HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Min 2000-09-12 ,'
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WEDNESDAY� September 13� 2000
This meeting of the City Council also sitting as the Redevelopment Agency �
and the Community Services District Boards was called to order by Mayor Gary �
L. Amy in the Council Chamberat 68-700Avenida Lalo Guerrero, Cathedral City, ;
California, on September 13, 200Q, at the 3:00 p.m. Study Session with Roll Call �
of all members present. The regular evening meeting, at 7:30 p.m., was �
opened with an invocation given by Councilmember Gregory S. Pettis �
followed by the flag salute led by Mayor Pro Tem Sarah Di Grandi. �
ROLL CALL: Present: Councilmembers/RDA and CSD Board Members �
� Kathleen De Rosa, Robert Gomer, Gregory S. Pettis, �
Mayor Pro Tem/RDA and CSD Board Member Sarah Di �
Grandi, and Mayor/Chairman/President Gary L. Amy �
Absent: None �
� Councilmember De Rosa requested that Item No. 3 of the Consent Agenda be �
A pulled for information and discussion.
1. PERSONNEL MATTER pursuant to Government Code Section 54957. (City I
Manager) �
Issue for Discussion: 1) Cathedral City Public Safety Management ',
Association (CCPSMA); 2) American Federation of State, County and ;
Municipal Employees (AFSCME); and 3) Unrepresented Employees. i
LITIGATION pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9, Subd. (b)(1). �
(Steve Quintanilla) (Paul Shillcock) ;
Number of Cases: Two `
� �
3. PERSONNEL MATTER pursuant to Government Code Section 54957. (City
Council) �
Public Employee Title: City Manager j
$ �
� SEPTEMBER 13, 2000
�� PAGE 2 �
� Code Section 54956.8. (Susan Moeller) �
� Property: ;
� Location: Southwest and Southeast Corners of West !
Buddy Rogers Avenue at East Palm Canyon
� Negotiating Parties:
Agency: Redevelopment Agency
� Property Owner: Redevelopment Agency
# Under Negotiation: Disposition of Property
, Code Section 54956.8. (Paul Shillcock)
_ Property:
� Location: Southeast Corner of Perez Road and Kyle Road
Negotiating Parties:
Agency: Redevelopment Agency
Property Owner: Redevelopment Agency
Under Negotiation: Disposition of Property
' � Councilmember/RDA-CSD Board Member Pettis made a motion, seconded by
� Mayor/President/Chairman Amy, carried by a 5-0 vote, to adjourn to the Study
Session Conference Room to hear Closed Session matters.
CLOSED SESSION ANNOUNCEMENTS: Mayor Amy announced that there were
no Closed Session announcements.
� Eveleen Farzaneh, 4580 Via Fonda, Palm Desert, proprietor of
Eveleen's Cafe located within the IMAX Theater building in
Cathedral City - Had concerns as to the length of time it was
taking for handicapped compliance to be completed by the IMAX
management per their agreement; and concerns about the lack
of parking to her cafe, no signage about parking, etc. She also
_ felt that the right turn from Cathedral Canyon is totally unsafe.
� Mayor Amy responded that the temporary parking that we have now is due
� to the fact that the normal parking lot has been torn up in preparation of the
construction of a two-story parking structure. The temporary parking lotwill
be sealed over and made smooth next week and there will be solid walkways
leading right up to the IMAX building so that accessability will be very easy
� and handicapped accessible. Striping and landscaping will be done starting
next week. He noted that the signage is a legitimate issue that we must
review. He requested Redevelopment Director Susan Moeller to respond to
the handicapped ramp issue.
� SEPTEMBER 13, 2000
x Redevelopment Director Susan Moeller responded that there is a ramp as well
as stairs to be installed in front of the restaurant and IMAX. She stated it is
her understanding that the ramp will start construction tomorrow or early
next week and there is a wait for the non-slip material that goes on the edge
of the steps as it had to be ordered. There was a delay by the contractor in
ordering that material. She advised that the Agency has asked that the
contractor proceed immediately on the ramp and then he will have to do the
stairs subsequent to the ramp when the ordered material arrives.
� Mayor Amy requested Fire Chief Steve Sowles to make everyone
aware that the month of September is "Junk your Jalopy Month".
Fire Chief Sowles announced that if anyone has an old car, trailer
or boat in need of being disposed of that they should call Code
Enforcement at 770-8200 and during the month of September it
will be removed and disposed of at no cost to the owner.
� Councilmember Gomer reminded everyone that this coming
Saturday at Camelot Park there will be a benefit put on by the
� Desert Business Association which is their 4th Annual Breast
Cancer Golf Tournament. If you would like to participate in this
very worthy cause to come out and play a round of miniature
golf on Saturday, September 16th, from 4:00 to 6:30 p.m. Mr.
Gomer also wished to congratulate the Palm Springs Desert
Resorts Convention and visitors Bureau for the wonderful
employment fair that they held at the Palm Springs Convention
Center in conjunction with the County and other numerous
agencies, including 160 employers who set up booths for this fair.
Mr. Gomer stated that he had addressed the group and was quite
impressed with the large turnout of attendees looking for jobs.
� Councilmember De Rosa stated that every year at this time,
Edison has a"Follow Your Heart Day" and this year 15 Edison
employees, organized by David Johnson, will be installing
permanent lights on the soccer field at Nellie Coffman Middle
School. This project actually started about a year ago with
temporary lighting put in place. Due to a renovation project at
the Palm Springs Airport, they have been able to secure
permanent lighting. Therefore, the employees of Edison and
some local electricians will be out on Saturday, September 16th,
installing those lights. If anyone is available on Saturday, please
go out to the field and help. They will begin about 7:00 a.m. She
�, noted that September 17th being Constitution Day, there will be
a celebration at the Palm Springs Museum and invited citizens to
attend. Also, the Chamber of Commerce had a very successful
�,, SEPTEMBER 13, 2000
Golf Tournament last week and thanked them for the great fund �
raiser and thanked everyone for participating. ?
� Mayor Amy addressed a complaint received from Mr. Regis about �
the quality of the taping of our Council meetings and more �
particularly, in the audio portion of them. He noted that we have �
some extremely sensitive microphones and it has been explained
to Council that the design and acoustics in the Chamber prevents �
the microphonesfrom being omni-directional. The microphones �
must be spoken into directly; if you turn your head while 3
speaking, it will cut out. He stated that someone even mentioned �
that they thought we were editing the tapes and wanted to �
assure everyone that we do not edit the tapes. We are working �
very hard to insure that there is a good quality recording in order >
� �:
to follow along. He announced that Council does appreciate
these comments very much. �
Councilmember/RDA-CSD Board Member Pettis made a motion, seconded by �
Mayor Pro Tem/RDA-CSD Board Member Di Grandi, carried by a 5-0 vote to �
� approve minutes as submitted from the re ular meetin s hel �
9 g d July 12, AugUSt g
9 and August 23, 2000. �
Mayor Pro Tem/RDA-CSD Board Member Di Grandi made a motion, seconded �
by Councilmember/RDA-CSD Board Member De Rosa, carried by a 5-0 vote, to �
approve Consent Agenda Item Nos.1 and 2. Item No. 3 was pulled for further �
discussion by Councilmember/RDA-CSD Board Member De Rosa. ;
1. Received and Filed Claims and Demands incurred by the City Council, �,
Redevelopment Agency and the Community Services District Boards in �
the total aggregate sum of $14,896,707.69 for the month of July, 2000,
by Minute Order Nos. 3168 and R-81 �. �
2. Waived further reading and adopted Ordinance No. 531 regarding }
Hazardous Substance Abatement Costs Recovery Program. (2"a Reading) �
3. Proposed Resolution to pay and report the value of employer paid �
member contributions for employees in the Non-Represented Group
(Executive, Administrative, Professional and Confidential) and thereby
�,; report that value as salary for retirement calculation purposes. (This
item was pulled for further information and discussion by
Councilmember De Rosa.) �
� SEPTEMBER 13, 2000
'# Administrative Services Director Dudley Haines gave a brief report to
Council '�
Public Input was opened and closed without comment. �
Councilmember Pettis made a motion, seconded by Councilmember De Rosa, I
� carried by a 5-0 vote, to approve this request by Resolution No. 2000-55. !
_ — �
� 4. Proposed Resolution regarding disposition of real property acquired by �
:; the Redevelopment Agency with tax increment funds to Brian K. �
} Stemmer Construction (Build for Charity 2000) for the purpose of �
� constructing one, affordable, single-family home to be located at 67830 �
Medano Road, Cathedral City. 4
Report was given by Housing Manager Warren Bradshaw. �
Public Hearing was opened: `
° � � George Stettler, Cathedral City - concerned that the �
charities to whom the monies would go were all from �:
outside of Cathedral City. �
Public Hearing was closed. �
Councilmember/RDA Board Member Pettis responded to Mr. Stettler's �
concern advising him that the Debbie Chism Fund is a local charity and �
the other agencies attempt to first benefit children from here in the �
desert. He reminded everyone of the Fire Department's yearly �
miniature golf tournament which benefits children who are burned, E
etc., in the desert area. Mayor Amy also reminded everyone that the j
Shriner�s group has its own chapter here in the desert. �
Councilmember/RDA Board Mem r �
be Pettis made a motion, seconded by �
Mayor Pro Tem/RDA Board Member Di Grandi, carried bya 5-Ovote, to approve
staff's proposal by Resolution No. 2000-56 and Resolution No. R-313. �
5. Proposed purchase of 45 photographs of the General George Custer Y
Campaign of 1876 currently on display in City Hall from the Cathedral �
� City Foundation for a More livable Community. �
Report was given by City Manager ponald Bradley. '
�, SEPTEMBER 13, 2000
Public Input was opened:
� Robert Marchand, Public Arts Commissioner, Cathedral City -
He noted that there are two items on the agenda about �
which he was concerned - this one and the one that ;
immediately follows. In addition to being concerned, He I
was also puzzled. He was concerned because the Council
will be considering a policy resolution to call upon the
experience and the expertise of the Public Arts Commission
when considering acquisition of works of art for the City. '
He was puzzled because, prior to considering that policy, ;
the Council will now be voting on purchasing the Marchese s
collection without having asked the advice of the �
� �
. Commission. If it is in fact the Councils' intent to adopt a �
't policy of calling upon the expertise of Commission, then I �
cannot see the logic of voting on purchasing the Marchese �
collection without having sought their advice. There are a
seven Commissioners and they bring a wide array of ;
backgrounds in the performing and visual arts, as well as �
the administration of Public Arts Agencies. They have all F
� volunteered to serve on the Commission so that they can }
bring the benefit of that wide range of experience to the
Council and through the Council to the people of Cathedral
City. He noted that they realize that their role is to
consider projects, design perspective programs and to
make recommendations. Final decisions, obviously, rest �
with the Council. He requested that Council please seek �
their recommendations; otherwise, we wonderwhy are we r
here. �
� Pat Hammers, Public Arts Commission Chairperson, ,
Cathedral City - She noted that she is puzzled as well about �
this particular proposal because - Mr. Bradley, I have been �
here a lot longer than you being here a whole 4-1/2 years a
and I was here for the dedication of those photographs at �
City Hall. She stated that she remembers Robert and Jan �
; Marchese quite well and believes that the photographs ='
were given to our G.R.A.S.P. Unit and that was the intent of �'
the donor - to give them to this City. Now I understand �
that they are owned by the Foundation. Why would this �
City consider spending 510,000 for something that is '
supposed to be ours. She again stated that she is puzzled �
�, by that. Ms. Hammers also agreed with Mr. Marchand's �
comments. She thought we needed to consider the intent �
of the purpose of the Foundation and how it relates to this �
� SEPTEMBER 13, 2000
PAGE 7 '
City and how the photographs ended up with the �
Foundation for a More Livable Community. 1
� Bud England, Cathedral City - stated he had basically the �
same questions as the previous two speakers about the �
purchase of these pieces of art. He wondered if this is
correct...those pieces of art were given to the City and the
City could not receive those so that is why the Foundation
was established to receive this gift. The City has purchased �
the framing and gone to the expense of putting them on �
the walls in City Hall for the viewing pleasure of the �
community...the City incurring the expense of that...notthe �
Foundation. He stated now it seems a little strange that the �
Foundation is wanting to sell these back to the City so he is �
asking the question...why? If these are already owned by �
the City, why are we going through the expense of $10,000. �
Some people might think that this 510,000 is not that much �
for such a nice collection. That may be the case, but at this �
point in time, the Council did pass a deficit budget of over �
S1.0 million. In light of that, we need to make sure that �
�r each time we are making an expenditure, it is going to be �
for the purpose of the community and we need to make �
sure that we are remembering that when we purchase
things of this kind.
� Richard Altman, Cathedral City - He noted that he has a
solution...he wi11 buy the photographs for $10,000. He said �
he would write a check and take them off the walls. He �
would love to have them. �
Public Comments was closed. 4
Councilmember De Rosa stated that this Council, at the last meeting, #
went ahead and endorsed a resolution for the Public Arts Commission �
that all pieces of art that come to the City for offer of purchase or
acceptance should go before the Public Arts Commission. The
resolution is now on tonight's agenda and that should come first and �
foremost. We have seven people who are very dedicated, who work t
very hard, who have been here for a number of years and have a lot of �
strong support now and she thought that to go anead and to �
circumvent them....she made a motion to hold off on this matter until �
the next Council meeting and not go forward with it this evening. �
� Councilmember Gomer asked if that was a motion...Councilmember De
Rosa stated that it was a motion....Councilmember Gomer seconded the
motion. Councilmember Gomer further stated that he thought that ;
� SEPTEMBER 13, 2000
PAGE 8 ',
� these issues are important for us to ferret out as to utilization of i
_ spending money that has not been previously looked at from the I
standpoint of the Public Arts Commission. He agreed with �
' Councilmember De Rosa that we need to address these issues and he
3 also said that he is not necessarily opposed to purchasing the
� photographs because as an investment, it might very well prove to be
: an opportunity at some point to turn that investment into a profit. If
� we could turn around and sell them at twice for what we paid for them, �
� there would be some extra money for the Public Arts Commission to �
i use in other projects. He felt that we do have some other options and �
perhaps it might be appropriate to postpone the vote on this until we
; have a chance to consider what other options there are. �
� 4.
Mayor Amy wished to clarify some of the statements that were
presented. The City does not own the photographs. The photographs �
are owned by the Foundation. They technically have the right to come �
in and remove them at any time. The Foundation is a separate and legal �
entity of its own, subject to all of the external factors that go with �:
being an entity. There are things that we cannot and will not discuss at �
� this time. He knows that there is a serious time constraint involved
� here...that the offer is only good until September 18. It is not �
necessarily something that can be put off and we are certainly not, in �
any way, trying to circumvent or ignore our Public Arts Commission. He
feels that they do a fantastic job and we openly solicit and appreciate
all of their comments. These photographs have been on display at City
Hall for over two years now. It is not something new; it is not �
something that is just being presented and there is already a major �
investment involved in this that we potentially stand the risk of losing. �
That is what this is all about - to ensure that such a valuable collection �
becomes under the control of the City and remains with the City, so �
that the City has the final say and no other entity. �
City Manager Bradley added that he is well aware of the actions that the
Council took at the last meeting, to have the policy brought forward �
for the Arts Commission to take a look at anything that we were to €
receive as a gift. This one, he felt, was a little different in that we have �
this collection that is hanging on the walls. It is not owned by the City,
but rather it is on loan from the Foundation to the City and so he felt
it appropriate to bring this forward actually before the next item on �
the agenda because he did see it as a separate item. He stated that he �
� does hear the motion, but is just speaking to the reason why it was put �
on this agenda. It was his choice to do this and it was done to try to ;
give the Council an opportunity to deal with the time constraints that �
�; SEPTEMBER 13, 2000
were placed in the offer of sale. Mr. Marchand and Ms. Hammers made I,
those points. Mr. England also made the point of fact that we have a �
million dollar deficit and why would we spend these dollars. In fact, we �
would not be spending General Fund dollars, if Council chooses to do �
this. We do have money that is remaining from the Civic Center �
account, so those funds would be available for this purpose should you �
choose to use them for that. They are redevelopment dollars as �
opposed to General Fund dollars. �
Mayor Amy called for the vote. The motion to continue this item to the next f
Council meeting was defeated by a 3-2 vote, with Mayor Amy, Mayor Pro Tem �
Di Grandi and Councilmember Pettis voting no. �
Mayor Amy made a counter-motion to authorize the City Manager to make an �
offer to the Foundation for a More Livable Community for the purchase the �
photographs in the amount of 55,000. The motion was seconded by Mayor �'
Pro Tem Di Grandi. �
Councilmember De Rosa requested that the members of the Foundation for
� a More Livable Community be announced for the pubfic's information. �
City Manager Bradley responded that there are three board members; �
Councilmember Gregory Pettis, Chuck 0'Brien who is principal of Agua �
Caliente Elementary School, and Reuel Young, a local architect. �
Councilmember Gomer announced that in light of the fact that there is not �
a majority wish to continue this item and based on the 55,000 price tag, he �
feels that this is a reasonable investment of funds for a collection that does ;
already hang in City Hall and will, therefore, change his vote. �
Mayor Amy called for the vote. The motion to authorize the City Manager to �
make an offer of purchase of the photographs from the Foundation by the
City in the amount of 55,000 was approved by a 4-1 vote, with Councilmember
De Rosa voting no. This action was adopted by Minute Order No. 3169.
6. Proposed Resolution adopting a policy of accepting art pieces, �
structures and gifts to the City of Cathedral City that have a direct ;
impact on Art in Public Places. �
Re ort was iven b Recreation Mana er Tony Barton. �
p 9 Y 9 '
Councilmember Gomer requested to know if tnere would eventua{!y be �
a fiscal impact to the City should they adopt this policY. }
� �
s �
� � SEPTEMBER 13, 2000 �
� PAGE 10 �
Mr. Barton explained that if the policy is adopted and an art piece
comes to the City with a dollar amount laced i �
p n the agreement of �
acceptance, the Council has the right to accept or decline the piece. �
Therefore, he explained that the answer to whether it would have a ;
f� potential fiscal impact on the City is yes and no. �
Public Input was opened: �
� Roger DesRosiers, Cathedral City, Public Arts Commissioner - �
He noted that there are legal concerns, financial
implications and ethical problems connected with f
collecting and taking on the responsibility for art. Re the �
ethical problems, not the least of which is the intent of the �
donor and the responsibility to society for the long-term �
protection of the work. We recently had an experience in �
the City of receiving a piece that would have self- `
destructed had it not been noticed, or would have cost the �
City a great deal of money to restore. So, a policy such as �
this one is not only in the best interest of our process here �
� in the City, but also in providing for the history of future c
generations. �
� Paul Marchand, Attorney, Cathedral City - He stated that he �
believes we all agree on the importance of having a �
disciplined process for the acceptance for works of art. In
, fact, Councilmember Pettis accused me on more than one �
occasion of being a process queen and t guess I am. He �
noted that his concern is that the process needs to be K
disciplined and process needs to be clear and process must �
not be muddied by the creation at its outset of adverse `
precedent. Which is why, irrespective of what this Council `
ultimately does with the 45 photographs of Lt. Colonel �
George Armstrong Custer's ill-fated campaign, he would
urge that the Council make a very clear distinction between
that issue and the policy that it is going to adopt if the vote
is successful tonight. The reason he brought this up is that �
when the Council sends conflicting signals to your €'
constituents, it creates uncertainty and ambiguity and this �
is whatwe are trying to avoid with this policy. He stated he �
believes the policy makes great sense, but he felt the �
Council should send a very clear message that the policy �
� that is being adopted will not be undercut by further E
acquisitions that are outside of the policy that will be �
adopted. He believed that the Council needed to make it ,
very clear that the Commission will be supported in what it
�,; SEPTEMBER 13, 2000 �
does and that while the Council has final authority, the
initial gate keeping function should belong to the
Commission and the process should be disciplined to run �
through the Commission without having items come to the �
City either by way of transfers from the Foundation or in �
the case of acceptance by individual city employees on a �
unilateral basis. He urged the Council to adopt this policy, �
but also urged them to make it very clear that this policy ;
will be the sole and exclusive means by which art objects 3
are evaluated for acquisition by the City in the future. �
� Richard Altman, Cathedral City - asked Council what do you `
call art? He noted that over the past years he has donated �
many products to the City such as gym equipment, safes, �
etc. Does this sort of donation come under the jurisdiction �
of the Public Arts Commission? �
� Brett Bianco, Deputy City Attorney, responded to Mr. �
Altman's question. There is a separate policy in place in �
Cathedral City dealing with the providing of gifts to the City €
� which is separate and apart from tnis policy, which deals �:
specifically with art. In terms of any contributions that you =
might make to the City that is not art, that might fall under �
some other generalized category and there is a separate
policy in place currently.
Public Comments were closed.
Redevefopment Director Moelfer requested a clarification of process. �
She noted that the agency has been negotiating for several years �
regarding the Mary Pickford Theaterand donations to be received from ;
Beverly Rogers and the Buddy Rogers Foundation to be put on exhibit �
as part of the theater experience. By this policy, should we incorporate r°
into the process the review by the Public Arts Commission of every
single item.
Roger DesRosiers, Public Arts Commissioner, responded. He stated that �
he is very familiar with the project, as is the full Commission. He noted �
that he had occasion to accompany Ms. Moeller to the Rogers Estate. �
There is a very good working relationship that has already existed �
regarding this project. The Arts Commission has a progress report. He #
sees no problems at all. The Commission would like to be kept involved =
in the project informally, as is already taking place. �
� Councilmember De Rosa thanked Attorney Paul Marchand for his
comments. She stated she would like to apologize to the Commission �
�, SEPTEMBER 13, 2000
for not being able to get this taken care of first. She stated she knows
how hard they have worked on this and what a great disappointment
it is to all of the Commission. Councilmember De Rosa said that things �
will get better in the future....l promise you that.
Mayor Amy made a motion, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Di Grandi, carried by
a 5-0 vote, to approve the adoption of this public arts process policy by
Resolution No. 2000-57. �
7. Approval of Fringe-toed �izard Memorandum of Understanding and r
$600 Per Acre Mitigation Fee. �
Report was given by City Manager ponald Bradley. �
Public Input was opened and closed without comment.
Councilmember Gomer made a mot'ron, seconded by Mayor Amy, carried by
a 5-0 vote to accept and approve the proposed Memorandum of
Understanding between CVAG jurisdiction and wildlife agencies refated to an �
� interim solution for fringe-toed lizard permit by Minute Order No. 3170; and °
to approve an increase of the fringe-toed lizard mitigation fee from $100 per
acre to $600 per acre effective immediately by Resolution No. 2000-58.
8. Proposed Ordinance providing for the extension of an Ordinance �
creating a moratorium on the construction and/or development of �
multi-family units on lots of one-acre or less, for a period of 12 months, `
in an area between Ramon Road and Dinah Shore Drive, and between �
the Whitewater River and Date Palm Drive. The extended moratorium �
will provide staff the additional time needed to evaluate policies and E
programs in conjunction with the General Plan and Zoning regulations
to improve the public safety and the quality of life in the subject area.
t1 Reading) (This item should have been heard as a Public
Hearing. It was opened at this meeting and continued to the next
meeting for any further Public Hearing comments and as the 2nd �
Reading.) Mayor Pro Tem Di Grandi abstained from discussion as �
her residence is in the project area which presents a conflict of �
interest. �
Report was given by City Planner Cynthia Kinser.
� Public Hearing was opened: �
� Pastor Ray Wardlaw, Cathedral City - stated he felt that the ;
current moratorium has helped the situation in the t
? �
� SEPTEMBER 13, 2000
f PAGE 13
� affected area and urged the Council to approve the
; continuance this evening.
� Public Hearing was continued to the next meeting on September 27, 2000. r
Councilmember Pettis made a motion, seconded by Mayor Amy, carried by �
a 4-0 vote, with Mayor Pro Tem Di Grandi abstaining, to Waive Further �
Reading and Introduce the Ordinance with an amenqment under the �
first paragraph of the Ordinance as follows: `tivHEREAS, the City Council ;
on September 8, 1999, �
following a public hearing, adopted an Urgency
Interim Ordinance, which became effective on September 22, �999, .....". �
The same amendment should be made on the second page, 5th paragraph, �
Item f) as follows: f) the interim ordinance creating the moratorium on �
September 8, 1999, which became effective on September 22,1999,.....". �
9. Proposed Resolution granting a waterline easement across City-owned
property (APN Nos. 659-180-020 and 659-180-001) to Mr. Robert Ohland
for conveyance to Riverside County upon close of escrow.
� $
Report was given by Economic Development Director Paul Shillcock. �
Public Input was opened and closed without comment.
Mayor Amy made a motion, seconded by Councilmember De Rosa, carried by
a 5-0 vote, to grant the waterline easement by Resolution No. 2000-59. �
10. Authorization of expenditure of funds for entertainment and related �
costs for a Community Concert and Special Tribute to the Fountain of i
Life donors on November 19, 2000 in the Town Square. F
Report was given by Redevelopment Director Susan Moeller. �
Public Input was opened: �
� Bill Cohen, Cathedral City - stated he watched the growth of �
the fountain from day one from the sorry looking clay
model they presented at first, to what it is now, and he
noted that he is so proud of the fountain and to be part of �
it, he heartedly urged the Council to approve this request �
for a celebration. �
� Robert Marchand, Cathedral City - He wanted to underline �
� what Ms. De Rosa said that the Commission did find working
with staff a very, very comforting experience. We look �
forward, on the Commission, to working with any of the �
# �
� �; SEPTEMBER 13, 2000
� PAGE 14
� i
City staff or Commissions in anything that involves the arts. �
� «
we don�t do special events, that is not our role, but when
: �
� a special event comes along that has a performance �
� component to it, yes, that is where we come in and we �
� want to help. lt has worked very well with Susan and he
believes it will work that way in the future. He just wanted
to underline the importance of that.
� Paul Marchand, Cathedral City - wanted to add that
functions of this nature that bring the communitytogether �
� in public spaces are integral to making a livable city
� function. One of the things that we have to shame the �
devil and tell the truth about in Cathedral City is that we �
have an awful lot of private spaces, but not a lot of public
ones. We have gated communities, we have a very small
amount of public park space and so when we have an
opportunity to bring the community together in what is a
functional equivalent of the traditional piazza, we should
take that opportunity. He encouraged the Council to �
pursue this particular function to the limit and to F
� encourage staff to develop further functions in the future. �
As we bring people together, we create that livable
Cathedral City that we are all so much trying to move
toward. As we bring people together, the barriers crumble
and we begin to interact with one another not as people
living in our private spaces, but as public citizens of the
public thing that we call this republic.
� Gene Touchet, Cathedral City - thought he remembered �
that the City's birthday was in the middle of November and �
wondered why the birthday is not part of this event. His �
second comment was about we honoring the sponsors of �
the fountain and requesting sponsors for the event, etc.,
etc. He noted that pretty soon we will run out of sponsors �
and someone will lose out on a party. �
Mayor/Chairman Amy responded that next year (2001) will be the City's
20th Anniversary, so that would probably be more appropriate to
celebrate than the 19th year, which will be another reason to have a
function. E
Mayor Pro Tem/RDA Board Member Di Grandi made a motion, seconded by �
� Councilmember/RDA Board Member De Rosa, carried by a 5-0 vote, to approve �
staff's proposal for this community event by Minute Order Nos. 3171 and
R-8'I 2. �
� SEPTEMBER 13, 2000
� There being no further business for discussion before the City Council, this �
meeting was adjourned at 9:38 p.m., Se tember 13, 2000. �
� R
3 /' . �
Donna M. Velotta ;
City Clerk �
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