HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Min 2000-08-23 1
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This meeting of the City Council, also sitting as the Redevelopment Agency, was
called to order by Mayor Pro Tem/RDA Board Member Sarah DI Grandi in the �
� Council Chamber at 68-700 Avenida Lalo Guerrero, Cathedral City, California, on �
� August 23, 2000, at the 3:00 p.m. Study Session with Roll Call of all members �
� present. The regular evening meeting held at 7:30 p.m., was opened by Mayor �
Pro Tem/RDA Board Member DI Grandi, with an invocation by �
Councilmember/RDA Board Member Robert Gomer, followed by the flag salute �
led by Councilmember/RDA Board Member Kathleen De Rosa. �
_ � �
� Present: Councilmembers/RDA Board Members Kathleen De Rosa, �
Robert Gomer, Gregory S. Pettis, and Mayor Pro Tem/RDA
Board Member Sarah Di Grandi
Absent: Mayor/Chairman Gary L. Amy �
Councilmember/RDA Board Member Pettis made a motion, seconded by §
Councilmember/RDA Board Member Gomer, carried by a 4-0 vote, to excuse �:
Mayor/Chairman Gary �. Amy due to his being in an accident and suffering a �
broken leg. �
City Engineer Dave Faessel requested that Consent Agenda Item No. 2 be
continued to the next City Council meeting to be held on September 13.
1. PERSONNEL MATTER pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.
Issue for Discussion: 1) Cathedral City Public Safety Management
Association (CCPSMA); 2) American Federation of State, County and �
Municipal Employees (AFSCME)
�r ;
2. PERSONNEL MATTER pursuant to Government Code Section 54957. �
Public Employee Title: Community Development Director �
� AUGUST 23, 2000
Code Section 54956.8
Property: ;
Location: Southeast Corner of West Buddy Rogers Avenue at j
East Palm Canyon !
Negotiating Parties: i
Agency: Redevelopment Agency ;
Property Owner: Redevelopment Agency �
Under Negotiation: Disposition of Property r
Code Section 54956.8 �
` Property: �
Location: 68736 Buddy Rogers Avenue �
Negotiating Parties: �
Agency: Redevelopment Agency €
Property Owner: Palm Canyon Partners �
Under Negotiation: Terms of Disposition and Development Agreement ;
� �
Code Section 54956.8 €
Property: �
�ocation: 68961 and 68885 East Palm Canyon �
Negotiating Parties: �
Agency: Redevelopment Agency �
Property Owner: Cathedral Park Properties
Under Negotiation: Terms of Disposition and Development Agreement �.
A. Recommendation: Councilmember/RDA Board Member Pettis �
made a motion, seconded by Mayor Pro ;
Tem/RDA Board Member Di Grandi, carried by �
a 4-0 vote, to adjourn to the Study Session �
Conference Room to hear Closed Session �
matters. �
CLOSED SESSION ANNOUNCEMENTS: City Manager ponald Bradley made the
announcement that tne Community Development Director's position would not
be replaced. In the meantime, some of the other employees will take up some of �
the slack by overseeing various departments or divisions. In particular, the City e
Engineer oversee the Public Works Field Maintenance forces and henceforth be �
�,; known as Public Works Director/City Engineer. We will also have the Economic
�; AUGUST 23, 2000
Development Director take on the role of overseeing the Recreation
Department, as well as our Solid Waste Program. The City Planner will report
directly to the City Manager and because of additional responsibility, there will ,
be a range adjustment for that position as well. Finally, and he was very pleased
to announce that the Public Information Officer be titled Deputy City Manager '
� and oversee the Building Inspection function, among many other things. Also, in
recognition of her stalwart work since I have been here and from all I can learn,
from before that time, there will be range adjustments involved there. The
range adjustment for the Public Works Director and the Economic Development '
` Director amount to a 2-1/2% adjustment; for the City Planner, the adjustment is
z 11.3%; for the Deputy City Manager, there will be a 38% adjustment with an ,
Y additional adjustment of 5% as of July 1, 2000; the first adjustment to take effect ;
� as of January 1, 2000. He noted tnat the City Council authorized this. The net �
� cost of the changes in salaries, etc., adds to the budget some S36,000; however, �
overall we are saving some from the fact that the Director of Community s
Development position amounted to 5135,000. In addition to that, you might �
remember that in the last fiscal year, there was an Assistant City Manager �
position that was no longer filled and that would have saved another $135,000 in =
addition to the position of Accounting Services Manager that has also not been `
� filled. What we are trying to do is work within the fact that we have an
operating deficit; we are trying very hard to control our expenses to the extent �
that we can, but we still have a job to get done and so we are trying to recognize �
the people who take on more responsibility to have them be compensated fairly. �
Mayor Pro Tem Di Grandi stated that we are all pleased that the reorganization �
direction has moved the way it has. She congratulated everyone for all the hard �
work they have done and the team thati we have built that has pulled us through �
since the failure of Measure J. we really want to thank everyone. She
congratulated Julie Baumer on her promotion to Deputy City Manager. �
There were no other reportable actions taken in Closed Session. �
O Bill Cohen, Cathedral City - noted that at the last Council Meeting he 4
presented a program for which he was requesting help via sponsors. ;
The program is called "Code 3- Desert Beat". He stated that one of �
their members, Dave Holmes, directs and produces the program. It is �
broadcast on Channel 10 and shows r�de-a-longs with our volunteers €
and Palm Springs volunteers with regular police officers. The €
advertising cost he quoted at the last meeting was a little high.
� However, he noted that the director found a film editor who works
� AUGUST 23, 2000
t for less money and the cost has been cut almost in half. A 30-second
� spot will actually cost you $7.50. For 560.00, you can have a month's
worth of 30-second spot commercials. He further advised that if
anyone is interested, please see him as he has all the details. The '
program is shown on Channel 10, 7 days a week at �1:30 p.m., and '
� there are some 300,000 viewers. '
� o Pat Hammers, Cathedral City - she reminded Council that the Public
Arts Commission had attended the Study Session en masse. Ms.
Hammers noted that she wanted to return this evening on behalf of ;
the Public Arts Commission and tell you more about something that �
we have been working on for the past year. A year ago, the Cathedral �
� City Public Arts Commission hosted a valleywide meeting of arts ;
� organizations. As a result of this meeting, there has been a lot of �
i discussion about creating a formal valleywide arts alliance. A five- �
person steering committee was formed and consists of Robert f
Marchand, Robert Reeves, Kathryn Hull and Colleen McBride and Diane ;
Morgan. Colleen McBride is the Executive Director of the Riverside �
County Arts Commission; Kathryn Hull is from the La Quinta Arts �
Community and Diane Morgan is an employee of the City of Palm j
� Springs. This steering committee developed a concept of a ;
valleywide arts alliance. At the fourth meeting of the valleywide arts �
organizations, the steering committee presented their ideas that �
they had developed over the past months. Those in attendance liked
the ideas and approved the formation of The Coachella Valley Arts
Alliance. Further, members in attendance approved those on the
steering committee to act as the first Board of Directors and directed
the committee to draft Articles of Incorporation, By-�aws and a �
Budget. The initial cost of incorporation filing fees was 5180 and our �
Arts Commission, as well Palm Springs and la Quinta, agreed to share �
the cost. This action has received approval from each of the �
commissions involved. The Articles of Incorporation, By-Laws and
Budget have been accomplished. Further, Cathedral City will be the
first chartered municipal agency of this new alliance. She wanted to
public recognize and thank both former Commissioner Robert Reeves �'
and current Commissioner Robert Marchand on their untiring efforts �
to bring a working valleywide arts alliance. At present, the Riverside �
Arts Commission is acting as our fiscal agent. She wanted to further �
state that in her personal belief that this City has amassed the finest, �
most talented Commission ever. We have both performing artists �
and fine artists in addition to business and academia deeply involved
�, in the Commission. It is a pleasure to work with such professionals.
� AUGUST 23, 2000
o Patti Drusky, Executive Director of the Cathedral City Chamber of �
Commerce, Cathedral City - She announced that on September 6th, �:
the Cathedral City Chamber of Commerce is hosting the 10th Annual �
Cathedral City Open Go1f Tournament. It will be held at the Desert �
Princess Country Club and if you haven�t got your reservations in, you
are running out of time because there are just a few slots left open.
Another announcement is the First Annual All-Chamber Legislative
Luncheon that will be held at the Ritz Carlton on September 29th.
This is the first event where all of the Chambers in the Coachella �
valley have gotten together. The speakers will be all of the elected �
officials from the County level up; Congresswoman Mary Bono, State �
Senator David Kelley, State Assemblyman Jim Battin and Supervisor �
Roy Wilson. We want to give the community an opportunity to talk �
to the legislators; ask questions about what is happening and hear a �
first-hand report from them. �
o Chuck vasquez, Catnedral City - stated he was present tonight at the `
co-chair of the 35th Avenue Neighborhood Watch group. In the last �
two years, our group has enjoyed a very strong relationship of �
mutual support and respect with staff, fire department, police �
� department and particularly this Council. We have come to you with �
many problems, concerns and questions and without exception, they �
have all been answered, dealt with. We haven't always gotten the �
answers we wanted, �ut we were always made to understand why.
Most recently, we once again incurred a lot of code enforcement �
problems in our neighborhood. In the past, we had over 30 �
violations. We filed those with the Fire Department...Code �
Enforcement Officers Ron Garcia and Mr. Acosta both came out and in �
two weeks, they had a 90% compliance rate on tne issues. Once �
again, we have had them out and they are dealing with the current �
issues. They are a little more extensive this time and it will take a �
fittle longer to solve, but with the usual finesse, it is being handled
and we know the end result will be a happy one. At our last
neighborhood watch meeting, we were very fortunate to have
Councifinember Gomer in attendance. He had many questions put to �
him; one of which was regarding an assessment district for the �
neighborhood. At that point in time, there is really nothing in the �
works, so Mr, Gomer did not have a lot of information for us, but he �
did say he would look into it and get back to the group and that is �;
exactly what he did. He met with the City Manager and the City
Engineer and there will be information forthcoming. Again, we �
�, understand nothing is going to happen overnight, but it is nice to be �
� AUGUST 23, 20�0
part of the process and know that our voice is being heard. These are �
al{ prime examples of what can happen when citizens step up to the �
plate and become active participants in what is going on in their City. �
When you have staff, departments and officials who not only listen, �
but hear what the citizens have to say. Tnis is very important to help �
this City go forward. That is why, I hope, that in the upcoming City �
election, a11 the candidates realize that the citizens of Cathedral City �
are only concerned with the issues. We are not interested in �
personalities, personal agendas, hidden agendas, gossip, hearsay. We �
don't care what church someone goes to or what their sexual �
orientation is. We do however care about our City, its image and �
what is happening in it. I personally become highly offended when I �
read in the newspaper that a candidate has stated nothing has been €
accomplished in this City in the last two years. Obviously, we live in �
two different cities because the City tnat I live in has had a lot �
happen. We have made a lot of strides and a lot of progress. That is g
because of tne citizens and the employees and staff of this City. He N
again stated that he hopes that all of the candidates show the =
citizens and the City some respect in the way they campaign and are �
responsible and productive with their comments and statements. As �
� �
Sarah has always said, it's the best damn City around and we need to �
keep it that way. �
o George Stettler, Cathedral City - stated he wanted to second Patti �
Drusky's comments on the golf tournament. This is our 10th and he �'
has participated in the first nine and plan to participate in this one. It �
is a great event and the community needs to support it. He stated �
that he had an observation and directed it to the Chief of Police Stan
Henry. He drives Cathedral Canyon and Ramon Road every day. �
Between Perez and Dinah Shore, the speed limit is 45 miles per hour. �
There are only a few curb cuts along that street and most of those �
are wide where it is easy to get into. From Dinah Shore to Ramon, all
the curb cuts, except for the streets, go into residences and the
speed limit is 50 miles per hour. He noted he sees close calls from
people backing out almost every morning and every evening. He �
noted tnat he does not know the rules, but he feels it is worth �
looking into about speed limits from Dinah Shore to Ramon. Ramon �.
Road is another case. There are no crossways for citizens to cross �
Ramon Road except at Cathedral Canyon and Date Palm. Every day I £ F
see young ladies and their kids in strollers illegally walking across
those streets and it was brought home tonight about 4:00 p.m. He ;
� noted he had to practically stop for a young lady crossing with �
children in a stroller. Maybe we ought to look at putting something
at Desert Vista as just an interim because maybe there is no other
� AUGUST 23, 2000
street across, but why can't we put a crossway at Desert Vista crossing i
Ramon Road to allow people from those tracts to get across to the !
shopping center where his office is located.
o Councilmember Gomer - congratulated the City Engineer and his staff
for having received a S19,500 grant for improvement of sidewalks at
the Agua Caliente School area. These funds are from Riverside County 4
and in conjunction with the 59,000 that the Redevelopment Agency is �
going to add to that, it will definitely help to improve the safety for �
the students as they are coming and going from Agua Caliente �
School. He wished to thank staff for getting that grant for the City. :
Mayor Will Kliendienst from the City of Palm Springs and Mayor Pro Tem Sarah Di �
Grandi of Cathedral City both presented their City's Proclamations to Shirley �
Quake, recently retired Manager of the Palm Springs Cemetery District. Both City t
representatives expanded on Ms. Quake's many accomplishments over the past �
� 20+ years nere in the Coachella Valley and wished her well in her retirement. �
Councilmember Pettis made a motion, seconded by Councilmember De Rosa, �
carried by a 4-0 vote, with Mayor Am�r absent, to approve Item No. 1 of the �
Consent Agenda. Item No. 2 was pulled by City Engineer Dave Faessel to be heard �
at the next Council meeting to be held September 13, 2000. �
1. Adopted Ordinance No. 530 adopting a Negative Declaration and �
approving an amendment to the City's Zoning Ordinance and Map adding ;:
Section NBP Weighborhood Business Park-Transition) Zone and �
changing approximately 40 acres on the northeast corner of Davall Drive k
and Ramon Road from OS (Open Space) to NBP tNeighborhood Business �
Park) - APN #670-230-007. t2nd Reading) �
2. Request for approval of the finaf map for Tract 29487-1 located at the �
southwest corner of 30th Avenue and Santoro; acceptance of the �
dedications made to tne City on the map, subject to their improvement; �
and, authorization to execute the subdivision agreement. (This item was �
pulled and continued to the meeting of 9/13/00 - No Action was i
3. Proposed Resolution of the City Council for the City of Cathedral CitY �
authorizing the submission of the application to the California �
� 5
` �; AUGUST 23, 2000 �
� PACE 8 �
Infrastructure and Economic Development Bank for financing of the Cove �
Drainage Project.
Report was given by Dave Faessel, City Engineer. �
: �
i Public Input was opened and closed without comment. �
Councilmember/RDA Board Member Pettis made a motion, seconded by �
Councilmember/RDA Board Member Gomer, carried by a 4-0 vote, with �
Mayor/Chairman Amy absent, to Adopt Resolution No. 2000-54 , a Resolution of �
the City Council for the City of Cathedral City authorizing the submission of the �
application to the California lnfrastructure and Economic Development Bank for �
financing of the Cove Drainage Project and approving certain other matters in �
connection therewith; and, to Adopt Resolution No. R-312 a Resolution of the �
Redevelopment Agency for the City of Cathedral City authorizing the submission �
of the application to the California lnfrastructure and Economic Development �
Bank for financing of the Cove Drainage Project and approving certain other s
matters in connection therewith. f
� �
4. Consideration of extension of Memorandum of Understanding with �
Cathedral Park Properties. �
Report was given by Susan Moeller, Redevelopment Director. �
Public Input was opened and closed without comment. �
RDA Board Member Gomer made a motion, seconded by RDA Board Member De �
Rosa, carried by a 4-0 vote, with Mayor Amy absent, to approve the extension of �
the MOU by Minute Order No. R-8�0.
5. Proposed Ordinance regarding Hazardous Substance Abatement Costs
Recovery Program. (1st Reading)
Report was given by Fire Chief Steve Sowles. �
Public Input was opened and closed without comment.
Councilmember De Rosa made a motion, seconded by Councilmember Pettis, �
carried by a 4-0 vote, with Mayor Amy absent, to Waive Further Reading and �
Introduce the Ordinance.
6. Approval to take a youth representative to the League of California Cities �
2000 Annual Conference. _
$ �
� AUGUST 23, 2000 �
PAGE 9 `
Report was given by Councilmember Pettis stating that he had not heard
back from the student selected for attendance at the conference,
therefore this request will not happen this year. However, he requested €
that staff prepare a policy regarding this matter so we would be prepared Y
' for next year. �
' Public Input was opened and closed without comment
Councilmember De Rosa made a motion, seconded by Councilmember Gomer, �
carried by a 4-0 vote, with Mayor Amy absent, directing staff to prepare a policy �
regarding youth representation In Cathedral City by Minute Order No. 3167. �
There being no further business for discussion, this meeting was adjourned at
8:50 p.m.
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Donna M. Velotta �
City Clerk �
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