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Cathedral City
Monday, June 26, 2017 SPECIAL MEETING 6:30 PM
Mayor Henry called the Regular Meeting of June 26, 2017, to order at 6:30 p.m.
Council Member Shelley Kaplan led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Council Member Mark Carnevale offered the Invocation.
Present 5- Mayor Stan Henry, Mayor Pro Tern Gregory S. Pettis, Council Member Shelley Kaplan, Council
Member Mark Carnevale, and Council Member John Aguilar
A. MADD Law Enforcement Recognition Award -Officers Castro and Lara
Chief Walker recognized Officers Castro and Lara.
B. 2017-259 Special Presentation from Board Chair of the Cathedral City
Chamber of Commerce
Recommendation: This is a presentation only, no action required from the City Council
Lesa Bodner, Chamber of Commerce, thanked the Council for its support of the Chamber.
Olivia Manes, Cathedral City, was called to speak. She discussed an ancient organism in Cathedral City and
requested the City declare the organism as the designated plant of the City.
Robert McKechnie, Executive Director of Cathedral City Senior Center, was called to speak. He discussed
successes at the Senior Center and thanked the Council for its support.
Carl Cieslikowski, Palm Desert, was called to speak. He discussed his experience with automobile difficulty and
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City Council Special Meeting SPECIAL MEETING June 26,2017
officer's refusal to assist his service animal in the heat. He requested an apology from the City and the Chief of
Bethany Ballard, Cathedral City, was called to speak. She requested new legislation on speech for all public
officials,particularly commissioners on social media.
Approval of the Consent Agenda
A motion was made by Council Member Kaplan,seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Pettis,to approve the
following Consent Agenda Items. The motion carried by the following vote:
Aye: 5- Mayor Henry, Mayor Pro Tern Pettis, Council Member Kaplan, Council Member Carnevale, and
Council Member Aguilar
2.A. 2017-252 Contract Award for the McCallum Way and 30th Avenue Pavement
Rehabilitation Improvements
Recommendation: Staff recommends the City Council authorize the City Manager to execute a
construction contract with the low responsive and responsible bidder to
construct the McCallum Way and 30th Avenue Pavement Rehabilitation
Improvement Projects as listed in the 2017-19 Capital Improvement
Program, after bids are received, evaluated, confirmed; including
inspection, testing and contingencies; all within the approved budgeted
limits for each Project.
This item was approved.
Enactment No: M.O. 6776
2.B. 2017-253 Accept Donation of Property from the City Urban Revitalization
Recommendation: Staff recommends the City Council adopt a Resolution accepting donation
of property from the City Urban Revitalization Corporation "CURC" for park
and/or recreational amenity purposes
This item was approved.
Enactment No: Reso 2017-34
3.A. 2017-247 Public Hearing to Receive Public Comments and Discuss Potential
Council Election Districts
Recommendation: Staff recommends the City Council hold a public hearing and receive
comments from the public regarding Council election districts; discuss the
submitted district maps; and consider selecting maps for further
Doug Johnson, NDC, presented the potential district maps. He spoke about the criteria and how the maps were
developed with federal laws. He commended the public on their participation and input on the maps. He explained
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that the maps were grouped into three categories including:Most-Compact, Less-Compact, and North-South. He
showed pictures of each map and explained the census blocks. He explained next steps and indicated the maps
could be viewed on the City's website.
Kathleen Patterson, Cathedral City, was called to speak. She recommended retaining neighborhoods together.
Dale Jag, Cathedral City, was called to speak. He stated that he did not want to see the Cove split up into
Bethany Ballard, Cathedral City, was called to speak. She suggested the Cove not have two representatives.
Sergio Espericueta, Cathedral City, was called to speak. He recommended that the Dream Home neighborhood
be kept together.
Michael Hagedorn, Cathedral City, was called to speak. He stated that he was disappointed in the map selection
process. He explained that the residents knew the area best and suggested online voting for the maps.
Mayor Henry closed the public hearing.
Mayor Pro Tern Pettis discussed the proposed districts for the Cove. He expressed his interest in looking at the
population deviations and stated the final decision would be made in September.
Councilmember Aguilar expressed disappointed with limited participation and encouraged public outreach.
Councilmember Kaplan asked which maps had three districts with the majority Latino voting population. Mr.
Johnson presented the demographic sheet available on the City's website, pointing out the maps with three
majority Latino districts.
Mayor Pro Tem Pettis asked if there were any maps that would show fluctuation related to the Asian population.
Doug Johnson responded that the percentage was too small. He stated the population numbers were from the
2010 US Census Bureau and 2014 registration data.
Mayor Henry discussed difficulty in retaining neighborhoods. He discussed the City of lndio's process, not allowing
the community to draw maps. He agreed that the maps be narrowed down in July.
In response to Councilmember Aguilar, Mr. Johnson explained the maps by election year.
In response to Councilmember Carnevale, Mr. Johnson explained that the maps would be narrowed down and then
adjusted for detail.
3.B. 2017-221 Public Hearing and Formation of Underground Utility District
Recommendation: Staff recommends the City Council conduct a Public Hearing; receive
public comments; and approve the formation of Underground Utility District
John Corella, City Engineer, presented the staff report.
Mayor Henry opened the public hearing.
Bethany Ballard, Cathedral City, was called to speak. She indicated support for undergrounding and encouraged
keeping the cost down.
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Mayor Henry closed the public hearing.
A motion was made by Council Member Aguilar,seconded by Council Member Kaplan,to approve the
formation of Underground Utility District 2017-01.The motion carried by the following vote:
Aye: 5- Mayor Henry, Mayor Pro Tern Pettis, Council Member Kaplan, Council Member Carnevale, and
Council Member Aguilar
Enactment No: Reso 2017-31
4.A. 2017-249 Commissions and Committee Appointments
Recommendation: Staff recommends Council approve appointments to vacancies on the
various Commissions and Committees based on interviews conducted on
June 26, 2017.
A motion was made by Council Member Carnevale,seconded by Council Member Kaplan,to appoint
the following individuals to the Architectual Review Committee:
Robert Lee Durbin and Dean Keffer with a term continuing to June 30,2019
Mitch King, Ray Lopez and John Rivera with a term continuning to June 30,2020.
Aye: 5- Mayor Henry, Mayor Pro Tern Pettis, Council Member Kaplan, Council Member Carnevale, and
Council Member Aguilar
Enactment No: M.O. 6777, 6778, 6779,6780, 6781, 6782
A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Pettis,seconded by Councilmember Kaplan,to reappoint
Michael Hagedorn to the Planning Commission with a term continuing to June 30,2020. The motion
carried by the following vote:
Aye: 5- Mayor Henry, Mayor Pro Tern Pettis, Council Member Kaplan, Council Member Carnevale, and
Council Member Aguilar
A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Pettis,seconded by Councilmember Carnevale,to appoint
Thomas Kocan and Alice Daby to the Parks and Community Events Commission with terms continuing
to June 30,2020.The motion carried by the following vote:
Aye: 5- Mayor Henry, Mayor Pro Tern Pettis, Council Member Kaplan, Council Member Carnevale, and
Council Member Aguilar
A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tern Pettis, seconded by Councilmember Kaplan, to appoint Alan Carvalho and
Wendy Willson to Public Arts Commission.
Councilmember Kaplan discussed concerns raised over Alan Carvalho. He stated social media was not a
meaningful method of communication and was destroying the community. He stated he did not support bullying
rather commission appointments had to be made in the City's best interest. He listed the accomplishments of the
Public Arts Commission under Mr. Carvalho's leadership. He suggested Mr. Carvalho be reappointed based on
Mayor Pro Tem Pettis bifurcated his motion.
Councilmember Carnevale expressed his belief in Freedom of Speech but the emails were inappropriate. He
commended Mr. Carvalho's on his work but stated he could not reward bad behavior.
A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Pettis,seconded by Councilmember Kaplan,to appoint Alan
Carvalho to Public Arts Commission with a term continuing to June 30,2020.The motion carried by the
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following vote:
Aye: 3- Mayor Pro Tem Pettis, Council Member Kaplan, and Council Member Aguilar
Nay: 2- Mayor Henry, and Council Member Carnevale
A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tern Pettis,seconded by Councilmember Kaplan,to appoint Wendy
Willson to Public Arts Commission with a term continuing to June 30, 2020.The motion carried by the
following vote:
Aye: 5- Mayor Henry, Mayor Pro Tern Pettis, Council Member Kaplan, Council Member Carnevale, and
Council Member Aguilar
A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Pettis,seconded by Councilmember Kaplan,to appoint
Charles Hull,Craig Loe, Paul Thompson and Valerie Wagner to the Finance Advisory Committee with
terms continuing to June 30,2020.The motion carried by the following vote:
Aye: 5- Mayor Henry, Mayor Pro Tern Pettis, Council Member Kaplan, Council Member Carnevale, and
Council Member Aguilar
4.B. 2017-248 Burrtec Waste & Recycling Services Request for a Rate Increase
on Commercial, Residential, Roll-off and Multi Family Services
Recommendation: Staff recommends the City Council approve a rate increase on the service
rates charged to all roll-off, residential, multi-family and commercial
customers for cost of living increase based on the Consumer Price Index
("CPI") and Riverside County's gate fee increase.
Michael Harrington presented the staff report.
Councilmember Aguilar asked Mike Veto, Burrtec, if there was potential relief for hardships. Mike Veto, Burrtec
Waste&Recycling, responded that he would look into it. He explained services offered for residents.
Mayor Henry stated Palm Springs offered obtaining cans to the street. Mr. Veto stated they offered that as well,
and provided that service free to handicapped persons.
Mayor Pro Tern Pettis asked how many Burrtec employees live in Cathedral City.
Mayor Henry invited the public to comment.
Michael Hagedorn expressed concern with Burrtec charging for additional green waste.
Mayor Henry closed the public comment period.
A motion was made by Councilmember Carnevale,seconded by Councilmember Kaplan,to approve a
rate increase on the service rates charged to all roll off, residential,multi-family and commercial
customers for cost of living increase based on the Consumer Price Index("CPI")and Riverside
County's gate fee increase.The motion carried by the following vote:
Aye: 5- Mayor Henry, Mayor Pro Tern Pettis, Council Member Kaplan, Council Member Carnevale, and
Council Member Aguilar
Enactment No: M.O. 6783
4.C. 2017-241 Contract with NAI Consulting for Project Management and Grant
Administration Services for Grant Funded Transportation Projects
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Staff recommends the City Council award a contract to NAI Consulting for
as needed project management and grant administration services for state
and federally funded transportation projects in the amount of$150,000.
John Corella, City Engineer, presented the staff report.
Mayor Henry invited the public to comment. There being no speakers, Mayor Henry closed the public comment
A motion was made by Council Member Carnevale,seconded by Council Member Aguilar,to award a
contract to NAI Consulting for as needed project management and grant administration services for
state and federally funded transportation projects in the amount of$150,000. The motion carried by
the following vote:
Aye: 5- Mayor Henry, Mayor Pro Tern Pettis, Council Member Kaplan, Council Member Carnevale, and
Council Member Aguilar
Enactment No: M.O. 6784
4.D. 2017-261 Resolution Amending Resolution No. 90-94, Master
Undergrounding Plan (M.U.P.) to Add Additional Line Section
Recommendation: Staff recommends the City Council adopt a Resolution amending
Resolution No. 90-94 adopting the Master Undergrounding Plan (M.U.P.) to
include and re-Prioritize the Line Sections as specified on Exhibit A of the
M.U.P. to add Priority 1: Line Section - E. of Cathedral Canyon Drive, W.
of Van Fleet Street and S. of East Palm Canyon Drive, N. of "D" Street with
Voltage designated as Low/High; and Priority 2: Line Section - Ramon
Road north alley, W. of Date Palm Drive with Voltage designated as
Low/High; and reprioritize Resolution No. 90-94 M.U.P. Exhibit A Priorities
1 through 32 to Priorities 3 through 34.
John Corella, City Engineer, presented the staff report.
Mayor Pro Tem Pettis asked the funding source and timeline. City Engineer Corella explained the M.U.P. funding
Mayor Henry invited the public to comment. There being no speakers, Mayor Henry closed the public comment
A motion was made by Councilmember Kaplan,seconded by Councilmember Carnevale,to adopt a
Resolution amending Resolution No.90-94 adopting the Master Undergrounding Plan(M.U.P.)to
include and re Prioritize the Line Sections as specified on Exhibit A of the M.U.P.to add Priority 1:
Line Section E.of Cathedral Canyon Drive,W.of Van Fleet Street and S.of East Palm Canyon Drive,
N.of"D"Street with Voltage designated as Low/High;and Priority 2: Line Section Ramon Road
north alley,W.of Date Palm Drive with Voltage designated as Low/High;and reprioritize Resolution
No.90-94 M.U.P.Exhibit A Priorities 1 through 32 to Priorities 3 through 34. The motion carried by the
following vote:
Aye: 5- Mayor Henry, Mayor Pro Tern Pettis, Council Member Kaplan, Council Member Carnevale, and
Council Member Aguilar
Enactment No: Reso 2017-32
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Councilmember Kaplan discussed efforts to raise money for the Senior Center and donor wall. He recognized
that the City Official Staff Member of the Year is Chris Parmen. He encouraged blood donations. He discussed
recent events he attended.
Mayor Pro Tem Pettis stated he represented the City at a National League of Cities meeting. He thanked
Councilmember Kaplan for attending the Riverside Transportation Committee Meeting on his behalf. He stated he
would be meeting with the Public Utilities Commission regarding SCE shutting down resident's services for
regularly scheduled maintenance.
Mayor Henry discussed the CVAG Executive Committee meeting. He announced that there would only be one
meeting in July, July 26, 2017.
Eric Vail, City Attorney announced that the City Council will meet in Closed Session to discuss the following items
listed on the Agenda.
The City Council adjourned to Closed Session at 8:28 p.m.
6.A. 2017-262 Conference with Legal Counsel -Anticipated Litigation Significant
exposure to litigation pursuant to paragraphs (d)(2) and (e)(1) of
the Government Code.
One (1) matter
6.B. 2017-222 Conference with Real Property Negotiator Pursuant to Government
Code Section 54956.8.
Property Location: Vacant land along West Buddy Rogers Ave, West of
Date Palm Drive with APN's of 687-180-009 & 687-180-011
Negotiating Parties: City of Cathedral and the City Urban Revitalization
Property Owner: City of Cathedral City
Under Negotiations: Price and Terms for potential sale or lease of real
6.C. 2017-255 Conference with Real Property Negotiator Pursuant to Government
Code Section 54956.8.
Property Location: Approximately 5.79 acres at Margot Murphy Way
south of E. Palm Canyon Drive; A.P.N. 687-510-049 and 687-510-050,
Parcels 6 and 7
Negotiating Parties: City Council as Successor Agency to the Former
Redevelopment Agency and City Urban Revitalization Corp.
Property Owners: City Urban Revitalization Corp.
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Under Negotiation: Price and Terms for Potential Sale of Real Property
6.D. 2017-256 Conference with Real Property Negotiator Pursuant to Government
Code Section 54956.8.
Property Location: Approximately 13.5 acres south of East Palm
Canyon Drive at Date Palm Drive
Negotiating Parties: City of Cathedral City as the Successor Agency to
the former Redevelopment Agency and the City Urban Revitalization
Property Owner: City Urban Revitalization Corporation
Under Negotiations: Price and Terms for potential sale of real property
6.E. 2017-260 Conference with Real Property Negotiator Pursuant to Government
Code Section 54956.8.
Property Location: Approximately 12.5 acres at the Northwest Corner of
East Palm Canyon Drive and Date Palm Drive.
Negotiating Parties: City of Cathedral City as Successor Agency to the
former Redevelopment Agency and the City Urban Revitalization
Property Owners: City Urban Revitalization Corporation
Under Negotiations: Price and Terms for potential purchase of real
The City Council reconvened at 9:40 p.m.
City Attorney Eric Vail announced that the City Council met in Closed Session to discuss the following:
Conference with Legal Counsel Anticipated Litigation Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to paragraphs(d)
(2)and(e)(1)of the Government Code. One(1)matter
Conference with Real Property Negotiator Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8 for the following
1. Vacant land along West Buddy Rogers Ave, West of Date Palm Drive with APN's of 687 180 009& 687
180 011.
2. Approximately 5.79 acres at Margot Murphy Way south of E. Palm Canyon Drive;A.P.N. 687 510 049 and
687 510 050, Parcels 6 and 7
3. Approximately 13.5 acres south of East Palm Canyon Drive at Date Palm Drive
4. Approximately 12.5 acres at the Northwest Corner of East Palm Canyon Drive and Date Palm Drive.
There was no reportable action taken.
Mayor Stan Henry adjourned the June 26, 2017 Special City Council Meeting at 9:42 p.m.
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City Clerk
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