HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Min 2000-05-24 �
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C�thedr�l it
� WEDNESDAY. MAY 24, 2000
� This meeting of the City Council, also sitting as the Redevelopment Agency,
� was called to order by Mayor/Chairman Gary L. Amy in the Council Chamber
� at 68-700 Avenida Lalo Guerrero, Cathedral City, California, on February 23,
� 2000, at the 3:00 p.m. Study Session with Roll Call of all members present. The
' regular evening meeting was opened by Mayor/Chairman Gary L. Amy at 7:30
� p.m.,with invocation byCouncilmember/RDABOard MemberGregoryS. Pettis,
� followed by the flag salute led by Mayor Pro Tem/RDA Board Member Sarah
� Di Grandi.
� �,
� ROLL CALL: Present: Councilmembers/RDA Board Members Kathleen ,
; De Rosa, Robert Gomer, Gregory S. Pettis, Mayor
� Pro Tem/RDA Board Member Sarah Di Grandi,
� and Mayor/Chairman Gary L. Amy
Absent: None
a One Closed Session Urgency item was announced as Item No. 5. This item was
� added at the meeting and therefore required a two-thirds vote of Council to
' be heard. Mayor/Chairman Amy made a motion, seconded by
Councilmember/RDA Board Member Pettis, carried by a 5-0 vote to add Item
No. 5 as follows:
LITIGATION pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9 Subd. (b)(1).
Number of Cases: 1
� � City Manager ponald Bradley requested that Item No. 7 of the Legislative
� Action Agenda be pulled and added to the meeting of June 14, 2000
1. PERSONNEL MATTER pursuant to Government Code Section 54957. (Mike
MAY 24, 2000
Issue for Discussion:1) Cathedral City Public Safety Management
Association (CCPSMA); 2) Cathedral City Firefighters Association
(CCFFA); 3) American Federation of State, County and Municipal
M Employees (AFSCME); and, 4) Confidential Employees.
Government Code Section 54956.8. (Warren Bradshaw)
Locations: 1. 68517 Grove Street
2. 68528 "A" Street, (aka 68521 Grove St.)
3. 68941 Buddy Rogers Street
; 4. 689041 st Street
E 5. 68825 & 68831 "C" Street
� 6. 68759 "B" Street �
7. 37170 Van Fleet Avenue
Negotiation Parties:
Agency: Redevelopment Agency
Property Owners: �. Helen Holmes
2. Jerry A. Gasbarra
3. Marilyn Jorgensen
4. Roger Smith, Jr.
5. Esteban Perezchica (Sale of City
Pro perty)
6. Wells Fargo Mortgage (Formerly
Norwest Mortgage)
7. Ray Snyder
Under Negotiation: Proposed Property Acquisition/Sale
Government Code Section 54956.8. (Susan Moeller)
Location: 68-736 Buddy Rogers Avenue
Negotiating Parties:
Agency: Redevelopment Agency
Property Owners: Palm Canyon Partners
; Under Negotiation: Terms of Disposition and Development
Pending litigation cases listed below are all those in which the City is
currently involved:
i �
MAY 24, 2000
! � City of Cathedral Cityv. Luis and Sons Construction; Superior
Court of California, County of Riverside: Case No. INC 016889.
Councilmember/RDA Board Member Pettis made a motion, seconded by
Mayor Pro Tem/RDA Board Member Di Grandi, carried by a 5-0 vote, to adjourn
° to the Study Session Conference Room to hear Closed Session matters.
� Mayor/RDA Board Chairman Amy announced that the City
, Council/Redevelopment Agency Board took no reportable action on Closed
� Session Item No.1, Item No. 4(A) thru (N), and Item No. 5 which was the added
� urgency item.
� RDA Board Chairman Amy announced that the Redevelopment Agency Board
� continued Closed Session Item Nos. 2 and 3 until after open session. The
� Redevelopment Agency Board recessed from open session and reconvened
� into closed session to discuss Closed Session Item No. 2(1) thru (7), and Item
i No. 3.
! The Redevelopment Agency Board reconvened into open session and City
� Attorney Quintanilla announced the following:
$ • With respect to Closed Session Item No. 2(1), the Redevelopment
§ Agency Board voted 5-0 to purchase the real property and
� improvements located at 685�7 Grove Street for 545,000 as
� offered by Ms. Helen Holmes.
i • With respect to Closed Session Item No. 2(2), the Redevelopment
� Agency Board voted 5-0 to reject Mr. Jerry Gasbarra's offer to sell
= the real property and improvements located at 68528 "A" Street
to the Redevelopment Agency for 5129,000.
' • With respect to Closed Session Item No. 2(3), the Redevelopment
� Agency Board voted 4-1, with Chairman Amy, Board Members
! Pettis, Di Grandi, and Gomer voting "yes" and Board Member De
Rosa voting "no" to purchase the real property and improvements
R located at 68941 Buddy Rogers Drive for 5281,000 as offered by
"� Ms. Marilyn Jorgensen. .
• With respect to Closed Session Item No. 2(4), the Redevelopment
` Agency Board voted 5-0 to reject Mr. Roger Smith's offer to sell
` the real propertyand improvements located at 68904 First Street.
MAY 24, 2000
• With respect to Closed Session Item No. 2(5), the Redevelopment
Agency Board voted 5-0 to reject Mr. Gasbarra's offer to sell 68528
"A" Street.
� Kathleen Navarro, 29290 Landau, Cathedral City- Presented a code
enforcement complaint re a nearby property owner.
� Chuck Vasquez, Cathedral City - stated he was here tonight not
only as a private citizen, but as co-chair of the 35th Avenue
Neighborhood Watch Group. He noted that their group is very
concerned about the current shortage of personnel that our
Police Department is experiencing and the effect it is having on
our community. He stated that they have watched as one by one,
our alliance officers have been pulled out of their offices and put
back out on patrol. Community policing is an essential part of the
future of our City. Recently, Time warner's Crime Watch held the
second annual Chief's Conference. During the show, it really
showed how Cathedral City is the forerunner of community
policing and now many of the other cities have started their own
programs following the philosophy set forth by Chief Henry.
More recently, KESQ News did a profile on our group and stated
from their research, we were the most effective group of its kind
in the Coachella Valley. We have experienced that recognition in
the community because of the constant support and
involvement of the Police Department. Since that recent media
coverage, there is a lot of community interest in getting
programs started in other areas of the City. Both our
Neighborhood Watch group and the Police Department have �
received calls. Unfortunately, right now our Police Department
is doing what it can just to meet the need of essential services.
This should serve as a wake-up call to the City that at the rate the
City is growing, it can no longer afford to run its Police and Fire
Departments at such minimal levels. We are very aware of the
budget issues, the effect Measure "J" had on the City, the
� renegotiating of the police officers' contract and the recent
officer-involved accidents. Mr. Vasquez noted he has spoken to
Chief Henry about all of this and was informed that the alliance
officers will return to their offices as soon as manpower levels
allow it. Bottom line is we not only need to get our funded, �
unfilled positions filled expeditiously and support the �
MAY 24, 2000
department in getting the qualified applicants fast-tracked in, but �
we also need to give the Police and Fire Departments full support
: in their current budget requests. This might allow them the
.� opportunity to get back on track with proactive services to the
City rather than just being reactive to its problems.
� Councilmember Pettis stated that over the past fewweeks he has
been requesting information from California Animal Care, the
City's animal control agency, which they are required by State
Law to provide. He noted that for a month, he had received no
response; however, this past week he received a letter from the
owner of the company, Mr. Sandifer, basically stating that he
would not provide the requested documents, but if I wished to
designate a staff person from the City to come and review the
documents, he would be more than happy to provide space in his
office for that review. Councilmember Pettis stated he feels that
is unacceptable. These are public documents which need to be
released to the public for their review at our leisure. He noted
that he will be continuing to discuss this situation with Mr. �
� Councilmember De Rosa wished to extend best wishes for a
speedy recovery to Corwin and to Scott, the police officers that
were injured and requested that they please come back to work
� Mayor Amy announced that Corwin DeVeas has been released
from the hospital and is home recuperating. He extended best
wishes for speedy recoveries to all three officers who had �
recently been injured on duty.
On another note, Mayor Amy advised everyone that citizens who
previously watched Media One television can view our council
meetings on Channel 42 on Mondays and Wednesdays at 5:00
p.m.; and, if you watch Time Warner television, you can view our
� council meetings on Channel 99 on Tuesdays, Thursdays and
>�f Saturdays, at 5:00 p.m.
Mayor Amy also announced that the City has been advertising for
Commissioners to fill seats that will expire June 30, 2000. He
advised that if anyone is interested in any of the positions to
please call the City Clerk at 770-0322 who will provide the
necessary application.
MAY 24, 2000
Mayor Amy stated further that at the last council meeting, a
gentleman spoke, representing a family, under the Public
' Comments Section. He noted that council wished to respond
� briefly to his statements. He made some rather serious
accusations about our Police Department. Mr. Apodaca appeared
� on behalf of his sister in that her son was shot by a police officer
and he insisted that he was unable to receive, after numerous
tries, a report from the Police Chief. Mr. Apodaca now has that
report, but Mayor Amy stated that he wished to make it very
clear that it was not because of not wanting to give the report to
him, but that there was an ongoing investigation and material
� was still being gathered for that report at the time of Mr.
' Apodaca's request. We, the Council, although it was a very tragic,
� most unfortunate incident, and we understand and sympathize
; with the family, have reviewed the actions of the Police
Department and are more than satisfied that they acted properly.
We stand behind them 100%. Also, independent investigations
were conducted by the Coroner's Office and the District
Attorney's Office and we want to make it very clear once again �
that they found no fault with the Cathedral City Police �
Department. The matter, more than likely, is pending litigation �
and we have been advised by legal counsel that a full and
objective investigation of this incident is not furthered by
continued public discussion and debate. We will not endeavor it
anymore; however, we wanted to address these issues tonight
and make everyone very aware that we have looked at them and
our concerns have been alleviated. The City's attorney
representing this issue is Mr. Paul Coble and if there are any other �
questions or responses from the family or anyone else, we would
please ask you to address those to Mr. Coble of Mayer and Coble
and the City Clerk's Office, 770-0322, can provide you with their
address and/or phone number.
� Mayor Pro Tem Di Grandi announced that July 3ra will be the
� Fountainworks Festival which will be a very exciting event. This
' will be the turning on of the Town Square Fountain of Life. She
invited everyone to attend from about 6:30 p.m. until about 10:30
p.m. There will be lots of music, food, vendors, entertainment
and the turning on of the fountain. This will be the most
beautiful interactive fountain probably that you will ever see.
Also, she invited everyone present to the Chamber Mixer at the
1 Community Bank tomorrow evening, 5/25/00. She stated that ;:
MAY 24, 2000
she will become the CEO of her life on May 31 and this will be her
last Chamber Mixer with 1 Community Bank. There will be a lot
'' of fun.
Mayor Amy added that instead of competing with the numerous
4th of July celebrations, we have elected to have a July 3�a
celebration which may or may not involve fireworks, but more
importantly, it will be a community event. Again, this takes place
on Monday .luly 3r and more information will be forthcoming.
� Certificate of Recognition was presented to Crystal De Guzman, a
senior at Cathedral City High School and resident of Cathedral
City, for Outstanding Community Service by Councilmember
Gregory S. Pettis. Mr. Pettis also presented Crystal with
certificates and letters from the Palm Springs Youth Center, City
of Palm Springs, Assemblyman Jim Battin, California State Senator
Dave Kelley, and Congresswoman Mary Bono.
� Awards Recognizing Major Financial Contributors for the
Miniature Golf Tournament Held on March 24, 2000, were �
presented to Sharon Pogue, a representative from Sam's Club, �
who, in turn, presented Captain Skinner with a check for 52,000;
Mark Madison, owner of Madison & Company Jewelry of Palm
Springs; Jeff Llera, a representative of Target Stores; and Paul and
Suzie Campbell, citizens of Cathedral City. The awards were
presented by Fire Chief Steve Sowles and Captain John Skinner.
Councilmember Pettis made a motion, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Di Grandi,
carried by a 5-0 vote, to adopt Consent Agenda Item Nos. 2, 4 and 5. Due to
abstention of Councilmembers De Rosa and Gomer, as their homes are in the
area of the projects noted, Consent Agenda Item Nos. 1 and 3 were adopted
� by a 4-0 vote.
� 1. Adopted Ordinance No. 525 approving a Specific Plan Amendment to
allow reductions in side, rear, and front yard setbacks for ��Casitas" and
detached garages within Planning Unit 5 of Specific Plan 10-018 in the
R-2S (Multi-Family Residential with Specific Plan Overlay) Zone (2
Reading) (Councilmembers De Rosa and Gomer abstained from
discussion on this matter.
4 �
MAY 24, 2000
PAGE 9 �
2. Adopted Ordinance No. 526 changing location of City Council meetings
from 35325 Date Palm Drive, Suite 136, to 68700 Avenida Lalo Guerrero,
�� Cathedral City, CA 92234. (2"d Reading)
'� 3. Approved final map for Parcel Map No. 29370, for the division of land
into 4 parcels at the southwest corner of Date Palm Drive and Gerald
Ford; acceptance of dedications for widening of Date Palm and Gerald
Ford; acceptance of landscape and sidewalk easement shown on the
map; and rejection of offers of dedication for future bridge right-of-
way on Date Palm and for the extension of Gerald Ford, all as shown on
the map by Minute Order No. 3136.
4. Adopted Resolution No. 2000-31 authorizing the submittal of a �
funding request to the State of California's Department of
Conservation, Division of Recycling, and identifying the City Manager as
the authorized officer to execute all applicable forms and documents
on behalf of the City of Cathedral City to receive and expend funds
received from the State of California's Department of Conservation,
Division of Recycling. �
5. Adopted Resolution No. 2000-32 declaring that volunteers, City �
Commissioners, work-studies, and interns shall be deemed to be
employees of the City for the sole purpose of providing Worker�s
Compensation coverage for said volunteers, City Commissioners, work-
studies, and interns which such persons are providing their respective
6. Request for City Council to approve the recommendation of the
Transportation Commission and to direct staff to have two speed
humps and one, 4-way stop with a traffic circle installed on Quijo Road
between Landau Boulevard and Avenida Quintana.
� Report was given by Associate Engineer Jerry Jack.
Public Hearing was opened:
� Mike Boggs, Cathedral City - urged the City Council to
approve this request due to the speed of traffic this must
be done. He noted one child has already been killed.
� Mark vicenzi, Cathedral City - stated he was in favor of the
speed humps and urged the City Council to approve this
request. �
MAY 24, 2000
Public Hearing was closed.
� Councilmember Pettis made a motion, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Di Grandi,
carried by a 5-0 vote to approve placement of two speed humps and one, 4-
way stop sign with a traffic circle installed by Minute Order No. 3137.
7. Authorization to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
with Real Estate Investment, Inc., for the development of a 250-300
room hotel on the south side of East Palm Canyon Drive.
The above item was pulled from the agenda for this meeting and
continued to the meeting of June 14, 2000. No discussion was held and
therefore, no action was taken.
8. Authorization to amend the Professional Services Agreement between
the City of Cathedral City and Michael l. Owens, Esquire, for additional
labor relations negotiation services. �
Report was given by City Manager ponald Bradley. �
Public Input was opened and closed without comment.
Mayor Pro Tem Di Grandi made a motion, seconded by Councilmember De
Rosa, carried by a 5-0 vote, to amend the Professional Services Agreement
between the City and Michael L. Owens by Minute Order No. 3138.
9. Proposed Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Cathedral City,
California, amending Section 13.20.010 "General Definitions" of Chapter
13.20 "Definitions" of Title 13 "Code Enforcement and Remedies" of the
Municipal Code to include definitions pertaining to public nuisances and
modifying Chapter 13.80 "Public Nuisances" of Title 13 "Code
�� Enforcement and Remedies" of the Cathedral City Municipal Code by
� adding sections pertaining to specific activities, uses, and conditions of
� property which constitute public nuisances. (1 Reading)
Report was given by Fire Chief Steve Sowles.
Public Input was opened and closed without comment. �
MAY 24, 2000
Mayor Pro Tem Di Grandi made a motion, seconded by Councilmember De
Rosa, carried by a 5-0 vote, to Waive Further Reading and Introduce the
� Ordinance.
10. Proposed Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Cathedral City
modifying the current alcoholic beverage provisions of the Cathedral
City Municipal Code. (1 Reading)
Report was given by City Attorney Steve Quintanilla.
Public Input was opened and closed without comment.
Councilmember Pettis made a motion, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Di Grandi,
carried by a 5-0 vote, to Waive Further Reading and Introduce the
Ordinance with an amendment that notification of all businesses
effected by this Ordinance be notified.
As there was no further business to discuss, this meeting was adjourned at
8:45 p.m.
� � . �'�o
Donna M. Velotta
City Clerk