HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Min 2000-09-27 � � � � � :� - � ���� ; � _ ; � C�thedr�l _�i� � CITY OF CATHEDRAL CITY MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL � SITTING AS THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ' .a WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 27, 2000 This meeting of the City Council, also sitting as the Redevelopment Agency, was „ 3 called to order by Mayor/Chairman Gary L. Amy in the Council Chamber at 68-700 Avenida �alo Guerrero, Cathedral City, California, on September 27, 2000, at the � 3:00 p.m. Study Session with Roll Call of all members present. The regular evening � meeting held at 7:30 p.m., was opened by Mayor/Chairman Amy. with an invocation by Councilmember/RDA Board Member Gregory S. Pettis, followed by the flag salute led by Mayor Pro Tem/RDA Board Member Sarah Di Grandi. I ROLL CALL: � Present: Councilmembers/RDA Board Members Kathleen De Rosa, Robert Gomer, Gregory S. Pettis, Mayor Pro Tem/RDA Board Member Sarah Di Grandi, and Mayor/Chairman Gary L. Amy Absent: None AGENDA FINALIZATION: 1. Councilmember/RDA Board Member De Rosa requested that Consent Agenda Item Nos. 1 be pulled for further discussion. � 2. ADDED STARTERS: � The following matter was not described on the duly noted agenda for this meeting, but required immediate action which could not reasonably wait � for the next regular meeting. This added Closed Session Agenda item was ; posted prior to the 72-hour posting requirements for this meeting and � therefore did not require a vote of the City Council for the item to be heard. � 5. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL REGARDING SIGNIFICANT EXPOSURE � TO LITIGATION pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9, Subd. (b)('I). Number of Cases: One The following matters were not described on the duly noted agenda � for this meeting, but required immediate action which could not reasonably wait for the next regular meeting. These items were not posted prior to the 72-hour posting requirements for this meeting. , � CC/RDA MINUTES � SEPTEMBER 27, 2000 PAGE 2 � Therefore, the City Council had to determine that immediate action existed and a two-thirds vote to discuss and/or vote on these matters was necessary. Councilmember/RDA Board Member Pettis made a motion, seconded by Mayor/Chairman Amy, carried by a 4-1 vote, with Councilmember/RDA Board Member De Rosa voting no, to hear � the following two Closed Session Agenda items: � � 6. CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR pursuant to � Government Code Section 54956.8 � Property �ocation: Southeast Corner of West Buddy Rogers � a,��,� Palm Canyon � Negotiating Parties: � Agencies: Redevelopment Agency & Palm Canyon Partners � '' Property Owners: Redevelopment Agency ! "� Under Negotiation: Disposition of Property ; 7. CONFERENCE WITH LEG AL COUNSEL REGARDING SIGNIFICANT � EXPOSURE TO LITIGATION pursuant to Government Code Section � 54956.9, Subd. (b)(1). Number of Cases: One � � ' ; POSTED CLOSED SESSION: ; 1. PERSONNEL MATTER pursuant to Government Code Section 54957. Issue for Discussion: 1) Cathedral City Public Safety Management Association (CCPSMA); and, 2) American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME). 2. PERSONNEL MATTER pursuant to Government Code Section 54957. Public Employee Title: City Manager 3. CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR pursuant to Government h Code Section 54956.8 Property Location: Portion of APN 687-150-006-9; Eastern Portion of the Cove, East Side of the Flood Control Channel � Negotiating Parties: Agencies: Redevelopment Agency & Olympus Rancho Mirage, L.P. Property Owner: Redevelopment Agency Under Negotiation: Lease Terms and Conditions 4. CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR pursuant to Government � Code Section 54956.8 Property: Location: Southwest and Southeast Corners of West Buddy s � � � CC/RDA MINUTES SEPTEMBER 27, 2000 PAGE 3 Rogers Avenue at East Palm Canyon Negotiating Parties: � Agency: Redevelopment Agency 4 Property Owner: Redevelopment Agency � Under Negotiation: Disposition of Property A. Recommendation: Mayor/Chairman Amy made a motion, seconded by Councilmember/RDA Board Member Pettis, carried by a 5-0 vote, to � adjourn to the Study Session Conference Room to hear Closed Session matters. CLOSED SESSION ANNOUNCEMENTS: Mayor Amy announced that there were no Closed Session announcements. PUBLIC COMMENTS: � o Bill Cohen, Cathedral City - recognized Tony Barton for his successful � part in running the golf tournament for the Chamber of Commerce. � � o George Stettler, Cathedral City - informed City Council of the poor financial status of the Senior Center. Suggested new signs directing citizens to the center; requested everyone to become a part of the fund-raiser being held at the Re-Grand Opening of the Leapin' Lizards Restaurant; requested that the City Council look into this situation and possibly set up a task force, etc. o Bill Beck, Cathedral City - added to Mr. Stettler's remarks regarding the Senior Center stating that he takes left over food from his � ° restaurant to the Senior Center, etc. He also advised that he has � started a"Friendship Feast" to be held the 3rd Sunday of each month. It will cost S5.00 for those who purchase tickets in advance and $7.00 for those who don�t. There will be food, bake sales, etc. This event involved all the senior centers in the Coachella Valley. o Chuck Vasquez, Cathedral City - brought the City Council up to date on the past two meetings of the 35th Street Neighborhood Watch. Staff � members had attended the last meeting informing residents of a � possible assessment district for their area and the costs related � thereto for which he thanked them for doing such a thorough � presentation. Mr. vasquez � � announced that they wished to go forward with this assessment � _ � district and have planned to go door-to-door to talk to all residents in � the area that would be affected. � P � i i � � � � � � CC/RDA MINUTES SEPTEMBER 27, 2000 PAGE 4 COUNCIL COMMENTS: ` o Councilmember Pettis wished to remind everyone that on October � 14th is the Relay for Life which is a cancer awareness and fund raising opportunity. This year it is at La Quinta High School from �2:00 noon to 12:00 noon the next day. There will be people walking at the high school to raise money for the American Cancer Society. Last year, here in the desert, they raised a little over $100,000. They anticipate, from the results they have had so far, to raise 5250,000 on October 14th. He noted that he would be walking, as well as some others from the City and invited everyone to come out and help. o Councilmember De Rosa advised that September 15th began National Hispanic Heritage Month. It is a time to honor the cultural achievements and the contributions that Hispanics continue to make worldwide. The intent of National Hispanic Heritage Month is to encourage Hispanic awareness among all of us and encouraged all to remember that when we patronize our local businesses. She advised that there is also a mixer at the IMAX for the Chamber on Thursday �: evening, September 28th; and there is also a candidate forum that � evening as well in the Town Square. She advised that Eveleen's Restaurant is now open in front of the IMAX building and encouraged everyone to try it. Another issue she wished to bring forward is that the City has just completed negotiating its contracts with its employees. She noted that we have four domestic partners here in the City...l am one of them. The cost to the citizens has been very nominal. Another issue was that there was a letter to the editor of the Desert Sun this morning and Councilmember De Rosa wanted to E speak to the writer and thank her. She noted that she is not the hall � monitor in City Hall unfortunately. Staff usually does keep it at 78 degrees. She stated that she has spoken to staff regarding the lights and we are going to be looking at a night skies ordinance. She further noted that she is not the representative for Southern California Edison in the City of Cathedral City, but she is proud to represent the other cities with Edison and thanked the writer again � for her comments. o Councilmember Gomer reminded everyone that the month of � October is School Safety Month. It is a time when we all should pay a � little closer attention to making sure that we obey the traffic laws as � we drive in and around any schools and keep that in mind as we see � children coming and going to school. He also congratulated staff on � the reseeding program. There has been some publicity on that � � recently. The program that has been promoted by CVAG is one that � Cathedral City has decided to implement this year and he betieves it is � to everyone's benefit to consider this program. There are brochures � _ �"'°�, CC/RDA MINUTES �r'` SEPTEMBER 27� 2000 PAGE 5 available at CVAG and/or you can give them at call at 346-1127, they will be happy to send you one. It explains the process of reseeding without scalping. He also wanted to congratulate and commend the Palm Springs Unified School District for its presentation of the Journey to a Hate Free Millennium film which is currently being shown to high school and middle school students under the supervision, of course, of the school and teachers. It is a wonderful way to represent to people in this community that we all bear a burden in helping to eliminate hate and discrimination in our society. o Mayor Amy advised that Thursday, October 5th at 5:30 p.m. at the leapin� l.izards Restaurant at Cimarron Golf Course will be having a fundraiser with a S10 entry fee which will be split between the Cathedral City Chamber of Commerce and the Senior Center. There I will be great food and gifts and will make for a terrific evening. � Another issue he wished to mention is a letter of commendation he ; received regarding one of our Police Service Aide, Orlando �omeli. � The writer, Mr. Robert Marchand, stated that his car had become � �, disabled at a very busy intersection...the right-hand turn lane of � Perez Road and Cathedral Canyon Drive...when Police Service Aide I Lomeli drove up behind him, he immediately saw the potential � danger and turned on his flashers to alert oncoming traffic. He then tried to help get the car started with no luck. Officer Lomeli called the auto club and waited with me until they arrived. His courtesy and concern for my safety and the safety of the driving public were � admirable and reflect well on the department and your leadership. � PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS: o Proclamation designating the week of October 8-14, 2000 as Fire Prevention Week was presented to Fire Marshal Mike Mingee as representative of the Cathedral City Fire Department by Mayor Pro Tem Sarah Di Grandi. o Certificate of Recognition was presented to Mr. David Johnson by Councilmember Kathleen De Rosa recognizing his unselfish contributions to the children of Cathedral City. He was responsible for obtaining lights and, with assistance from his fellow workers from Southern California Edison, having them installed on the soccer field at Nellie Coffman Middle School so that the children now have a place to play after dark. ; o Presentation was made by Patti Drusky, Chairperson of the Measure � "S" Just for Kids Committee, informing the City Council and all present about this bond issue which is being presented to the voters on the November 7th ballot. �` � � � � CC/RDA MINUTES � SEPTEMBER 27, 2000 ` PAGE 6 CALL FOR APPROVAL/CORRECTIONS TO MINUTES: � Minutes of the CC/RDA Meeting held September 13, 2000, were approved as submitted. CONSENT AGENDA: 1. Authorization for staff to hire James R. Peters (Consultant) to provide � contract Public Works Construction Inspection Services for the Rio Vista �` Village Mello-Roos Community Facilities District. This item was pulled for � further discussion by Councilmember De Rosa. � Report was given by Jerry Jack, Associate Engineer. � � Public Input was opened and closed without comment. � Y � Councilmember De Rosa made a motion, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Di Grandi, � carried by a 5-0 vote, to approve hiring of James R. Peters to perform inspection services for the Rio vista village by Minute Order No. 3�72. r � � PUBLIC HEARINGS: � �, � 2. Waived further reading and adopted Ordinance No. 532 providing for the extension of an Ordinance creating a moratorium on the construction and/or development of multi-family units on lots of one-acre or less, for a period of 12 months, in an area between Ramon Road and Dinah Shore Drive, and between the Whitewater River and Date Palm Drive. The � extended moratorium will provide staff the additional time needed to � evaluate policies and programs in conjunction with the General Plan and ; Zoning requirements to improve the public safety and quality of life in the � subject area. (2nd Reading) (Mayor Pro Tem Di Grandi abstained from � discussion on this matter due to a conflict in that her residence is located in the project areaJ � � � Report was given by Cynthia Kinser, City Planner � � � The Public Hearing was reopened for any further comments because the F item was erroneously place on the previous agenda as a Legislative Action � matter. There were no further comments; therefore, the Public Hearing � was closed. � Councilmember Pettis made a motion, seconded by Councilmember Gomer, ` carried by a 4-0 vote, with Mayor Pro Tem Di Grandi abstaining due to her � � residence being in the project area, to adopt the Ordinance. � � � � � � € � � CC/RDA MINUTES � SEPTEMBER 27, 2000 PAGE 7 3. Proposed Resolution approving Tentative Tract Map 29771 subdividing 40 acres into 129 single-family parcels located on the southwest corner of � Gerald Ford and DaVall Drives in the R-2S (Multi-Family Residential with � Specific Plan Overlay) Zone. tContinued from the 8/9/00 meeting) (Councilmembers De Rosa and Gomer abstained from this discussion due to a conflict in that their residences are located in the project area.� Report was given by City Planner Cynthia Kinser. � � Public Hearing was opened: � � John Wessman, Owner of Property - stated that he was in a � joint-venture with Aldea and urged Council to approve this project. � Public Hearing was closed. � Mayor Pro Tem Di Grandi made a motion, seconded by Councilmember Pettis, � carried by a 3-0 vote, with Councilmembers De Rosa and Gomer abstaining due to � � their residences being located in the project area, to approve this request by � Resolution No. 2000-60. LEGISLATIVE ACTIONS 4. Proposed Resolution regarding Funding and Acquisition Agreement for Community Facilities District No. 2000-1 (Rio Vista Village) � � Report was given by Attorney Diane Holman. � � & Public Input was opened and closed without comment. � Councilmember Pettis made a motion, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Di Grandi, carried by a 4-1 vote, with Councilmember De Rosa voting no, to move forward with the agreement by Resolution No. 2000-61. � � Councilmember De Rosa stated that she was voting no on Legislative Action Item � No. 4, as she has done in the past when this progressive matter has come before � Council due to the fact that she does not believe in Mello-Roos financing, nor � does she believe that the incide�ital costs...some of them should be included in the bond issue as she believes they are a cost of doing business. Councilmember � De Rosa stated that she does believe in the this project and that it is a good � � project. ` � � 5. Proposed Resolution in support of the Measure "S" Bond Issue which is � � t � � � � CC/RDA MINUTES SEPTEMBER 27, 2000 PAGE 8 going to the voters on the November 7, 2000 ballot. � Report was given by Councilmember Pettis. � Public Input was opened and closed without comment. Councilmember Pettis made a motion, seconded by Councilmember Gomer, carried by a 5-0 vote, to support the bond issue by Resolution No. 2000-62. � 6. Authorization for staff to hire Jeff Blundell to provide contract Building Department Inspection Services for the City of Cathedral City. Report was given by Deputy City Manager Julie Baumer. � Public Input was opened and closed without comment. Mayor Amy made a motion, seconded by Councilmember De Rosa, carried by a 5- 0 vote to approve the request to hire Jeff Blundell by Minute Order No. 3173. � � 7. Pro osed Resolution and Ordinance providing Section 21574, Fourth Level, p 1959 Survivor Benefits to Safety Fire and Police members. (1st Reading of Ordinance) Report was given by Administrative Services Director Dudley Haines. Public In ut was o ened and closed without comment. � p p � � Councilmember Gomer made a motion, seconded by Councilmember De Rosa, carried by a 5-0 vote, to adopt Resolution of Intention No. 2000-63 to approve an amendment to the contract between the Board of Administration of the California Public Employees' Retirement System and the City of Cathedral City to provide Section 21574, Fourth Level, 1959 Survivor Benefits to Safety Fire and Police Members, and approval of the agreement to pool assets and also approval of the agreement to authorize the Certification of Compliance with Government Code Section 7507; and to waive further reading and introduce the Ordinance authorizing an amendment to the contract between the Board of Administration of the California Public Employees' Retirement System and the � City of Cathedral City to provide Section 2�574, Fourth Level, �959 Survivor � Benefits to Safety Fire and Police Members. � � �` 8. Request to execute an amendment to the contract with Keith Scott Associates for project management, housing and economic development services as needed on an ongoing basis, in an amount not-to-exceed � � � � CC/RDA MINUTES SEPTEMBER 27, 2000 PACE 9 S 60, 000. � Report was given by Susan Moeller, Redevelopment Director. � Public Input was opened and closed without comment Chairman Amy made a motion, seconded by RDA Board Member Di Grandi, carried by a 3-2 vote, with RDA Board Members Pettis and De Rosa voting no, to approve the amendment to Mr. Scott's contract by Minute Order No. R-813. , � ADJOURNMENT There being no further business for discussion, this meeting was adjourned at � 9:10 p.m. . f ; � � Donna M. Velotta � City Clerk � � � F f � � � k Q � � i s { � 3 � �' � s � � � �