HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 834 ORDINANCE NO. 834
WHEREAS, the State has adopted and approved the 2019 edition of the California
Building Standards Code (Code), which are published in Title 24 of the California Code of
Regulations and are based on the latest national, uniform and international model building
codes; and
WHEREAS, the Code was published in July 2019 and will become effective and
applicable to any building or structure for which application for a building permit is made on or
after April 13, 2020; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to the California Building Standards Law (Health & Safety Code
section 18941.5(b), the City is permitted to adopt amendments to the Code provided the
amendments are more restrictive than the State adopted standards and are supported by
findings of the City Council that the amendments are necessary due to local climatic, topographic
or geological conditions; and
WHEREAS, on February 26, 2020, the City Council of the City of Cathedral City
conducted a duly noticed public hearing to consider certain amendments to the building and
construction standards set forth as Part 2 of the Code (24 Cal. Code of Regs. §§ 101 et seq.)
which were proposed by the City's Building and Fire Officials as more stringent than the
standards established by the Code and reasonably necessary to protect the health, welfare
and safety of the citizens of Cathedral City because of local climatic, topographic and geological
conditions; and
WHEREAS, at the conclusion of the public hearing at which evidence was presented
and duly considered, the City Council found that the amendments recommended by the Building
and Fire Officials were reasonably necessary to protect the health, welfare and safety of the
citizens of Cathedral City because of local climatic, topographic and geological conditions.
Section 1. FINDINGS
A. The following findings are made in support of the adoption of more stringent
fire protection measures than those provided under the California Building Standards Codes:
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1. The City of Cathedral City has an arid desert climate with annual rainfall of
approximately 3 inches. Temperatures exceed 100° Fahrenheit on average for four
months of the year, with daily highs near 110° Fahrenheit during July and August.
Surface area temperatures exceeding 160° Fahrenheit are common. Additionally, the
area is subject to hot, dry winds during most months of the year. These hot, dry, windy
climate conditions increase fire danger by drying and pre- heating combustible material
and by fostering spontaneous combustion of flammable materials. These conditions
can hasten the spread and heighten the intensity of fires, thus, creating a need for an
increased level of fire protection. The fire dangers that result from these desert
conditions can be mitigated by: (i) requiring the installation of the proposed on-site fire
protection systems; (ii) mandating the use of clay or concrete tiles as roofing materials
because clay and concrete are more fire-resistive than other roofing materials permitted
under the Code; and (iii) prohibiting the use of aluminum and copper-clad aluminum
wiring smaller than size one ought (1-0) because the smaller gauge aluminum wiring is
more likely to fail under the desert conditions and result in mechanical failure which can
lead to fires, electrical shocks and other hazardous conditions.
2. Cathedral City is located on or near several significant seismic zones that have
the potential to cause moderate to large earthquakes: San Andreas Fault Zone, Garnet
Hill Fault, San Jacinto Fault, East Mojave Shear Zone and Pinto Mountain Fault. Severe
seismic activity could disrupt communications, damage gas mains, cause extensive
electrical hazards, and place extreme demands on the limited and widely dispersed
resources of the City's Fire Department. Requiring the installation of on-site fire
protection systems including automatic fire sprinkler systems and the other proposed
fire protection measures described above can partially mitigate the demand for fire
protection services following a severe seismic event, resulting in improved fire safety
for building occupants and the community at-large.
3. Elevation within the City limits ranges from 270 feet in the eastern portions of the
City adjacent to the Whitewater River to 1,360 feet in the mountains in the most Northern
boundaries of the City. Topography extends from flat to 6% slope for habitable land.
Traffic and circulation to buildings located in the commercial areas of the City often slows
fire department response time to emergencies. Requiring the installation of on-site fire
protection systems and the other proposed fire protection measures will supplement
normal fire department response in new developments and result in improved fire safety
for building occupants and the community at-large during fire occurrence.
4. Persistent drought conditions in the Colorado River Basin have resulted in water
levels of Lake Mead and Lake Powell that are near-historic lows. On May 9, 2016,
Governor Edmund G. Brown, Jr. issued an Executive Order aimed at water conservation
due to severe and continuing drought conditions throughout the State of California. As a
result of this water emergency, the City must take extensive steps to reduce the
consumption of water, including its dependency on large volumes of water for fire
suppression. Requiring the installation of on-site fire protection systems and the other
proposed fire protection measures will provide an increased level of fire protection and
reduce the City's dependency on large volumes of water for fire suppression.
5. The local climatic, geological and topographical conditions identified above create
a heightened fire danger that requires the adoption of stringent fire protection measures.
If not amended, the California Building and Fire Codes would permit the construction
within the City of many new buildings and structures and the improvement of
many existing buildings without on-site fire protection systems, with roofing materials
other than clay or concrete tile, and with aluminum and copper-clad aluminum wiring
smaller than size one ought (1-0).
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6. The City Council therefore finds that the amendments set forth herein afford
more stringent requirements for fire protection than required by the State and that
such amendments are necessary for the protection of the public's health, welfare
and safety.
Chapter 8.02 entitled "California Building Standards Code" is hereby amended to read
as follows:
Chapter 8.02
8.02.010 California Codes Adopted without Amendment
The following codes have been adopted by the California Building Standards
Commission ("Commission") and are applicable within the City, without local amendments:
A. 2019 California Energy Code. The 2019 California Energy Code is adopted by
the Commission as Part 6 of Title 24 of the California Code of Regulations. The City adopts the
2019 California Energy Code without amendment.
B. 2019 California Historical Building Code. The 2019 California Historical Building
Code is adopted by the Commission as Part 8 of Title 24 of the California Code of Regulations.
The City adopts the 2019 California Historical Building Code without amendment.
C. 2019 California Existing Building Code. The 2019 California Existing Building
Code is adopted by the Commission as Part 10 of Title 24 of the California Code of
Regulations and is based on the 2018 International Existing Building Code. The City adopts
the 2019 California Existing Building Code without amendment.
D. 2019 California Green Building Standards Code. The 2019 California Green
Building Standards Code is adopted by the Commission as Part 11 of the California Code of
Regulations. The City adopts the 2019 California Green Building Standards Code without
amendment and shall only enforce the mandatory measures therein.
8.02.020 California Codes Adopted with Appendices and Amendments
The City adopts these other 2019 California Building Standards Codes and Appendices,
with the local additions, deletions and amendments provided in the following chapters:
Chapter 8.04 Adoption of the 2019 California Building Code and certain
Appendices and Amendments
Chapter 8.08 Adoption of the 2019 California Mechanical Code and certain
Appendices and Amendments
Chapter 8.10 Adoption of the 2019 California Plumbing Code with certain
Appendices and Amendments
Chapter 8.12 Adoption of the 2019 California Fire Code and certain Appendices
and Amendments
Chapter 8.14 Adoption of the 2019 California Electrical Code, with certain
Appendices and Amendments
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Chapter 8.18 Adoption of the 2019 California Residential Code, with certain
Appendices and Amendments
8.02.030 Portions Uniform Housing Code, 1997 Edition
The City adopts specified portions of the Uniform Housing Code, 1997 Edition, (UHC),
with California amendments in the State Housing Law, Title 25, CCR, Division 1, Chapter 1,
subchapter 1, section 32 as follows:
Only Chapters 4, 5, 6 and sections 701.2 and 701.3 of the 1997 UHC are
adopted and applicable.
Chapter 8.04 of the Cathedral City Municipal Code is hereby re-titled as "California
Building Code, 2019 Edition" and is amended to provide more stringent fire protection
requirements than required by the State which are necessary for the protection of the public's
health, welfare and safety.
Chapter 8.04 California Building Code, 2019 Edition
8.04.010 California Building Code Adopted with Amendments
A. Except for the local amendments set forth herein, there is adopted by
reference the California Building Code, 2019 Edition, which is based upon the 2018
International Building Code and is published by the California Building Standards Commission
as Part 2 of Title 24 of the California Code of Regulations. A copy of the Code together with
the local amendments is on file with the Building and Safety
B. The California Building Code, 2019 Edition (hereinafter "Building Code") shall
be the Building Code for the City and said Code together with the adopted appendices and the
amendments set forth in this chapter shall apply to the construction, alteration, movement,
enlargement, replacement, repair, equipment, use and occupancy, location, maintenance,
removal and demolition of every building or structure or any appurtenances connected or
attached to such buildings or structures throughout the City of Cathedral City.
8.04.020 Modifications, Amendments and Deletions to the Building Code
A. The following modifications, amendments and deletions are made to the
Building Code:
1. Section 101.1 is deleted in its entirety.
2. Section 103.1 is amended to read as follows:
103.1 Creation of enforcement agency. There is established within the
City, the Building and Safety Division, which shall be under the
administrative and operational control of the Chief Building Official
hereinafter referred to as the Chief Building Official.
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3. Paragraph 2 of the Building portion of Section 105.2 is amended to reduce
the height of fences which are exempt from permit requirements:
2. Fences and walls not over 3 feet.
4. Paragraph 4 of section 105.2 is deleted to remove the exemption from
permit requirements for retaining walls that are not over 4 feet in height
measured from the bottom of the footing to the top of the wall, unless
supporting a surcharge or impounding Class I, II or III A liquids.
5. Section 105.5 shall be amended to extend the durations of building permits
from six months to one year. Section 105.5 also provides expressed
statutory authorization to the local building official to grant one or more
extensions for periods of up to one-hundred and eighty (180) days, per
extension, upon a showing of justifiable cause by the applicant.
6 Section 109.1 is amended to read as follows:
109.1 Payment of fees. On buildings, structures, electrical, gas,
mechanical, and plumbing systems or alterations requiring a permit under
this Building Code, a fee for each permit shall be paid as required and
in accordance with the fee schedule adopted by the City Council, a copy
of which is on file with the Building and Safety Division.
7. Section 113.1 is amended to provide for the creation of the Board of
113.1 General. In order to determine the suitability of alternate
materials and methods of construction governed by this Building Code,
there shall be and is hereby created a Board of Appeals. The Board
of Appeals shall consist of three to five members who are qualified by
experience and training to pass upon matters pertaining to building
construction and who are not employees of the City of Cathedral City.
Members of the Board of Appeals shall be appointed by the City Council
and shall serve without compensation. Each member shall serve on the
Board of Appeals for a term of 4 years. A member may be dismissed
at any time during his or her term by a majority vote of the City Council.
Vacancies shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointment.
All matters before the Board of Appeals shall be administered by the
Chief Building Official or his or her authorized representative. The Board
of Appeals shall adopt reasonable rules and regulations for hearing
appeals and conducting its business and such rules and regulations
shall be freely accessible to the public. The Board of Appeals shall render
all decisions and findings in writing with a duplicated copy to the applicant
and may recommend to the City Council such new legislation as is
consistent therewith.
8. Section 113.2 is amended to limit the authority of the Board of
113.2 Limitations on authority. The Board of Appeals is created to
hear an appeal based on a claim that the true intent of this code or the
rules legally adopted have been incorrectly interpreted, the provisions of
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this code do not fully apply or to determine the suitability of alternate
materials and methods of construction governed by this Building Code.
The Board of Appeals shall have no authority to waive requirements of the
Building Code.
9. Section 113.4 is added to provide for the filing of appeals:
113.4 Filing of appeals. All appeals shall be made in writing and shall
specify the order, decision or determination made by the Chief Building
Official which is being appealed and wherein the Chief Building Official
erred in making the order, decision or determination. The appeal shall be
accompanied by a fee as established by the City Council. If, after
reviewing the information submitted, the Chief Building Official
determines the appeal does not merit a change in his or her order,
decision, or determination, the Chief Building Official shall schedule a
hearing by the Appeals Board and the appellant shall be notified in writing
of the date and time of the hearing.
10. Section 114 is amended to provide for the enforcement of the Building
Section 114 VIOLATIONS
114.1 Unlawful acts. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or
corporation to erect, construct, alter, extend, repair, move, remove,
demolish or occupy any building, structure or equipment regulated by this
code, or to cause the same to be done, in conflict with or in violation of
any provisions of this code. It shall be unlawful for any person to erect,
construct, alter or repair a building or structure in violation of the
approved construction documents or directive of the Chief Building Official
or of a permit or certificate issued under the provisions of this code.
114.2 Public nuisance; Abatement. Any violation of this Building Code,
including the adopted appendices, which results in a public nuisance
pursuant to Chapter 13.80 of the City's Municipal Code may be abated
in accordance with Title 13 of the City's Municipal Code.
114.3 Penalties. Any person who violates a provision of this Building
Code, including the adopted appendices, or fails to comply with any of
the requirements thereof or who erects, constructs, alters or repairs a
building or structure in violation of the approved construction documents
or directive of the Chief Building Official,or of a permit or certificate issued
under the provisions of this Building Code shall be guilty of an infraction
violation, and the violator shall be subject to the provisions set forth in
Chapter 13.65 (Infractions) of the City's Municipal Code, including, but
not limited to, the imposition of any and all civil and criminal penalties set
forth therein.
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11. Section 116 is added to read as follows:
116.1a Unlawful acts. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or
corporation to maintain as unsafe structures or equipment regulated by
this code or cause the same to be done in conflict with or in violation
of any provisions of this code.
12. Section 117 is added to require removal and disposal of trash and
debris at building sites:
117.1. Trash Containers. Trash container(s) shall be placed on each
construction site and shall remain in place until construction is completed.
Each trash container shall be constructed of solid wood, metal or wire
mesh and shall be a minimum of three cubic yards in capacity. Should
wire mesh be utilized as a material for a construction site trash container,
said container shall be framed to adequately support the wire mesh. The
floor and cover of a container that is constructed of wire mesh shall be
properly framed to provide adequate strength and support to withstand
design loads and prevent breakage. Further, the lid for said container
shall be hinged with a latching device that adequately secures the lid to
the container while the container is not in use in order to prevent the lid
from being blown open and/or off the container. The container shall be
adequately anchored to prevent overturning by wind. Each container shall
be provided with a hinged cover or lid which shall remain closed at all
times while not in use. When construction is being performed
simultaneously on an adjoining lot by one owner or contractor, then both
construction sites may be serviced by a single container, provided that
in no event shall a single container be utilized by more than two such
construction sites. Where construction sites are separated by one or
more lots, separate containers are required for each site. It shall be
the contractor's responsibility to ensure that no container is located on or
within any public right-of-way. It shall be the contractor's responsibility to
ensure that all containers under his or her control are emptied of all
deposited materials placed within said container(s) at least once every
week. It shall be the contractor's responsibility to remove or cause to be
removed all deposited materials within said container(s) as frequently as
necessary to prevent overflowing of the container(s). A trash container
shall be used at-all-times for storage of loose papers, cartons, bottles,
cans, trash, and all other rubbish and debris. It shall be the contractor's
responsibility to ensure that all individuals who are employed by him or
her or act under his or her direction and control, observe and obey all
regulations set forth herein.
117.2. Inspections. A permit holder shall not be entitled to and a building
inspector shall not perform any inspections, including a final inspection,
of any phase of completed construction work if the construction site or
general area thereof contains an accumulation of construction rubbish
and debris. In-the-event that a building inspector is unable to conduct a
requested inspection because of an accumulation of rubbish and debris,
a re-inspection fee shall be paid to the City at the time of the request for
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117.3. Definition. Rubbish and debris for the purpose of this section
includes, but is not limited to, stub ends of cut lumber, broken lumber
and other scrap wood, scrap cement and plaster, scrap metal, paper
cartons, wrappings, and other similar materials that result from the
process of constructing a building or structure.
13. Section 1505.1 of Chapter 15 of the Building Code is amended by adding
an additional exception to require the installation of clay or concrete tile
roofs for all new buildings of Group R and Group M occupancies:
1505.1 General. Roof assemblies shall be divided into the classes
defined below. Class A, B and C roof assemblies and roof coverings
required to be listed by this section shall be tested in accordance with
ASTM E 108 or UL 790. In addition, fire-retardant- treated wood roof
coverings shall be tested in accordance with ASTM D 2898. The
minimum roof coverings installed on buildings shall comply with Table
1505.1 based on the type of construction of the building.
a. Skylights and sloped glazing that comply with Chapter 24 or
Section 2610.
b. All new buildings of Group R and Group M occupancies that have
a roof pitch of 2.5- 12 or greater shall have coverings of clay or concrete
tile conforming to ASTM C 1167 and ASTM C 1492, respectively, and
shall be installed in accordance with Table 1507.3.7.
14. Section 1506.4 is added to Chapter 15 of the Building Code to
provide that roofs of additions and alterations to existing buildings may
be roofed in the same roofing material as the original building unless
other materials are required by the Chief Building Official:
1506.4 Additions and alterations. Roofs of all additions and alterations
to existing buildings may be roofed in the same roofing material as the
original building unless other materials are required by the Chief Building
15. Section 1609 shall be amended to read as follows: Buildings, structures
and parts thereof shall be designed to withstand a minimum wind load of
one-hundred and thirty (130) miles per hour.
16. Section 3109.2 is amended to add and define "swimming pool" in a
matter that is consistent with the Swimming Pool Safety Act (Health and
Safety Code §115920-115929):
3102B Definitions.
SWIMMING POOLS.Any structure intended for swimming or recreational
bathing or wading that contains water over 18 inches deep.
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17. Section 3104.B is added to require more stringent enclosure
requirements for public swimming pools:
3104.6.1 Swimming Pools and Spas. Public swimming pools shall be
completely enclosed by a fence or wall at least 5 feet in height and a self-
latching, self-closing door or gate, that swings away from the pool with the
latch mechanism no less than 54 inches from grade. No portion of the
enclosure shall be deemed easily able to be climbed.
18. Section 3109.4.1 is amended of the Building Code is amended to insert
a new exception for private residential swimming pool barriers to read as
3104.6.2 All Swimming Pools and Spas. All swimming pools and spas
shall comply with the Virginia Graeme Baker Act Poll and Spa Safety Act
and have an enclosure in accordance with 3104B.1
Section 3104.B.2 is amended of the Building Code is added to insert a
new exception for private residential swimming pool barriers to read as
1. Spas and hot tubs with a lockable safety cover that complies with
ASTM F 1346.
2. Swimming pools with a powered safety cover that complies with
ASTM F 1346.
3. Private pools and spas constructed within the fenced, gated
and patrolled boundaries of a country club or similar fenced and gated
residential development project are not required to be enclosed by a
barrier, provided the swimming pool is equipped with one or more of the
a. An alarm that produces an audible warning when the door or its
screen or window, is opened. The alarm shall be listed and
labeled as a water hazard entrance alarm in accordance with UL
2017. In dwellings, the deactivation switch shall be located 54
inches or more above the threshold of the door. In accessible
dwellings, the deactivation switch shall be located not greater
than 54 inches and not less than 48 inches above the threshold
of the door.
b. A safety cover that complies with ASTM F 1346.
c. An approved means of protection, such as self-closing doors with
self-latching devices, provided that the degree of protection
afforded is not less than the protection afforded by items 1 or 2.
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19. Section 3109.4.1 of the Building Code is amended to require more
stringent enclosure requirements for residential swimming pools in a
manner that is consistent with the Swimming Pool Safety Act and the 2018
International Swimming Pool and Spa Code:
3104.B.3 Barrier height and clearance. The top of the barrier shall be
at least 60 inches above grade measured on the side of the barrier that
faces away from the swimming pool or spa, provided the area away from
the swimming pool or spa is accessible by the public, in other cases the
required height shall be measured form the swimming pool or spa side of
the barrier.
8.04.040 Adoption of Other Appendices of the Building Code without
There is adopted by reference and without amendment,the following appendices to the
Building Code:
1. Appendix I: Patio Covers
2. Appendix J: Grading
Chapter 8.08 of the Cathedral City Municipal Code is hereby re-titled as "California
Mechanical Code, 2019 Edition"and is amended to read as follows:
Chapter 8.08
California Mechanical Code, 2019 Edition
8.08.010 California Mechanical Code Adopted
A. There is adopted by reference the California Mechanical Code, 2019 Edition,
which is based on the 2018 Uniform Mechanical Code and is published by the California
Building Standards Commission as Part 4 of Title 24 of the California Code of Regulations. A
copy of the Code together with the local amendments is on file with the Building and Safety
B. The California Mechanical Code, 2016 Edition (hereinafter "Mechanical Code")
shall be the Mechanical Code for the City and said Code together with the adopted appendices
and the additions, deletions and amendments set forth in this chapter shall regulate and govern
the requirements for the installation and maintenance of heating, ventilating, cooling, and
refrigeration systems within the City as well as the issuance of permits and the collection of
permit fees.
8.08.020 Modifications, Amendments and Deletions to the Mechanical
A. The following modifications, amendments and deletions are made to the
Mechanical Code:
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1. Section 103.1 is added to designate the City's Chief Building Official and
his/her designees as the Authority Having Jurisdiction:
103.1 Authority Having Jurisdiction defined. The City's Chief
Building Official and his/her designees are designated as the Authority
Having Jurisdiction for purposes of this Mechanical Code, and wherever
the term "Authority Having Jurisdiction" is used in this Code it shall mean
the City's Chief Building Official and his/her designees.
2. Section 102.5 is amended to read as follows:
102.5.1 Conditions. Equipment regulated by this Mechanical Code that
is unsafe or that constitutes a fire or health hazard or is otherwise
dangerous to human life is, for the purpose of this section, unsafe. Use
of equipment regulated by this Mechanical Code constituting a hazard to
safety, health, or public welfare by reason of inadequate maintenance,
dilapidation, obsolescence, fire hazard, disaster, damage, or
abandonment is, for the purpose of this section, an unsafe use.
102.5.2 Unlawful acts. It shall be unlawful and a violation of this
Mechanical Code for any person, firm, or corporation to use equipment
regulated by this code that is deemed unsafe or to engage in the unsafe
use of such equipment.
3. Section 107.0 is amended to establish the Board of Appeals for the
Mechanical Code:
107.1 General. The Board of Appeals established pursuant to Section
113 of the Building Code shall serve as the Board of Appeals for this
Mechanical Code. The procedures established in CBC Section 113 for
the filing of appeals shall be applicable to appeals filed pursuant to this
4. Section 107.2 is amended to limit the authority of the Board of
107.2 Limitations on authority. The Board of Appeals is created to
determine the suitability of alternate materials and methods of
construction governed by this Mechanical Code. The Board of Appeals
shall have no authority to waive requirements of the Mechanical Code.
5. Section 106.0 is amended to read as follows:
Section 106.0 VIOLATIONS
106.1 Unlawful acts. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or
corporation to erect, construct, alter, extend, repair, move, improve,
remove, convert or demolish, equip, use or maintain mechanical systems
or equipment regulated by this Mechanical Code or cause or permit the
same to be done in violation of this code. It shall be unlawful for any
person to erect, construct, alter or repair a mechanical system in violation
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of the approved construction documents or directive of the Chief Building
Official or of a permit or certificate issued under the provisions of this code.
106.2 Public Nuisance; Abatement. Any violation of this Mechanical
Code, including the adopted appendices, which results in a public
nuisance pursuant to Chapter 13.80 of the City's Municipal Code may be
abated in accordance with Title 13 of the City's Municipal Code.
106.3 Penalties. Any person who violates a provision of this Mechanical
Code, including the adopted appendices, or fails to comply with any of
the requirements thereof or who erects, constructs, alters, extends,
repairs, moves, improves, removes, converts or demolishes, equips, uses
or maintains mechanical systems or equipment in violation of the
approved construction documents or directive of the Chief Building
Official, or of a permit or certificate issued under the provisions of this
code shall be guilty of an infraction violation, and the violator shall be
subject to the provisions set forth in Chapter 13.65 (Infractions) of
the City's Municipal Code, including, but not limited to, the imposition of
any and all civil and criminal penalties set forth therein.
6. Section 104.5 is amended to read as follows:
104.5 Payment of fees. On buildings, structures, and mechanical
systems or alterations requiring a permit under this code, a fee for each
permit shall be paid as required, and in accordance with the fee schedule
adopted by the City Council, a copy of which is on file with the Building
and Safety Division.
8.08.030 Adoption of Other Appendices of the Mechanical Code without
There is adopted by reference and without amendment,the following appendices to the
Mechanical Code:
Appendix A: Residential Plan Examiner Review Form for HVAC Systems
Appendix B: Procedures to be Followed to Place Gas Equipment in Operation
Appendix C: Installation and Testing of Oil (Liquid) Fuel-Fired Equipment
Appendix E: Sustainable Practices
Appendix F: Sizing of Venting Systems Serving and Outdoor Combustion and
Ventilation Design
Appendix G: Example Calculation of Outdoor Air Rate
Chapter 8.10 of the Cathedral City Municipal Code is hereby re-titled as "California
Plumbing Code, 2019 Edition" and is amended to read as follows:
Chapter 8.10
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California Plumbing Code, 2016 Edition
8.10.010 California Plumbing Code Adopted
A. There is adopted by reference the California Plumbing Code, 2019 Edition,
which is based on the 2018 Uniform Plumbing Code and is published by the California
Building Standards Commission as Part 5 of Title 24 of the California Code of Regulations. A
copy of the Code together with the local amendments is on file with the Building and Safety
B. The California Plumbing Code, 2019 Edition (hereinafter "Plumbing Code") shall
be the Plumbing Code for the City and said Code together with the additions, deletions and
amendments set forth in this chapter shall regulate and govern the requirements for the
installation and maintenance of plumbing and the issuance of permits and collection of permit
8.10.020 Modifications, Amendments and Deletions to the Plumbing Code
A. The following modifications, amendments and deletions are made to the
Plumbing Code:
1. Section 103.0 is added to designate the City's Building Official and his/her
designees as the Authority Having Jurisdiction:
103.1 Authority Having Jurisdiction defined. The City's Chief
Building Official and his/her designees are designated as the Authority
Having Jurisdiction for purposes of this Plumbing Code and wherever
the term "Authority Having Jurisdiction" is used in this Code, it shall mean
the City's Chief Building Official and his/her designees.
2. Section 106.0 is amended to read as follows:
106.0 Violations and Penalties
106.1 Unlawful acts. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or
corporation to erect, construct, alter, extend, repair, move, improve,
remove, convert or demolish, equip, use or maintain plumbing systems
or equipment regulated by this Plumbing Code or cause or permit the
same to be done in violation of this code. It shall be unlawful for any
person to erect, construct, alter or repair plumbing in violation of the
approved construction documents or directive of the Chief Building
Official or of a permit or certificate issued under the provisions of this
106.2 Public nuisance; Abatement. Any violation of this Plumbing
Code, including the adopted appendices, which results in a public
nuisance pursuant to Chapter 13.80 of the City's Municipal Code may be
abated in accordance with Title 13 of the City's Municipal Code.
106.3 Penalties. Any person who violates a provision of this Plumbing
Code, including the adopted appendices, or fails to comply with any of the
requirements thereof or who erects, constructs, alters or repairs plumbing
in violation of the approved construction documents or directive of the
Chief Building Official, or of a permit or certificate issued under the
provisions of this Code shall be guilty of an infraction violation, and the
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violator shall be subject to the provisions set forth in Chapter 13.65
(Infractions) of the City's Municipal Code, including, but not limited
to, the imposition of any and all civil and criminal penalties set
forth therein.
3. Section 107.0 is amended to establish the Board of Appeals for the
Plumbing Code:
107.1 Board of Appeals. The Board of Appeals established pursuant to
CBC Section 113 shall serve as the Board of Appeals for this Plumbing
Code. The procedures established in Section 113 for the filing of appeals
shall be applicable to appeals filed pursuant to this Code. The Board is
created to determine the suitability of alternate materials and methods of
construction governed by this Plumbing Code. The Board shall have no
authority to waive requirements of the Plumbing Code.
4. Section 104.5 is amended to read as follows:
104.5 Permit fees. On buildings, structures, and plumbing systems or
alterations requiring a permit under this code, a fee for each permit shall
be paid as required, in accordance with the fee schedule adopted by
the City Council, a copy of which is on file with the Building and Safety
8.10.030 Adoption of Other Appendices of the Plumbing Code without
There is adopted by reference and without amendment, the following appendices to
the Plumbing Code:
Appendix A: Recommended Rules for Sizing the Water Supply System
Appendix B: Explanatory Notes on Combination Waste and Vent Systems
Appendix D: Sizing Storm Water Drainage Systems
Appendix H: Private Sewage Disposal Systems
Appendix I. Installation Standards for PEX Tubing Systems for Hot and Cold
Water Distribution
Chapter 8.14 of the Cathedral City Municipal Code is hereby re-titled as "California
Electrical Code, 2019 Edition" and is amended to provide more stringent fire protection
requirements than required by the State:
Chapter 8.14
California Electrical Code, 2019 Edition
8.14.010 California Electrical Code Adopted with Amendments
A. Except for the local amendments set forth herein, there is adopted by reference
the California Electrical Code, 2019 Edition, which is based upon the 2017 National Electrical
Code and is published by the California Building Standards Commission as Part 3 of Title 24
of the California Code of Regulations. A copy of the Code together with the local amendments
is on file with the Building and Safety Division.
Page 114 Rev 03/10/2020
B. The California Electrical Code, 2019 Edition (hereinafter "Electrical Code") shall
be the Electrical Code for the City of Cathedral City and said Code together with the adopted
appendices and the amendments set forth in this chapter shall regulate and govern the design,
construction, reconstruction, installation, quality of materials, location, operation, and
maintenance or use of electrical equipment, wiring and systems within the City as well as the
issuance of permits and the collection of permit fees.
8.14.020 Modifications, Amendments and Deletions to the Electrical Code
A. The following modification is made to the Electrical Code:
Section 310.106(B) Conductor Material is amended to prohibit the use of
aluminum and copper-clad aluminum conductors, feeder conductors, branch
circuit conductors and taps or service entrance cables smaller than size 1-0 (one
ought) AWG (American Wire Gauge):
310.106.1 Conductors for general wiring. The use of aluminum and copper-clad
aluminum conductors, feeder conductors, branch circuit conductors and taps or
service entrance cables smaller than size 1-0 (one ought)AWG (American Gauge
Wire) is expressly prohibited.
8.14.030 Adoption, Modifications, Amendments and Deletions to Annex H of
the Electrical Code
A. There is adopted by reference and with the following additions, deletions and
amendments, Annex H (Administration and Enforcement), which is a part of the Electrical Code.
1. Section 80.2 is amended to designate the City's Chief Building Official
and his/her designees as the Authority Having Jurisdiction:
80.2 Definitions.
Authority Having Jurisdiction defined. The City's Chief Building
Official and his/her designees are designated as the Authority Having
Jurisdiction for purposes of this Electrical Code and wherever the term
"Authority Having Jurisdiction" is used in this Code, it shall mean the City's
Chief Building Official and his/her designees.
2. Section 80.3 is amended to read as follows:
80.3 Purpose. The purpose of this article shall be to provide
requirements for administration and enforcement of this Electrical Code.
3. Section 80.5 is deleted.
4. Section 80.7 is deleted.
5. Section 80.9 is deleted.
6. Section 80.11 is deleted.
7. Section 80.13 is amended to read as follows:
80.13 Authority. There is established within the City, the Building and
Safety Division, which shall be under the administrative and operational
Page 115 Rev 03/10/2020
control of the City's Chief Building Official hereinafter referred to as the
Chief Building Official. This code shall be administered and enforced by
the Chief Building Official as follows:
Subsections 1 through 16 of this section 80.13 remain the same;
however, whenever the provisions of this Annex H conflict with the
provisions of Chapter 89.108, the provisions of Chapter 89.108, as
adopted by the State and enforceable upon the City shall apply.
Subsection (17) is added to section 80.13:
(17) A written application shall be submitted for a proposed alternate
material or method of construction together with a fee established by the
City Council. The details of any action granting an alternate material or
method of construction shall be noted in the files of the Building
8. Section 80.15 is amended to provide for the creation of the Board of
80.15 Board of Appeals.
(A) Creation of Board of Appeals. The electrical board shall be the
Appeals Board established under the provisions of Section 113 of the
Building Code, and any amendments adopted thereto, hereinafter
designated as the "Board".
(B) Limitations on authority. The Board is created to determine the
suitability of alternate materials and methods of construction governed by
this Electrical Code. The Board shall have no authority to waive
requirements of this Code.
(C) Filing of appeals. All appeals shall be made in writing and shall
specify the order, decision or determination made by the Chief Building
Official which is being appealed and wherein the Chief Building Official
erred in making the order, decision or determination. The appeal shall be
accompanied by a fee as established by the City Council. If, after
reviewing the information submitted, the Chief Building Official
determines the appeal does not merit a change in his or her order,
decision, or determination, the Chief Building Official shall schedule a
hearing by the Board and the appellant shall be notified in writing of the
date and time of the hearing.
(All other provisions of section 80.15 are deleted)
9. Section 80.19 is amended to read as follows:
80.19 Permits. The administration of permits under this Electrical Code
shall be governed by Section 89.108.4 of the General Code Provisions
of this Electrical Code, together with Sections 112.0, 113.0, 114.0 and
subsections 115.3, 115.4 and 115.5 of the administrationpovisions of the
Mechanical Code, and any amendments adopted thereto. When
necessary, provisions specifically pertaining to mechanical systems are
deleted, and provisions which refer to mechanical systems which can
Page 116 Rev 03/10/2020
be made applicable to electrical systems and connections are hereby
amended accordingly.
10. Section 80.23 is amended to read as follows:
80.23 Violations.
80.23.1 Unlawful acts. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or
corporation to erect, construct, alter, extend, repair, move, remove,
demolish or occupy any building, structure or equipment regulated by
this Electrical Code, or to cause the same to be done, in conflict with or
in violation of any provisions of this code. It shall be unlawful for any
person to erect, construct,alter or repair a building or structure in violation
of the approved construction documents or directive of the Chief Building
Official or of a permit or certificate issued under the provisions of this
80.23.2 Public nuisance; Abatement. Any violation of this Electrical
Code, including the adopted appendices, which results in a public
nuisance pursuant to Chapter 13.80 of the City's Municipal Code may be
abated in accordance with Title 13 of the City's Municipal Code.
80.23.3 Penalties. Any person who violates a provision of this Electrical
Code, including the adopted appendices, or fails to comply with any of the
requirements thereof or who erects, constructs, alters or repairs a building
or structure in violation of the approved construction documents or
directive of the Chief Building Official, or of a permit or certificate issued
under the provisions of this code shall be guilty of an infraction violation,
and the violator shall be subject to the provisions set forth in Chapter
13.65 (Infractions) of the City's Municipal Code, including, but not limited
to, the imposition of any and all civil and criminal penalties set forth
11. Section 80.27 is deleted.
12. Section 80.29 is deleted.
13. Section 80.33 is deleted.
14. Section 80.35 is deleted.
15. Section 80.37 is added to provide for fees:
80.37 Fees.
80.37.1 Payment of fees. On buildings, structures, and electrical
systems or alterations requiring a permit under this Electrical Code, a fee
for each permit shall be paid as required, in accordance with the fee
schedule adopted by the City Council, a copy of which is on file with the
Building and Safety Division.
80.37.2 Fee refunds. The administrative provisions for the refunding of
fees paid under this code shall be governed by subsection 114.6 of the
administration provisions of the Mechanical Code, with the adopted
amendments thereto. When necessary, provisions specifically pertaining
Page 117 Rev 03/10/2020
to mechanical systems are deleted, and provisions which refer to
mechanical systems which can be made applicable to electrical systems
and connections are hereby amended accordingly.
16. Section 80.39 is added to provide for inspections:
80.39 Inspections. The administration of inspections under this code
shall be governed by subsection of the General Code
Provisions of this Electrical Code together with Section 115 of the
administration provisions of the Mechanical Code, and any adopted
amendments thereto. When necessary, provisions specifically pertaining
to mechanical systems are deleted, and provisions which refer to
mechanical systems which can be made applicable to electrical systems
and connections are hereby amended accordingly.
17. Section 80.41 is added to provide for connection approvals:
80.41 Connection Approval. The administration of connection
approvals under this code shall be governed by Section 116 of the
administration provisions of the Mechanical Code, with the adopted
amendments thereto. When necessary, provisions specifically pertaining
to mechanical systems are deleted, and provisions which refer to
mechanical systems which can be made applicable to electrical systems
and connections are hereby amended accordingly.
8.14.040 Adoption of Other Annex Chapters of the Electrical Code without
There is adopted by reference and without amendment, the following annex
chapters to the Electrical Code:
Annex A: Product Safety Standards
Annex B: Application Information for Ampacity Calculation
Annex C: Conduit and Tubing Fill Tables for Conductors and Fixture Wires of the Same
Annex D: Examples
Annex E: Types of Construction
Annex F: Critical Operations Power Systems
Chapter 8.18 of the Cathedral City Municipal Code is hereby re-titled as "California
Residential Code, 2019 Edition" and is amended to provide more stringent fire protection
requirements than required by the State which are necessary for the protection of the public's
health, welfare and safety.
Chapter 8.18.
California Residential Code, 2016 Edition
Page 118 Rev 03/10/2020
8.18 California Residential Code Adopted with Amendments
A. Except for the local amendments set forth herein, there is adopted by reference
the California Residential Code, 2019 Edition, which is based upon the 2018 International
Residential Code and is published by the California Building Standards Commission as Part
2.5 of Title 24 of the California Code of Regulations.A copy of the Code together with the local
amendments is on file with the Building and Safety Division.
B. The California Residential Code, 2019 Edition (hereinafter "Residential Code")
shall be the Residential Code for the City and said Code together with the adopted
appendices and the amendments set forth in this chapter shall regulate and govern the
conditions and maintenance of all one- and two-family properties, buildings and structures within
the City by providing the standards for supplied utilities and facilities and other physical things
and condition essential to ensure that structures are safe, sanitary and fit for occupation and
use and providing for the condemnation and demolition of buildings and structures that are
unfit for human occupancy and use, and the issuance of permits and collection of permit fees.
8.18 Modifications, Amendments and Deletions to the Residential Code
A. The following modifications, amendments and deletions are made to the
Residential Code:
1. Section R101.1 is deleted in its entirety.
2. Section R103.1 is amended to read as follows:
R103.1 Creation of enforcement agency. There is established within
the City, the Building and Safety Division, which shall be under the
administrative and operational control of the Chief Building Official
hereinafter referred to as the Chief Building Official.
3. Paragraph 2 of the Building portion of Section R105.2 is amended to
reduce the height of fences which are exempt from permit requirements:
a. Fences and walls not over 3 feet.
4. Paragraph 3 of section R105.2 is amended to change the exemption
from permit requirements for retaining walls that are not over two (2) feet
in height measured from the bottom of the footing to the top of the wall,
unless supporting a surcharge.
5. Section R108.1 is amended to read as follows:
R108.1 Payment of fees. On buildings, structures, electrical, gas,
mechanical, and plumbing systems or alterations requiring a permit under
this Residential Code, a fee for each permit shall be paid as required and
in accordance with the fee schedule adopted by the City Council, a
copy of which is on file with the Building and Safety Division.
6. Section R112.1 is amended to provide for the creation of the Board of
Page 119 Rev 03/10/2020
112.1 General. In order to determine the suitability of alternate materials
and methods of construction governed by this Building Code, there shall
be and is hereby created a Board of Appeals. The Board of Appeals
shall consist of five members who are qualified by experience and
training to pass upon matters pertaining to building construction and
who are not employees of the City of Cathedral City. Members of the
Board of Appeals shall be appointed by the City Council and shall serve
without compensation. Each member shall serve on the Board of
Appeals for a term of 4 years. A member may be dismissed at any
time during his or her term by a majority vote of the City Council.
Vacancies shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointment.
All matters before the Board of Appeals shall be administered by the
Chief Building Official or his or her authorized representative. The Board
of Appeals shall adopt reasonable rules and regulations for hearing
appeals and conducting its business and such rules and regulations
shall be freely accessible to the public. The Board of Appeals shall render
all decisions and findings in writing with a duplicated copy to the applicant
and may recommend to the City Council such new legislation as is
consistent therewith.
7. Section R112.2 is amended to limit the authority of the Board of
R112.2 Limitations on authority. The Board of Appeals is created to
determine the suitability of alternate materials and methods of
construction governed by this Building Code. The Board of Appeals shall
have no authority to waive requirements of the Building Code.
8. Section R112.3 is deleted.
9. Section R112.4 is deleted.
10. Section R112.5 is added to provide for the filing of appeals:
R112.5 Filing of appeals. All appeals shall be made in writing and shall
specify the order, decision or determination made by the Chief Building
Official which is being appealed and wherein the Chief Building Official
erred in making the order, decision or determination. The appeal shall
be accompanied by a fee as established by the City Council. If, after
reviewing the information submitted, the Chief Building Official
determines the appeal does not merit a change in his or her order,
decision, or determination, the Chief Building Official shall schedule a
hearing by the Appeals Board and the appellant shall be notified in
writing of the date and time of the hearing.
11. Section R113 is amended to provide for the enforcement of the
Residential Code:
R113.1 Unlawful acts. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or
corporation to erect, construct, alter, extend, repair, move, remove,
demolish or occupy any building, structure or equipment regulated by
this code, or to cause the same to be done, in conflict with or in violation
of any provisions of this code. It shall be unlawful for any person to
Page 120 Rev 03/10/2020
erect, construct, alter or repair a building or structure in violation of the
approved construction documents or directive of the Chief Building Official
or of a permit or certificate issued under the provisions of this code.
R113.1.2 Public nuisance; Abatement. Any violation of this Building
Code, including the adopted appendices, which results in a public
nuisance pursuant to Chapter 13.80 of the City's Municipal Code may
be abated in accordance with Title 13 of the City's Municipal Code.
R113.4 Penalties. Any person who violates a provision of this Residential
Code, including the adopted appendices, or fails to comply with any of
the requirements thereof or who erects, constructs, alters or repairs a
building or structure in violation of the approved construction documents
or directive of the Chief Building Official, or of a permit or certificate
issued under the provisions of this Residential Code shall be guilty of
an infraction violation, and the violator shall be subject to the provisions
set forth in Chapter 13.65 (Infractions) of the City's Municipal Code,
including, but not limited to, the imposition of any and all civil and
criminal penalties set forth therein.
12. Section R115 is added and reads as follows:
R115.1 Conditions. Structures or existing equipment that are or
hereafter become unsafe, unsanitary or deficient because of inadequate
means of egress facilities, inadequate light and ventilation, or which
constitute a fire hazard, or are otherwise dangerous to human life or the
public welfare, or that involve illegal or improper occupancy or inadequate
maintenance shall be deemed an unsafe condition.
R115.2 Unlawful acts. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or
corporation to maintain as unsafe structures or equipment regulated by
this code or cause the same to be done in conflict with or in violation
of any provisions of this code.
13. Section R116 is added to require removal and disposal of trash and
debris at building sites:
R116.1 Trash Containers. A t rash container(s) shall be placed on
each construction site and shall remain in place until construction is
completed. Each trash container shall be constructed of solid wood, metal
or wire mesh and shall be a minimum of three cubic yards in capacity.
Should wire mesh be utilized as a material for a construction site trash
container, said container shall be framed to adequately support the wire
mesh. The floor and cover of a container that is constructed of wire mesh
shall be properly framed to provide adequate strength and support to
withstand design loads and prevent breakage. Further, the lid for said
container shall be hinged with a latching device that adequately secures
the lid to the container while the container is not in use in order to prevent
the lid from being blown open and/or off the container. The container shall
be adequately anchored to prevent overturning by wind. Each container
Page 121 Rev 03/10/2020
shall be provided with a hinged cover or lid which shall remain closed
at-all- times while not in use. When construction is being performed
simultaneously on an adjoining Jot by one owner or contractor, then
both construction sites may be serviced by a single container, provided
that in no event shall a single container be utilized by more than two
such construction sites. Where construction sites are separated by one
or more lots, separate containers are required for each site. It shall
be the contractor's responsibility to ensure that no container is located
on or within any public right-of-way. It shall be the contractor's
responsibility to ensure that all containers under his or her control are
emptied of all deposited materials placed within said container(s) at
least once every week. It shall be the contractor's responsibility to
remove or cause to be removed all deposited materials within said
container(s) as frequently as necessary to prevent overflowing of the
container(s). A trash container shall be used at-all-times for storage
of loose papers, cartons, bottles, cans, trash, and all other rubbish and
debris. It shall be the contractor's responsibility to ensure that all
individuals who are employed by him or her or act under his or her
direction and control, observe and obey all regulations set forth herein.
R116.2 Inspections.A permit holder shall not be entitled to and a building
inspector shall not perform any inspections, including a final inspection,
of any phase of completed construction work if the construction site or
general area thereof contains an accumulation of construction rubbish
and debris. In-the-event that a building inspector is unable to conduct a
requested inspection because of an accumulation of rubbish and debris,
a re-inspection fee shall be paid to the City at the time of the request for
R116.3 Definition. Rubbish and debris for the purpose of this section
includes, but is not limited to, stub ends of cut lumber, broken lumber
and other scrap wood, scrap cement and plaster, scrap metal, paper
cartons, wrappings, and other similar materials that result from the
process of constructing a building or structure.
14. Section R403.1.9 is added to Chapter 4 of the Residential Code to
provide criteria for the top of exterior foundation elevations for all
residential structures, which shall read as follows:
The top of exterior foundation elevation of all residential structures used
for human occupancy shall meet the following criteria.
a. If no elevations have been fixed in connection with a permit or
approval, the finished floor shall be located at the highest elevation
required as set forth as follows:
On level lots, the top of the exterior foundation shall be
elevated to a minimum of 18 inches above the top of the curb or
the top of the crown of the street immediately in front of the subject
ii. On lots where the lot drains toward the adjacent road or
is subject to water impounded behind an adjacent road, the
Page 122 Rev 03/10/2020
finished floor shall be elevated to a minimum of 18 inches above
the top of the crown of the adjacent road.
b. The requirement of this section may be waived or modified by the
Chief Building Official, in his or her sole discretion, upon the
existence of one or both of the following circumstances:
If a proposed method of construction that is prepared by
a registered civil engineer provides equivalent flood
protection; or
ii. If the unique characteristics of a building site make the
requirements unnecessary.
15. Section R902.1 of Chapter 9 of the Residential Code is amended by
adding an additional exception to require the installation of clay or
concrete tile roofs for all new buildings of Group R occupancies:
All new buildings of Group R occupancies that have a roof pitch of 2'/2"
- 12" or greater shall have coverings of clay or concrete tile conforming
to ASTM C 1167 and ASTM C 1492, respectively, and shall be installed
in accordance with Table R905.3.7.
16. Section R904.5 is added to Chapter 9 of the Residential Code to provide
that roof of additions and alterations to existing buildings may be roofed
in the same roofing material as the original building unless other materials
are required by the Chief Building Official:
R904.5 Additions and alterations. Roofs of all additions and alterations to
existing buildings may be roofed in the same roofing material as the
original building unless other materials are required by the Chief Building
8.18 Adoption of Other Appendices of the Residential Code without
There is adopted by reference and without amendment, the following appendices to the
Residential Code:
A. Appendix H: Patio Covers
Chapter 8.12 of the Cathedral City Municipal Code is hereby re-titled as "California Fire
Code, 2019 Edition"and is amended to provide more stringent fire protection requirements than
required by the State which are necessary for the protection of the public's health, welfare and
Chapter 8.12
California Fire Code, 2019 Edition
8.12.010 California Fire Code Adopted with Amendments
Page 123 Rev 03/10/2020
A. Except for the local amendments set forth herein, there is adopted by reference
the California Fire Code 2019 Edition, which is based upon the 2018 International Fire Code and
is published by the California Building Standards Commission as Part 9 of Title 24 of the
California Code of Regulations. A copy of the Code together with the local amendments is
on file with the Building Department.
B. The California Building Code, 2019 Edition (hereinafter "Fire Code") shall be
the Fire Code for the City and said Code together with the adopted appendices and the
amendments set forth in this chapter shall regulate and govern the safeguarding of life and
property from fire and explosion hazards arising from the storage, handling, and use of
hazardous substances, materials and devices, and from conditions hazardous to life or
property in the occupancy of buildings and premises, and providing for the issuance of
permits and collection of permit fees.
8.12.020 Modifications,Amendments and Deletions to the Fire Code
A. The following amendment is made to Section 202:
1. Chapter 2 Definitions is amended to add the definitions of"Common Area"
and "Cannabis Facilities":
CANNABIS FACILITY: Cannabis establishments and businesses are
required to be licensed by the City of Cathedral City including but not
limited to marijuana sales occupancies (dispensaries and distribution
centers), marijuana cultivation facilities, marijuana product manufacturing
(including extraction and infused product operations), and marijuana
testing labs. These establishments or businesses involve unique
operations which create significant life safety and fire hazards. As such, all
establishments or businesses engaging in cannabis activities shall meet
the requirements of the City of Cathedral City Fire Department.
New and/or existing marijuana related establishments or businesses
(including unlicensed/non-compliant) may require construction permits or
a change of occupancy;this may include access control systems, electrical
modifications, addition or deletions of walls, addition or modifications of
fire protection systems, modification to mechanical systems(exhaust hood
systems), air monitoring equipment etc.
Reference the Fire Department Guideline for Construction Permitting for
Cannabis Establishments / Businesses Located in Commercial Buildings
for further information during the construction permitting process.
COMMON AREA. For the purposes of ADA compliance for visual
notification, a common area shall be a room, space, or element made
available for use of a restricted group of people (example, occupants
of a homeless shelter, the occupants of an office building, or the guests
of such occupants). Common areas shall include restrooms, hallways,
lobbies, meeting and conference rooms, classrooms, cafeterias, filing and
photocopy rooms, employee break rooms, open office areas exceeding
300 square feet, examination and treatment rooms, and similar areas that
are not used solely as employee work areas. Mechanical, electrical and
telephone closets, janitor closets, and similar non-occupied spaces that
are not common areas or assigned work areas are not required to have
visual alarm devises.
Page 124 Rev 03/10/2020
MID-RISE BUILDING: Buildings measured from 55 feet to 75 feet above
the lowest floor level of fire department vehicular access shall be
enhanced with high-rise provisions as set forth in Section 509.1 of the
California Fire Code.
MODEL ROCKET:shall mean any toy or educational device which weighs
not more than 500 grams, including the engine and any payload that
is propelled by model rocket engines.
MODEL ROCKET ENGINE: shall mean a commercially manufactured,
non-reusable rocket propulsion device which is constructed of a
nonmetallic casing and solid propellant, wherein all of the ingredients are
self-contained so as not to require mixing or handling by the user and
which have design and construction characteristics determined by the
State Fire Marshal to provide a reasonable degree of safety to the user.
8.12.030 Modifications, Amendments, and Deletions to Appendix Chapter 1 of
the Fire Code
A. There is adopted by reference and with the following additions, deletions and
amendments, Appendix Chapter 1, Administration, of the Fire Code:
1. Section 103.4 is amended to read as follows:
103.4 Liability. Any liability against the City of Cathedral City Fire
Department or any officer or employee shall be as provided for in
California Government Code and case law. Fire suppression,
investigation and rescue or emergency medical costs are recoverable in
accordance with California Health and Safety Code Sections 13009 and
13009.1. Any person who negligently or intentionally, or in violation of
law, causes an emergency response, including but not limited to, a traffic
accident or spill of toxic or flammable fluids or chemicals, is liable for
the costs of securing such emergency, including those costs set out in
Government Code Section 53150, et seq. Any expense incurred by the
fire department for securing such an emergency situation shall constitute
a debt of such person and shall be collectible by the public agency
in the same manner as in the case of an obligation under contract,
expressed or implied.
2. Section 105.5. is added: Plan Submittal.
105.5.1 Plan Submittal. Any plan or master engineering report submitted
for review shall be stamped by a licensed professional architect or
3. Section 108.1 is amended to read as follows:
The Board of Appeals established pursuant to Section 1 0 8 of the Fire
Code shall serve as the Board of Appeals for this Fire Code. The
procedures established in Section 108 for the filing of appeals shall be
applicable to appeals filed pursuant to this Code. The Board is created
to determine the suitability of alternate materials and methods of fire
protection by this Fire Code. The Board shall have no authority to waive
requirements of the Fire Code.
Page 125 Rev 03/10/2020
4. Section 109.3 is amended to read as follows:
109.3 Violations and Penalties. Each person or entity who engages in
any of the following conduct is guilty of an infraction violation which is
punishable by a fine in an amount provided by the City Municipal Code
Section 13.65.050 and by the imposition of any and all other criminal
penalties set forth in Chapter 13.65:
a. Violate or fail to comply with any of the provisions of the California
Fire Code, or this chapter;
b. Fail to comply with any order made pursuant to the California Fire
Code or this chapter;
c. Build or construct in violation of any detailed statement,
specifications, or plans submitted and approved pursuant to the
California Fire Code or this chapter;
d . Build or construct in violation of any certificate or permit issued
pursuant to the California Fire Code or this chapter; or
e. Fail to comply with an order made pursuant to the California Fire
Code or this chapter which is affirmed or modified after an appeal
was conducted.
Each person or entity which engages in flagrant and serious violations
and/or continued noncompliance after notice or order to comply has
been served on the violator or posted on the subject property at which
a violation exists is guilty of a misdemeanor violation which is punishable
by a fine provided by Municipal Code Section 13.70.080 and by the
imposition of any and all other criminal penalties set forth in Chapter 13.70.
Each person or entity is guilty of a separate offense for each day,or portion
thereof, during which any violation of any provision of the California
Fire Code or this chapter is committed, continued or permitted by such
person or entity after notification of the initial violation and shall be
punishable according to the terms set forth herein.
The application of the penalties provided for in this section shall be
cumulative and shall not prevent the City from pursuing other remedies
provided by the City of Cathedral City Municipal Code for said violations
including, but not limited to, the abatement of public nuisance conditions.
5. Section 111.4 is amended to read as follows:
111.4 Failure to comply. It shall be unlawful and a violation of this Code
for any person to continue any work after having been served with a stop
work order, except such work as that person is directed to perform to
remove a violation or unsafe condition.
B. A copy of the foregoing modifications, amendments and deletions to Fire Code
Appendix Chapter 1 shall be maintained in the City's Building and Fire Departments and
available for public inspection.
Page 126 Rev 03/10/2020
8.12.040 Modifications, Amendments and Deletions to Appendix B of the Fire
A. There is adopted by reference and with the additions, deletions and amendments
adopted herein, Appendix B, Fire Flow Requirements for Buildings, which is a part of the Fire
Code. A copy of Appendix B, as amended, shall be maintained in the City's Building and
Fire Departments and available for public inspection.
B. The following deletion is made to Appendix B:
Subsection B104.2 (area separation) is deleted from Appendix B.
C. The following amendment is made to Appendix B:
Table B105.2 Required Fire-Flow for Buildings Other Than One- and Two-
Family Dwellings, Group R-3 and R-4 Buildings and Townhouses.
Section 903.3.1.1 of the International Fire Code is amended to allow 50% of the
value in Table B105.1(2)a.
Section 903.3.1.2 of the International Fire Code is amended to allow 50% of the
value in Table B105.1(2)a.
D. The following deletion and amendment is made to Appendix B:
Footnote "a" —The reduced fire-flow shall not be less than 1,000 gallons per
minute is deleted.
Footnote "b"—The reduced fire-flow shall not be less than 1,500 gallons per
minute and is renumbered to become Footnote "a".
E. The following amendment is made to Appendix B:
Section B106 Referenced Standard
ICC IFC-18 International Fire Code, Table B105.2 to add (as amended).
8.12.050 Fire Code Chapters Adopted Without Amendment
A. The following chapters of the Fire Code are adopted without local amendments:
Chapter 1 General Code Provisions
Chapter 4 Emergency Planning and Preparedness
Chapter 6 Building Services and Systems
Chapter 7 Fire and Smoke Protection Features
Chapter 8 Interior Finish, Decorative Materials and Furnishings
Chapter 10 Means of Egress
Chapter 11 Construction Requirements for Existing Buildings
Chapter 12 Energy Systems
Chapter 13-19 Reserved
Chapter 20 Aviation Facilities
Chapter 21 Dry Cleaning
Chapter 23 Motor Fuel-Dispensing Facilities
Chapter 24 Flammable Finishes
Chapter 25 Fruit and Crop Ripening
Chapter 26 Fumigation and Insecticidal Fogging
Chapter 27 Semiconductor Fabrication Facilities
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Chapter 28 Lumber Yards and Agro-Industrial, Solid Biomass and
Woodworking Facilities.
Chapter 29 Manufacture of Organic Coatings
Chapter 30 Industrial Ovens
Chapter 31 Tents, Temporary Special Event Structures and other
Membrane Structures.
Chapter 32 High-Piled Combustible Storage
Chapter 33 Fire Safety During Construction and Demolition
Chapter 34 Tire Rebuilding and Tire Storage
Chapter 35 Welding and Other Hot Work
Chapter 36 Marinas
Chapter 37 Combustible Fibers
Chapter 38 Reserved
Chapter 39 Processing and Extraction Facilities
Chapter 40-47 Reserved
Chapter 48 Motion Picture and Television Production Studio Sound
Stages, Approved Production Facilities, and Production
Chapter 49 Requirements for Wildland-Urban Interface Fire Areas
Chapter 50 Hazardous Materials-General Provisions
Chapter 51 Aerosols
Chapter 52 Reserved
Chapter 53 Compressed Gases
Chapter 54 Corrosive Materials
Chapter 55 Cryogenic Fluids
Chapter 57 Flammable and Combustible Liquids
Chapter 58 Flammable Gases and Flammable Cryogenic Fluids
Chapter 59 Flammable Solids
Chapter 60 Highly Toxic and Toxic Materials
Chapter 61 Liquified Petroleum Gases
Chapter 62 Organic Peroxides
Chapter 63 Oxidizers, Oxidizing Gases, and Oxidizing Cryogenic
Chapter 64 Pyrophoric Materials
Chapter 65 Pyroxylin (Cellulose Nitrate) Plastics
Chapter 66 Unstable (Reactive) Materials
Chapter 67 Water Reactive Solids and Liquids
Chapter 68-79 Reserved
Chapter 80 Referenced Standards
8.12.060 Adoption of Other Appendices of the Fire Code without Amendments
There is adopted by reference and without amendment, the following appendices to the
Fire Code:
Appendix Chapter 4 — Special Detailed Requirements Based on Use and
Appendix A: Board of Appeals
Appendix E: Hazardous Materials Categories
Appendix F: Hazard Ranking
Appendix G: Cryogenic Fluids -Weight and Volume Equivalents
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Appendix H: Hazardous Materials Management Plans and
Hazardous Materials Inventory Statements
Appendix J-1.1: Cathedral City Public Safety Radio System Coverage
Appendix K: Construction Requirements for Existing Ambulatory Care
Appendix L: Requirements for Fire Fighter Air Replenishment Systems
Appendix M: High-Rise Buildings Retroactive Automatic Sprinkler
Appendix N: Indoor Trade Shows and Exhibitions
Appendix 0: Temporary Haunted Houses, Ghost Walks and Similar
Amusement Uses
Appendix P: Cathedral City Fire Department Development Guidelines
A copy of the City of Cathedral City Fire Department Development Guidelines and
the Cathedral City Public Safety Radio System Coverage Specifications shall be kept on file
with the City Clerk.
B. The following modifications, amendments and deletions are made Section 308:
1. Section 308.3 is amended to regulate the use of Tiki/Luau torches:
308.3 Open-flame devices. A person shall not utilize or allow to be
utilized, an open flame or use of a Tiki or Luau torch in connection with
a public meeting or gathering for purposes of deliberation, worship,
entertainment, amusement, instruction, education, recreation, awaiting
transportation or similar purpose in Group A or E occupancies without
first obtaining a permit in accordance with Appendix Chapter 1, Section
2. Section 308.3.2.1 is added to regulate the installation of permanent
Tiki and/or Luau torches:
Section 308.3.2.1 Installation of Permanent Tiki and/or Luau torches
using Liquid Propane Fuel or Natural Gas.
a. The following regulations apply to the installation of permanent Tiki
and Luau torches using liquid propane fuel or Natural gas:
i) Only LPG or natural gas fueled permanent Tiki and/or Luau
torches will be allowed.
ii) Installer shall submit plans to the Planning Department for
review and approval. After Planning Department approval,
the plans must be reviewed and approved by the Building
Department and Fire Department. After all approvals,
Page 129 Rev 03/10/2020
installer must obtain an operational permit for use of an
open flame device.
iii) Maximum length of flame shall not exceed twelve (12)
iv) Flame shall be a minimum of eight (8) feet from ground
level and entire torch shall be entirely on private property.
v) Minimum size of pipe support shall be one and one half
inches (1 1/2") in diameter. EXCEPTION: If mounted on
a structure and braced to the satisfaction of the inspection
authority, minimum size could be one inch (1"). A radius of
five (5) feet between torch burner and combustibles shall
be maintained.
b. Where natural gas or LPG is used, an approved shut-off valve
shall be located at or near the base of the torch and a labeled
secondary shut-off shall be located at a readily accessible remote
location. Secondary valves may operate one or more torches.
C. The following modifications, amendments and deletions are made Section 311:
1. Section 311.5 (Placards) is deleted in its entirety.
D. The following modifications, amendments and deletions are made Section 503:
1. Subsection 503.1.2 is amended to regulate fire apparatus access roads
for developments of one-or two-family dwellings:
503.1.2 Additional access. The Fire Chief is authorized to require more
than one fire apparatus access road based on the potential for
impairment of a single road by vehicle congestion, condition of terrain,
climatic conditions or other factors that could limit access. Developments
of one-or two-family dwellings where the number of dwelling units
exceeds 25 shall be provided with separate and approved fire apparatus
access roads. All multiple-family residential developments shall provide
with two separate and approved fire apparatus access roads.
2. Subsection 503.1.4 is added to provide for the evaluation of the design
of access roads:
503.1.4 Access road design. The Fire Chief shall evaluate access road
design in terms of total response efficiency. The Fire Chief is authorized
to make modifications to access road network design, access road route
and inter-connectivity with new or existing roads so that response
efficiency is maintained.
3. Subsection 503.1.5 is added to regulate access roads with installed fences
which cause the distance from the road to exceed the maximum distance
allowed in Section 503:
503.1.5 Fences. When fences are installed that caused the distance from
an approved fire department access road to exceed the maximum
distance allowed in Section 503 here in, a person gate shall be provided
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in the fence to maintain the required fire department access. The gate
shall be a minimum four (4) feet in width and be equipped with a key
box, key switch and/or lock accessible from both sides in accordance
with Section 506 of this Code.
4. Subsection 503.1.6 is added to regulate fire access roads, fire lanes
and signage:
503.1.6 Fire apparatus access roads, fire lanes and signage. In all
locations where access by emergency vehicles for fire suppression and
rescue purposes is unduly difficult or subject to obstruction,the Fire Chief
may designate certain locations as fire lanes. Fire lanes may include
some or all roadways within certain public or private structural
complexes. Such roadways shall be marked and/or posted in accordance
with the standards provided by the Cathedral City Fire Department.
Persons or entities who park, leave, abandon, or store a vehicle(s) or
cause or permit a vehicle(s)to be parked, left, abandoned, or stored in a
fire lane may be subject to the issuance of an infraction citation pursuant
to Chapter 13.65 of the Cathedral City Municipal Code and/or may have
their vehicle(s)towed from the location pursuant to local or State statutes.
All fire lane signs and/or curb markings shall be maintained in a legible
and visible condition at all times by the property owner(s).
5. Subsection 503.2.1 is amended to regulate the dimensions for fire access
roads for subterranean and above-ground parking structures and those
located in the proximity of buildings and structures more than thirty (30)
feet in height:
503.2.1 Dimensions. Fire apparatus access roads shall have an
unobstructed width of not less than 20 feet except for approved security
gates in accordance with Section 503.6 and an unobstructed vertical
clearance of not less than 13 feet 6 inches, except that subterranean
and above ground parking structures shall have an unobstructed vertical
clearance of not less than 8 feet 6 inches.
6. Subsection 503.2.3 is amended to regulate the design of access road
503.2.3 Surface. Fire apparatus access roads shall be designed and
maintained to support the imposed loads of fire apparatus (73,000 lbs.
GVW) and shall be surfaced so as to provide all- weather driving
7. Subsection 503.2.4 is amended to regulate the turning radius of access
503.2.4 Turning radius. The required turning radius of a fire apparatus
access road shall be determined by the Fire Chief. Fire access road
turns and corners shall be designed with a minimum inner radius of 15
feet and an outer radius of 35 feet. Radius must be concentric.
8. Subsection 503.2.5 is amended to regulate dead ends for access roads:
503.2.5 Dead ends. Dead-end fire apparatus access roads in excess of
150 one hundred fifty feet in length shall be provided with an approved
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area for turning around fire apparatus. The City of Cathedral City has
two approved turn around provisions: (i) a cul-de-sac with an outside
turning radius of 35 feet from centerline; and (ii) a hammerhead
turnaround 65 feet from centerline in both directions.
9. Subsection 503.2.7 is amended to regulate the grade of access roads:
503.2.7 Grade. The grade of the fire apparatus access road shall be
within the limits established by the Fire Chief based on the fire
department's apparatus. No grade shall exceed 12 percent. Grade
transitions shall not exceed maximum angle of approach and angle of
departure based on the fire department's apparatus as determined
by the Fire Chief.
10. Subsection 503.2.9 is added to provide for aerial fire access roads:
503.2.9 Aerial Fire Access Roads. Buildings or portions of buildings or
facilities exceeding 30 feet in height above the lowest level of fire
department vehicle access shall be provided with approved fire apparatus
access roads capable of accommodating fire department aerial apparatus.
Overhead utility and power lines shall not be located within the aerial fire
apparatus access roadway.
a. 503.2.9.1 Minimum width. Fire apparatus access roads shall
have a minimum unobstructed width of 26 feet in the immediate
vicinity of any building or portion of building more than 30 feet in
b. 503.2.9.2 Proximity to building. At least one of the access
routes required under this section 503.2.9 shall be located within
a minimum of 15 feet and a maximum of 30 feet from the building
and shall be positioned parallel to one entire side of the building.
11. Amendments are made to Section 503.6 to maintain emergency
response standards related to efficiency and time. It is necessary for
the Fire Chief to have the authority to condition the design of access
roads related to the proposed project as delays in response times have a
detrimental effect upon public safety:
503.6 Security gates. The installation of security gates across a fire
apparatus access road shall be approved by the F ire Chief. Where
security gates are installed, they shall have an approved means of
emergency operation. The security gates and the emergency operation
shall be maintained at all times.
a. 503.6.1 Knox access switches; approved padlock or chain.
Secured automated vehicle gates or entries shall utilize approved
Knox access switches as required by the Fire Chief. The location
of the Knox access switches must be approved by the fire code
official prior to the installation. Secured non-automated vehicle
gates or entries shall utilize an approved padlock or chain
(maximum link or lock shackle size of inch)when required by the
Fire Chief.
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b. 503.6.2 Residential complexes. Residential complexes using
secured automated vehicle entry gates or entries shall utilize a
traffic pre-emptive strobe-activated switch and/or an approved
Knox key electric switch when required by the Fire Chief. Gate
arms securing parking lots and parking structures shall be
equipped with a fire department approved dual-keyed Knox key
electric switch. When activated, the arm or arms shall open to
allow fire and law enforcement access.
c. 503.6.3 Dimensions.Approved security gates shall be a minimum
of 20 feet in unobstructed drive width on at least the entry side
with gate in open position. An unobstructed vertical clearance
of not less than 13 feet 6 inches (4115 mm) shall be provided
and maintained at all times.
d. 503.6.4 Power failure. In the event of a power failure, the
gate(s) shall be defaulted or automatically transferred to a fail-
safe mode allowing the gate to be pushed open without the use
of special knowledge or any equipment. If a two- gate system
is used, the override switch must open both gates.
e. 503.6.5 Override switch. If there is no sensing device that will
automatically open the gates for exiting, a fire department
approved Knox electrical override switch shall be placed on each
side of the gate in an approved location.
f. 503.6.6 Spikes and roadway obstructions prohibited. No
spikes or roadway obstructions shall be constructed within
access and exit ways without provisions for emergency retraction
or removal with a Knox electrical override switch or similar device
as approved by the Fire Chief.
g. 503.6.7 Final inspection. A final field inspection by the Fire Chief
is required before electronically controlled gates may become
operative. Prior to final inspection, electronic gates shall remain in
a locked-open position.
F. The following modifications, amendments and deletions are made Section 504:
1. Section 504.1 is amended to add provisions pertaining to required
504.1 Required access. Exterior doors and openings required by this
code or the California Building Code shall be maintained readily
accessible for emergency access by the fire department. An approved
access walkway leading from fire apparatus access roads to exterior
openings shall be provided when required by the Fire Chief. Finished
grade to be flat and accessible on all sides of the building where ground
ladder access is the only means to reach the highest point on the building
from the exterior. Distance from building for finish grade shall be flat as
required by the Fire Chief. Obstructions shall not be placed as to interfere
with ground ladder placement.
G. The following modifications,amendments and deletions are made Section 505:
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1. Subsection 505.1.1 is added to provide the minimum premises
identification standards for multi-family, multi-retail and multi-commercial
505.1.1 Address numbers for specified occupancies. All multi-family,
multi-retail and multi-commercial occupancies shall have a minimum of
twelve (12) inch high numbers, with a minimum one and one-half (11/2)
inch stroke. All commercial, light and heavy industrial occupancies shall
have a minimum of twelve (12) inch high numbers, with a minimum one
and one-half(1%) inch stroke.
All address numbers are required to be illuminated (back or surface lit).
H. The following modifications, amendments and deletions are made Section 506:
1. Section 506.1 is amended to add provisions pertaining to key boxes:
506.1 Where required. Where access to or within a structure or an area
is restricted because of secured openings or where immediate access is
necessary for life-saving or fire-fighting purposes, the Fire Chief is
authorized to require a key box to be installed in an approved location. The
key box shall be of an approved type and shall contain keys to gain
necessary access as required by the Fire Chief. Secured emergency
access gates serving apartment, townhome or condominium complex
courtyard must provide a key box in addition to association or facility locks.
The nominal height of Knox lock box installations shall be five (5) feet
above grade. Location and installation of Knox key boxes must be
approved by the Fire Chief.
The following modifications, amendments and deletions are made Section 507:
1. The following modifications, amendments and deletions are made Section
a. Subsection 507.5.1 is amended to provide more stringent private
fire hydrant placement requirements:
507.5.1 Where required. Minimum basic private fire hydrant
spacing for multi-family residential (triplexes or greater, apartment
houses, hotels, convents or monasteries) and all commercial or
industrial properties shall be spaced not more than 300 feet along
streets or fire apparatus access roadways, so that all fire
apparatus- accessible portions of the building are within 150 feet
of a hydrant.
J. The following Section 511 is added to provide reliable public safety
Section 511 is added to ensure portable hand-held radios used by police and
fire personnel often do not have the signal strength to send radio messages
from within buildings or from underground parking garages to outside
emergency responders. Installation of a Public Safety Radio System into the
building will increase radio frequency amplification for all first responders and
improve public safety:
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511.1 General. All new buildings four stories in height or taller and all
subterranean levels of parking structures or existing altered buildings over twenty
(20) percent shall meet the City of Cathedral City Public Safety Radio System
Coverage specifications as determined by the Fire Chief.
K. The following modifications, amendments and deletions are made Section 901:
1. Section 901.4 is amended to provide circumstances under which existing
non-conforming buildings are required to comply with fire safety
requirements for newly constructed buildings and structures:
901.4 Installation. Fire protection systems shall be maintained in
accordance with the original installation standards for that system.
Required systems shall be extended, altered,or augmented as necessary
to maintain and continue protection whenever the building is altered,
remodeled or added to. Alterations to fire protection systems shall be
done in accordance with applicable standards.
Existing non-conforming buildings shall comply with all the fire safety
requirements for a newly constructed building or structure under the
following circumstances:
a. When the floor area in an existing non-conforming building is
increased greater than fifty (50) percent of the total square footage of the
original building.
b. When a change in occupancy occurs in an existing
non-conforming building which, in the opinion of the Fire Chief or Chief
Building Official, significantly changes the use of the building.
c. When structural repairs and/or alterations are made to an existing
non-conforming building which exceeds fifty (50) percent aggregate
replacement of the total square footage of the original building.
2. Section 901.6 is amended to provide additional provisions pertaining
to inspections, testing and maintenance of fire detection, alarm and
extinguishing systems:
901.6 Inspection, testing and maintenance. Fire detection, alarm and
extinguishing systems shall be maintained in an operative condition at all
times, and shall be replaced or repaired where defective. It shall be
the responsibility of the owner to ensure that these requirements are met.
Non-required fire protection systems and equipment shall be inspected,
tested and maintained or removed. Prior to the removal of any fire
protection system, permission shall be obtained from the Fire Chief.
L. The following modifications, amendments and deletions are made Section 903:
1. Section 903.2 is amended to provide more stringent fire protection
requirements by requiring the installation of approved automatic fire
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sprinkler systems in every newly constructed Group A occupancy building
where one of the following conditions exist:
a. Section 903.2.1.1 is amended as follows:
903.2.1.1 Group A-1 An automatic sprinkler system shall be
provided for Group A-1 occupancies where:
The aggregate fire area under the roof exceeds 3,000 square feet.
Resistive walls shall not be considered for reducing the fire area
of the building for the purposes of this section.
b. Section 903.2.1.2 is amended as follows:
903.2.1.2 Group A-2 An automatic sprinkler system shall be
provided for Group A-2 occupancies where:
The aggregate fire area under the roof exceeds 3,000 square
feet, fire resistive walls shall not be considered for reducing the
fire area of the building for the purposes of this section.
c. Section 903.2.1.3 is amended as follows:
903.2.1.3 Group A-3 An automatic sprinkler system shall be
provided for Group A-3 occupancies where:
The aggregate fire area under the roof exceeds 3,000 square feet.
Fire resistive walls shall not be considered for reducing the fire
area of the building for the purposes of this section.
d. Delete subsection 903.2.1.4 (Default to 2019 Fire Code
e. Delete subsection 903.2.1.5 (Default to 2019 Fire Code
f. Section 903.2.3 is amended as follows:
903.2.3 Group E. Except as provided for in Sections 903.2.3.1 for
a new public school campus and 907.2.3.6 (Automatic fire alarm
system) for modernization of an existing public school campus
building(s), an approved automatic fire sprinkler system shall be
provided for Group E occupancies where:
i) The aggregate fire area under the roof exceeds 3,000
square feet. Fire resistive walls shall not be considered for
reducing the fire area of the building for the purposes of
this section.
ii) Throughout every portion of educational buildings below
the level of exit discharge.
Exception: An automatic sprinkler system is not required in any
fire area or area below the level of exit discharge where every
classroom throughout the building has at least one exterior exit
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door at ground level and the aggregate fire area under the roof
does not exceed 3,000 square feet.
g. Section 903.2.4 is amended as follows:
903.2.4 Group F-1. An approved automatic fire sprinkler system
shall be provided throughout all new buildings used for Group F
occupancies where one or more of the following conditions exists:
i) Where a Group F-1 aggregate fire area under the roof
exceeds 3,000 square feet regardless of stories.
ii) Where a Group F-1 fire area is located more than three
stories above grade plane; or
iii) Where the combined area of all Group F-1 fire areas on
all floors, including any mezzanines, exceeds 3,000 square
Fire resistive walls shall not be considered for reducing the
fire area of the building for the purposes of this section.
iv) Cannabis Cultivation and Manufacturing Sites: The Fire
Department considers these uses to be a Group F-1
(Factory Industrial Moderate-Hazard Occupancy). All new
construction is required to be fire sprinkled per the
amended Fire Code (see above requirements).
Cannabis Cultivation and Manufacturing Sites that will be
sited in an existing structure, an automatic sprinkler system
shall be provided throughout all buildings containing a
Group F-1 occupancy where one of the following conditions
(a) Where a Group F-1 fire area exceeds 12,000
square feet; or
(b) Where a Group F-1 fire area is located more than
three stories above grade plane; or
(c) Where the combined area of all Group F-1 fire areas
on all floors, including any mezzanines, exceeds
24,000 square feet.
h. Section 903.2.7 is amended as follows:
903.2.7 Group M. An automatic fire sprinkler system shall be
provided throughout buildings containing a Group M occupancy
where one or more of the following conditions exist:
i) Where a Group M aggregate fire area under the roof
exceeds 3,000 square feet, regardless of stories.
ii) Where a Group M fire area is located more than three
stories above grade plane; or
Page 137 Rev 03/10/2020
iii) Where the combined area of all Group M fire areas on all
floors, including any mezzanines, under the roof exceeds
3,000 square feet.
Fire resistive walls shall not be considered for reducing the fire area
of the building for the purposes of this section.
Section 903.2.9 is amended as follows:
903.2.9 Group S-1.An automatic fire sprinkler shall be provided
throughout all buildings containing a Group S-1 occupancy where
one or more of the following conditions exists:
i) A Group S-1 aggregate fire area under the roof exceeds
3,000 square feet, regardless of stories.
ii) A Group S-1 fire area is located more than three stories
above grade plane; or
iii) The combined area of all Group S-1 fire areas on all
floors, including any mezzanines, under the roof exceeds
3,000 square feet.
Fire resistive walls shall not be considered for reducing the fire area
of the building for the purposes of this section.
j. Section 903.2.9.1 is amended as follows:
903.2.9.1 Repair garages.An automatic sprinkler system shall be
provided throughout all buildings used as repair garages in
accordance with Section 406 of the California Building Code,
where the aggregate fire area containing a repair garage under the
roof exceeds 3,000 square feet or where the vehicles serviced are
parked in the basement.
k. Section 903.2.10 is amended as follows:
i) 903.2.10 Group S-2. An automatic sprinkler system shall
be provided throughout all buildings containing a Group S-
2 occupancy where one or more of the following
conditions exist:
(a) A Group S-2 aggregate fire area under the roof
exceeds 3,000 square feet, regardless of stories;
Exception: Group S-2 carports— 100% open on all sides of
non-combustible construction
(b) A Group S-2 fire area is located more than three
stories above grade plane; or
(c) The combined area of all Group S-2 aggregate fire
areas on all floors, including any mezzanines,
under the roof exceeds 3,000 square feet.
Page 138 Rev 03/10/2020
Fire resistive walls shall not be considered for reducing the fire
area of the building for the purposes of this section.
An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided throughout
buildings classified as enclosed parking garages in accordance
with Section 406.4 of the California Building Code or where
located beneath other occupancy groups.
Section 903.2.10.1 is amended as follows:
903.2.10.1 Commercial parking garages. An automatic
sprinkler system shall be provided throughout buildings used for
storage of commercial trucks or buses where the aggregate fire
area under the roof exceeds 3,000 square feet.
m. Section 903.2.20 is added to provide the conditions upon which
automatic sprinkler systems must be installed for Group B
903.2.20 Group B. An automatic sprinkler system shall be
provided for Group B occupancies where one or more of the
following conditions exists:
i) Where the aggregate fire area under the roof exceeds
3,000 square feet. Fire resistive walls shall not be
considered for reducing the gross floor area of the building
for the purposes of this section.
ii) Where the fire area has an occupant load of 100 or more
iii) Where the fire area is located on a floor other than the
level of exit discharge.
n. Section 903.2.20.1 is added to require the installation of automatic
sprinkler systems for buildings constructed near an existing fire
sprinkler protected structure:
903.2.20.1 Buildings proximately located to a protected
building or structure. An approved automatic fire sprinkler
system shall be installed in any building constructed within 10 feet
of an existing fire sprinkler protected building or structure.
o. Section 903.2.21 is added to establish conditions in which tenant
improvements or added square footage will result in the
application of Section 903:
903.2.21 Tenant improvements. Section 903 shall apply to
existing buildings undergoing tenant improvement where the
improvement or added square footage results in the total
aggregate fire area of the building increasing by 50% or more of
the existing square footage.
(All other pro visions of Section 903.2 not expressly amended
herein remain unchanged)
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p. Section 903.2.22, is added for Group F-2 occupancies
903.2.22 Group F-2. An automatic sprinkler system shall be
provided throughout all new buildings containing a Group F-2
occupancy when the fire area under roof exceeds 3,000 square
q. Section 903.4.3 is amended to provide additional requirements
for floor control valves:
903.4.3 Floor control valves. Approved supervised indication
control valves shall be provided at the point of connection to
the riser on each floor in buildings three or more stories in height
unless otherwise approved by the Fire Chief. Valve locations will
be determined and approved by the Fire Chief.
r. Section 903.6.1 is added for Increased Square Footage:
Section 903.6.1 Any existing building or structure undergoing
construction or alteration which adds square footage exceeding the
total aggregate floor area, as prescribed in Section 903.2 shall
require an approved automatic fire sprinkler system.
Exceptions: (1) One and two-family dwellings and manufactured
homes (2) additions to occupancies equating to fifty (50) percent
or less of total floor area. Fire Sprinkler requirements for these
occupancies shall be determined based on the California Fire Code
Table B105.1 — Minimum Required Fire Flow for Buildings.
M. The following modifications, amendments and deletions are made Section 907:
1. Section 907.2.13 is amended to include other occupancy types as
requiring the installation of automatic fire alarm system and
emergency voice/alarm communication systems:
907.2.13 High-rise, mid-rise buildings. High-rise and mid-rise buildings
and buildings with a floor used for human occupancy located more than
55 feet above the lowest level of fire department vehicle access shall be
provided with an automatic fire alarm system and emergency voice/alarm
communication system in accordance with Section 907.2.12.2
2. Section 907.2.18 is amended to require all underground buildings to be
equipped with a manual fire alarm system:
907.2.19 Underground buildings. All underground buildings shall be
equipped throughout with a manual fire alarm system, including an
emergency voice/alarm communication system installed in accordance
with section 907.2.12.2.
N. The following modifications, amendments and deletions are made Section 908:
1. Section 908.3.1 is added:
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908.3.1 Alarms. The gas detection system shall initiate a local alarm and
transmit a signal to a constantly attended control station when a short-
term hazard condition is detected. The alarm shall be both visible and
audible and shall provide warning both inside and outside the area where
gas is detected. The audible alarm shall be distinct from all other alarms.
2. Section 908.3.2 is added:
908.3.2 Shutoff of gas supply. The gas detection system shall
automatically close the shutoff valve at the source on gas supply piping
and tubing related to the system being monitored for whichever gas is
Exception: Automatic shutdown is not required for reactors utilized for the
production of highly toxic or toxic compressed eases where such reactors
a. Operated at pressures less than 15 pounds per square inch
b. Constantly attended.
c. Provided with readily accessible emergency shut-off valves.
3. Section 908.3.3 is added:
908.3.3 Valve closure. The automatic closure of shutoff valves shall be
in accordance with the following:
a . Where the gas-detection sampling point initiates the gas
detection system alarm, which is within a gas cabinet exhausted
enclosure, the shutoff valve in the gas cabinet or exhausted
enclosure for the specific gas detected shall automatically close.
b. Where the gas-detection sampling point initiates the gas
detection system alarm, which is within a gas room and
compressed gas containers are not in gas cabinets or exhausted
enclosures, the shutoff valves on all gas lines for the specific gas
detected shall automatically close.
c. Where the gas-detection sampling point initiates the gas detection
system alarm, which is within a piping distribution manifold
enclosure, the shutoff valve for the compressed container of
specific gas detected supplying the manifold shall automatically
Exception: When the gas-detection sampling point initiates the
gas detection system alarm, which is at a use location or within a
gas valve enclosure of a branch line down-stream of a piping
distribution manifold, the shutoff valve in the gas valve enclosure
for the branch line located in the piping distribution manifold
enclosure shall automatically close.
O. The following modifications, amendments and deletions are made Section 912:
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1. Section 912 is amended to provide for the approval of the location,
number of inlets and size of fire department connections and to provide
additional requirements for the location of such connections:
(a) When the total sprinkler system demand, including
hose allowance, is less than 499 G.P.M., the Fire
Department Connection riser shall be 4" in nominal
diameter and shall have a standard 2-way
threaded 2 1/2" connections.
(b) When the total sprinkler system demand, including
hose allowance, is 500 GPM to 1,199 G.P.M., the
Fire Department Connection riser shall be 6" in
nominal diameter and shall have a standard 3-way
threaded 2 1/2" connections.
(c) When the total sprinkler system demand, including
hose allowance, is greater than 1,200 G.P.M., the
Fire Department Connection riser shall be 6" in
nominal diameter and shall have a standard 4-way
threaded 2 1/2" connections.
P. The following modifications, amendments and deletions are made Section 914:
1. Section 914.2.1.5 is amended to delete the Exception provided under
paragraph 5:
914.2.1.5 An automatic sprinkler system shall not be required in spaces
or areas of open parking garages separated from the covered or open mall
in accordance with Section 402.4.2.3 of the California Building Code and
constructed in accordance with Section 406.5 of the California Building
2. Section 914. is amended to delete the Exception:
914. An automatic sprinkler system shall not be required in open
parking garages in accordance with Section 406.5 of the California
Building Code.
Q. Section 1103.11 is added Increased Hazard Class in Change of Use
1. Section 1103.11 Increased Hazard Class in Change of Use. An
approved fire alarm system shall be installed in existing, non-sprinklered
buildings when a change of use occurs resulting in a higher hazard
2. Section 1201.1.1 is added Other Systems
3. Section 1201.1.1, Other Systems. Where required by the Fire Code
Official, other systems and operations including but not limited to battery
systems assembly, battery reconditioning and storage, research and
development of battery storage systems, electric vehicle manufacturing
and testing, and battery charging systems for cars or carts inside of
buildings or structures, shall comply with this chapter.
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Exception: When approved by the Fire Code Official, charging stations
for electric vehicles located in open parking garages of Type I or II
R. Section 3106.4 is added to regulate fire protection measures for parade floats:
1. 3106.4.1 Decorative materials. Decorative materials on parade floats shall
be non-combustible or flame retardant.
2. 3106.4.2 Fire protection. Motorized parade floats and towing apparatus
shall be provided with a minimum 2-A: 10-B:C rated portable fire
extinguisher readily accessible to the operator.
3. 3106.4.3 A twelve (12) inch minimum clearance of decorative materials
shall be maintained around the vehicle and/or generator.
4. 3106.4.4 Portable generators shall be secure from tipping and subject to
approval by the fire code official.
S. Section 5609 is added to regulate fireworks:
Section 5608 FIREWORKS
1. 5608.1 Prohibition. The manufacture, sale, possession, storage,
handling or use of "safe and sane" fireworks as currently defined in the
California Health and Safety Code section 12529 or"dangerous fireworks"
as currently defined in the California Health and Safety Code section
12505 or thereafter amended by state statute is prohibited in the City.
The provisions of this section do not apply to fireworks displays conducted
in accordance with the provisions of any permit issued pursuant to this
2. 5608.2 Seizure of fireworks. The Fire Chief, any authorized Fire
Chief, or his or her designee, peace officer or other city official authorized
to enforce the City's Municipal Code may seize, take, remove, or cause
to be removed at the expense of the owner all prohibited fireworks and
explosives. This will include all persons, firms or corporations who
manufacture, sell, possess, store, handle or use any prohibited fireworks
or explosives.
T. The following modifications, amendments and deletions are made Section 5704:
1. Section 5704. is added to prohibit the installation of
combustible/flammable liquid tanks in residential districts:
5704. Location
The installation of underground combustible and/or flammable liquid tanks
is hereby prohibited in all residential districts. The Fire Chief may
authorize installation of underground combustible/flammable liquid tanks
in agricultural, commercial and manufacturing districts.
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2. The definition of Secondary Containment in Section 5704. added:
SECONDARY CONTAINMENT-That level of containment that is external
to and separate from primary containment and is capable of safely and
securely containing the material, without discharge, for a period of time
reasonably necessary to ensure detection and remedy of the primary
containment failure.
U. Section 6108 is amended regarding liquefied petroleum gas (LPG):
1. 6108.1 New Installation of Liquefied Petroleum Gas. All new
installation of liquefied petroleum gas with an aggregate capacity of 2,000
gallons or more shall be protected by an approved automatic fixed water
spray system. The system shall protect the entire surface area of the
tank and the cargo tanker transfer area. The system shall be calculated
to provide a minimum density of .25 gallons per minute per square foot
with a one-hour duration water supply.
A copy of the foregoing modifications, amendments and deletions to the Fire Code
shall be maintained in the City's Building and Fire Departments and available for public
A copy of the codes adopted herein, together with a copy of this ordinance, shall be
on file with the Building and Safety Division and maintained by the Chief Building Official
for use and examination by the public. A copy of the Fire Code and the amendments thereto
shall be maintained by the Fire Chief for use and examination by the public. Copies of the
City of Cathedral City Fire Department Development Guidelines and the Cathedral City Public
Safety Radio System Coverage Specifications, as referenced in Municipal Code section
8.12.060 as provided by this ordinance, are attached hereto and incorporated herein by
The City Council declares that, should any provision, section, paragraph, sentence or
word of this ordinance be rendered or declared invalid by any final court action in a court
of competent jurisdiction or by reason of any preemptive legislation, the remaining provisions,
sections, paragraphs, sentences or words of this ordinance as hereby adopted shall remain
in full force and effect.
All the provisions of the Cathedral City Municipal Code as heretofore adopted by the
City of Cathedral City that are-in-conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby
This ordinance shall take effect on April 13, 2020.
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The City Attorney's Office is hereby directed to determine whether this ordinance
necessitates amendment of the City's Bail Schedule and to cause such necessary amendments
to be made and filed with the local branches of the Superior Court of the County.
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The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordinance and shall cause the same
to be published according to law.
The foregoing Ordinance was approved and adopted at a meeting of the City Council
held on March 11, 2020 by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmembers Lamb, Gutierrez and Carnevale; Mayor
Noes: Mayor Pro Tern Gregory
Abstain: None
Absent: None
Jo :11Aguilar, Maw•
( AA.I/
Tracey Ma ez, Ci y Clerk
Eric S. Vail, City Attorney
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