HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 1662 308-RIV-10-PM 36.1/43.0 ORIGINA1L FREEWAY MAINTENANCE -I G6Z AGREEMENT WITH CITY OF CATHEDRAL CITY THIS AGREEMENT is made effective this -l "day of Tel N 2 , 2016, by and between the State of California, acting by and through the Department of Transportation, hereinafter referred to as "STATE" and the City of Cathedral City, a California municipal corporation; hereinafter referred to as "CITY" and collectively referred to as "PARTIES". SECTION I RECITALS 1. WHEREAS, on February 24, 2016 a Freeway Agreement was executed between CITY and STATE, wherein the PARTIES consented to certain adjustments of the local street and road system required for the development of that portion of Interstate 10 (I-10) within the jurisdictional limits of the CITY as a freeway; and 2. WHEREAS, recent adjustments to said freeway have now been completed, or are nearing completion, and the PARTIES hereto mutually desire to identify the maintenance responsibilities for improvements to separation structures and landscaped areas lying within those modified freeway limits; and 3. The degree or extent of maintenance work to be performed, and the standards therefore, shall be in accordance with the provisions of Section 27 of the Streets and Highways Code and the then current edition of the State Maintenance Manual. 4. WHEREAS,pursuant to the above February 24,2016 Freeway Agreement,CITY has resumed or will resume control and maintenance over each of the affected relocated or reconstructed CITY streets, except for those portions adopted as a part of the freeway proper; and 5. WHEREAS, on July 16, 1986 a Freeway Maintenance Agreement was executed between CITY and STATE; and 6. WHEREAS, CITY has annexed areas that include facilities previously maintained by the County of Riverside under a Freeway Maintenance Agreement between the County of Riverside and STATE dated June 24, 1986; and; 7. WHEREAS,new improvements have been constructed within recently annexed areas to CITY and the PARTIES desire to update and supersede previously executed Freeway Maintenance Agreements, 8. WHEREAS, the PARTIES desire that their duties and responsibilities regarding applicable portions of the I-10 Freeway shall now be governed by the provisions of this agreement. NOW THEREFORE IT IS AGREED: 1 { 308-RIV-10-PM 36.1/43.0 SECTION II AGREEMENT 1. This agreement supersedes in its entirety said Freeway Maintenance Agreement dated July 16, 1986, and any other freeway or project specific maintenance agreements executed prior to the execution date of this agreement and for improvements within the current CITY limits. 2. CITY agrees to continue their control and maintenance of each of the affected relocated or reconstructed CITY streets and roads as shown on that plan map attached hereto, marked Exhibit A, and made a part hereof by this reference. 3. STATE agrees to continue control and maintenance of those portions adopted as a part of I-10 Freeway proper as shown in Exhibit A. 4. The CITY will assume sole maintenance responsibilities on individual infrastructure items as provided in Exhibit C attached and made a part of this Agreement by reference, as long as it is not in conflict with the terms of this Agreement. In case of a conflict, the terms of this Agreement shall prevail. 5. If there is mutual agreement on the change in the maintenance duties between PARTIES, the PARTIES can revise Exhibit C by a mutual written execution of Exhibit A and C. 6. When another planned future improvement has been constructed and/or a minor revision has been effected within the limits of the I-10 Freeway herein described which will affect the PARTIES' division of maintenance responsibility as described herein, the PARTY initiating the construction or minor revision shall provide a new dated and revised Exhibit A which will, upon written mutual consent between PARTIES,become part of this Agreement and thereafter supersede the attached original Exhibit A. 7. CITY and STATE agree to accept their then respective operational and maintenance responsibilities and related associated costs thereof in the event jurisdictional boundaries of the PARTIES should change and Exhibit A is amended to reflect those changes. 8. CITY must obtain the necessary Encroachment Permits from STATE's District 08 Encroachment Permit Office prior to entering STATE right of way to perform CITY maintenance responsibilities. This permit will be issued at no cost to CITY. 9. VEHICULAR AND PEDESTRIAN OVERCROSSINGS 9.1. STATE will maintain, at STATE expense, the entire structure of any STATE constructed vehicular and pedestrian overcrossings of I-10 below the deck wearing surface and any wearing surface treatment thereon. 9.2. CITY will maintain, at CITY expense, the deck wearing surface and structural drainage system (and shall perform such work as may be necessary to ensure an impervious and/or otherwise suitable surface) and all portions of the structure above the bridge deck, including, but without limitation, lighting installations, as well as all traffic service 2 308-RIV-10-PM 36.1/43.0 facilities(sidewalks, signs,pavement markings,bridge rails,etc.)that may be required for the benefit or control of traffic using that overcrossing. 9.3. As directed by section 92.6 of the Streets and Highways Code, at locations determined by STATE, screening shall be placed on STATE freeway overpasses on which pedestrians are allowed. All screens installed under this program will be installed and maintained by STATE, at STATE expense. 10. VEHICULAR AND PEDESTRIAN UNDERCROSSINGS 10.1. STATE will maintain the entire structure of all STATE-constructed vehicular and pedestrian undercrossings of STATE freeways except as hereinafter provided. 10.2. CITY will maintain the roadway sections, including the traveled way, shoulders, curbs, sidewalks, wall surfaces (including eliminating graffiti), drainage installations, lighting installations and traffic service facilities (signs, pavement markings, etc.) that may be required for the benefit or control of traffic using that undercrossing. 10.3. CITY will request STATE's District Encroachment Permit Engineer to issue the necessary Encroachment Permit for any proposed change in minimum vertical clearances between CITY roadway surface and the structure that results from modifications to the roadway (except when said modifications are made by STATE). If the planned modifications will result in a reduction in the minimum clearance within the traveled way, an estimate of the clearance reduction must be provided to STATE's Transportation Permit Engineer prior to starting work. Upon completion of that work,a vertical clearance diagram will be furnished to STATE's Transportation Permit Engineer that shows revised minimum clearances for all affected movements of traffic,both at the edges of the traveled way and at points of minimum clearance within the traveled way. 11. WALLS AND COLUMNS — CITY is responsible for debris removal, cleaning, and painting to keep CITY's side of any wall structure or column free of debris, dirt, and graffiti. 12. LANDSCAPED AREAS - CITY is responsible for the maintenance of any plantings or other types of roadside development lying outside of the fenced right of way area reserved for exclusive freeway use. 13. INTERCHANGE OPERATON- It is STATE's responsibility to provide efficient operation of freeway interchanges, including ramp connections to local streets and roads. 14. ELECTRICALLY OPERATED TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES 14.1. The cost of installation, operation, maintenance, repairs, replacement and energy costs of safety lighting, traffic signals or other necessary electrically operated traffic control devices placed at interchanges of I-10 Freeway and CITY streets and roads and at ramp connections or I-10 and CITY facilities shall be shared by the PARTIES as defined by a separate Shared Cost Electrical Agreement previously entered into by the PARTIES. 3 308-RIV-10-PM 36.1/43.0 14.2. Timing of traffic signals, which shall be coordinated with CITY to the extent that no conflict is created with freeway operations, shall be the sole responsibility of STATE. 15. BICYCLE PATHS - Except for bicycle paths constructed as permitted encroachments within STATE's right of way for which the permittee is solely responsible for all path improvements, STATE will maintain, at STATE expense, all fences, guard railing, drainage facilities, slope and structural adequacy of any bicycle path located and constructed within STATE's right of way. CITY will maintain, at CITY expense, a safe facility for bicycle travel along the entire length of the path by providing sweeping and debris removal when necessary; and all signing and striping and pavement markings required for the direction and operation of that non- motorized facility. 16. LEGAL RELATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES 16.1. Nothing within the provisions of this Agreement is intended to create duties or obligations to or rights in third parties not PARTIES to this Agreement or to affect the legal liability of a PARTY to the Agreement by imposing any standard of care with respect to the operation and maintenance of STATE highways and local facilities different from the standard of care imposed by law. 16.2. Neither CITY nor any officer or employee thereof is responsible for any injury, damage or liability occurring by reason of anything done or omitted to be done by STATE, under or in connection with any work, authority or jurisdiction conferred upon STATE and arising under this Agreement. It is understood and agreed that STATE shall fully defend, indemnify and save harmless CITY and all of its officers and employees from all claims, suits or actions of every name, kind and description brought forth under, including, but not limited to, tortuous, contractual, inverse condemnation or other theories or assertions of liability occurring by reason of anything done or omitted to be done by STATE under this Agreement. 16.3. Neither STATE nor any officer or employee thereof is responsible for any injury,damage or liability occurring by reason of anything done or omitted to be done by CITY under or in connection with any work, authority or jurisdiction conferred upon CITY and arising under this Agreement. It is understood and agreed that CITY shall fully defend, indemnify and save harmless STATE and all of its officers and employees from all claims, suits or actions of every name,kind and description brought forth under, including,but not limited to, tortuous, contractual, inverse condemnation or other theories or assertions of liability occurring by reason of anything done or omitted to be done by CITY under this Agreement. 17. PREVAILING WAGES: 17.1. Labor Code Compliance- If the work performed under the terms of this Agreement is done under contract and falls within the Labor Code section 1720(a)(1) definition of a "public work" in that it is construction, alteration, demolition, installation, or repair; or maintenance work under Labor Code section 1771. CITY must conform to the provisions of Labor Code sections 1720 through 1815, and all applicable provisions of California 4 308-RIV-10-PM 36.1/43.0 Code of Regulations found in Title 8, Chapter 8, Subchapter 3,Articles 1-7. CITY agrees to include prevailing wage requirements in its contracts for public work. Work performed by CITY'S own forces is exempt from the Labor Code's Prevailing Wage requirements. 17.2. Requirements in Subcontracts - CITY shall require its contractors to include prevailing wage requirements in all subcontracts needed to fulfill the obligations of this Agreement when the work to be performed by the subcontractor is a"public work"as defined in Labor Code Section 1720(a)(1) and Labor Code Section 1771. Subcontracts shall include all prevailing wage requirements set forth in CITY's contracts. 18. INSURANCE 18.1. CITY is self-insured. CITY agrees to deliver evidence of self-insured coverage providing general liability insurance, coverage of bodily injury liability and property damage liability, naming the STATE, its officers, agents and employees as the additional insured in an amount of $1 million per occurrence and $2 million in aggregate and $5 million in excess. Coverage shall be evidenced by a certificate of insurance in a form satisfactory to the STATE that shall be delivered to the STATE with a signed copy of this Agreement. 18.2. If the work performed under this Agreement is done by CITY's contractor(s), CITY shall require its contractor(s) to maintain in force, during the term of this agreement, a policy of general liability insurance, including coverage of bodily injury liability and property damage liability, naming the STATE, its officers, agents and employees as the additional insured in an amount of$1 million per occurrence and $2 million in aggregate and $5 million in excess. Coverage shall be evidenced by a certificate of insurance in a form satisfactory to the STATE and shall be delivered to the STATE with a signed copy of this Agreement. 19. TERMINATION - This Agreement may be terminated by timely mutual written consent by PARTIES, and CITY's failure to comply with the provisions of this Agreement may be grounds for a Notice of Termination by STATE. 20. TERM OF AGREEMENT-This Agreement shall become effective on the date first shown on its face sheet,provided it has been executed by all PARTIES. This Agreement shall remain in full force and effect until amended or terminated at any time upon mutual consent of the PARTIES or until terminated by STATE for cause. If amendments to this Agreement are required in the future, PARTIES agree to use the latest STATE's template if the date of this Agreement in older than 7 years at the time of the required amendments. 21. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 21.1. ENTIRE AGREEMENT; AMENDMENTS. This Agreement and the exhibits attached hereto constitute the entire Agreement between the PARTIES hereto with respect to the subject matter hereof. Any prior agreements, statements,promises or representations not set forth expressly herein are invalid and of no force and effect. No amendment or 5 l , 308-RIV-10-PM 36.1/43.0 modification to this Agreement shall be effective unless in writing and executed by both PARTIES. 21.2. SEVERABILITY. If any one or more of the sentences, clauses, paragraphs or sections contained in this Agreement herein is declared invalid, void or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction,the same shall be deemed severable from the remainder of this Agreement and shall not affect, impair, invalidate any of the remaining sentences, clauses, paragraphs or sections contained herein. 21.3. WAIVERS. No waiver of any provision of this Agreement shall be deemed, or shall constitute, a waiver of any other provision, whether or not similar, nor shall any such waiver constitute a continuing or subsequent waiver of the same provision. No waiver shall be binding, unless executed in writing by the PARTY making the waiver. 21.4. NOTICES. Any notices required to be given under this Agreement, or which a PARTY may wish to provide to the other, shall be in writing and may be delivered by personal service or by deposit in the United States mail, certified or registered, return receipt requested with postage prepaid, to the following addresses: To CITY: City of Cathedral City 68-700 Avenida Lalo Guerrero Cathedral City, CA 92234 Attn: City Manager Send copy of notice to attention of City Engineer To STATE: State of California, Department of Transportation District 08 464 W. 4th Street, 12th Floor San Bernardino, CA 92401 Attn: Deputy District Director, Maintenance Notices shall be deemed effective on the date personally delivered, or if mailed, three (3) days after deposit in the United States mail. PARTIES are empowered by Streets and Highways Code Section 114 and 130 to enter into this Agreement and have delegated to the undersigned the authority to execute this Agreement on behalf of the respective agencies and covenants to have followed all the necessary legal requirements to validly execute this Agreement. 6 308-RIV-10-PM 36.1/43.0 WITNESS WHEREOF, PARTIES hereto have set their hands and seals the day and year first above written. THE CITY OF CATHEDRAL CITY STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION B : j�, 1'_ — MALCOLM DOUGHERTY Stanley E. 'enry Director of Transportation Mayor Initiated and Approved r, ; / _ /= � _ �1� B � A A . By: 1 el?4/9/a 7 CIT Manager Stephen R. Pusey Deputy District Director Maintenance, District 08 ATTEST: B .. � - Gary F. Howell CITY Clerk As to Form and Proce• By: �' By: .1 L l__ IArAwi� CITY Attorney • A orney VP' I,e 0 artment of-T.ransportat• 7 EXHIBIT "A" DELEGATION OF MAINTENANCE Plan map identifying the applicable 1-10 Freeway proper and CITY road(s) and facilities J" r ow rin F r Z W g- W 2 W W W O J rig r 0 a ua S w V •' u. f0 G 4 m C w Z W c a '�Q z cn o ma 2 U ,♦` . o 0 Ul w W D Piep, 0 fg u. N > U 12 J g / W x Q 0 Art4 V75 0 0 0 O i- W W O• C, 2 N m O co N Z 3 a O as 0 a � ■_._■_.� to LU 0 oa N 0 411"46 ct. � , C, I- 4V z o xx 2 a. x Cl) w 2 H J w a , . DIST COUNTY ROUTE POST MILE SHEET TOTAL No. SHEETS 08 Riv 10 36.1 2 4 30 0 us c1% "r4 73 1. 1. 0 0 73 ,..k .e.- tP r V. . .1 STATE R/W 0 . fp c-VA •., STATE R/W •..,.....‘ - • .., 1,.. 4..,... ..--"' ■ A . .---- At ... At , ------- ■4A / \ , A...A 1 PALM DRIVE OVERCROSSING BRIDGE NO. 56.0832 IL. " _______----------„„40101111111”. , //'/ ,■ .-4'; ■ ....---,,........_........,:, "mom • vAL.7s--'"V, --- 0 '1 . ..' \ 1-10 WB ---------------- Z o 46*k— oo -—— \ 1. 4■ 4■,t 1-1 13 EB 200' III - ---2--if----'-!Ir,. .... ...■■■ ••*. 'mi... DESERT HOT SPRINGS ,- .11M' ..-4N-1 CATHEDRAL CITY "–- — 7 -------- / ....-------- / ,-- .-----.----- ,--- \ , , ------- \ tIlt /.10.i Ot f 7., vo ..41 SATE R/W STATE R/W CITY LIMITS immm• LOCAL ROAD SEGMENTS WITHIN FREEWAY R/W LIMITS TO BE MAINTAINED BY CATHEDRAL CITY LOCATION 1 PALM DRIVE OVERCROSSING EXHIBIT 'A' NO SCALE SHEET 2 OF 4 DIST COUNTY ROUTE POST MILE SHEET TOTAL No. SHEETS 08 Riv 10 , 39.5 3 4 STATE R/W,—\ ) , •11,�i STATE R/W �.� ,, �► DATE PALM DRIVE OVERCROSSING 1 i BRIDGE NO. 56.0560 i�-, !�_ 1. l l', NII: 44i NN *-------- ■rne--% t 44!) Er 41 atfir,',, < STATE R/W Y\\\\ ...d 1 ♦♦. 14041I 41 <1P 11; STATE R/W LOCAL ROAD SEGMENTS WITHIN FREEWAY R/W LIMITS No TO BE MAINTAINED BY CATHEDRAL CITY '∎ ■ LOCATION 2 DATE PALM DRIVE OVERCROSSING EXHIBIT 'A' NO SCALE SHEET 3 OF 4 D1ST COUNTY ROUTE POST MILE S No. TOTAL No. SHEETS 08 Riv 10 43.0 4 4 I `'it .:,4 STATE R/W ` STATE R/W 0 03 S 1 R < BOB HOPE DRIVE OVERCROSSING m BRIDGE NO. 56.0811 ' \ 1\\ 1\\ 1\ � CATHEDRAL CITY i\ 1-10WB i\\ RIVERSIDE COUNTY 1.10 EB STATE R/W STATE R/W CITY LIMITS - - - LOCAL ROAD SEGMENTS WITHIN FREEWAY R/W LIMITS TO BE MAINTAINED BY CATHEDRAL CITY EXHIBIT 'A' LOCATION 3 BOB HOPE DRIVE OVERCROSSING NO SCALE SHEET 4 OF 4 EXHIBIT "B" This page is intentionally left blank. EXHIBIT"C" ADDITIONAL NON-STANDARD FEATURES TO BE MAINTAINED BY CITY Exhibit C includes: C-1 Palm Drive - Aesthetic Photo C-2 Palm Drive - Aesthetic Overview C-3 Palm Drive - "Desert Hot Springs" Script& Chain Link Railing Details C-4 Palm Drive - "Palm Springs" Script& Chain Link Railing Details C-5 Date Palm Drive -Aesthetic Photo C-6 Date Palm Drive -Aesthetic Overview C-7 Date Palm Drive -Architectural Lettering, Column Aesthetic & Abutment Aesthetic Details C-8 Date Palm Drive - Chain Link Railing Details C-9 Bob Hope Drive -Aesthetic Photo C-10 Bob Hope Drive -Aesthetic Overview C-11 Bob Hope Drive - Column Aesthetic Details C-12 Bob Hope Drive -Abutment Aesthetic Details C-13 Bob Hope Drive - Chain Link Railing Details M V Ii 0 m_ = W H 0 z N et V ag W 0 IAA rg 0 d 1 1 • ' ' DIST COUNTY ROUTE POST MILE SHEET TOTAL SHEETS 08 Riv 10 36.1 2 13 0 1 \ . ) V. STATE R/W A p , . 'S c- c2A 53-4 . STATE R/W—\ ' c) • u) _..------ -- _,...--•--- , . 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