HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Min 2017-05-24 I Cathedral City CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION MINUTES CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 68-700 AVENIDA LALO GUERRERO CATHEDRAL CITY, CA 92234 Wednesday, May 24, 2017 STUDY SESSION 4:30 PM • CALL TO ORDER Mayor Stan Henry called the Study Session of May 24, 2017 to order at 4:34 p.m. • ROLL CALL Present 5- Mayor Stan Henry, Mayor Pro Tem Gregory S. Pettis, Council Member Shelley Kaplan, Council Member Mark Carnevale, and Council Member John Aguilar • AGENDA FINALIZATION • STATEMENT OF PARTICIPATION BY THE DEPUTY CITY CLERK 1. PUBLIC COMMENT Mayor Henry stated comments on sanctuary city would occur at 6.30 p.m. There were no members of the public that wanted to address the City Council. 2. STUDY SESSION 2.A. 2017-197 Presentation by RIVCOconnect Tami Scott,Administrative Services Director,introduced the item. Tom Mullen, Chief Data Officer for Riverside County, explained the RIVCOconnect program, created for discussions on how to stimulate economic development. He stated the outcome of discussions was to encourage high speed broadband carriers to come to Riverside County to build out a 1 G fiber network.He discussed potential obstacles, attracting interest, current fiber providers in the County, solutions, City of Los Angeles program, why work together,proposed process,benefits and what the City could do to make it happen. Mayor Henry discussed CVAG's CV Link and the possibility of installing of conduit for fiber optics. Mr.Mullen suggested policies requiring conduit installation. Council Member Kaplan discussed his experience with installing extra conduit at schools. He commended the County for its work and indicated support. Council Member Aguilar asked when the resolution could be scheduled for action. Administrative Services Director Scott, stated it could be brought back at the next meeting. Alan Carvalho was called to speak. He requested net neutrality be considered. Cathedral City Page 1 City Council Study Session STUDY SESSION May 24,2017 Martha van Rooijen, Executive Director of Inland Empire Regional Broadband Consortium, was called to speak. She stated the City was a part of the Consortium and she discussed the Work Plan to improve internet connectivity and the digital divide. 2.B. 2017-205 Trash to Energy Pilot Project(anaerobic digester) Alibaba Farzara introduced the matter. Patrick Castillo introduced Tashi Gallaby, co-founder.He explained anaerobic digestion, benefits, limitations, and various systems. Councilmember John Aguilar agreed that proceeding with a prototype was an important consideration since the City was out of compliance. He requested the provider discuss his interest. Mike Veto, Buntec Waste and Recycling, explained that only trash went to the landfill. He also explained that this is the first time he has heard of this and did not want to comment any further. Mayor Pro Tem Pettis asked if Burrtec was interested and questioned what, approximately, the utility costs of the park is. Tami Scott,Administrative Services Director, stated the utility bill at the park was approximately$5000 per year. Mayor Henry suggested Mr. Farzara discuss their proposal with Burrtec. Joy Silver, Cathedral City, was called to speak. She indicated support for the forward thinking of trash to energy, thanked the Council and encouraged moving forward. Aaron Wright, Palm Dessert Chamber of Commerce, was called to speak. He stated businesses were looking for solutions to deal with waste issues. He suggested the stakeholders work together. An overview of the Trash to Energy Pilot Project(anaerobic digestion)was presented to the City Council. Mike Veto, Burrtec, stated that he has just heard this information this evening and does not want to comment any further. It was the consensus of the City Council that they work with Burrtec on this proposed pilot program. 2.C. 2017-213 Building and Cannabis Fee Comparison and Update Community Development Director Milos discussed outdated fees and suggested staff review fees and compare to surrounding jurisdictions to be brought back on July 26.He stated fees would be reviewed by DVBA and BIA. Council Member Aguilar suggested a phased increase approach. Council Member Kaplan concurred with a phased approach. He noted concern by charter supporters of increased fees and stated the fees were strictly cost recovery. City Manager McClendon explained that the City could only recover its costs. He recommended staff conduct the cost analysis and comparison. It was the consensus of the City Council to direct staff to move forward with a complete review and comparison of Building Permit and Application processing fees and Medical Cannabis processing and inspection fees allowing the DVBA and BIA to have an opportunity to review the fees prior to approval. Cathedral City Page 2 City Council Study Session STUDY SESSION May 24,2017 2.1). 2017-207 Discussion of Medical Cannabis Regulations Assistant City Attorney Erica Vega explained the moratorium, extension, applications, task force recommendations, specific plan amendment and testing lab zoning. Paul Depalatis was called to speak. He discussed an application in the North City Specific Plan and requirement for 35%commercial. He requested Council direct staff to look at the matter in context with the specific plan amendment. City Manager McClendon stated staff would include Mr. Depalatis'concern in the specific plan amendment discussion. It was the consensus of the City Council to move forward with the proposed Ordinances and to evaluate the request of Mr.Depalatis when amending the North City Specific Plan. 2.E. 2017-211 Communications and Website Update Chris Parman, Communications and Events Manager,provided an update on the new.gov website and new recording studio. Council Member Kaplan commended staff on the new website. 3. CLOSED SESSION Mayor Stan Henry adjourned the Study Session of May 24, 2017, at 6:15 p.m. ADJOURN STANLEY E. H RY, Mayo `GA F:HOWELL, ,ity Clerk; Cathedral City Page 3 Cathedral City CITY COUNCIL MINUTES CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 68-700 AVENIDA TALO GUERRERO CATHEDRAL CITY, CA 92234 Wednesday, May 24, 2017 REGULAR MEETING 6:30 PM • CALL TO ORDER Mayor Stan Henry called the Regular Meeting of May 24, 2017 to order at 6:30 p.m. • PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Councilmember John Aguilar led the Pledge of Allegiance. • INVOCATION (MOMENT OF REFLECTION) Councilmember Mark Carnevale offered the Invocation. • ROLL CALL Present: 5- Mayor Stan Henry, Mayor Pro Tem Gregory S. Pettis, Council Member Shelley Kaplan, Council Member Mark Carnevale, and Council Member John Aguilar • AGENDA FINALIZATION Mayor Henry stated the Council would move the legislative items prior to the Consent Agenda and the Public Hearings to accommodate those in attendance.He stated it was necessary to pull Item 48. for consideration at a later date. • STATEMENT OF PARTICIPATION BY THE DEPUTY CITY CLERK 1. PUBLIC COMMENT There were no members of the public that wanted to address the City Council. 2. CONSENT AGENDA Approval of the Consent Agenda A motion was made by Council Member Kaplan,seconded by Council Member Aguilar,to approve the following Consent Agenda Items.The motion carried by the following vote: Aye: 5- Mayor Henry, Mayor Pro Tem Pettis, Council Member Kaplan, Council Member Carnevale, and Council Member Aguilar 2.A. 2017-215 City Council Minutes of March 8, 2017 This item was approved. Enactment No: M.O.6766 Cathedral City Page 1 Printed on 1112112018 City Council REGULAR MEETING May 24,2017 2.B. 2017-202 Appropriations Limit for Fiscal Year 2017-2018 This item was approved. Enactment No: Reso 2017-20 2.C. 2017-206 Formation of Underground Utility District 2017-01 and Setting of the Public Hearing Date. This item was approved. Enactment No: M.O.6767 2.13. 2017-208 Annual Renewal of the Lighting and Landscaping District Budget This item was approved. Enactment No: Reso 2017-23,22,23 2.E. 2017-209 Contract Award to Eide Structures in the amount of$457,798.91 for furnishing and installing Cathedral City Whitewater River Bike Path Furnishings. This item was approved. Enactment No: M.O.6768 3. PUBLIC HEARINGS 3.A. 2017-212 Vacation 2017-02: Public Hearing to Vacate a Public Utility Easement on Channel Drive between Grandview Avenue and Valley Vista Drive John Corella, City Engineer,presented the staff report including location map,history, and required findings. In response to Council questions, City Engineer Corella discussed the replacement of the wood fence with block wall. Mayor Henry opened the public hearing. There being no one wishing to speak, Mayor Henry closed the public hearing. A motion was made by Council Member Kaplan,seconded by Council Member Aguilar,to make the findings contained in the Resolution of Vacation for VAC 2017-02 and adopt a Resolution vacating a portion of a public utility and public services easement,between Grandview and Valley Vista, reserved from the vacation of Channel Drive in 1979. The motion carried by the following vote: Aye: 5- Mayor Henry, Mayor Pro Tem Pettis, Council Member Kaplan, Council Member Carnevale, and Council Member Aguilar Enactment No: Reso 2017-24 4. LEGISLATIVE ACTIONS 4.A. 2017-214 Sanctuary City Declaration Cathedral City Page 2 Printed on 1112112018 City Council REGULAR MEETING May 24,2017 City Manager McClendon presented the staff report. City Attorney Vail provided an update on the Attorney General's memorandum to the President on how to implement the executive order. He read a portion of Title 8 of United States Code Section 1373 regarding sanctuary designation. He explained that the City's policy with the Police Department would remain. He stated the resolution would allow the City to declare itself a sanctuary city and not violate the executive order. Greg Aratin, Cathedral City, was called to speak. He stated he was opposed to declaring the City a sanctuary city and encouraged legal immigration. Alan Carvalho, Cathedral City, was called to speak. He stated he was proud of the outpouring of passion and indicated support for becoming a sanctuary city. Becki Robinson, Cathedral City, was called to speak. She discussed negative comments from those not understanding sanctuary cities. She explained the purpose of a sanctuary city and referenced a 2014 court case regarding an undocumented immigrant. She urged the Council to unanimously adopt the resolution to become a sanctuary city. Edward Holzhauer was called to speak. He presented a pamphlet on labels and encouraged support for the resolution labeling the City as a sanctuary city. Carlos Pineda was called to speak. He spoke on behalf of the Latino community and read a letter from a fearful resident whose stepfather was reported to immigration.He indicated support for Cathedral City becoming a sanctuary city. Frances Miller was called to speak. She encouraged the City to welcome the immigrants. She presented a photograph of the S.S. St.Louis and discussed the demise of 950 Jews. She discussed an incident of an undocumented resident. She requested the Council vote unanimously in favor of sanctuary city. James Boldt was called to speak. He discussed medical benefits for immigrant children. He stated parents should not have to risk their children's health for fear of deportation. Ellen O'Rouke, Cathedral City, was called to speak. She thanked the Police Department for resolving an issue at her home. She discussed undocumented immigrants crossing the Rio Grande and the potential for an economic crisis. She urged support of the City becoming a sanctuary city. Antonio Lanes was called to speak but was not present. Lynda Anderson was called to speak but was not present. Reverend Luis Guido was called to speak. He discussed his experience as a priest,indicating there was no division among people. He encouraged support of the resolution for one nation, liberty and justice for all. Fabiola Alvarez was called to speak. She stated immigrants were part of the community and urged the Council to support the resolution. Lynne O'Neil was called to speak. She stated the resolution was a restatement of the law. She stated she delivered over 600 signatures of those supporting the resolution and requested the audience members in support stand. She urged adoption of the resolution. Linda Anderson was called to speak. She urged the Council to vote no against establishing a sanctuary city to allow arrests of undocumented immigrants, enforce Federal law and ensure public safety. Lynn Conklin was called to speak. She voiced her support for sanctuary city indicating it would allay the fears of Cathedral City Page 3 Printed on 1112112018 City Council REGULAR MEETING May 24,2017 families. Steve Conklin was called to speak. He spoke on behalf of Karen Tibbs indicating the City served all families and encouraged the tradition of welcoming all in the community. He expressed hope that empathy be the City's guiding principle. He urged the Council to create a safe and secure City with nothing to fear from the representatives of the City. David Smith, Cathedral City, was called to speak. He stated he was not against being a sanctuary city but it was necessary to assign resources to allow people to become legal citizens. Renata Lopez was called to speak. She stated Cathedral City should be a sanctuary city to allow families to obtain a better life. Francisco Woo was called to speak. Mayor Henry read a statement on behalf of Mr. Woo regarding his experience with immigration and encouraging the City to become a sanctuary city. Mario Lazcano, Coachella, was called to speak.He stated a sanctuary city provided no division of people, ability to talk to the Police without fear, and obtain benefits. He encouraged the City becoming a sanctuary city. Evelyn Gonzales was called to speak. She stated children did not deserve to have their parents taken away and encouraged the City to become a sanctuary city. Josie Diaz, Cathedral City, was called to speak. She discussed immigrant's fear and signatures obtained from those supporting the resolution. Father Miguel Ceja was called to speak.He discussed his experience as an undocumented immigrant and the fearful climate. He encouraged the Council to adopt the resolution and Mayor Henry and Council Member Carnevale to support the resolution. Abraham Joven was called to speak.He urged support of becoming a sanctuary city. He stated the immigrant community could not be equated with criminality, rather they wanted to provide opportunity for their children. He discussed his volunteerism and advocacy for immigrant rights and requested the Council vote to declare the City a sanctuary city. Jose Rodriguez was called to speak.He stated he moved his family to Cathedral City for opportunity and stated he was in favor of becoming a sanctuary city. Ilse Aguilar was called to speak. She stated she was a DACA recipient and discussed her experience and difficulty for her parents becoming legal residents. She urged the Council to declare the City a sanctuary city. David Martin was called to speak. He thanked those in attendance and encouraged the City to become a sanctuary city. Maribe/Padilla was called to speak. She discussed fear, loss of rights and urged unanimous support of becoming a sanctuary city. Barbara Mortensen was called to speak. She discussed her parent's immigration and urged support of the resolution. Ernest Luna was called to speak. He urged the Council to support the resolution. Nate Hanley was called to speak. He spoke on behalf of CCPOA indicating opposition to making the City a sanctuary city due to potential impacts. Cathedral City Page 4 Printed on 1112112018 City Council REGULAR MEETING May 24,2017 Tabatha Leddy was called to speak. She indicated opposition due to bilingual speakers taking jobs away from English only speakers and because she wanted to feel like she was"still in America". Ron Williams was called to speak. He stated illegal immigrants should be targeted and solved legally. Bertha Boyer was called to speak. She encouraged making the City safe and eliminating fear of the Police. She requested the Council make the City a sanctuary city. Don Reynolds was called to speak. He urged the Council to oppose the resolution. Miriam Alario was called to speak. She urged the Council to table the matter while SB54 is being considered. Candice Silshy was called to speak. She discussed the vote in 1992 regarding immigration and indicated support for becoming a sanctuary city. Lewis Stewart was called to speak.He stated opposition was based on fear and encouraged the Council's vote not be dictated by fear.He stated attempts to defund organizations for declaring a sanctuary city had been blocked. He announced an ACLU speaker on June 4. Greg Konopka was called to speak.He indicated opposition to becoming a sanctuary city. Dean Groover was called to speak. He discussed the immigration process and encouraged the City to wait for federal change. Ronald Spears, La Quinta, was called to speak.He stated 80%of people in public poles were against sanctuary cities and encouraged the people to be allowed to vote on the matter. He stated incumbents would be challenged by a candidate running to repeal the sanctuary city. Orville Voight was called to speak. He stated sanctuary status was a mistake and in contempt of the federal government. Karen Borja, ICUC, was called to speak. She discussed due diligence on the resolution and support of sanctuary City. Joy Silver,member of Courageous Resistance, was called to speak. She addressed the Council in support of becoming a sanctuary city. Eric Lemus, Cathedral City, was called to speak. He spoke on behalf of undocumented youth and discussed his work for California Partnership.He requested the Council support a solution to unite the City. Edward Keith Smith, Cathedral City, was called to speak. He requested the Council wait to see what happens to other sanctuary cities. Terry Applegate was called to speak. She referenced the discussion on public health issues and indicated support for a sanctuary city. Robert Kahmann was called to speak. He stated he was proud to live in a country allowing immigrants but objected to illegal foreign nationals. He discussed the cost of running his business and loss of work to cash laborers.He discussed diseases transmitted by illegal immigrants. Sue Evaro was called to speak. She stated she supported all people but was opposed to creating a sanctuary city due to lack of humanitarian needs. She encouraged the City be proactive in setting up expedited legal immigration. Cathedral City Page 5 Printed on 1112112018 City Council REGULAR MEETING May 24,2017 Terry Swartz was called to speak. He discussed his experience in health care and a situation with an illegal immigrant who had committed crimes and was released. Bethany Ballard was called to speak. She expressed concern about the lack of definition for sanctuary city and indicated opposition to becoming a sanctuary city. Sergio Espericueta was called to speak.He indicated support for declaring Cathedral City a sanctuary city. Ben Reinmuth was called to speak. He discussed the rape of his wife by an illegal alien. He stated he did not see the benefit of becoming a sanctuary city. Lisa Conway was called to speak. She urged the Council to vote in support of the resolution and discussed the economic benefit of illegal immigrants. Ian Henze/was called to speak. He stated no one should live in fear and urged the Council to declare Cathedral City as a sanctuary city. Jovan Hackett was called to speak. He discussed fears of immigrant children. Crystal Pasztor was called to speak. She discussed her family's immigration and indicated support for a sanctuary city. Ralph Ballejos was called to speak.He discussed immigration and suggested whether to become a sanctuary city be put to a vote of the people. Crystal Esobar was called to speak. She thanked the Council for listening to the comments. She discussed her experience as a child of immigrants and encouraged adoption of the resolution. Melani Quiroz was called to speak. She discussed fear of her parents being deported and encouraged creation of a sanctuary city. Jeff Pease was called to speak. He discussed his family's immigration from the Philippines and legal naturalization. He encouraged supporting the laws in place and indicated opposition to a sanctuary city. Fabiola Valenzuela was called to speak. She discussed her nephew's deportation to Mexico and niece's loss of her children. She indicated support for a sanctuary city. Jeanette Alvarado was called to speak. She discussed her immigration and DA CA status and urged the Council to create a sanctuary city. Fernando Warzecha, Jr. was called to speak. He suggested illegals be deported. Robert Gamer, Rancho Mirage, was called to speak. He suggested allowing five-year, gainfully employed, non-criminal residents to stay. Beth Sheffield was called to speak. She shared her family's immigration from England and requested the Council p Y g g q support a sanctuary city. Ruth Deborah, member of Courageous Resistance, was called to speak. She encouraged the Council to make Cathedral City a sanctuary city. Cyndie Swauger was called to speak and indicated support. Mayor Henry thanked the speakers and staff for the proposed resolution. He requested that Section 3.read as Cathedral City Page 6 Printed on 1112112018 City Council REGULAR MEETING May 24,2017 follows: Except as otherwise provided or required in this resolution, no City official, employee or agent of the City, while in the course and scope of employment shall use any City funds or resources to enforce federal civil immigration law. City officials, employees and agents may continue to comply with lawfully issued judicial warrants or other subpoenas and cooperate with federal authorities to protect public safety. This collaboration includes, but is not limited to,participation in joint criminal investigations that are permitted under City policy and applicable under federal or state law. Mayor Pro Tem Pettis thanked the speakers for presenting their opinions. He stated he did not like bullies and discussed threats against reelection. He encouraged Courageous Resistance, Stonewall and ACLU to hold their meetings, events and activities in Cathedral City, not in Palm Springs. He quoted John Kennedy, Mitt Romney, Thomas Paine and George Washington regarding the Country's heritage of equality. Council Member Aguilar discussed comments he received. He stated he would never support action that would jeopardize the safety of families and law enforcement or compromise the economic growth of the community. He stated criminals would be arrested and the City would comply with criminal investigations. He cited reports by CNN and the National Immigration Policy Center indicating sanctuary cities made cities safer. He confirmed that the City was not at risk for loss of federal funds. He stated a sanctuary city indicated Cathedral City was a place where people were treated equally regardless of immigration status and would not live in fear. Council Member Carnevale discussed the Council's votes on immigration. He expressed concern that creating a sanctuary city would alert immigration patrol, send messages to gang members that they would to be charged, and send a message to the federal government that all residents opposed immigration laws and executive order. He stated, without 100%of residents agreeing, the City should not cross the line. He stated the City already had a strong policy on deportation and the resolution would not be to the advantage of Cathedral City Council Member Kaplan thanked those that expressed their opinions. He quoted H.P.Lovecraft regarding fear and discussed residents living in fear relative to immigration status. He stated a declaration of sanctuary city indicated that immigrants were recognized as being supported by their city and community.He stated it was not state and local law enforcement's job to enforce immigration laws. He stated the resolution should be defensible in court. He discussed the annual Harvey Milk event in Palm Springs.He stated the City needed to stand up and show courage to support the residents.He moved to adopt the resolution and suggested providing more information to the community. Mayor Henry stated the Council, at its last meeting, unanimously voted to bring the matter forward for consideration. He stated the Council could not fix the system on its own and dividing the community more would not help. He agreed that the City should work to help immigrants. He stated his issue was the term"sanctuary" because it would divide the city. He stated the Council needed to lead to bring the City together. He discussed the book Getting to Yes and stated the City was still divided and additional work was needed to get to yes. He stated the community was already protected and safe.He stated he could support an"all-inclusive city'resolution. Council Member Carnevale requested discussion on whether the matter should be put to a vote of the people. Council Member Aguilar stated the community elected him to make decision and he was prepared to decide. In response to Mayor Henry, City Attorney Vail stated Council Member Carnevale could offer a substitute motion or an additional motion to discuss an initiative measure. A motion was made by Council Member Kaplan,seconded by Council Member Aguilar,to approve a resolution declaring sanctuary city status for Cathedral City,with Section 3 to read as follows: Except as otherwise provided or required in this resolution,no City official,employee or agent of the City,while in the course and scope of employment shall use any City funds or resources to enforce federal civil immigration law.City officials,employees and agents may continue to comply with lawfully issued judicial warrants or other subpoenas and cooperate with federal authorities to protect public safety.This collaboration includes,but is not limited to,participation in joint criminal Cathedra/City Page 7 Printed on 1112112018 City Council REGULAR MEETING May 24,2017 investigations that are permitted under City policy and applicable under federal or state law. The motion carried by the following vote: Aye: 3- Mayor Pro Tem Pettis, Council Member Kaplan, and Council Member Aguilar Nay: 2- Mayor Henry, and Council Member Carnevale Enactment No: Reso 2017-19 The City Council recessed at 10:10 p.m. The City Council reconvened at 10:20 p.m. 4.13. 2017-198 Chamber of Commerce Service Provider Agreement for FYI 7/18 This item was pulled for consideration at a later date. 4.C. 2017-210 Ordinance Prohibiting Additional Medical Cannabis Dispensary Licenses South of Interstate 10 City Manager McClendon explained the proposed ordinance taking over the temporary moratorium. In response to Mayor Henry, Erica Vega explained that a new background check was not necessary. Council Member Kaplan confirmed that change in ownership required a thorough background check. City Attorney Vail explained that a license holder could go to a new site and get a CUP and that CUPs ran with the land but it was unlikely that landlord could obtain a new license. He clarified that there would be no net new businesses. Mayor Pro Tem Pettis stated it was wrong to rush to a permanent moratorium. He stated he would be voting no. Council Member Kaplan stated information on operating dispensaries in the City was not provided. He stated the moratorium was to obtain additional information and since that had not occurred, the permanent action should wait. Mayor Henry stated the task force recommended a moratorium south of 1-10. He stated he was in favor of fairness and the temporary moratorium was not fair. He anticipated the situation would not change if the Council waited an additional three months. In response to Council Member Aguilar, City Manager McClendon stated the task force unanimously agreed that the number of dispensaries was adequate. He explained that, if the Council did not take action, either the temporary moratorium would expire or Council would have to act to extend it on June 14, 2017. Council Member Kaplan asked the number of open dispensaries and the number in process of opening. Community Development Director Milos responded that there were 20 applications and anticipated only 15 or 16 would actually open. Mayor Pro Tem stated he did not disagree that the City was at a saturation point but that the market needed to decide. Mayor Henry stated there was a saturation and additional staff work should not occur on applications that would not going anywhere. Cathedra!City Page 8 Printed on 1112112018 City Council REGULAR MEETING May 24,2017 In response to Council Member Carnevale, City Manager McClendon stated the tax report indicated the total was higher each month. Council Member Kaplan suggested the moratorium continue to determine its impact. He suggested allowing dispensaries to move location. City Manager McClendon stated the temporary moratorium covered CUPs. City Attorney Vail stated the Council could amend the moratorium to allow new CUPs with an existing license. City Manager McClendon clarified that it would require a super majority. A motion was made by Council Member Aguilar,seconded by Mayor Henry,to introduce and provide first reading by title only,to an ordinance prohibiting the issuance of new medical cannabis licenses to dispensaries south of Interstate 10.that this Staff Report be approved.The motion carried by the following vote: Aye: 3- Mayor Henry, Council Member Carnevale, and Council Member Aguilar Nay: 2- Mayor Pro Tem Pettis, and Council Member Kaplan Enactment No: M.O. 6769 5. COUNCIL REPORTS Mayor Henry discussed promotion of Cathedral City and Sunshine Cafd on the KMIR morning show. He asked if anyone would like to attend the next show at Frankie's. Mayor Pro Tem Pettis offered to attend. Mayor Pro Tem Pettis announced the upcoming moving in the park, Sunline 40th Anniversary and Caribbean Music Festival. 6. CLOSED SESSION ADJOURN Mayor Stan Henry adjourned the Regular City Council Meeting of May 24, 2017, at 10:49 p.m. TANLEY E. HENRY, Mayef ATTEST: GARY F-HOWELL, City Clerk. Cathedral City Page 9 Printed on 1112112018