HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Min 2018-08-08 I Cathedral City CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION MINUTES CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 68-700 AVENIDA LALO GUERRERO CATHEDRAL CITY, CA 92234 Wednesday, August 8, 2018 STUDY SESSION 4:30 PM • CALL TO ORDER Mayor Stan Henry called the August 8, 2018 Study Session Meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. • ROLL CALL Present 5- Mayor Stan Henry, Mayor Pro Tem Gregory S. Pettis,Council Member Shelley Kaplan, Council Member Mark Carnevale,and Council Member John Aguilar • AGENDA FINALIZATION • STATEMENT OF PARTICIPATION BY THE DEPUTY CITY CLERK 1. PUBLIC COMMENT 2. STUDY SESSION 2.A. 2018-310 2018 Fireworks Program Recap Fire Chief Paul VViIson and Chief of Police Travis Walker provided information on the 2018 Fireworks Program. 2.13. 2018-311 Discussion on the Ban of Plastic Straws It was the consensus of the City Council to ban plastic straws and to bring back an Ordinance for consideration allowing for a 90-120 day lead time after the effective date. 2.C. 2018-314 Support for Proposition 1 It was the consensus of the City Council to move forward with a letter of support and to follow-up with a Resolution at the August 29, 2018 City Council Meeting. 2.1). 2018-262 Kindergarten-to-College Program Tami Scott,Administrative Services Director,provided information on the Kindergarten-to-College Program that is done in the City of San Francisco. She indicated that Jose Cisneros, Treasurer of San Francisco is scheduled to provide further information on their program during the Study Session meeting of September 11, 2018. 3. CLOSED SESSION ADJOURN Mayor Stan Henry adjourned the Study Session meeting of August 8, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. Cathedral City Page 1 City Council Study Session STUDY SESSION August 8,2018 STANLEY E. HENRY, Mayor ATTE GAR F. HOWEL , kity CI k Cathedral City Page 2 Cathedral City CITY COUNCIL MINUTES CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 68-700 AVENIDA LALO GUERRERO CATHEDRAL CITY, CA 92234 Wednesday, August 8, 2018 REGULAR MEETING 6:30 PM • CALL TO ORDER Mayor Stan Henry called the August 8, 2018 City Council Meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. • PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Councilmember John Aguilar led the Pledge of Allegiance. • INVOCATION (MOMENT OF REFLECTION) Councilmember Mark Carnevale offered the Invocation. • ROLL CALL Present: 5- Mayor Stan Henry, Mayor Pro Tem Gregory S. Pettis, Council Member Shelley Kaplan, Council Member Mark Carnevale, and Council Member John Aguilar • AGENDA FINALIZATION • SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS Recognize Outgoing Commission/Committee Members The City Council recognized outgoing Commission/Committee Members. • STATEMENT OF PARTICIPATION BY THE DEPUTY CITY CLERK 1. PUBLIC COMMENT Alice Daby, Cathedral City, was called to speak. Announced a fundraiser opportunity, if you test drive a vehicle at Jessup automotive and tell them the Senior Center or Boys and Girls Club sent you, they will donate$25 to the organization. Ernesto Gutierrez, Cathedral City, was called to speak. He expressed his concern with the listed prices of properties under item 3E. He feels that they are listed too low. 2. COUNCIL REPORTS Councilmember Mark Carnevale reported that he met with the Manager of Big League Dreams and they discussed the Mary Nutter Softball tournament. He expressed his satisfaction with the progress of the Bridge on Date Palm. Councilmember John Aguilar stated that the the movie series was just completed. It was a great program and he will continue to support it as he can. It was very well attended and he would like to see the program expanded. Cathedral City Page 1 Printed on 1112112018 City Council REGULAR MEETING August 8,2018 Councilmember Shelley Kaplan stated that he attended the residential brokers breakfast. The Economic Development Department did an excellent job. /t was a very good turn out. He had the opportunity to attend the Coffee with Senator Ruiz at the Senior Center, there was a full house. Mayor Pro Tem Greg Pettis gave a shout out to Councilmember John Aguilar and his husband Bruce, their hotel was named one of the best places to go and chill out for the summer. Mayor Stan Henry reported that the 2017 Desert X program lost a robot and a Cathedral City resident found it, there was a$1000 reward. 3. CONSENT AGENDA Approval of the Consent Agenda A motion was made to approve the following Consent Agenda Items.The motion carried by the following vote: Aye: 5- Mayor Henry, Mayor Pro Tem Pettis, Council Member Kaplan, Council Member Carnevale,and Council Member Aguilar 3.A. 2018-315 Receive and file Payment of Claims and Demands This item was approved. Enactment No: M.O.6995 3.13. 2018-303 Access to State and Federal Criminal History Information for Employment and Volunteer Purposes. This item was approved. Enactment No: Reso 2018-36 3.C. 2018-305 Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) Cycle 9 Funding Applications. This item was approved. Enactment No: M.O.6707 3.13. 2018-306 2nd Annual Palm Springs Leather Pride Parking Lot Party This item was approved. Enactment No: M.O.6996 3.E. 2018-292 Authorization of a Vacant Land Listing Agreement This item was aproved. Enactment No: M.O.6997 4. PUBLIC HEARINGS Cathedral City Page 2 Printed on 1112112018 City Council REGULAR MEETING August 8,2018 5. LEGISLATIVE ACTIONS 5.A. 2018-312 Ratification of Desert Hot Springs Dispatch Services Contract A motion was made by Council Member Kaplan,seconded by Council Member Aguilar,to authorize the Mayor to sign the Second Amendment to Professional Services Agreement by and between Cathedral City and Desert Hot Springs for Public Safety dispatching services. The motion carried by the following vote: Aye: 5- Mayor Henry, Mayor Pro Tem Pettis, Council Member Kaplan, Council Member Carnevale, and Council Member Aguilar Enactment No: M.O.6998 5.B. 2018-313 Reject the Bid for Construction of the Commons Heritage Park and Outdoor Amphitheater. A motion was made by Council Member Kaplan,seconded by Council Member Carnevale,to reject the bid for the construction of Commons Heritage Park and Outdooe Amphitheater;and direct Staff to revise the Plans and Specification for the Project and re-advertise the construction bids.The motion carried by the following vote: Aye: 5- Mayor Henry, Mayor Pro Tem Pettis, Council Member Kaplan, Council Member Carnevale, and Council Member Aguilar Enactment No: M.O.6999 6. CLOSED SESSION ADJOURN Mayor Stan Henry adjourned the August 8, 2018 Regular City Council Meeting at 7:03 p.m. T LEY E.HENRY, Mayor ATTEST.- = GARY F. HOWECL,,City Cler i Cathedral City Page 3 Printed on 1112112018