HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 2019-05-08 44 CITY COUNCIL
Cathedral City
Study Session
Wednesday, May 8, 2019
4:00 PM
City Council Chambers
68-700 Avenida Lalo Guerrero
Cathedral City, CA 92234
The meeting was called to order at 4:00 PM by Mayor Mark Carnevale.
Attendee Name Title Status Arrived
Mark Carnevale Mayor Present 4:00 PM
John Aguilar Mayor Pro Tern Present 4:00 PM
Raymond Gregory Councilmember Present 4:00 PM
Ernesto Gutierrez Councilmember Present 4:00 PM
Algeria Ford, Deputy City Attorney, announced that the City Council will meet in
Closed Session to discuss the following items on the Agenda.
1. Consultation with the Chief of Police, Pursuant to Government Code
Section 54957(a)
Threat to Public Services and Facilities
The City Council adjourned to Closed Session at 4:00 p.m.
The City Council reconvened at 4:30 p.m.
Algeria Ford, Deputy City Attorney, announced that the City Council met in Closed
Session to discuss item 1. Consultation with Chief of Police, Threat to Public
Services and Facilities. No reportable action was taken.
A. Presentation Transgender Health and Wellness Center
Recommendation: This is a presentation only, no formal action will be required.
Thomi Clinton, CEO of Transgender Community Coalition and Transgender
Health and Wellness Center, provided an overview of the services offered at the
Transgender Health Wellness Center and the affects the center is having on the
community. The public can receive information about the center on their website
at www.trans.help or by calling (760) 202-4308.
B. Update Palm Springs International Airport Commission
Recommendation: This item is for discussion only, there will be no formal action
Richard Altman, Cathedral City Representative on the Palm Springs International
Airport Commission, provided an update on the Palm Springs International
Airport Commission.
C. City Facility Naming Policy
Recommendation: City Council has requested Staff to submit a policy for
naming City-owned land, buildings, and facilities that
provides formal guidance and a procedure for the
consideration of appropriate names. This proposed policy is
for City Council review and comment.
Vincent Lopez, Senior Analyst for the Engineering Department, introduced the
item and gave an overview of the City Facility Naming Policy for review and
Alan Carvalho, Chairman of the Public Arts Commission, was called to speak. He
spoke on behalf of the Public Arts Commission and asked that the City Council
take into consideration the rules and guidelines for spending money from the
Public Arts Fund.
The City Council directed staff to add language to the policy giving the Council
discretion on all decisions with respect to the naming or renaming of a City facility
and to clarify the language pertaining to the process of verifying a person's
qualifications when considering naming a facility after a person, group or
D. Police Staffing Presentation
Recommendation: This item is presented for information, discussion and
direction only.
Deputy Police Chief Yoakum introduce the item and gave an overview on the
Police Department organization, current operations, hiring process, and staffing
Shelley Kaplan, Cathedral City resident, was called to speak. He inquired on how
hate crimes are recorded for the HRC Rating.
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Chip Yarbourough, Cathedral City resident, was called to speak. He stated that
the current staffing in the Police Department is not ideal. He believes whatever
the City can do to hire more staff will be helpful. He explained that the new CAD
system is based on a cloud network and will make operations with surrounding
cities easier and increase response times.
Alan Carvalho, Cathedral City resident, was called to speak. He stated that his
personal experience with the Police Department has always been good. He
believes the Police Department and the Fire Department are incredible and he
thanked them.
Allen Worthy, Palm Springs resident, was called to speak. He spoke about an old
issue that he has with the Police Department.
E. Census 2020 Complete Count Committee
Recommendation: Staff recommends the City Council authorize the
establishment of an Ad-Hoc Census 2020 Complete Count
Committee and appoint two Councilmembers to serve on the
Charles McClendon, City Manager, introduced the item and gave an overview of
the recommendation to establish an Ad-Hoc Census 2020 Complete Count
Committee. He stated that he appointed Chris Parman and Vincent Lopez to sit
on the committee as staff members.
It was the consensus of the City Council to have Councilmember Ernesto
Gutierrez and Councilmember Raymond Gregory sit on the Ad-Hoc Census 2020
Complete Count Committee along with staff
Algeria Ford, Deputy City Attorney, announced that the City Council will meet in
Closed Session to discuss the following items on the Agenda.
A. Conference with Legal Counsel -Anticipated Litigation Pursuant to
Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(2).
Number of Potential Cases: One
B. Conference with Real Property Negotiator Pursuant to Government Code
Section 54956.8.
Property Location: Approximately 13.5 acres south of East Palm Canyon Drive
at Date Palm Drive
Negotiating Parties: City of Cathedral City as the Successor Agency to the
former Redevelopment Agency and the City Urban Revitalization Corporation
Property Owner: City Urban Revitalization Corporation
Under Negotiations: Price and Terms for potential sale of real property
Rich Tarpening, KESQ Radio, was called to speak. He encouraged the City Council
to restore the media's access to the ERICA radio system.
Alan Carvalho, Cathedral City resident, was called to speak. He stated that he is a
volunteer member of the Cathedral City Fire Department Community Emergency
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Response Team (CERT) and feels that in an emergency it is crucial to have access
to radios.
The City Council adjourned to Closed Session at 6:10 p.m.
The City Council reconvened at 6:30 p.m.
Algeria Ford, Deputy City Attorney, announced that the City Council met in Closed
Session to discuss items 4A. Conference with Legal Counsel- Anticipated Litigation
for one case, and item 48. Conference with Real Property Negotiator for
Approximately 13.5 acres south of East Palm Canyon Drive at Date Palm Drive with
no reportable action taken.
Mayor Mark Carnevale adjourned the Study Session Meeting of May 8, 2019 at 6:30 p.m.
Mayor, ity of Cathedral City City Clerk, ity of Ciathedral City
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Cathedral City
Regular Meeting
Wednesday, May 8, 2019
6:30 PM
City Council Chambers
68-700 Avenida Lalo Guerrero
Cathedral City, CA 92234
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 PM by Mayor Mark Carnevale.
Councilmember Raymond Gregory led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Councilmember Ernesto Gutierrez offered the invocation.
Attendee Name Title Status Arrived
Mark Carnevale Mayor Present 6:30 PM
John Aguilar Mayor Pro Tern Present 6:30 PM
Raymond Gregory Councilmember Present 6:30 PM
Ernesto Gutierrez Councilmember Present 6:30 PM
Vincent Beckley, Cathedral City resident, was called to speak. He encouraged
hedge requirements and requested that the City Council evaluate the current code
and make changes. He offered his assistance.
Chip Yarborough, Cathedral City resident, was called to speak. He expressed
concern about the City hiring Firefighter EMTs rather than Figherfighter Paramedics.
He stated that the language of the measures on the ballots that were voted on by the
voters were for Firefighter Paramedics not Firefighter EMTs. He encouraged the City
Council to research what the citizens voted for.
Shelley Kaplan, Cathedral City resident, was called to speak. He recalls that the City
Council gave direction to amend the ordinance with regards to hedges and he
encouraged the City Council to move forward with it. He also stated, with regard to
the to EMTs verses paramedics, that City Council previously made the decision to
go with paramedics not EMTs.
Alan Carvalho, Cathedral City resident, was called to speak. He stated that he
supports amending the code related to hedges. He announced the DATA awards will
be held at the Mary Pickford Theater and the Sioux Wars exhibit is now displayed at
the Cathedral City Library, and he thanked Sue Townsley for all her efforts with the
Allen Worthy, Palm Springs resident, was called to speak. He discussed claims and
complaints he has made.
Councilmember Ernesto Gutierrez reported that he attended the sewer assessment
district formation community meeting at Ocotillo Park. He also attended the Orion
Awards and felt it was a beautiful evening. He also attended the National Day of
Prayer at the Southwest Church. He also reported that he attended the Dream
Homes Park community meeting.
Mayor Pro Tem John Aguilar reported that he attended the Veterans dedication for
the LGBTQ Memorial. Mayor Carnevale and former Mayor Greg Pettis received
awards at the luncheon following the dedication. He also had the opportunity to
attend the Cinco De Mayo Event at the Senior Center and the Evening Under the
Stars in Palm Springs where Rhonda Hart was awarded a community service award.
Councilmember Raymond Gregory reported that he has been meeting with several
citizens and staff members and continues to value everything that he is learning. He,
along with the Mayor, attended the SCAG annual membership meeting. At the
SCAG conference he and City Manager Charles McClendon were able to attend the
traffic safety session, regarding distracted drivers, which can be deadly. He
reminded everyone that Mother's Day is on Sunday.
Mayor Mark Carrnevale reported that he attended the ribbon cutting at the House of
Lucidity, they have done a beautiful job with their building. He also attended the
SCAG meeting, the Cinco de Mayo event at the Senior Center and the recognition
presentation of the new Police Department employees. Yesterday he attended the
Sister City Committee meeting where they discussed new ideas and direction. He
will be attending the DVBA luncheon, the Gay Restaurant and Bar Committee
meeting, the ribbon cutting at the Scrap Gallery and the ribbon cutting at the new
Lexus dealership and ICSC. He announced the Cathedral City Evening Rotary will
be holding their first Mayor's Cup Golf Tournament.
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MOVER: John Aguilar, Mayor Pro Tem
SECONDER: Raymond Gregory, Councilmember
AYES: Mark Carnevale, John Aguilar, Raymond Gregory, Ernesto
A. Resolution Approving the Application for Statewide Park Development and
Community Revitalization Program Grant Funds for the Dream Homes Park
Recommendation: Staff recommends the City Council adopt a Resolution
approving the application for a Statewide Park Development
and Community Revitalization Program (SPP) Grant to be
submitted for the Dream Homes Park Project and authorize
the Mayor to sign the Resolution on behalf of Cathedral City.
Reso 2019-08
B. Authorize a Task Order for Albert A. Webb Associates to Prepare a
Justification to Prioritize the Varner Road Improvements between Palm Dr.
and Date Palm Dr. in the CVAG TPPS.
Recommendation: Staff recommends the City Council authorize the Director of
Engineering/Public Works to issue a task order to Albert A.
Webb Associates to prepare a justification to prioritize the
Varner Road Improvements between Palm Drive and Date
Palm Drive in the Coachella Valley Association of
Governments (CVAG) Transportation Project Prioritization
Plan Study (TPPS) for a not to exceed cost of$8,740.
M.O. 2019-52
A. Adopting Resolutions for the Biennial Budget
Recommendation: Staff recommends the City Council adopt the FY 2019/2020
and FY 2020/2021 Biennial Budget
Tami Scott, Administrative Services Director, gave an overview on the
recommendation to adopt resolutions for the Biennial Budget for 2019/2020 and
Chip Yarborough, Cathedral City resident, was called to speak. He encouraged
the City Council to consider hiring an in-house attorney to save money on legal
Alan Carvalho, Cathedral City resident, was called to speak. He commended
Tami Scott on her work on the City's Budget and the many awards the City has
received for them over the years.
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Motion to approve the following resolutions for the FY 2019/2020 and 2020/2021
Biennial Budget.
Resolution by the City Council of the City of Cathedral City, California, approving
the budget for the fiscal years 2019-20 and 2020-21
Resolution by the City Council of the City of Cathedral City, California, approving
a capital improvement program (C1P) for fiscal years 2020 through 2024
Resolution by the Board of the Cathedral City Public Financing Authority
approving a budget for the fiscal years 2019-20 and 2020-21
Resolution by the City of Cathedral City as the Housing Successor Agency
approving a budget for the fiscal years 2019-20 and 2020-21
Resolution by the Successor Agency to the Cathedral City Redevelopment
Agency approving a budget for fiscal years 2019-20 and 2020-21
MOVER: John Aguilar, Mayor Pro Tern
SECONDER: Raymond Gregory, Councilmember
AYES: Mark Carnevale, John Aguilar, Raymond Gregory, Ernesto
B. General Fund Allocation for Homeless Services
Recommendation: This item is presented for the City Council's discussion,
information and direction. Staff recommends that if the
Council is ready to act on allocating the general funds, a
motion be made identifying funding to be allocated to either
the CVAG Rapid Housing Program, or offset the homeless
camp clean-up costs incurred by the city.
Charles McClendon, City Manager, introduced the item and gave an overview on
the general fund allocation for homeless services. He explained options for
funding the CVAG homeless program in the amount of$100,000.
Sabby Jonathan, Chair of the CVAG Homeless Committee, was called to speak.
He encouraged the City Council to consider funding $100,000 to the CVAG
homeless program to take advantage of the matching system offered by the
Desert Healthcare District. He explained they have heard the issues and are
trying to do a better job and they will be evaluating their current contracts as they
transition. He thanked Mayor Mark Carnevale for his support.
Nancy Ross, Cathedral City resident, was called to speak. She encouraged the
City Council to consider funding $100,000 to the CVAG homeless program.
Shelley Kaplan, Cathedral City resident, was called to speak. He stated he
concurs with Sabby Jonathan and Nancy Ross. He encouraged the City Council
to consider funding $100,000 to the CVAG homeless program
Terry Applegate, Cathedral City resident, was called to speak. She supports
funding CVAG and stated that permanent housing is best.
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Motion to approve funding for the CVAG homeless program in the amount of
$51,500 from FY budget 2018/2019 and $48,500 from FY budget 2019/2020 for
a total amount of$100,000.
M.O. 2019-53
MOVER: Raymond Gregory, Councilmember
SECONDER: John Aguilar, Mayor Pro Tern
AYES: Mark Carnevale, John Aguilar, Raymond Gregory, Ernesto
C. Bus Stop Roadway Repairs on East Palm Canyon Drive east of Canyon
Plaza Drive (west).
Recommendation: Staff recommends the City Council approve a contract with
Desert Ants Engineering, Inc. at a cost of$32,702 for the
repair of the bus stop roadway on East Palm Canyon Drive,
east of Canyon Plaza Drive (west); and a contingency of
20% ($6,540) for unforeseen costs and material testing for a
total Project cost of$39,242; and authorize the City Manager
(or designee) to execute all required documents to complete
the work.
Motion to approve a contract with Desert Ants Engineering, Inc. at a cost of
$32,702 for the repair of the bus stop roadway on East Palm Canyon Drive, east
of Canyon Plaza Drive (west); and a contingency of 20% ($6,540) for unforeseen
costs and material testing for a total project cost of $39,242; and authorize the
City Manager (or designee) to execute all required documents to complete the
M.O. 2019-54
MOVER: Raymond Gregory, Councilmember
SECONDER: Ernesto Gutierrez, Councilmember
AYES: Mark Carnevale, John Aguilar, Raymond Gregory, Ernesto
The City Council met in Closed Session during the Study Session portion of the
meeting and is reflected in the Study Session minutes of May 8, 2019.
A. Conference with Legal Counsel -Anticipated Litigation Pursuant to
Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(2).
Number of Potential Cases: One
B. Conference with Real Property Negotiator Pursuant to Government Code
Section 54956.8.
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Property Location: Approximately 13.5 acres south of East Palm Canyon Drive
at Date Palm Drive
Negotiating Parties: City of Cathedral City as the Successor Agency to the
former Redevelopment Agency and the City Urban Revitalization Corporation
Property Owner: City Urban Revitalization Corporation
Under Negotiations: Price and Terms for potential sale of real property
Mayor Mark Carnevale adjourned the Regular Meeting of May 8, 2019 at 7:38 p.m.
Mayo City of�edral City City Clerk,Oity of Cathedral City
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