HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 2019-05-22 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Cathedral City Study Session Wednesday, May 22, 2019 4:30 PM City Council Chambers 68-700 Avenida Lalo Guerrero Cathedral City, CA 92234 • CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 4:30 PM by Mayor Mark Carnevale. • ROLL CALL Attendee Name Title Status Arrived Mark Carnevale Mayor Present 4:30 PM John Aguilar Mayor Pro Tern Present 4:30 PM Raymond Gregory Councilmember Present 4:30 PM Ernesto Gutierrez Councilmember Present 4:30 PM • AGENDA FINALIZATION • STATEMENT OF PARTICIPATION BY THE CITY CLERK 1. PUBLIC COMMENT There were no members of the public who wanted to address the Council. 2. STUDY SESSION A. Update on Employee Recruitment and Diversity in Hiring Recommendation: This is a presentation only, no formal action is required. Eugenia Torres, Human Resources Manager, provided an overview of the City's recruitment process and the efforts that are being made to target diversity in hiring, in particular for fire department personnel. Alan Carvalho, Cathedral City, was called to speak. He expressed the importance of addressing individuals and their job titles the appropriate way. B. Employee Appreciation Update Recommendation: This is a presentation only, no formal action is required. Eugenia Torres, Human Resources Manager, gave an overview of the various activities that are done throughout the year to show employees appreciation. C. Potential Election Dates for Desert Recreation District Annexation Proposal Recommendation: Staff recommends the City Council discuss and provide direction on the potential election dates of March 2020 or November 2020. City Manager Charles McClendon gave an overview of the potential election dates for the Desert Recreation District Annexation Proposal. It was the consensus of the City Council to move forward with the November 2020 Election date for the Desert Recreation District Annexation Proposal. D. Police Substation Update and Discussion Recommendation: This item is presented for information, discussion and direction only. Deputy Chief Tony Yoakum, presented an update on the feasibility of adding a Police Substation in the north end of the city. It was the consensus of the City Council to revisit this discussion in approximately 18 months to re-evaluate and to have a decoy car placed at various locations throughout the city for police presence. E. Recap of 2018-2019 Special Events Recommendation: Communications and Events Manager Chris Parman will provide a recap presentation of the 2018-2019 Special Events. Chris Parman, Communications and Events Manager, provided a recap of the 2018-2019 Special Events including the actual cost of each event and the economic impact. Mayor Mark Carnevale stated that the Evening Rotary may discontinue the movies in the park events. Mr. Parman stated that he feels that there is a need to do movie events for families and he will explore some ideas in the event that they do decide to discontinue the program. Councilmember Raymond Gregory stated that he would like to see the movies in the park program continue and he would like to explore other ways to raise funds to do so. Councilmember Ernesto Gutierrez stated that he would like to look at the possibility of not funding the Agnes Pelton Event in the future and feels that the money can be spent elsewhere. Councilmember John Aguilar, feels that there is a place for the Agnes Pelton Events and does not want to see it go away. Cathedral City Page 2 Printed on 6/06/2019 The events have been budgeted in the FY 2019/2020 and FY 2020/2021 budgets and any changes on the budgeted events will come back to the City Council for discussion and action. 3. CLOSED SESSION The following items listed on the Agenda will be heard during the Regular portion of the Meeting and will be reflected in the May 22, 2019, minutes. A. Conference with Legal Counsel -Anticipated Litigation Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(2). Number of Potential Cases: One ADJOURN Mayor Mark Carnevale adjourned the May 22, 2019 Study Session meeting at 6:30 p.m. lr)r Mayo City o athedral City City Clerk, ity of�athedral Citst Cathedral City Page 3 Printed on 6/06/2019 44 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Cathedral City Regular Meeting Wednesday, May 22, 2019 6:30 PM City Council Chambers 68-700 Avenida Lalo Guerrero Cathedral City, CA 92234 • CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 6:30 PM by Mayor Mark Carnevale. • PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Pro Tern John Aguilar led the Pledge of Allegiance. • INVOCATION (MOMENT OF REFLECTION) Councilmember Ernesto Gutierrez offered the Invocation. • ROLL CALL Attendee Name Title Status Arrived Mark Carnevale Mayor Present 6:30 PM John Aguilar Mayor Pro Tem Present 6:30 PM Raymond Gregory Councilmember Present 6:30 PM Ernesto Gutierrez Councilmember Present 6:30 PM • AGENDA FINALIZATION • STATEMENT OF PARTICIPATION BY THE CITY CLERK 1. PUBLIC COMMENT Tim Parrott, Cathedral City, was called to speak. He announced that Drive Electric Week, will be held here in Cathedral City, September 14-22, 2019. Rita Lamb, Cathedral City, was called to speak. She announced that the Cathedral City Senior Center will be launching their new website. She also reminded everyone about their upcoming Sock Hop and encouraged everyone to attend. Michael Anderson, Cathedral City, was called to speak. He expressed his concern with a short term vacation rental issue he is having with his HOA. He stated that the CC&R's don't prohibit short term vacation rentals, however, they won't provide a letter allowing him to have one. He questioned whether a letter from the HOA should be required even when the CC&R's don't prohibit them. He requested that the City Council consider amending the Ordinance. 2. COUNCIL REPORTS Councilmember Ernesto Gutierrez reported that he attended the CVAG Energy and Environment Resources Committee Meeting and the new Shottenkirk Desert Lexus ground breaking. He participated in his first cannabis golf tournament, which was fun. He also attended, with other members of the Council, the League of CA Cities Meeting, Harvey Milk Breakfast and the Boys and Girls Club Pasta Dinner& Awards Ceremony. He reported that he attended the Greater Palm Springs Convention and Visitors Bureau last week. He, along with Mayor Carnevale and Councilmember Gregory, attended the International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC) in Las Vegas. They walked over 4 miles in one day and met with many potential businesses. It was very intense but a good trip and is hopeful for good results from the convention. He also had the opportunity to meet with community members to discuss their concerns on vacation rentals and code compliance. Mayor Pro Tem John Aguilar stated that in addition to some of the events that have already been mentioned, he attended the Coachella Valley Conservation Committee Meeting. The Commission approved the Annual Report on the Coachella Valley Multi-species habitat plan. He stated that it is a large document but encouraged those interested to read the executive summary. The report talks about the funds that are collected from developers and how they are used to protect species. He reported that he also attended the Coachella Valley Mountain's Conservancy Meeting and the Dream Homes Park Meeting on Saturday. He feels that staff did a great job and is convinced that the City will have a competitive grant application. He also attended the Shelter from the Storm Board Meeting. He announced that the Desert Community Energy Commission is currently recruiting for members of the advisory committee, applications can be found on their website. He also announced that the Cathedral City Coalition will be holding a job fair on June 21, 2019, at 9:00 a.m. at the Cathedral City Public Library. Councilmember Raymond Gregory indicated that it has been a busy couple of weeks. He thanked city staff that was able to participate in the Harvey Milk Diversity Breakfast, the event has really grown over the years. He feels that the Council did a great job speaking to potential businesses at ICSC. He provided an update on SunLine activities including a new app that they are rolling out called token transit. He reported that they are in the middle of their budget talks and discussing ways to improve their routes. It takes a long time to move through the Valley so they are evaluating the routes to reduce the stops and decrease the travel time. With the service improvements there may be a slight increase in fares. Ridership is slightly up and they continue to try and increase it. The taxi industry has been heavily affected in the recent years as well as the budget. They continue to work on ways to address the funding gap and the industry trying to move it into the future. Overall SunLine is doing well and moving more into the hydrogen arena. SunLine is a great organization and can be proud of the work that they are doing. Cathedral City Page 2 Printed on 6/06/2019 Mayor Mark Carnevale reported that he attended the walk through for the Best Business Summit, Think Tank walk at the Agua Caliente Casino and City Hall at Your Corner. He announced that there will be memorial services at Palm Springs Cemetary and Forest Lawn on Memorial Day. 3. CONSENT AGENDA RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Ernesto Gutierrez, Councilmember SECONDER: John Aguilar, Mayor Pro Tern AYES: Mark Carnevale, John Aguilar, Raymond Gregory, Ernesto Gutierrez A. Receive and file Payment of Claims and Demands - April 2019 Recommendation: The City Council acting in its capacity for the City, the Successor Agency to the former Redevelopment Agency, the Housing Successor Agency, the Cathedral City Public Finance Authority Board, and the Cathedral City Downtown Foundation Board receive and file payment of claims and demands in the aggregate sum of$ 7,880,796 for the month of April 2019. M.O. 2019-56 B. Minutes Approval M.O. 2019-57 1. City Council - Study Session - Feb 13, 2019 4:30 PM 2. City Council - Regular Meeting - Feb 13, 2019 6:30 PM 3. City Council - Regular Meeting - Feb 27, 2019 6:30 PM 4. City Council -Study Session - Feb 27, 2019 4:30 PM 5. City Council - Study Session - Mar 13, 2019 4:30 PM 6. City Council - Regular Meeting - Mar 13, 2019 6:30 PM 7. City Council - Study Session - Mar 27, 2019 4:30 PM 8. City Council - Regular Meeting - Mar 27, 2019 6:30 PM C. City Facility Naming Policy Recommendation: Staff recommends the City Council approve a policy for naming City-owned land, buildings, and facilities. M.O. 2019-58 D. Appropriations Limit for Fiscal Year 2019-2020 Recommendation: Staff recommends the City Council approve the City's appropriations limit for the 2019-2020 Gann Initiative Limitation. Reso 2019-11 4. ITEMS PULLED FROM CONSENT Cathedral City Page 3 Printed on 6/06/2019 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. State Mandated Fire Inspections Recommendation: Staff recommends the City Council approve a Resolution to affirm receipt of a report and expressly acknowledge the measure of compliance of the Cathedral City Fire Department with California Health and Safety Code Sections 13146.2 and 13146.3 in the area encompassed by the City of Cathedral City. Mayor Mark Carnevale opened the Public Hearing for comments, there being none he closed the Public Hearing and returned the discussion to the City Council. Motion to approve a Resolution to affirm receipt of a report and express acknowledgement the measure of compliance of the Cathedral City Fire Department with California Health and Safety Code Sections 13146.2 and 13146.3 in the area encompassed by the City of Cathedral City. Reso 2019-12 RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: John Aguilar, Mayor Pro Tern SECONDER: Raymond Gregory, Councilmember AYES: Mark Carnevale, John Aguilar, Raymond Gregory, Ernesto Gutierrez 6. LEGISLATIVE ACTIONS A. Annual Renewal of the Lighting and Landscaping District Budget Recommendation: Staff recommends the City Council adopt three Resolutions to renew the annual assessments with Street Lighting and Landscape Maintenance District No. 1 (Zones 1 through 54) Motion to adopt a Resolution initiating proceedings for the annual levy of assessments for the City of Cathedral City Street Lighting and Landscaping Maintenance District No. 1 for Fiscal Year 2019/2020 and a Resolution declaring its intention to levy and collect assessments for the City of Cathedral City Street Lighting and Landscaping Maintenance District No. 1 for Fiscal Year 2019/2020 and a Resolution for preliminary approval of the Engineers Report for the City of Cathedral City Street Lighting and Landscaping Maintenance District No. 1 for Fiscal Year 2019/2020. Reso 2019-13 Reso 2019-14 Reso 2019-15 Cathedral City Page 4 Printed on 6/06/2019 RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Raymond Gregory, Councilmember SECONDER: Ernesto Gutierrez, Councilmember AYES: Mark Carnevale, John Aguilar, Raymond Gregory, Ernesto Gutierrez B. 2019 Fireworks Permits Recommendation: The Fireworks Committee recommends the City Council approve a Resolution to issue three (3) Fireworks Permits for 2019. Alan Carvalho, Cathedral City, was called to speak. He stated that he is opposed to fireworks and would like to see them eliminated. He feels that there is another way to raise money for the organizations. It was the consensus of the City Council to review the fireworks ordinance once there is a full Council. Motion to approve a Resolution to issue three safe and sane fireworks permits for 2019 to the following Cathedral City based church, civic and youth organizations: Calvary Bible Church Cathedral City High School Lions Boosters Desert Elite Football Club Reso 2019-16 RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Raymond Gregory, Councilmember SECONDER: Ernesto Gutierrez, Councilmember AYES: Mark Carnevale, John Aguilar, Raymond Gregory, Ernesto Gutierrez C. State Mandated Ground Emergency Medical Transport-Quality Assurance Fees and Reimbursements Recommendation: Staff recommends the City Council ratify payments to the State Department of Health Care Services for Ground Emergency Medical Transport (GEMT) Quality Assurance Fee (QAF) and approve appropriations for future QAF payments. Motion to ratify payments to the State Department of Health Care Services for Ground Emergency Medical Transport (GEMT) Quality Assurance Fee (QAF) and approve appropriations for future QAF payments. M.O. 2019-59 Cathedral City Page 5 Printed on 6/06/2019 RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Raymond Gregory, Councilmember SECONDER: John Aguilar, Mayor Pro Tem AYES: Mark Carnevale, John Aguilar, Raymond Gregory, Ernesto Gutierrez D. Resolution to apply for federal financial assistance from the California Governor's Office of Emergency Services Recommendation: Staff recommends the City Council approve a Resolution to file a reimbursement request with the California Governor's Office of Emergency Services for the purpose of obtaining certain federal financial assistance under Public Law 93-288 as amended by the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act of 1998, and/or state financial assistance under the California Disaster Assistance Act. Approve a Resolution to file a reimbursement request with the California Governor's Office of Emergency Services for the purpose of obtaining certain federal financial assistance under Public Law 93-288 as amended by the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act of 1998, and/or state financial assistance under the California Disaster Assistance Act. Reso 2019-17 RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Raymond Gregory, Councilmember SECONDER: Ernesto Gutierrez, Councilmember AYES: Mark Carnevale, John Aguilar, Raymond Gregory, Ernesto Gutierrez E. Budget Amendment to the Public Works Maintenance and Operations Budget Recommendation: Staff recommends the City Council authorize an amendment to the Public Works Maintenance and Operations Budget in the amount of$520,000 to cover additionally encumbered maintenance costs directly related to homeless camp cleanups, illegal dumping cleanups and cleanups associated to this past year's rain storms. Motion to authorize an amendment to the Public Works Maintenance and Operations Budget in the amount of$520,000 to cover additionally encumbered maintenance costs directly related to homeless camp cleanups, illegal dumping cleanups and cleanups associated to this past year's rain storms. M.O. 2019-60 Cathedral City Page 6 Printed on 6/06/2019 RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: John Aguilar, Mayor Pro Tem SECONDER: Ernesto Gutierrez, Councilmember AYES: Mark Carnevale, John Aguilar, Raymond Gregory, Ernesto Gutierrez 7. CLOSED SESSION City Attorney Eric Vail indicated that there was a Closed Session item that came up after the Agenda was posted and needs Council discussion prior to the next meeting, therefore, the City Council would be required to make a motion to add an urgency item to the Agenda. Motion to add the following urgency item to the Agenda: Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(2) - one case RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: John Aguilar, Mayor Pro Tern SECONDER: Raymond Gregory, Councilmember AYES: Mark Carnevale, John Aguilar, Raymond Gregory, Ernesto Gutierrez A. Conference with Legal Counsel -Anticipated Litigation Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(2). Number of Potential Cases: One The City Council adjourned to Closed Session at 8:06 p.m. The City Council reconvened at 9:00 p.m. City Attorney Vail announced that the City Council met in Closed Session to hold a conference with Legal Counsel regarding two cases of anticipated litigation, there was no reportable action taken. ADJOURN Mayor Mark Carnevale adjourned the Regular City Council Meeting of May 22, 2019, at 9:00 p.m. Mayor, k ity of Cathedral City City Clerk, Clity of Cathedra) Cit Cathedral City Page 7 Printed on 6/06/2019