HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 2020-06-30 (2) 44 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Cathedral City Special Meeting Tuesday, June 30, 2020 2:00 PM City Council Chambers 68-700 Avenida Lalo Guerrero Cathedral City, CA 92234 • CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 2:00 PM by Mayor John Aguilar. • ROLL CALL Attendee Name Title Status Arrived John Aguilar Mayor Present 2:00 PM Raymond Gregory Mayor Pro Tern i Present 2:00 PM Mark Carnevale Councilmember Present 2:00 PM Ernesto Gutierrez Councilmember Present 2:00 PM Rita Lamb Councilmember Present 2:00 PM • AGENDA FINALIZATION • STATEMENT OF PARTICIPATION BY THE CITY CLERK 1. PUBLIC COMMENT City Clerk Tracey Martinez indicated that in addition to the comments that will be read into the record, the following is a summary of emails received: One individual suggested following State guidelines and stay the course so the spread can be contained. One individual requested having grocery stores, etc. have employees direct traffic inside the stores to monitor the 6 foot distancing requirement. Sixteen individuals do not want to see short-term rentals shut down and explained their process for cleaning. Most also encouraged social distancing and the wearing of face coverings. One individual stated that they do not want to see any cuts to any public services or police services. A phone call was received from Jackson Church urging the Council not to shut down short-term lodging. He suggested implementing more restrictions on the facilities but feels there is no need to shut them down. The following individuals requested that their comments be read into the record. Their comments are summarized below. All comments will be made part of the record according to our standard procedures. Boris Stark and Karen McQueen on behalf of ILCC Board Members encouraged the Council to allow short-term lodging to continue offering a safe place for families to spend family time. They feel there is no data that connects short-term lodging to the rise in COVID-19 cases. Spencer Pepe, urged the Council to continue allowing short-term lodging in the City. Taylor Bushey, stated that they are planning a trip to Cathedral City to stay in a short-term vacation rental which allows her family to get away during this difficult time in a safe environment and asked that the Council consider allowing short-term lodging to continue. Mike Fish, explained their experience with their guests once the emergency order was lifted. He feels that short-term rentals are not contributing to any of the major concerns regarding COVID-19. Keith Haarmeyer, asked the Council to consider keeping short-term and mid-term rentals open. He explained what he has been doing to keep his guests, neighbors, and himself safe. Tommy & Rosie, asked the Council to continue allowing short-term lodging in the City giving an option for families to vacation safely. George Saioc, expressed his support to continue allowing short-term lodging. He feels that families having an option for a change of scenery during this time is needed and staying in a short-term rental is the safest way. Brian and David Felber, explained their procedures for their guests and their efforts to keep people safe as they visit the City. Susan MacMurchy, explained her process for her guests and hopes that the Council will allow short-term lodging to continue. She feels that not allowing short-term lodging will do irreparable harm to the quality of life and tax base. Kathryn McKenzie, requested that the Council allow short-term rentals to stay open. She feels that it is in everyone's best interest to keep those traveling to the City in a safe and clean environment. Alicia Lancashire requested that the Council not reimpose COVID-19 restrictions on short-term vacation rentals. She stated that they provide a safe place for their Cathedral City Page 2 Printed on 7/15/2020 guests. She stated that we have learned far more about the virus and it is clear that the primary mode of transmission is not from surfaces but being directly near people who are actively sill and not wearing masks and feels that the public safety is not impacted by people staying in short-term lodging. Nelli Arakelyan, thanked the Council for allowing short-term lodging. She also provided information from the CDC related to COVID-19. She encouraged the Council to continue to allow short-term lodging. Jim Cox, described the safety measures that he has taken for his short-term rental. He stated that all of his renters have expressed an interest in just relaxing at home and not going out. He would like short-term lodging to continue. Mario Audon, would like the Council to continue to allow short-term lodging and explained the precautions that are taken at his short-term rental. Sofia Paniagua, would like short-term lodging to be able to continue. She feels that they are giving a stress release opportunity to families in a safe and isolated environment. They are following CDC guidelines and they care about their community and the safety of their guests. Nicholas Barlow, encouraged the Council to base their decision on the most up-to- date science and not fear. He explained their process and the precautions they take. He feels that short-term lodging gives the ability for families to have a safe place to stay and relax and does not increase the community risk. David Guerra, requested that the Council continue to allow short-term lodging in the City. He stated that the majority of the guests come to the areas, not for the nightlife but to relax at a nice house by the pool with their loved ones and take a break from the stress. Ruth Grau, stated that she has done all of the CDC recommendations related to short-term rentals and all of her guests are following the rules keeping both themselves and their neighbors safe. Terry Applegate, expressed the importance of wearing masks and social distancing. She stated that there is a lot we still don't know about the virus and she feels that it is important for everyone to do their part. She expressed her concern with the fireworks display being hosted by Agua Caliente and the large number of people it will attract. Lowell Friedman, thanked the Council for allowing short-term lodging to re-open. He feels that responsible owners can and will continue to educate their guests visiting the area to follow all state and local COVID-19 requirements. Christie Havener, stated that she owns a cleaning service that does cleaning of short-term rentals. She explained her procedures and the measures she takes to keep everyone safe. She encouraged the Council to continue allowing short-term lodging. Cathedral City Page 3 Printed on 7/15/2020 Timothy Gaffney, urged the Council not to close vacation rentals. He feels that those who come to visit the area help the economy. He feels that owners can operate safely and should be given the opportunity to prove it. Robert Magzanyan, encouraged the Council to continue to allow short-term lodging. He feels that all owners are taking the responsibility to operate within the safety guidelines that have been set and do not pose a risk to the community. Nathan Giles, encouraged the Council to allow short-term rentals to continue. He feels that the decision should be based on up to date science and not fear. Sebastian DeKleer, stated that short-term rentals meet a need in these uncertain times that hotels can't meet. He encouraged the Council to continue allowing short- term lodging and allow people a safe escape. Xaviera Pepe, stated that the coronavirus has had a significant impact on the short- term vacation rental industry. He explained their procedures for their renters and all the measures they are taking to keep visitors safe. He feels that short-term lodging will help the thriving of small business in the City and would like the Council to allow short-term lodging to continue. The following individual provided their comments via telephone: Chip Yarbourough, expressed his concern with short-term lodging and the inability to know whether or not the owners are actually doing what they say they are doing. He expressed his concern with the upcoming holiday and what that may mean to the neighborhoods. He urged the Council to consider this when making their decision regarding short-term lodging. 2. EMERGENCY MEETING ITEMS A. Update on Emergency Actions Related to COVID-19 Mayor John Aguilar stated that the request to hold a special meeting was due to the increase in numbers of infected individuals with the Coronavirus throughout the County. The Governor and Riverside County ordered bars to close. Council felt that it was important with the recent changes to have discussions on whether or not they wanted to make changes to the existing Orders or continue with the current Orders we have in place. City Manager Charles McClendon stated that the County numbers are bad and rising which caused the County to close bars. Cathedral City numbers continue to rise. Order Number 3 continues to be in place, which is the requirement of face coverings and social distancing. This order was reinforced by the Governor buy having a similar order statewide. He stated that beginning June 2, 2020 the numbers began to rise and is a significant change to cause alarm. He stated that the virus is now affecting our City family. We have some employees from the Police Department out due to quarantine. We are able to cover those shifts at this time due to the plan that the Chief has in place. He doesn't want to raise un-due alarm, however, it is one indication that no one is exempt. He stated that the City receives Cathedral City Page 4 Panted on 7/15/2020 complaints from time to time, primarily related to businesses not following Emergency Order 3. All businesses were informed of the Order. When we receive a complaint, the businesses are notified and asked to comply. In most cases that resolves the problem. We are relying on everyone to police themselves and to do what is necessary to protect everyone and not create unnecessary exposure. We do not have the resources to make sure that people adhere to the policies and rely on social compact. In the cases where it doesn't work, we have the ability to issue fines and revoke their license. Mayor John Aguilar stated that group gatherings are an area of concern for him and feels that we need to communicate the message and educate the community. Stone James, Economic Development Director, provided an overview of the things he has been doing with regard to complaints. He went over the elements of his communication plan and addressing the concerns of the residents. He reminded everyone that there are mechanisms in place to find businesses, however, so far we have not had to use them. He finds that people are doing their best to comply. Mayor John Aguilar expressed his confusion with enforcement of the bars closure implemented by the County of Riverside and questioned where people go regarding complaints. City Manager McClendon stated that individuals should call the Riverside County Department of Environmental Health, however, if the City receives a complaint, we will address the concern as indicated earlier. Councilmember Mark Carnevale thanked those for their comments. He feels that this virus is very serious and affecting public safety. All businesses have suffered from COVID-19. He has some concerns with short-term vacation rentals and the possible enhanced infections from the use of them. He questioned if short-term lodging is affecting the numbers. His priority is the health of Cathedral City. Councilmember Ernesto Gutierrez, stated that the number of testing has increased, which will raise the numbers. He feels the Council needs to consider that STVR's are connected to the hospitality businesses. He stated that the number of individuals that are dying from the virus have not gone up, which is good. He feels that we need to follow the State and County recommendations, wear face coverings and practice social distancing. Councilmember Rita Lamb, stated that as leaders we need to take actions to protect our community. She stated that a lot of numbers have been issued and actions are taking place as a result. There is a level of anxiety for everyone and as City Leaders, we need to take actions to protect our residents. She feels that we are at the tipping point and we need to consider the numbers. Mayor John Aguilar, stated that his highest priority is the health and well-being of our community. He has concerns with isolating short-term vacation rentals as the reason why the numbers are on the rise. He feels that we need data city by city on how the virus is spread. He feels that it is hard for him to make a decision to close short-term vacation rentals without more data. Cathedral City Page 5 Punted on 7/15/2020 Greg Rodriguez, Supervisor Perez' Office, stated that now with testing they are asking more questions for contract testing data to see where they are getting the virus. The majority of spread is in the group settings, family gatherings and neighborhood parties. They are trying to get more specific data. Mayor John Aguilar asked if the County is considering an order on short-term vacation rentals. Greg Rodriguez, responded that the County is not considering ordering short-term vacation rentals to close. They are following the State guidelines. He further stated that he would like the Council to be careful with the information that is being presented. Some of the hospitalizations and ICU bed utilization is not COVID-19 related. He stated that the hospitals have surge plans in place and will implement them when needed. Councilmember Mark Carnevale, stated that the City has followed the State and County orders and implemented our own. He is concerned with what is best for Cathedral City and feels that it is the Council's responsibility to decide. Mayor Pro Tem Raymond Gregory, stated that he too heard the dismal numbers. He was unsure of why the City called the special meeting and what the intent of the meeting is. He stated that he is ready to protect our community and follow the science and guidelines that are backed by the science. If the science says there is something contributing to the spread of the virus he is in full support to take action. He is in support of further restrictions if it is going to do some good. He is unsure why short-term vacation rentals are a topic of discussion. There is no science to back up closing them at this time. He feels that there are other areas that may be contributing to the rise in the numbers. Mayor John Aguilar stated that the community needs to be educated on the risks involved with gatherings and not following the guidelines that have been put into place. It was the consensus of the City Council not to enforce any further actions of closure at this time but to monitor the data closely. The City is looking out for everyone and wants everyone to stay safe and to take all preventative measures to protect the community themselves by doing what they are asked to do by all officials. ADJOURN Mayor John Aguilar adjourned the Special City Council Meeting of June 30, 2020 at 3:34 PM. 'M or, City Cathedral City City Clerk, ity of Cathedral City Cathedral City Page 6 Printed on 7/15/2020