-67. : � Councilmember De Rosa stated that she was voting no on Legislative Action Item No. 5, as she has done in the past, as she does not believe in Mello-Roos financing. � C/RDA MINUTES CTOBER 25, 2000 PACE 9 6. Authorization for staff to hire Sladden Engineering (Consultant) to provide �� contract soils and materials testing and inspection services for the Rio Vista � Village Mello-Roos Community Facilities District. Report was given by City Engineer Dave Faessel. Public Input was opened and closed without comment. � � Councilmember Gomer made a motion, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Di Grandi, carried by a 5-0 vote, to approve staff�s re uest to hire Sladden En ineerin b � q g g Y � Minute Order No. 3181. � � 7. Appointment of inember to vacancy on the City's Planning Commission. � � : Report was given by Mayor Gary Amy stating that after interviewing candidates for the vacancy on the City's Planning Commission at the Study � Session this date, it was unanimously voted by the City Council to appoint � Robert Reeves to fill that vacancy on the Planning Commission by Minute � Order No. 3182. � 8. Revised scope of work and budget for the General Plan Update. � � Report by City Planner Cynthia Kinser. � � Public Input was opened and closed without comment. � � Mayor Amy made a motion, seconded by Councilmember De Rosa, carried by a 4- 1 vote, with Councilmember Pettis voting no, to approve staff's request to authorize the City Manager to enter into a revised scope of work and budget ` with Terra Nova Planning & Research, Inc., to facilitate completion of the General Plan Update by Minute Order No. 3�83. 9. Proposed Resolution opposing Proposition 37 which proposes to restrict a city's authority to impose regulatory fees intended to protect and/or promote public health and/or safety. � Report was given by City Manager ponald Bradley. � � Public Input was opened and closed without comment. � � Councilmember Pettis made a motion, seconded by Councilmember De Rosa, � carried by a 5-0 vote to oppose Proposition 37 by Resolution No. 2000-68. � ¢ � � � � � � C/RDA MINUTES CTOBER 25, 2000 PAGE 10 ADJOURNMENT: To the next regularly scheduled meeting of the City Council/Redevelopment Agency Board to be held on November 2�, 2000. "` � � � �� Donna M. Velotta � City Clerk � � � � � � k � g € � � � � F � � � � � G � �& f