HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Reso 2016-45 RESOLUTION NO. 2016-45 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CATHEDRAL CITY, APPROVING PROGRAM SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT NO. 011-N1 TO ADMINISTERING AGENCY -STATE AGREEMENT NO. 08-5430R, FOR THE PURPOSE OF ADMINISTERING AND DISBURSEMENT OF FEDERAL FUNDS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE DATE PALM DRIVE BRIDGE WIDENING PROJECT AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY ENGINEER TO SIGN THE PROGRAM SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT ON BEHALF OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CATHEDRAL CITY. WHEREAS, The City of Cathedral City entered into an Administering Agency State Agreement for Federal Aid Projects on June 13, 2008; and WHEREAS, The City of Cathedral City applied to the State for financial assistance in the form of a grant and is subject to all the terms and conditions thereof; and WHEREAS, The State has agreed to make the Grant, in accordance with Article I of the aforementioned Master Agreement and in accordance with Program Supplement No. 011-N1; and WHEREAS, State shall provide a grant in the amount noted in Program Supplement No. 011-N1 to Administering Agency- State Agreement for Federal —Aid Projects No. 08-5430R for the purpose of paying for the construction of the Date Palm Drive Bridge Widening Project. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, DETERMINED, AND ORDERED BY THE CITY COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF CATHEDRAL CITY, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The City of Cathedral City a pp roves Program Su pp lement Agreement No. 011-N1 to Administering Agency - State Agreement for Federal - Aid Projects No. 08-5430R between the City of Cathedral City and the State of California, acting through the Department of Transportation for the purpose of Administering and Disbursing of Federal Grant funds on projects as entered into between the City of Cathedral City and the State of California, and attached hereto as Exhibit "A," subject to and in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth therein. SECTION 2. Authorize the City Engineer to sign Program Supplement No. 011-N1 on behalf of the City Council of the City of Cathedral City. SECTION 3. CERTIFICATION That the City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this Resolution; shall enter the same in the book of original Resolutions of said City; and shall make a minute of passage and adoption thereof in the records of the proceedings of the City Council of said City, in the minutes of the meeting at which Resolution is passed and adopted. EFFECTIVE DATE This Resolution shall take effect upon its adoption. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Cathedral City held on this 14th day of December, 2016, by the following vote: Ayes: Council Members Aguilar, Carnevale and Kaplan; Mayor Pro Tem Pettis and Mayor Henry Noes: None Absent: None Abstain: None Stanley E. Henry, M. ATTEST: e _..L Gary F. Howell, Cityr lerk APPROVED AS TO F d RM: Eric S. Vail, City Attorney PROGRAM SUPPLEMENT NO. N011 Rev. 1 Adv Project ID Date: November 1, 2016 to 0800020118 Location: 08-RIV-0-CTHC ADMINISTERING AGENCY-STATE AGREEMENT Project Number: BHLS-5430(027) FOR FEDERAL-AID PROJECTS NO 08-5430R E.A. Number: 08-925200 Locode: 5430 This Program Supplement hereby adopts and incorporates the Administering Agency-State Agreement for Federal Aid which was entered into between the Administering Agency and the State on 06/13/08 and is subject to all the terms and conditions thereof.This Program Supplement is executed in accordance with Article I of the aforementioned Master Agreement under authority of Resolution No. 031p-445 approved by the Administering Agency on RC, Q01 Co (See copy attached). The Administering Agency further stipulates that as a condition to the payment by the State of any funds derived from sources noted below obligated to this PROJECT, the Administering Agency accepts and will comply with the special covenants or remarks set forth)on the following pages. PROJECT LOCATION: Date Palm Drive over Whitewater River, Br. No. 56C-0189 TYPE OF WORK: Bridge rehabilitation and widening LENGTH: 0.2(MILES) Estimated Cost Federal Funds Matching Funds ±001 $14,742,901.00 LOCAL OTHER L10E $1,814,865.00 $20,529,455.00 $3,971,689.0 $0.00 CITY OF CATHED L ITY . STATE OF CALIFORNIA Department of Transport-tion By By 1i AI �__.�.!' Title C.CrN 71-‘,IVAlur Chief, Office of Project Implementation • Date Division of Local Assistance Attest Date f 1 r .V I hereby certify upon my personal knowledge that budgeted funds are available for this encumbrance: Accounting Officer ' ,/ //v�_ Date 1//2�/. /.4 $16.557,766.00 • Chapter Statutes Item Year Program BC Category Fund Source AMOUNT Program Supplement 08-5430R-N011-R1-ISTEA Page 1 of 6 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FINANCE LETTER Date: 11/16/2016 EA No: 08-925200 DIVISION OF ACCOUNTING D_CO_RT: 08-RIV-0-CTHC LOCAL PROGRAM ACCOUNTING BRANCH Project No: BHLS-5430(027) Adv Project Id: 0800020118 Attention: City of Cathedral City Period of Performance End Date: 06/30/2021 Agreement End Date: 03/31/2023 FINANCE ITEMS PRO RATA OR TOTAL COST OF FEDERAL PART. FED.REIMB% FEDERAL FUNDS FEDERAL FUNDS LOCAL FUNDS OTHER FUNDS LUMP SUM WORK COST LICE Z001 Agency Preliminary Engineering Lump Sum $1,800,000.00 $1,800,000.0/ 88.53% $1,593,540.01 $0.0' $206,460.00 $0.00 '. `�.�,� vz:`. . _. r .a� �.,c;xl. e‘ .: p ,. t_� m;a � �. � ,.y.a YS` �L iA\�'�� e , a 9a ° ___ R/W Acquisition Lump Sum $220,000.00 $220,000.00 88.53% $194,766.00 $0.06 $25,234.01$0.00 Utility Relocation Costs Lump Sum $30,000.08 $30,000.01 88.53% $26,559.01 $0.08 $3,441.08 $0.00 z �m -- r Contract Items :V..° a %° " `'V m n ; 4° '.ei Construction Lump Sum $17,179,455.00 $16,358,481.00 88.53% $0.0' $14,482,163.00 $2,697,292.0 $0.00 �x4 *4 Agency Construction m Lump Sum $1,300,000.01 $1,300,000.0' 20.06% $0.0' $260,738.00 $1,039,262.0 $0.00 Engineering Totals: $20,529,455.00 $19,708,481.00 0.00% $1,814,865.0' $14,742,901.00 $3,971,689.0' $0.00 Participation Ratio: 96.00% This Finance Letter was created based on specific financial information provided by the responsible local agency.The following encumbrance history is prepared by Local Assistance Accounting Office and is provided here for local agency's information and action. 1 Signature: L/ , For questions regarding finance letter,contact: Title: HQ Local Assistance Area Engineer Printed Name: Patrick Louie Telephone No: (916)653-7349 Remarks: SCAG FTIP ID RIV091011 for FY 15-16. Based on the local agency's finance letter dated 7/07/16 for construction.Br.No.56C-0189. Reimbursement ratio=88.53%and 20.0%. ACCOUNTING INFORMATION BHLS-5430(027) Cooperative Work Agreement APPROP. ENCUMBRANCE APPROP EXPENDITURE ENCUMBRANCE REVERSION APPROVED EXPIRATION ADV. PROJECT ID UNIT STATE PROG. FED/STATE AMOUNT YEAR AMOUNT BALANCE DATE AMOUNT DATE 0800020118 16102F 2030010300 F $14,964,226.00 1516 $0.00 $14,964,226.00 06/30/21 0800020118 10102F 2030010300 F $1,593,540.00 0910 $1,455,964.80 $137,575.20 06/30/15 $718,616.00 06/30/17 Page 1 of 1 • • • STATE OF CALIFORNIA.DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PROGRAM SUPPLMENT AND CERTIFICATION FORM - PSCF(REV.01/2010) • • Page_1_of_1_ TO: STATE CONTROLLER'S OFFICE DATE PREPARED: PROJECT NUMBER: Claims Audits 11/1/2016 0800020118 3301 "C"Street,Rm 404 REQUISITION NUMBER/CONTRACT NUMBER: • Sacramento,CA 95816, CT-2660-085430011N-17 FROM: Department of Transportation • SUBJECT: Encumbrance Document - VENDOR/ LOCAL AGENCY: ' CATHEDRAL CITY $14,742,901.00 • PROCUREMENT TYPE: • • Local Assistance CHAPTER STATUTES ITEM YEAR - PEC/PECT TASK/SUBTASK AMOUNT 10 2015 2660-102-0890 2015-2016 2620/0420 $14;742,901.00 • • • • • • • • • • • TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT . $14,742,901.00 ADA Notice For individuals with sensory disabilities,this document is available in alternate formats.For information,call(915)654-6410 of TDD(916)-3880 or write Records and Forms Management,1120 N.Street,MS-89,Sacramento,CA 95814. • • 08-RIV-0-CTHC 11/01/2016 BHLS-5430(027) SPECIAL COVENANTS OR REMARKS 1. A. The ADMINISTERING AGENCY will advertise, award and administer this project in accordance with the current published Local Assistance Procedures Manual. B. ADMINISTERING AGENCY agrees that it will only proceed with work authorized for specific phase(s) with an "Authorization to Proceed" and will not proceed with future phase(s) of this project prior to receiving an "Authorization to Proceed" from the STATE for that phase(s) unless no further State or Federal funds are needed for those future phase(s). C. STATE and ADMINISTERING AGENCY agree that any additional funds which might. be made available by future Federal obligations will be encumbered on this PROJECT by use of a STATE-approved "Authorization to Proceed" and Finance Letter. ADMINISTERING AGENCY agrees that Federal funds available for reimbursement will be limited to the amounts obligated by the Federal Highway Administration. D. Award information shall be submitted by the ADMINISTERING AGENCY to the District Local Assistance Engineer within 60 days of project contract award and prior to the submittal of the ADMINISTERING AGENCY'S first invoice for the construction contract. Failure to do so will cause a delay in the State processing invoices for the construction phase. Attention is directed to Section 15.7 "Award Package" of the Local Assistance Procedures Manual. E. ADMINISTERING AGENCY agrees, as a minimum, to submit invoices at least once every six months commencing after the funds are encumbered for each phase by the execution of this Project Program Supplement Agreement, or by STATE's approval of an applicable Finance Letter. STATE reserves the right to suspend future authorizations/obligations for Federal aid projects, or encumbrances for State funded projects, as well as to suspend invoice payments for any on-going or future project by ADMINISTERING AGENCY if PROJECT costs . have not been invoiced by ADMINISTERING AGENCY for a six-month period. If no costs have been invoiced for a six-month period, ADMINISTERING AGENCY agrees to submit for each phase a written explanation of the absence of PROJECT activity along with target billing date and target billing amount. ADMINISTERING AGENCY agrees to submit the final report documents that collectively constitute a "Report of Expenditures" within one hundred eighty (180) days of PROJECT completion. Failure of ADMINISTERING AGENCY to submit a "Final Report of Expenditures" within 180 days of PROJECT completion will result in STATE imposing sanctions upon ADMINISTERING AGENCY in accordance with the current Local Assistance Procedures Manual. F. Administering Agency shall not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, age, disability, color, national origin, or sex in the award and performance of any Federal- Program Supplement 08-5430R-N011-R1-ISTEA' Page 2 of 6 08-RIV-0-CTHC 11/01/2016 — BHLS-5430(027) SPECIAL COVENANTS OR REMARKS assisted contract or in the administration of its DBE Program Implementation Agreement. The Administering Agency shall take all necessary and reasonable steps under 49 CFR Part 26 to ensure nondiscrimination in the award and administration of Federal-assisted contracts. The Administering Agency's DBE Implementation Agreement is incorporated by reference in this Agreement. Implementation of the DBE Implementation Agreement, including but not limited to timely reporting of DBE commitments and utilization, is a legal obligation and failure to carry out its terms shall be treated as a violation of this Agreement. Upon notification to the Administering Agency of its failure to carry out its DBE Implementation Agreement, the State may impose sanctions as provided for under `, 49 CFR Part 26 and may, in appropriate cases, refer the matter for enforcement under 18 U.S.C. 1001 and/or the Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act of 1986 (31 U.S.C. 3801 et seq.). G. Any State and Federal funds that may have been encumbered for this project are available for disbursement for limited periods of time. For each fund encumbrance the limited period is from the start of the fiscal year that the specific fund was appropriated within the State Budget Act to the applicable fund Reversion Date shown on the State approved project finance letter. Per Government Code Section 16304, all project funds not liquidated within these periods will revert unless an executed Cooperative Work Agreement extending these dates is requested by the AD MINISTERING AGENCY and approved by the California Department of Finance. ADMINISTERING AGENCY should ensure that invoices are submitted to the District Local Assistance Engineer at least 75 days prior to the applicable fund Reversion Date to avoid the lapse of applicable funds. Pursuant to a directive from the State Controller's Office and the Department of Finance; in order for payment to be made, the last date the District Local Assistance Engineer can forward an invoice for payment to the Department's Local Programs Accounting Office for reimbursable work for funds that are going to revert at the end of a particular fiscal year is'May 15th of the particular fiscal year. Notwithstanding the unliquidated sums of project specific State and Federal funding remaining and available to fund project work, any invoice for reimbursement involving applicable funds that is not received by the Department's Local Programs Accounting Office at least 45 days prior to the applicable fixed fund Reversion Date will not be paid. These unexpended funds will be irrevocably reverted by the Department's Division of Accounting on the applicable fund Reversion Date. H. As a condition for receiving federal-aid highway funds for the PROJECT, the Administering Agency certifies that NO members of the elected board, council, or other key decision makers are on the Federal Government Exclusion List. Exclusions can be found at www.sam.gov. 2. A. ADMINISTERING AGENCY shall conform to all State statutes, regulations and procedures (including those set forth in the Local Assistance Procedures Manual and the Local Assistance Program Guidelines, hereafter collectively referred to as "LOCAL ASSISTANCE PROCEDURES") relating to the federal-aid program, all Title 23 Code of Program Supplement 08-5430R-N011-R1-ISTEA Page 3 of 6 • 08-RIV-0-CTHC 11/01/2016 BHLS-5430(027) SPECIAL COVENANTS OR REMARKS Federal Regulation (CFR) and 2 CFR Part'200 federal requirements, and all applicable federal laws, regulations, and policy and procedural or instructional memoranda, unless otherwise specifically waived as designated in the executed project-specific PROGRAM SUPPLEMENT. B. Invoices shall be submitted on ADMINISTERING AGE NCY letterhead that includes the address of ADMINISTERING AGENCY and shall be formatted in accordance with LOCAL ASSISTANCE PROCEDURES. C. ADMINISTERING AGENCY must have at least one copy of supporting backup documentation for costs incurred and claimed for reimbursement by ADMINISTERING AGENCY. ADMINISTERING AGENCY agrees to submit supporting backup documentation with invoices if requested by State. Acceptable backup documentation includes, but is not limited to, agency's progress payment to the contractors, copies of cancelled checks showing amounts made payable to vendors and contractors, and/or a computerized summary of PROJECT costs. D. Indirect_Cost Allocation Plan/Indirect Cost Rate Proposals (ICAP/ICRP), 'Central. Service Cost Allocation Plans and related documentation are to be prepared and provided to STATE (Caltrans Audits & Investigations) for review and approval prior to ADMINISTERING AGENCY seeking reimbursement of indirect costs incurred within each fiscal year being claimed for State and federal reimbursement. ICAPs/ICRPs must be prepared in accordance with the requirements set forth in 2 CFR, Part 200, Chapter 5 of the Local Assistance Procedural Manual, and the ICAP/ICRP approval procedures established by STATE. E. STATE will withhold the greater‘of either two (2) percent of the total of all federal funds encumbered for each PROGRAM SUPPLEMENT or $40,000 until ADMINISTERING AGENCY submits the Final Report of Expenditures for each completed PROGRAM SUPPLEMENT PROJECT. F. Payments to ADMINISTERING AGENCY for PROJECT-related travel and subsistence (per diem) expenses of ADMINISTERING AGENCY forces and its contractors and subcontractors claimed for reimbursement or as local match credit shall not exceed rates authorized to be paid rank and file STATE employees under current State Department of,Personnel Administration (DPA) rules. If the rates invoiced by ADMINISTERING AGENCY are in excess of DPA rates, ADMINISTERING AGENCY is responsible for the cost difference, and any overpayments inadvertently paid by STATE shall be reimbursed to STATE by ADMINISTERING AGENCY on demand within thirty (30) days of such invoice. G. ADMINISTERING AGENCY agrees to comply with 2 CFR, Part 200, Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles and Audit Requirement for Federal Awards. H. ADMINISTERING AGENCY agrees, and will assure that its contractors and subcontractors will be obligated to agree, that Contract Cost Principles and Procedures, Program Supplement 08-5430R-N011-R1-ISTEA Page 4 of 6 • - -0-CTHC 11/01/2016 08BHLS-54RIV30(027) SPECIAL COVENANTS OR REMARKS 48 CFR, Federal Acquisition Regulations System, Chapter 1, Part 31, et seq., shall be used to determine the allowability of individual PROJECT cost items. I. Every sub-recipient receiving PROJECT funds under this AGREEMENT shall comply with 2 CFR, Part 200, 23 CFR, 48 CFR Chapter 1, Part 31, Local Assistance Procedures, Public Contract Code (PCC) 10300-10334 (procurement of goods), PCC 10335-10381 (non-A&E services), and other applicable STATE and FEDERAL regulations. J. Any PROJECT costs for which ADMINISTERING AGENCY has received payment or credit that are determined by subsequent audit to be unallowable under 2 CFR, Part 200, 23 CFR, 48 CFR, Chapter 1, Part 31, and other applicable STATE and FEDERAL regulations, are subject to repayment by ADMINISTERING AGENCY to STATE. K. STATE reserves the right to conduct technical and financial audits of PROJECT WORK and records and ADMINISTERING AGENCY agrees, and shall require its contractors and subcontractors to agree, to cooperate with STATE by making all appropriate and relevant PROJECT records available for audit and copying as required by the following paragraph: ADMINISTERING AGENCY, ADMINISTERING AGENCY'S contractors and subcontractors, and STATE shall each maintain and make available for inspection and audit by STATE, the California State Auditor, or any duly authorized representative of STATE or the United States all books, documents, papers, accounting records, and other evidence pertaining to the performance of such contracts, including, but not limited to, the costs of administering those various contracts and ADMINISTERING AGENCY shall furnish copies thereof if requested. All of the above referenced parties shall make such AGREEMENT; PROGRAM SUPPLEMENT, and contract materials available at their respective offices at all reasonable times during the entire PROJECT period and for three (3) years from the date of submission of the final expenditure report by the STATE to the FHWA. L. ADMINISTERING AGENCY, its contractors and subcontractors shall establish and maintain a financial management system and records that properly accumulate and segregate reasonable, allowable, and allocable incurred PROJECT costs and matching funds by line item for the PROJECT: The financial management system of ADMINISTERING AGENCY, its contractors and all subcontractors shall conform to Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, enable the determination of incurred costs at interim points of completion, and provide support for reimbursement payment vouchers or invoices set to or paid by STATE. M. ADMINISTERING AGENCY is required to have an audit in accordance with the Single Audit Act of 2 CFR 200 if it expends $750,000 or more in Federal Funds in a single fiscal year of the Catalogue of Federal Domestic Assistance. N. ADMINISTERING AGENCY agrees to include all PROGRAM SUPPLEMENTS adopting the terms of this AGREEMENT in the schedule of projects to be examined in Program Supplement 08-5430R-N011-R1-ISTEA . Page 5 of 6 • 08-RIV-0-CTHC 11/01/2016 BHLS-5430(027) SPECIAL COVENANTS OR REMARKS ADMINISTERING AGENCY's annual audit and in the schedule of projects to be examined under its single audit prepared in accordance with 2 CFR, Part 200. • 0. ADMINISTERING AGENCY shall not award a non-A&E contract over $5,000, construction contracts over $10,000, or other contracts over $25,000 [excluding professional service contracts of the type which are required to be procured in accordance with Government Code sections 4525 (d), (e) and (f)] on the basis of a noncompetitive negotiation for work to be performed under this AGREEMENT without the prior written approval of STATE. Contracts awarded by ADMINISTERING AGENCY, if intended as local match credit, must meet the requirements set forth in this AGREEMENT regarding local match funds. P. Any subcontract entered into by ADMINISTERING AGENCY as a result of this AGREEMENT shall contain provisions B, C, F, H, I, K, and L under Section 2 of this agreement. Program Supplement 08-5430R-N011-R1-ISTEA Page 6 of 6