HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Min 2000-06-14 � �� a �* ,:. - �,, C�thedr�l it � � CITY OF CATHEDRAL CITY ;:� MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL, THE CITY COUNCIL ` SITTING AS THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AND ` THE COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT � � WEDNESDAY�JUNE '14� 2000 ; This meeting of the City Council, also sitting as the Redevelopment Agency � and Community Services District Boards was called to order by Mayor Pro � Tem/RDA Board Member/CSD Board Member Sarah Di Grandi in the Council � Chamber at 68-700 Avenida Lalo Guerrero, Cathedral City, California, on June � 14, 2000, at the 3:00 p.m. Study Session with Roll Call of all members present. Councilmember/RDA/CSD Board Member Gregory Pettis made a motion, seconded by Councilmember/RDA/CSD Board Member Kathy De Rosa, carried � by a 4-0 vote, to excuse Mayor/Chairman/President Gary �. Amy from the � meeting. Mayor/Chairman/President Gary L. Amy arrived and took over the � meeting at 5:00 p.m. The regular evening meeting at 7:30 p.m. was opened by Mayor/Chairman/President Amy, with invocation by Councilmember/RDA- CSD Board Member Gregory S. Pettis, followed by the flag salute led by Mayor Pro Tem/RDA-CSD Board Member Sarah Di Grandi. j ROL� CAL�: Present: Councilmembers/RDA-CSD Board Members '� Kathleen De Rosa, Robert Gomer, Gregory S. � Pettis, Mayor Pro Tem/RDA-CSD Board Member � Sarah Di Grandi, and Mayor/Chairman/President � Gary L. Amy Absent: None � � � AGENDA FINALIZATION: CONSENT AGENDA ADDED STARTER: 7.A. Approval of refund of previously paid Community Services District Assessments due to parcel area correction. � CSD Board Member Pettis made a motion, seconded by CSD Board Member Di Grandi, carried by a 5-0 vote to approve the refund by Minute Order No. C- 333. ; � t t � � CC/RDA/CSD MINUTES JUNE 14, 2000 � PAGE 2 ` CLOSED SESSION ACENDA: " 1. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL REGARDING SIGNIFICANT EXPOSURE TO � LITIGATION pursuantto GovernmentCode Section 54956.9, Subd. (b)(1). � Number of Cases: Two 2. CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8. (Susan Moeller) Property: � Location: 68961 and 68885 East Palm Canyon �: Negotiating parties: � Agency: Redevelopment Agency � Property Owner: Cathedral Park Properties � Under Negotiation: Terms of Disposition and Development Agreement � � 3. PERSONNEL MATTER pursuant to Government Code Section 54957. � (Mike Owens) Issue for Discussion: 1) Cathedral City Public Safety Management � ; Association (CCPSMA); 2) Cathedral City Firefighters Association (CCFFA); # 3) American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees � (AFSCME); and, 4) Confidential Employees. 4. CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8. (Susan Moeller) Property: Location: 68-736 Buddy Rogers Avenue Negotiating Parties: r Agency: Redevelopment Agency � Property Owners: Palm Canyon Partners ` Under Negotiation: Terms of Disposition and Development Agreement CLOSED SESSION ANNOUNCEMENTS: There were no closed session �� announcements to be made at this first session. City Council returned to � closed session after the regular evening meeting and once again, there were �� no closed session announcements to declare. � � PUBLIC COMMENTS: � � Rob Parkins, Interim City Manager of Desert Springs; Matt � Weyuker, Mayor of the City of Desert Hot Springs; � � � � � CC/RDA/CSD MINUTES � JUNE 14, 2000 � PAGE 3 Councilmembers Jan Pye and Mary Stephens of Desert Hot �� Springs; and, Police Chief Paul Stokesbury of Desert Hot Springs °� surprised the City Council with announcements of thanks and ��.� recognition for Cathedral City's assistance during their recent bout of trials and tribulations. � Mike Rodriguez, Cathedral City - expressed his concern about the blowsand building up in his neighborhood and feltthe City should attempt to get help removing it and/or assist the residents. He also expressed concern about the Time-Warner Cable costs and the lineup of programs which were being replaced and/or removed. He noted that, even though they say they are not allowed to run the same programs at the same time, it is in fact being done. And then, the ever- increasing number of infomercials being shown which the public is paying for and do not want. � Bill Beck, Cathedral City - spoke of his recent purchase of the old post office building and his intentions to create a food court. He noted he is very excited about this project and hopes the City will work with him, as he will work with the City � in bringing it to fruition. � Mike Mingee, Cathedral City - reminded City Council of Mr. Don Buzzard who was critically injured during the construction of the walgreen Store when a 2,000 pound trash compactor fell on him. He referred to a recently published newspaper article from Apple Valley noting that Mr. Buzzard is currently on his way to a full recovery after a very lengthy hospital stay. He is � still continuing physical therapy, but for someone who almost � lost his leg and is very lucky to be alive from other internal injuries, Mr. Buzzard is up and about and coaching the High Desert Youth Soccer League. COUNCIL COMMENTS: � � Councilmember De Rosa congratulated all the graduating � seniors from Cathedral City High School and wished them � every success in their new lives. � Mayor Amy announced that City Manager ponald Bradley was having a birthday today and wished him many more. � � � � � f 6 � � $ �' CC/RDA/CSD MINUTES JUNE 14, 2000 PAGE 4 ' ; CALL FOR CORRECTIONS/APPROVAL OF MINUTES �' � Councilmember/RDA-CSD Board Member De Rosa made a motion, seconded � � by Mayor Pro Tem/CSD-BOARD Member Di Grandi, carried by a 5-0 vote, to ; =� approve the City Council/Redevelopment Agency/Community Services District ! r Board Meeting minutes from May 10 and the City Council/Redevelopment Agency Board Meeting minutes from May 24, 2000, as submitted. x � CONSENT AGENDA• ; Councilmember/RDA-CSD Board Member Pettis made a motion, seconded by Councilmember/RDA-CSD Board Member De Rosa, carried by a 5-0 vote, �� approving Consent Agenda ltem Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7. ; � 1. Received and Filed Claims and Demands incurred by the City Council, i Redevelopment Agency and the Community Services District Boards I in the total aggregate sum of S1,558,658.98 for the month of April, ' , 2000 by Minute Order Nos. 3139, R-80� and C-331. i 2. Authorized the City Manager to sign engagement letter to hire the � partnership of Diehl, Evans & Company, LLP, and Oscar Armijo, CPA, to continue to perform annual audits for Fiscal Years ending June 30, 2000 and June 30, 200�, by Minute Order Nos. 3�40, R-802, C-332, and P-Q3. 3. Requestfor expenditure of 5300.00from Council Contingency Fund to sponsor two bowling ianes at Palm Springs �anes for the 10t" Annual BowI-A-Thon Fundraiser benefitting the United Cerebral Palsy Challengers Camp was approved by Minute Order No. 3�4� 4. Waived Further Reading and Adopted Ordinance No. 527 of the City Council of the City of Cathedral City, California amending Section 13.20.010 "General Definitions" of Chapter 13.20 "Definitions" of Title 13 "Code Enforcement and Remedies" of the Municipal Code to include definitions pertaining to public nuisances and modifying Chapter 13.80 "Public Nuisances" of Title 13 "Code Enforcement and Remedies" of the Cathedral City Municipal Code by adding sections pertaining to specific activities, uses, and conditions of property which constitute public nuisances. � � t CC/RDA/CSD MINUTES JUNE 14, 2000 PAGE 5 5. Waived Further Reading and Adopted Ordinance no. 528 of the � City Council of the City of Cathedral City modifying the current � alcoholic beverage provisions of the Cathedral City Municipal Code. ;� 6. Approved Final Tract Map TM 29526 for the division of land into 44 dwelling unit lots, between 33r Avenue and Ortega Road, east of Wishing Well Trail; accept dedications; and, authorize execution of the Subdivision Agreement by Minute Order No. 3142. 7. Approved request to extend Memorandum of Understanding with Cathedral Park Properties for 60 days by Minute Order No. R-803. � PUBLIC HEARING: � 8. John Hardy Jones: Tentative Tract Map 29584, A Request to Subdivide Approximately 19.97 Acres into 67 Single-Family Parcels; Located North of 30 Avenue and East of Da Vall Drive in the R-1 7.2S (Single-Family Residential with a Specific Plan Overlay) Zone. Report was given by City Planner Cynthia Kinser. Public Hearing was opened: � John Hacker - spoke in favor of the project. Public Hearing was closed. � Councilmember Gomer stated that he wished to thank Mr. Hacker, who he � believed had come forward in good faith; however, Mr. Gomer noted that he � would be opposed to voting in favor of this particular tentative tract, as he did the previous tentative tracts that were approved adjacent to this, primarily based upon the fact that we are dealing with a specific plan that is over 10 years old and he has great concerns as was voiced by Ms. Kinser regarding impacts upon public services and the ability of the City to provide services to these new residences. He believes that in saying this, he did not � want to impart the perception that he is against adding new homes to this City; he is very much in favor of it. However, he feels that based upon where the City is at this present time, it would be prudent to revisit all the specific plans that we have in place that are over 10 years old. Councilmember Pettis made a motion, seconded by Mayor Amy, carried by a 4-1 vote, with Councilmember Gomer voting no, to approve Tentative Tract Map 29584 with an amendment to build in traffic calming measures, by Resolution No. 2000-33. � � CC/RDA/CSD MINUTES � JUNE 14, 2000 � � PAGE 6 ` � LEGISLATIVE ACTIONS: ;� 9. Appointments/Reappointments of representatives to various City .� Committees/Commissions. Announcement was presented by Councilmember Pettis of appointments and reappointments to various vacancies on the City's � Commissions/Committees as follows: Mobilehome Fair Practices Commission: Curtis Cannon was reappointed with a term to expire 6/30/03; and Cynthia Davis was appointed to complete a vacancy to expire 6/30/02. Parks and Recreation Commission: Albert Solarez and Wendy B. Frederick were both reappointed with terms to expire 6/30/03. Planning Commission: Martin Alvarez was reappointed with a term to exp i re 6/30/03. Transaortation and Streets Commission: Diane L. Hines and Valerie Wagner were both reappointed with terms to expire 6/30/03. Public Arts Commission: Craig Eaton and Roger DeRosiers were both � reappointed for 2-year terms which expire 6/30/02; Judy Isaacson was reappointed for a 3-year term to expire 6/30/03; Diane Mason was appointed for a 3-year term to expire 6/30/03; and, Betty Wand was appointed for a 1-year term to expire 6/30/01. Riverside Countv Free Librarv Advisorv Committee: Gary Baker was reappointed for a 3-year term to expire 6/30/03. Palm Springs Reaional Airport Commission: Thomas Appleby was reappointed for a 3-year term to expire 6/30/03. � Public Input was opened and closed without comment. Councilmember Pettis made a motion, seconded by Councilmember Gomer, carried by a 5-0 vote to approve the noted appointments/reappointments to vacancies on various City Commissions/Committees by Minute Order No. � 3143. 10. Resolutions calling for election for November 7, 2000 ballot. t Report by City Clerk Donna Velotta. Public Input was opened and closed without comment. t CC/RDA/CSD MINUTES JUNE 14, 2000 PAGE 7 Councilmember Gomer made a motion, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Di �� Grandi, carried by a 5-0 vote to adopt; 1) Resolution No. 2000-34 giving notice of the election of officers, authorizing the City Clerk to do all things � necessary to lawfully conduct the election, and requesting services from the p County of Riverside to assist in conducting and canvassing the election; and, � 2) Resolution No. 2000- 35 establishing general regulations for the filing of � an opt+onal candidate's statement for inclusion in the voter's pamphlet, and setting the deposit at S325.00 for candidates wishing to file a statement. � ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to discuss, this meeting was adjourned at 8:25 p.m. � � . G' a.-�'G-� � Donna M. Velotta City Clerk � � ��