HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Min 2000-04-26 k .� � � � :� t I � � �� �€ � �' � , '��,. ry F e>/ i �.�'. S - � C �thedr �l it � . __ ---- . :� _� CITY OF CATHEDRAL CITY `� MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY COUNCIL SITTING AS THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY � � � WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26, 2000 .� � This meeting of the City Council, also sitting as the Redevelopment Agency, � was called to order by Mayor Pro Tem/RDA Board Member Sarah Di Grandi in the Council Chamber at 68-700 Avenida Lalo Guerrero, Cathedral City, % California, on April 26, 2000, at the 3:00 p.m. Study Session with Roll Call of all � � members present. The regular evening meeting was opened by � Mayor/Chairman Gary L. Amy at 7:30 p.m., with invocation by ;° Councilmember/RDA Board Member Gregory S. Pettis, followed by the flag ; salute led by Mayor Pro Tem/RDA Board Member Sarah Di Crandi. -, � � ROLL CALL: Present: Councilmembers/RDA Board Members Kathleen F � De Rosa, Robert Gomer, Gregory S. Pettis, Mayor � Pro Tem/RDA Board Member Sarah Di Grandi, � and Mayor/Chairman Gary L. Amy t � ' Absent: None � _ e AGENDA FINALIZATION: � Two Closed Session Urgency items were announced as Item Nos. 5 and 6 and � one Legislative Action Item announced as Item No. 2A. These three items � were posted prior to the 72-hour posting requirement and therefore did not require a vote of the City Council to be heard. ; CLOSED SESSION ADDED STARTERS: t 5. CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR pursuant to Government � Code Section 54956.8. (Warren Bradshaw) � Property: � Location: 68791 "B" Street, Cathedral City Negotiating Parties: Agency: Redevelopment Agency ; Property Owner: Don Lawrence (Don Lawrence Company) ; Under Negotiation: Property Acquisition � i � � 6. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL REGARDING SIGNIFICANT EXPOSURE TO # LITIGATION pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9, Subd. (b). � '� No. of Cases: One , � , � ; i I � I � � � � � <s ' � CC/RDA MINUTES ; APRIL 26, 2000 � PAGE 2 ' : i � � LECISLATIVE ACTION ADDED STARTER: ' 2A. City Manager's appeal of Planning Division's administrative discretionary decision denying an application for a Green Channel Business Identification Sign forCopyCo pursuantto Cathedral City ; Municipal Code Section 2.04.100. � 1. Report by City Manager and Interested Parties Only � 2. Recommendation: Remand Planning Division�s decision � � denying CopyCo's application to the � � Planning Division and ordering the Planning Division to approve a green x channel business identification sign for ' CopyCo as a deviation from anyapplicable � � sign program regulations, but subject to � all other provisions of any applicable sign program and in compliance with all � applicable business identification sign � regulations of the City. � � The City Manager requested that the City Council table this item to the � meeting of May 10, 2000. ; Councilmember Pettis made a motion, seconded by Mayor Amy, carried by � a 5-0 vote, to table this matter to the next City Council meeting. � � � CLOSED SESSION AGENDA: � 1. PERSONNEL MATTER pursuant to Government Code Section 54957. (Mike � Owens) -; Issue for Discussion: 1) Cathedral City Public Safety Management ; Association (CCPSMA); 2) Cathedral City Firefighters Association (CCFFA); ; and, 3) Unrepresented Employees. � , � � 2. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL REGARDING EXISTING LITICATION � � pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9, Subd. (a). � csteve Quintanilla) Names of Parties: Ted I. Dumas, an Individual, dba TNV Towing v. = City of Cathedral City Case No.: I NC 01 � 402 . � 3. CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR pursuant to Government � � � Code Section 54956.8. (Warren Bradshaw) � � � , � � ;i � � � � � � CC/RDA MINUTES j � APRIL 26, 2000 � ' PAGE 3 � � � Property: � Locations: 1. 68586 "B" Street, Cathedral City � � 2. 68538 "B" Street, Cathedral City a� 3. 68579 "A" Street, Cathedral City 4. 68575 "E" Street, Cathedral City � 5. 68794 "C" Street, Cathedral City � Negotiating Parties: Agency: Redevelopment Agency � Property Owners: 1. Rose Damore (et al) � 2. Ralph Fairweather � 3. Alex lan Booker � � 4. Ra u I Loya :; 5. Maximina Gallardo (Areolla) � � Under Negotiation: Proposed Property Acquisition � '„ 4. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL REGARDING SIGNIFICANT EXPOSURE TO = LITIGATION pursuant to Government code Section 54956.9, Subd. (b)(1). � � No. of Cases: Four � � � A. Recommendation: Councilmember/RDA Board Member Pettis � made a motion, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem/RDA Board Member Di Grandi, carried ; by a 5-0 vote, to adjourn to the Study Session Conference Room to hear Closed � Session matters. � � CLOSED SESSION ANNOUNCEMENTS: The following announcements were � � made from results of City Council discussions held in Closed Session: Item No. 1: Council Continued to later in the evening. Item No. 2: Council took no reportable action. = Item No. 3.1: Redevelopment Agency Board voted 4 to 1 with Board � Member De Rosa voting no to enter into an option � agreement to purchase 68586 "B" Street for 577,500 as offered by Ms. Rose Damore, with proceeds from the t Redevelopment Agency's Affordable Housing Set Aside " Fund. � Item No. 3.2: The Redevelopment Agency Board voted 4 to 1 with Board Member De Rosa voting no to purchase 68538 "B�� Street for 583,000 as offered by Mr. Ralph Fairweather, with proceeds � from the Redevelopment Agency's Affordable Housing Set � �rr Aside Fund. � � � � � 3 t } Z � I :; € � � � ; � CC/RDA MINUTES APRIL 26, 2000 � � PAGE 4 � � Item No. 3.3: The Redevelopment Agency Board voted 5 to 0 to reject Mr. :� Booker�s offer to sell 68579 "A° Street to the � Redevelopment Agency. � Item No. 3.4: The Redevelopment Agency Board voted 4 to 1 with Board ° Member De Rosa voting no to purchase 68575 "E" Street for ; � 569,900 as offered by Mr. Loya, with proceeds from the � Redevelopment Agency's Affordable Housing Set Aside � Fund. � Item No. 3.5: The Redevelopment Agency Board voted 5 to 0 to purchase = 68794 "C" Street for $34,000 as offered by Ms. Gallardo, with ` proceeds from the Redevelopment Agency's Affordable t Housing Set Aside Fund. � � Item No. 4: Council continued to later in the evening. � � Item No. 5: The Redevelopment Agency Board voted 5 to 0 to reject Mr. � ; �awrence's offer to sell 68791 �B° Street to the � Redevelopment Agency. ' At 10:40 p.m., the regular open session concluded and City Council y �, reconvened into Closed Session to finish discussions on items noted in the � Closed Session Announcements earlier in these minutes. At approximately � b 12:30 a.m., the City Council reconvened into open session once again and made the following additional Closed Session Announcements: � • Item No. 1: The City Council voted 5 to 0 to approve a 4% increase in � salaries for the non-represented employees to be effective ; � April 1, 2000. � Item No. 4: The City Council took no reportable action on any of the , � cases discussed under Item No. 4. a PUBLIC COMMENTS: ` � Bill Cohen, Cathedral City - Introduced The Flying Club to the City 7 ' Council noting its many benefits to children and adults who ' belong to it. Mr. Cohen informed the Council that the Club is in need of a permanent flying field of its own for the airplanes, rockets, etc., stating that the field should be about 20 acres of i clear, bare land..no trees, etc. He asked for letters of recommendation for the Club as well. � Patty Drusky, Chamber Executive Director, Cathedral City - � announced upcoming Chamber events: May 15 - Economic � � Development Summit and Expo (2-4:00 p.m. is the Summit and 4- � E 8:OOp.m. is the Expo) all being held at the Doral; June 9 First State i € � � � j � � � � � � i � � � '' ; CC/RDA MINUTES � { � APRIL 26, 2000 � ' PAGE 5 � � of the City Luncheon being held at the Doral Resort at a cost of � S17.00 per person. � �� � COUNCIL COMMENTS: � Mayor Amy - thanked the Parks and Recreation Department for a � wonderful Easter Egg Hunt. It was well attended once again even � thought the weather was somewhat windy. Mr. Barton, who was � behind the camera, and his department did a fantastic job again. � Mayor Amy noted that he received an e-mail from the last Council � meeting on what an outstanding presentation the Fire � Department made. He noted that he has received a few � compliments on that presentation. Mayor Amy deferred to Fire � Chief Steve Sowles to make an announcement. Chief Sowles � stated that this past week he received notification from the � Insurance Service Offices (ISO) that Cathedral City is now a Class 3 � City in the State of California, which is an excellent status for our < organization and the City. He congratulated Captain John Aman � from our Fire Department who worked on this project for doing ', an excellent job. This could possibly mean lower fire insurance � � rates for some residents. _ � Robert Gomer - announced that the Historical Preservation Committee is holding a meeting to be held on Sunday, April 30, ; at 2:00 p.m., in the Cathedral City Library and he invited everyone � who might be interested. � : 3 � PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS: � � Presentation by Mayor Pro Tem Sarah Di Grandi to Mike Smith, Firefighter/Paramedic, who was instrumental in creating a trust � ; fund, through Mayor Pro Tem Sarah Di Grandi and her employer, 1 Community Bank, for three local children who lost their lives in three separate accidents over a two-week period. The trust � fund was created to assist those three families with funeral expenses. Janiece Stumph, a resident of Cathedral City who is s � active in community events, created a framed presentation for Mike that displayed fire engines from years past, and also presented a check toward the trust fund. These items were presented to Mike by Mayor Pro Tem Sarah Di Grandi. Mayor Pro Tem Di Grandi also recognized Janiece Stumph for bringing this ; recognition to Mike and the Fire Department. Councilmember �; Kathy De Rosa also announced that on behalf of Business Supplies � ; � � � i � � � $ � � � CC/RDA MINUTES � APRIL 26, 2000 � PAGE 6 � ' Unlimited and their employees 5150 was being contributed to this trust fund. � Proclamation Designating the Month of May as Mental Health Month was presented by Mayor Gary Amy to Mr. Robinson, � Manager of Mental Health Services in the Desert Region. � � CALL FOR CORRECTIONS/APPROVAL OF MINUTES � � Minutes of City Council/Redevelopment Agency and Special Public Financing � Authority Meeting held March 22, 2000; and, Minutes of City � Council/Redevelopment Agency and Community Services District Meeting of � April 12, 2000, were approved as submitted. � � � CONSENT AGENDA: There were no Consent Agenda Items to be heard at this i meeting. a � � LEGISLATIVE ACTIONS: � � � 1. Proposed Ordinance adopting safety rules for the Fountain of life. (15t ' �r Reading) i � ; Report was given by Public Information Officer Julie Baumer. � � Public Input was opened and closed without comment. � r Mayor Pro Tem Di Grandi made a motion, seconded by Councilmember De � Rosa, carried by a 5-0 vote to Waive Further Reading and Introduce � Ordinance. � 2. Approval for preparation and execution of a professional services = contract, in a form approved by the City Attorney, with Robert Bein, P William Frost & Associates of Palm Desert to conduct hydrologic and 3 ; hydrology studies of the Cove and Downtown areas of the City, for a Phase I fee not-to-exceed 5122,400, and to thereafter prepare final �� design plans and specifications for the resultant drainage facilities, at �� an estimated Phase II fee of 5107,600, subject to subsequent City Council s approval, all contingent upon receiving Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) approval to incur expenses. Report was given by City Engineer Dave Faessel. � , � � ; Public Input was opened and closed without comment. � � .t I I � I � s < � �r�i���� � � CC/RDA MINUTES " APRIL 26, 2000 ; � PAGE 7 j � � s Councilmember De Rosa made a motion, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Di ' � Grandi, carried by a 5-0 vote, to approve this request by Minute Order No. � 3125. � , 3. Preliminary 2000-2001 Budget requests were presented by: � � Community Development Department � - Planning Division (Cynthia Kinser) ; - Engineering Division (Dave FaesseU � - Building Division (Travis Lund) � - Recreation Division (Tony Barton) - Public Works Division (Dale Bolls) � � Redevelopment Agency (Susan Moeller) � 3 ; The above were preliminary reports and no action was taken. They were � presented to Council as information only at this point in time. � 3 �r ADJOURNMENT: � � � There being no further business for discussion, this meeting was adjourned at 10:40 p.m. � ��=C�-ac� � � Donna M. Velotta E City Clerk � � Y, . � C 1 � t � � F # �} i t �