HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 1488 c-1488 i AGREEMENT r r This Agreement is entered into between Verizon California Inc. in its capacity as an incumbent local exchange carrier (Verizon), located at One Verizon Way, 1 Thousand Oaks, California 91362 -3811, and City of Cathedral City (Customer) located at 68700 Avenida Lalo Guerrero, Cathedral City, California 92234. Verizon and the Customer are each individually referred to as "a Party" and collectively referred to as °the Parties ". In consideration of the mutual covenants and promises contained herein, the Parties hereto agree as follows: 1. Services Verizon shall provide to Customer IntraLATA Toll and i CentraNet® Services (the Service) at the rates, charges and terms set forth in this Agreement and in Attachments A and B, which are collectively referred to as "this Agreement ". All facilities furnished by Verizon under this Agreement shall remain the property of Verizon. 2. Term. The term period shall be for one (1) year from the in- service date. Unless notified by Customer to cease delivery of Service upon expiration of this Agreement, the Service will revert to tariffed rates, if there is a tariffed rate available, and no new contract for the Service has been executed by the Parties. Service will be disconnected as of the expiration date of this Agreement if there is no tariffed rate available. If Customer indicates to Verizon in writing that it desires to negotiate a new contract to continue the services provided for herein, this Agreement shall automatically be extended for a period not to exceed sixty (60) days from the end of the initial term to allow the Parties to finalize a new Agreement. Written notice must be provided by Customer at least thirty (30) days prior to the end of the original termination date. 3. Effective Date This Agreement shall be effective when executed by both Parties and will be filed with the California Public Utilities Commission (Commission). 4. In- Service Date The in- service date for the Service shall be the date, 3 after the Effective date, on which Verizon's provisioning has been completed and one of the Services is available for use by Customer at one of Customer's locations. I 5. Commission/Tariffs /Other Applicable Charges This Agreement shall at all times be subject to such changes or modifications by the Commission as CAGOV: 8/11/00 Page 1 of 12 02/22/2001 3:30 PM ` Cities /State /Schools Matrix 3 S i i i I I I � t I i the Commission may from time to time direct in the exercise of its lawful 1 jurisdiction. i This Agreement is subject to allowable federal, state and local surcharges ! and taxes. i This Agreement is governed by and subject to the terms and conditions contained in applicable Verizon tariffs', including Verizon's tariff rules on late payment charges, unless such tariffs are expressly inconsistent with the express terms of this Agreement, in which case the terms of this Agreement shall apply. I 6. Payment Customer shall be responsible for payment of all rates and charges from the in- service date of the Service notwithstanding any delay in the issuance of bills for services provided. Any back billing limitations applicable to Verizon's tariffed services (including, but not limited to, those currently contained in Rules 10 and 11, Schedule Cal. P.U.C. No. D &R) do not apply to this Agreement. 7. Access Verizon and its authorized employees and contractors shall have the right of ingress to and egress from the Customer's premises where its facilities are installed in order to provide the Service, in accordance with Customer's reasonable security procedures. 8. Default If Customer defaults in the payment of any amounts due hereunder, or violates any other provision of this Agreement, and if such default or violation is not cured within thirty (30) days after notice thereof from Verizon, Verizon may terminate this Agreement forthwith without any liability on the part of Verizon, and Customer shall be liable for any unpaid charges for the service incurred up to the time of the termination, plus any applicable basic termination liability charges as set forth in Attachments A and B. 9. Limitation of Liability The liability of Verizon for any losses or damages arising out of the Services or this Agreement, including but not limited to defects, errors, delays, mistakes, omissions, or interruptions shall in all instances be limited to the pro rata charges to Customer for the periods during which the Service is so affected. Verizon shall in no instance be liable to Customer for any general compensatory, consequential, indirect, incidental, special or punitive damages, including but not limited to revenues or lost profits. 10. Force Maieure Verizon's performance under this Agreement, or any obligation hereunder, shall be excused if said performance or obligation is prevented, restricted or interfered with due to any cause(s) beyond the ' Subsequent to a corporate merger, GTE California Incorporated is no%v Verizon California Inc.; for interstate purposes the GTE Telephone Operating Companies (GTOC) Tariff FCC No. I (interstate) previously applicable to GTE California Incorporated is applicable for Verizon California Inc. CAGOV: 8/11/00 Page 2 of 12 02/22/2001 3:30 PM Cities /State /Schools Matrix 4 4 6 i I x reasonable control of Verizon or by reason of acts of God, war, revolution, civil commotion, acts of public enemy, embargo, fire, explosion, vandalism, cut cable, inclement weather, earthquake, acts of the Government in its sovereign capacity, i labor difficulties, including without limitation, strikes, slowdowns, picketing or boycotts, unavailability of facilities or equipment. Verizon shall not be liable for any delay or failure in its performance during the occurrence of such circumstances. I 11. Customer Indemnification Customer shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless Verizon against any claim, suit or dispute for libel, slander, infringement x of patent, copyright or unauthorized use of any trademark, trade name or service mark arising out of the material, data, information or other content transmitted I pursuant to the Service. I 12. Notice Any notice given or required to be given by one Party to the other pursuant to this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be served by one or more i of the following methods 1) by personal service, receipt of which shall be deemed to be on the date personally delivered; 2} by certified or registered Mail, or by a courier or overnight delivery service, receipt of which shall be deemed to be on the date such notice is acknowledged in writing by the receiving Party; or 3) by facsimile, receipt of which shall be deemed to be on the next Business Day (defined as a day on which the United States Mail is delivered) after transmission s if sent by facsimile. The transmitting Party shall retain the facsimile transmission confirmation record. Said notice shall be sent or delivered to the Parties to their s i respective authorized representatives and to the addresses designated below, unless modified by giving notice pursuant to this Section. If to Customer: City of Cathedral City Captain Kevin Conner 68700 Avenida Lalo Guerrero Cathedral City, CA 92234 Facsimile: 760 202 -2594 If to Verizon: ; Verizon California Inc. Michael A. Sherburn 12501 East Imperial Highway, CAU 16RP Norwalk, CA 90650 I Facsimile: 562 483 -6126 I CAGOV: 8/11/00 Page 3 of 12 02/22/2001 3:30 PM Cities /State /Schools Matrix 5 i With a copy to: Legal Department Verizon California Inc. One Verizon Way, CA500LB i Thousand Oaks, CA 91362 -3811 i Facsimile: 805 373 -7515 13. ModificationMlaiver Any changes or modifications to this Agreement must be in writing and executed by both Parties, and shall be filed with the Commission. The waiver of any term or condition under this Agreement by either I Party is not a waiver of any other term or waiver of the same term at any other i time. Any waiver must be written and signed by the Parties and shall be filed with the Commission. 14. Assianment. Neither this Agreement nor any interest herein of Customer I may be assigned, or in any manner transferred by Customer without the prior written consent of Verizon. Any attempted assignment or transfer in contravention of the preceding sentence shall be null and void. 15. Resale. Customer shall not under any circumstances resell the Service provided under this Agreement. 16. Captions /Headings Section or paragraph headings contained in this Agreement or any addendum are for reference purposes only and shall not affect the meaning or interpretation of this Agreement or any addendum. 17. Construction. This Agreement and the provisions contained in it, shall not be construed or interpreted for or against any party hereto because that party drafted or caused that party's legal representative to draft any of its provisions. 18. Govemin Law. This Agreement shall at all times be governed by the laws of the State of California, excluding its choice of law rules, and by the regulations of the Commission. 19. Entire Agreement Except for written amendments, supplements or modifications made after the execution of this Agreement in accordance with Paragraph 13 hereof, this Agreement represents the entire agreement between the Parties regarding the subject matter of this Agreement and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations and agreements, either oral or written, or made by or to any employee, officer, or agent of any Party. 20. Authority The persons signing this Agreement on behalf of the Parties represent and warrant to have the respective Party's authority to enter into and CAGOV: 8/11/00 Page 4 of 12 02/22/2001 3:30 PM f' Cities /State /Schools Matrix 6 Ad r r } execute this Agreement, and shall indemnify the other Party for any lack of such authority. 21. Confidentiality Customer requests that its identity be kept confidential and not publicly disclosed by Verizon or the Commission, unless required by law. 22. Public Contract Code Verizon (1) is aware of, and acknowledges the State of California's policy concerning enforcement of child and family support obligations as set out in Section 7110(a) of the Public Contract Code; (2) to the best of Verizon's knowledge, it is fully complying with earnings assignment orders of all employees; and (3) to the best of Verizon's knowledge, Verizon is providing the names of all new employees to the Illinois State New Hire Registry pursuant to 42 U.S.C. §653a(b)(1)(B) and California Unemployment Insurance Code §1088.5(d)(3). i VERIZON CALIFORNIA INC. CITY OF CATHEDRAL CITY � 3 � By By Name Name 0 � Title Title t 1 1 Date _ _ Date �>>� i i y 8 t 1 E L Tom S CAGOV: 8/11/00 Page 5 of 12 02/22/2001 3:30 PM Cities /State /Schools Matrix I 3 E 7 € R ATTACHMENT A Verizon shall provide IntraLATA Toll Service to Customer pursuant to this Agreement at the following rates, terms and conditions: Service Offering: Customer must sign and date this Agreement on or before September 1, 2001 or the proposed Service arrangement and price will no longer be available. This Agreement will not be considered fully executed until signed by both Customer and Verizon. Location of IntraLATA Toll Service IntraLATA Toll Service shall be provided to Customer's Designated Locations in California set out in Exhibit 1 to Attachment A. Customer may add Customer Locations for IntraLATA Toil Service during the term of this Agreement, provided that such other Customer Locations are I within Verizon's franchise service territory. Description of IntraLATA Toll Service This Agreement covers all calls originating on the lines at the locations and under the billing telephone numbers (BTNs) of the Customer included in Exhibit 1 to Attachment A on either a(n) (a) direct dialed or (b) operated assisted basis. For purposes of this Agreement, direct dialed calls shall include those dialed on a 1 + or 0+ basis and operator - assisted calls shall include those dialed on a 0- basis. Wide Area Telephone Service (WATS), mobile service, Verizon pay station, residential, lines with Handicap discount, Zone Usage Measurement (ZUM) Zone 3, and Local Usage Zones 1 and 2 are not applicable under this Agreement. Credit or calling card calls (0 +) must be placed using a Verizon calling or credit card. Operator assisted calls (0 -, third number billed or collect) shall be only those calls billed to a line or BTN set forth in Exhibit 1 to Attachment A. Operator surcharges (0 +, 0 -, third number billed and collect calls) shall not be waived or discounted under this Agreement. For purposes of meeting the annual minimum set forth below, the minutes of use for Verizon Business Line 800 calls terminating to a line number or BTN set forth in Exhibit 1 to Attachment A (or such other locations added for IntraLATA Toll Service as allowed in this Attachment A) shall be included. However, Verizon Business Line 800 minutes shall be charged for at the published Tariff rates. CAGOV: 8/11/04 Page 6 of 12 02/22/2001 3:30 PM Cities /State /Schools Matrix 8 All calls shall originate within one of the Local Access and Transport Areas ( "LATAs ") or Market Serving Areas ( "MSAs ") within the State of California, and terminate within the same LATA or MSA. BTNs and Verizon usage covered by this Attachment A are not eligible for ` other Verizon discount plans or promotional discounts. IntralLATA Toll Carrier Selection: Customer is responsible for taking any necessary action to select Verizon as its IntraLATA Toll carrier for all lines Customer wants covered under this Agreement. If Customer has not selected Verizon as its IntraLATA Toll carrier, all r such calls will be handled by Customer's selected carrier at the carrier's prevailing rates and charges, the rates and benefits of this Agreement will not be available for such calls, and Verizon cannot apply the call usage toward the Customer's annual E minimum minutes commitment set out in this Agreement. ' I 1 Charges: E The following rates apply to minutes of use covered under this Agreement, as set forth above: r Initial 18 Seconds Each Additional Six Seconds Day /Evening/Night Rate: $0.0180 $ 0.0060 { The above charges do not include Federally mandated end user common line charges, any applicable local, state, or federal fees, taxes, surcharges, or other applicable tariffed charges. i F Minimum Commitment: This Agreement shall be for a minimum amount of thirty thousand (30,000) i 1 minutes of use per contract year ( "Minimum Minutes "). All minutes of use associated with calls, as set forth above shall apply towards the Customer's total 1 Minimum Minutes. I 1 A contract year shall be the three hundred and sixty -five (365) day period 1 beginning with the in- service date, as set forth in Section 4, and ending the day 1 prior to the anniversary of the in- service date. 1 At the end of each contract year, Verizon shall determine the total number of minutes actually billed to the Customer for that year ( "Actual Minutes "). If the Actual Minutes are less than the Minimum Minutes, Verizon shall l determine the difference by subtracting Actual Minutes from Minimum Minutes. 1 1 CAGOV: 8111/00 Page 7 of 12 02/22/2001 3:30 PM Cities /State/Schools Matrix 9 i I This difference will then be multiplied by $0.060 and billed to the Customer in addition to charges billed to Customer based on Actual Minutes. Minimum Minutes - Actual Minutes r Difference x 0.060 Reconciliation Amount Billed to Customer Basic Termination Liability In the event Customer elects an early termination of this Agreement, Customer shall be charged the difference between the Actual Minutes billed and the Minimum Minutes commitment for the year of termination, plus forty percent I (40 %) of the annual Minimum Minutes commitment for each additional year of the 4 term remaining unfulfilled. 1 If Customer terminates this Agreement subsequent to the execution of this Agreement by the Parties but prior to the in- service date, Customer shall pay to i Verizon all costs incurred by Verizon for contract and service preparation. Adjustments and Credits: i Contract year -end adjustments, charges or credits, shall be separately billed to Customer within ninety (90) calendar days of the end of the contract year and shall be payable within thirty (30) calendar days of the date shown on the bill. s 1 CAGOV: 8/11/00 Page 8 of 12 02/22/2001 3:30 PM Cities /State /Schools Matrix l JO l t d i i ATTACHMENT B � I ' Verizon shall provide CentraNet® Service to Customer pursuant to this I Agreement at the following rates, terms and conditions: Service Offering: Customer must sign and date this Agreement on or before September 1, 2001 or the proposed Service arrangement and price will no longer be available. i This Agreement will not be considered fully executed until signed by both Customer and Verizon. Description of CentraNet® Service CentraNet® Service is an arrangement whereby certain basic and optional features are provided from central office switching equipment located on 1 Verizon's property. Customer must maintain a minimum of two (2) CentraNet® 1 Service lines for each customer group location per serving Verizon central office. h Location of CentraNet® Service: CentraNet® Service shall be provided at the BTNs and locations identified in Exhibit 1 to Attachment B. I ► Customer may add Customer Locations for CentraNetO during the term of ► this Agreement, provided that such other Customer Locations are within Verizon's franchise service territory. i I i Charges: A. Monthly Recurring Charges (MRC): Initial Order Q uantit y Monthly Recurring Charge Items Per Line Charge 95 CENTRANET® LINE $10.50 95 FEATURE PAK 1000 $ 2.25 I The above charges do not include Federally mandated end user common line charges, any applicable local, state, or federal fees, taxes, surcharges, or other applicable tariffed charges. Charges for any other Additional Features ordered by Customer are taken from Verizon's Tariff, and are subject to change with that Tariff. B. Non - Recurring Charges (NRC) Rates for initial installation, moves, and changes, including line additions will be assessed from the applicable tariff. t CAGOV: 8/11/00 Page 9 of 12 02/22/2001 3:30 PM Cities /State/Schools Matrix 11 CCC��� Basic Termination Liability Charges (BTL) Should Customer terminate the Agreement before the expiration date, Customer shall pay twenty -five percent (25 %) of the rates and charges, set forth above, for the Initial Order Quantities set forth for the remaining life of the 4 contract. See formula below. Termination Liability = 25% X # of lines X $ (monthly line rate) X # of i months remaining at the time of termination. i � 4 If Customer terminates this Agreement subsequent to the execution of this Agreement by the Parties but prior to the in- service date, Customer shall pay to Verizon all costs incurred by Verizon for contract and service preparation. I 4 0 40 I 40 CAGOV: 8/11100 Page 10 of 12 02/22/2001 3 :30 PM Cities /State /Schools Matrix 12 I 1 t S Exhibit 1 to Attachment A IntraLATA Toll i € € 3 Billing Number Customer Name Address 760 202 -0415 CATHEDRAL CITY CITY OF 35502 DATE PALM DR CATHEDRAL CTY 760 202 -1028 CATHEDRAL CITY SENIOR 34445 CORREGIDOR OR CATHEDRAL CTY s 760 202 -1475 CATHEDRAL CITY CITY OF 34481 DATE PALM DR CATHEDRAL CTY 760 202 -1477 CATHEDRAL CITY CITY OF 68100 RAMON RD CATHEDRAL CTY 760 202 -1487 CATHEDRAL CITY CITY OF 68700 AVENUE LALO GUERRERO CATHEDRAL CTY 760 202 -1489 CATHEDRAL CITY CITY OF 68700 AVENUE LALO GUERRERO CATHEDRAL CTY 760 202 -1490 CATHEDRAL CITY CITY OF 32100 DESERT VISTA RD CATHEDRAL CTY 760 202 -1491 CATHEDRAL CITY CITY OF 68700 AVENUE LALO GUERRERO CATHEDRAL CTY 760 202 -1492 CATHEDRAL CITY CITY HALL 36913 DATE PALM DR CATHEDRAL CTY 760 202 -1494 CATHEDRAL CITY CITY OF 68700 AVENUE LALO GUERRERO CATHEDRAL CTY 760 202 -1498 CATHEDRAL CITY CITY OF 34481 DATE PALM DR CATHEDRAL CTY 760 202 -2643 CITY OF CATHEDRAL CITY 69471 SERENITY RD CATHEDRAL CTY i 760 202 -2653 CATHEDRAL CITY CITY OF 34260 LINDA WAY CATHEDRAL CTY 760 321 -0111 CATHEDRAL CITY CITY OF 68700 AVENUE LALO GUERRERO CATHEDRAL CTY k 760 321 -0887 CATHEDRAL CITY CITY OF 38073 CHRIS DR CATHEDRAL CTY s 760 321 -1548 CATHEDRAL CITY SENIOR 68727 PALM CANYON DR E CATHEDRAL CTY 760 321 -2766 CATHEDRAL CITY CITY OF 30354 PAULINE AVE CATHEDRAL CTY i 760 321 -7062 CATHEDRAL CITY CITY OF 69038 PALM CANYON DR E CATHEDRAL CTY E 760 321 -8512 CATHEDRAL CITY CITY OF 68700 AVENUE LALO GUERRERO CATHEDRAL CTY 760 322 -6473 CITY OF CATHEDRAL CITY 68173 DURANGO RD CATHEDRAL CTY 760 322 -6549 CITY OF CATHEDRAL CITY 28905 AVENIDA MARAVILLA CATHEDRAL CTY 760 322 -8659 CATHEDRAL CITY CITY OF 27610 LANDAU BLVD CATHEDRAL CTY ! 760 322 -9916 CITY OF CATHEDRAL CITY 28905 AVENIDA MARAVILLA CATHEDRAL CTY 760 324 -2041 CATHEDRAL CITY SENIOR 34445 CORREGIDOR DR CATHEDRAL CTY 1 760 324 -2582 CATHEDRAL CITY CITY OF 68727 PALM CANYON DR E CATHEDRAL CTY 760 324 -3999 CATHEDRAL CITY CITY OF 68385 KIELEY RD CATHEDRAL CTY 760 324 -6969 CATHEDRAL CITY CITY OF 68615 PEREZ RD CATHEDRAL CTY 760 324 -8388 CATHEDRAL CITY CITY OF 68700 AVENUE LALO GUERRERO CATHEDRAL CTY 760 328 -0916 CATHEDRAL CITY CITY OF 68700 AVENUE LALO GUERRERO CATHEDRAL CTY ` 760 328 -1219 CATHEDRAL CITY CITY OF 68727 PALM CANYON DR E CATHEDRAL CTY 760 328 -2222 CATHEDRAL CITY FIRE DEPT 36913 DATE PALM DR CATHEDRAL CTY 760 328 -8912 CATHEDRAL CITY CITY OF 68999 PALM CANYON DR E CATHEDRAL CTY 760 416 -1107 CATHEDRAL CITY CITY OF 200 S CIVIC DR PALM SPRINGS 760 416 -1419 CATHEDRAL CITY CITY OF 200 S CIVIC DR PALM SPRINGS ` 760 770 -8200 CATHEDRAL CITY CITY OF 32100 DESERT VISTA RD CATHEDRAL CTY 760 864 -7223 CATHEDRAL CITY CITY OF 27610 LANDAU BLVD CATHEDRAL CTY E i k p � g � l i CAGOV: 8/11/00 Page 11 of 12 02122/2001 3:30 PM Cities /State /Schools Matrix > � 13 Exhibit 1 to Attachment B CentraNet® Billing Number Customer Name Address 760 202 -1471 CATHERDRAL CITY CITY OF 35325 DATE PALM DR PALM SPRINGS 760 202 -1475 CATHEDRAL CITY CITY OF 34481 DATE PALM DR CATHEDRAL CTY 760 202 -1477 CATHEDRAL CITY CITY OF 68100 RAMON RD CATHEDRAL CTY 760 202 -1485 CATHEDRAL CITY CITY OF 68700 AVENUE LALO GUERRERO CATHEDRAL CTY 760 202 -1487 CATHEDRAL CITY CITY OF 68700 AVENUE LALO GUERRERO CATHEDRAL CTY 760 202 -1489 CATHEDRAL CITY CITY OF 68700 AVENUE LALO GUERRERO CATHEDRAL CTY 760 202 -1490 CATHEDRAL CITY CITY OF 32100 DESERT VISTA RD CATHEDRAL CTY 760 202 -1491 CATHEDRAL CITY CITY OF 68700 AVENUE LALO GUERRERO CATHEDRAL CTY 760 202 -1492 CATHEDRAL CITY CITY HALL 36913 DATE PALM DR CATHEDRAL CTY 760 202 -1494 CATHEDRAL CITY CITY OF 68700 AVENUE LALO GUERRERO CATHEDRAL CTY 760 202 -2643 CITY OF CATHEDRAL CITY 69471 SERENITY RD CATHEDRAL CTY 760 202 -2653 CATHEDRAL CITY CITY OF 34260 LINDA WAY CATHEDRAL CTY 760 321 -0111 CATHEDRAL CITY CITY OF 68700 AVENUE LALO GUERRERO CATHEDRAL CTY 760 321 -0887 CATHEDRAL CITY CITY OF 38073 CHRIS .DR CATHEDRAL CTY 760 321 -2766 CATHEDRAL CITY CITY OF 30354 PAULINE AVE CATHEDRAL CTY 760 321 -7062 CATHEDRAL CITY CITY OF 69038 PALM CANYON DR E CATHEDRAL CTY 760 322 -6473 CITY OF CATHEDRAL CITY 68173 DURANGO RD CATHEDRAL CTY 760 322 -8659 CATHEDRAL CITY CITY OF 27610 LANDAU BLVD CATHEDRAL CTY 760 324 -2493 CITY OF CATHEDRAL CITY 68752 BUDDY ROGERS AVE CATHEDRAL CTY I 760 324 -3999 CATHEDRAL CITY CITY OF 68385 KIELEY RD CATHEDRAL CTY 760 324 -8388 CATHEDRAL CITY CITY OF 68700 AVENUE LALO GUERRERO CATHEDRAL CTY 760 328 -1219 CATHEDRAL CITY CITY OF 68727 PALM CANYON DR E CATHEDRAL CTY 760 328 -2222 CATHEDRAL CITY FIRE DEPT 36913 DATE PALM DR CATHEDRAL CTY 760 770 -8200 CATHEDRAL CITY CITY OF 32100 DESERT VISTA RD CATHEDRAL CTY 760 864 -7223 CATHEDRAL CITY CITY OF 27610 LANDAU BLVD CATHEDRAL CTY CAGOV 8/11/00 Page 12 of 12 02/22/2001 3:30 PM Cities /State /Schools Matrix 14