HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 2020-06-22 CITY COUNCIL
Cathedral City
Special Meeting
Monday, June 22, 2020
8:00 AM
City Council Chambers
68-700 Avenida Lalo Guerrero
Cathedral City, CA 92234
The meeting was called to order at 8:00 AM by Mayor John Aguilar.
Mayor Aguilar reported that over the weekend a long-time employee, Benjamin
Hernandez, passed away. He expressed his deepest condolences to his family,
work family and friends. He requested a moment of silence in his honor.
Mayor Pro Tem Raymond Gregory led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Councilmember Ernesto Gutierrez offered the Invocation.
Attendee Name Title Status Arrived
John Aguilar Mayor Present 8:00 AM
Raymond Gregory Mayor Pro Tem Present 8:00 AM
Mark Carnevale Councilmember Present 8:00 AM
Ernesto Gutierrez Councilmember Present 8:00 AM
Rita Lamb Councilmember Present 8:00 AM
A. Budget Reductions due to COVIDI9
2020/2021 AND APPROVE FISCAL YEAR 2020/2021
The following individuals submitted comments for the record or called in to
provide their comments. Their comments are summarized below. All submitted
comments will be made part of the record according to our standard standard
Shelley Kaplan, stated that reducing staff, especially in the public safety areas
will have a direct impact on the primary services the city provides. He suggested
that the Council utilize $2 million in reserves to retain positions, focusing on
public safety staffing and to re-evaluate in late Fall when we have a better
understanding of the true impacts of COVID-19 and the economic recovery.
Chip Yarborough, stated that he provided a letter to the City Council and
recapped some of his observations and suggested reductions. He urged the
Council to use reserves to fund the public safety positions that are being
suggested in the reduction plan and to re-evaluate in late Fall.
Alan Carvalho, expressed his appreciation to the Council and staff for the time
spent dealing with very difficult and challenging times. He stated that he has
admiration for the City's Public Safety Officers. He feels that it is important to
preserve the quality of care by utilizing the reserve set aside to help fund both fire
and police departments. He feels that the reserve was created to handle this
type of economic downturn we are presently experiencing and urged the Council
to utilize them retain the public safety positions.
Terry Applegate, expressed her concern with the reduction of public safety during
this pandemic and urged the Council to utilize reserves to preserve the positions
that are proposed to be unfunded.
Julie Osborn, expressed her concern with the proposed cuts to public safety and
encouraged the City Council to look at other places for cost savings.
Mayor John Aguilar asked Police Chief George Crum to provide an update on the
ongoing issue that has been taking place with fireworks prior to providing his
presentation on his proposed budget cuts.
Police Chief George Crum reported that the Police Department has made 7
arrest related to illegal fireworks. The Department has additional officers on the
streets during this time and doing operations trying to apprehend those using and
selling illegal fireworks. The fireworks issue we are seeing today has not been
seen ever before. They are looking into utilizing a drone to see where the illegal
fireworks are being ignited.
Councilmember Ernesto Gutierrez stated that he witnessed an individual in a car
set-off illegal fireworks and drive off and questioned if they could be doing this
around town and if it could be gang related.
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Chief Crum responded that they have been made aware of individuals driving
around town and shooting off fireworks and they are investigating it. He also
responded that it could be gang related, however, they are uncertain at this time.
Councilmember Mark Carnevale questioned what the consequences of the use
of illegal fireworks.
Police Chief George Crim stated that it is a misdemeanor.
Councilmember Mark Carnevale questioned if there is something that can be
done to increase fines.
City Attorney Eric Vail stated that fines can be increased, however, what
becomes problematic is the collection of the fines.
Mayor Pro Tem Raymond Gregory, stated the problem with fireworks is
nationally, not just here in Cathedral City. He congratulated the Police Chief for
his efforts and encouraged him to continue. He also encouraged residents to
continue reporting the use of fireworks so it can be addressed locally.
Councilmember Rita Lamb, thanked the Chief of Police for the efforts of the
Department. She also thanked the City Manager for helping her with an upset
resident related to fireworks.
Mayor John Aguilar, also thanked the Department for all of their efforts.
Police Chief George Crum provided an overview of the proposed cuts to the
Police Department and the effects of the cuts on the City and its residents.
Mayor John Aguilar stated that he is opposed to further reductions in Police
Department personnel. He suggested other areas for saving. He feels that it is
appropriate to go back to unions and ask them to give something back in order to
save positions. He also questioned if retirement was encouraged with an
incentive for those who can. He questioned if the contract with Desert Hot
Springs for Dispatch is cost recovery.
Police Chief Crum responded in the affirmative.
Mayor Pro Tem Raymond Gregory stated that there is a chart showing a sworn
position cut. He requested clarification on whether this position is an officer or a
member of management.
Police Chief Crum responded that he has had conversations with a commander,
who is a sworn officer, about retiring and coming back contractual to complete a
project that he is currently working on. There is no Police Officer that is
proposed to be laid-off.
Mayor Pro Tem Gregory questioned if The Police Chief was confident that the
Department can get the job done with the proposed reductions.
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Chief Crum responded that it is his hope that they could maintain for a year and
at that time they would need to re-evaluate.
Mayor Pro Tem Gregory questioned if the chief has a priority list and if there are
individuals that can take on some of the specialized job duties.
Police Chief Crum responded that he is prepared to prioritize the list.
Councilmember Ernesto Gutierrez thanked the Chief for his hard work. He
stated that he would be willing to take a pay cut and reduce his discretionary
Councilmember Rita Lamb stated that it is the City's responsible to ensure that
the City is safe. She would like to see the prioritization of the positions for the
proposed reductions of non-sworn positions.
Councilmember Mark Carnevale stated that he supports the proposed 10%
reduction in Police without personnel lay-offs.
Mayor John Aguilar clarified that the Police Department is not filling any vacant
positions, there are no proposed lay-offs of sworn officers and staff is going to
work on a retention priority list of the non-sworn proposed reductions.
Police Chief Crum stated that the following is his retention priority list for the non-
sworn proposed reductions:
1. Evidence Technician
2. Crime Analyst
3. Records Analyst
4. Police Training Coordinator
5. Office Assistant
6. PSA
Mayor Aguilar stated that The Mayor stated that there were several decisions
made during the June 17, 2020 Special City Council meeting and questioned if
staff is prepared to provide the dollar amount to Council.
City Manager Charles McClendon responded that on June 17, 2020, the City
Council did the following:
• Eliminate funding of the Palm Springs International Film Festival - $50,000
• Move funding in the amount of$25,000 from the Greater Coachella Valley
Chamber of Commerce to CVEP
• Bring back a plan to Council including necessary funding to complete the
comprehensive Fee Study
• Keep Code Enforcement coverage as close to seven days a week as
Interim Fire Chief Blake Goetz provided the reductions being proposed by the
Fire Department.
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Mayor John Aguilar expressed his concern with the lowering of the rating and the
effects it may have on insurance rates and questioned if the proposed reductions
would jeopardize the SAFR Grant Funding.
Interim Fire Chief Goetz responded that the proposed reductions will not
jeopardize the grant.
Councilmember Rita Lamb questioned the total savings with the proposed
reductions in the Fire Department's budget. She also questioned if the
reductions are all or nothing.
Interim Chief Goetz stated that they can reduce their budget by 10% without lay-
offs and reduce the overtime floor to 12.
Mayor Pro Tem Raymond Gregory questioned if it would make sense to declare
a fiscal emergency to protect the City from losing the SAFR Grant. He feels that
there is merit in having some flexibility set by policy and having a floor helps
control the overtime costs. He stated that there is a lot of work that goes into the
hiring of public safety employees, which also needs to be considered when
considering reductions. He feels that it makes sense to him flexing policy to get
savings Public Safety sworn, work that goes into hiring, etc. flex policy on
scheduling, etc.
Councilmember Ernesto Gutierrez questioned which department has had the
most increase over the years.
City Manager McClendon responded that the Fire Department has had the most
increase in staff being hired in the last six years.
Councilmember Gutierrez questioned when the last time the Department had a
minimum staffing of 12.
City Manager McClendon responded 2016 and prior.
Councilmember Gutierrez stated that the City offers a high level of care and there
is a cost. He stated that his goal is to see what can be done to reduce the costs.
Councilmember Mark Carnevale stated that proper management and watching
overtime is what his recommendation would be. He does not support drastic
Mayor Aguilar stated that he feels that it is clear that the Council doesn't support
personnel reductions in the public safety area.
City Manager McClendon provided a math summary of the proposed changes
that the Council has indicated for the recommended reductions from staff
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Eric Vail, City attorney, announced that the City Council will meet in Closed Session
to discuss the following items listed on the Agenda.
A. Conference with Labor Negotiator Pursuant to Government Code Section
Agency Negotiator: Charles McClendon, City Manager
Represented Employees:
AFSCME - The American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees
CCPFA - Cathedral City Firefighters Association
CCFMA - Cathedral City Fire Management Association
CCPOA - Cathedral City Police Officers Association
CCPMA - Cathedral City Police Management Association
Non-Represented Employees
The City Council recessed to Closed Session at 9:50 a.m.
The City Council reconvened at 10:40 a.m.
City Attorney Eric Vail announced that the City Council met in Closed Session to
hold a conference with Labor Negotiator Charles McClendon related to Represented
and Un-represented Employees, there was no reportable action taken.
Motion by Mayor Pro Tem Gregory and seconded by Councilmember Carnevale to
approve the recommended budget reductions to the FY 20-21 budget in the amount
of$9,032,064 and authorize the use of reserve funds in the amount of$2,827,397 to
balance the FY 19-20 budget and in the amount of$2,420,667 to balance the FY 20-
21 budget with the following changes:
• Eliminate funding for the sponsorship of the Palm Springs International
Film Festival by$50,000.
• Move funding in the amount of$25,000 from the Greater Coachella Valley
Chamber of Commerce Contract to CVEP.
• Bring back a plan to Council including necessary funding to complete the
comprehensive Fee Study.
• Keep Code Enforcement coverage as close to seven days a week as
• No reduction of Fire Department Personnel and utilize reserve funds in the
amount of$554,602.
• No reduction in Sworn Police Personnel and keep the Evidence
Technician, Crime Analyst and Records Analyst and utilize reserve funds
in the amount of$224,887.
• 10% reduction in Council salaries in the amount of$6,500
• Affirm fire staffing with overtime floor at 12.
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MOVER: Raymond Gregory, Mayor Pro Tern
SECONDER: Mark Carnevale, Councilmember
AYES: Aguilar, Gregory, Carnevale, Gutierrez, Lamb
Mayor John Aguilar adjourned the Special Meeting of June 22, 2020 at 10:45 a.m.
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