HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 1676 e _ 16 • 1 RELEASE AND AGREEMENT FOR THE SALE OF A POLICE SERVICE DOG 2 3 RECITALS 4 5 A. The City of Cathedral City (hereinafter referred to as "City") has purchased an. 6 provided for the training of a police service dog known as "Jag" (hereinafter referred to a- 7 "Dog"). 8 B. BRIAN BARKLEY (hereinafter referred to as "Handler"), a Cathedral Cit 9 Police officer, has been the Dog's handler and has participated with the Dog in all phases o i 10 training. Handler is aware that the Dog has been trained as an attack dog. 11 C. The Dog is no longer able to perform as a police service dog due to its age an. 12 physical disabilities. 13 D. City desires to ensure that the Dog has a comfortable, humane, and carinv 14 environment for the remainder of its life. 15 E. Handler desires to provide such care and comfort to the Dog for the remainder o i 16 its life. 17 AGREEMENT 18 The undersigned hereby agrees as follows: 19 1. The City of Cathedral City agrees to sell the above-named police service Dog to 20 Handler for the sum of ONE DOLLAR ($1.00) in consideration for Handler providing . 21 comfortable, humane, and caring environment for the Dog for the remainder of his life. 22 2. Handler agrees to provide a home and all necessary care and comfort for the Do ol 23 for the remainder of its life, including medical treatment, vaccinations, and licenses, without an 24 claim for compensation or reimbursement from the City. 25 3. Handler agrees to hold harmless, defend, and indemnify the City of Cathedra 26 City for any liability and/or claims arising out of the acts or omissions of the Dog occurring fro 27 the date of this agreement forward for the lifetime of the Dog, including but not limited to an 28 personal injuries or wrongful death of any person caused by the Dog. 1 RELEASE AND AGREEMENT FOR THE SALE OF A POLICE SERVICE DOG .1 1 RELEASE AND AGREEMENT FOR THE SALE OF A POLICE SERVICE DOG 2 4. Handler agrees to waive, release, and discharge the City of Cathedral City and its 3 officers, employees, and agents from all liabilities and claims of any nature, whether known or 4 unknown, that the Handler now has or that may subsequently accrue to the Handler, arising from 5 or relating to the Dog. 6 7 Dated: / 3/-1? CITY OF CATHEDRAL CITY 8 9 10 Chief of P ice George Crum 11 12 Dated: /— 3 n CITY OF CATHEDRAL CITY 13 14 15 City Manager Charlie McClendon 16 17 Dated: 41.-(Z-11 HANDLER 18 19 20 Brian ley 21 22 Approved as to form: 23 Dated: 0/ - ZG; - ZG/7 CITY OF CATHEDRAL CITY 24 25 26 27 )/ 28 City Attorney Eric Vail 2 RELEASE AND AGREEMENT FOR THE SALE OF A POLICE SERVICE DOG