HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Min 2016-02-10 Cathedral City CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION MINUTES CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 68-700 AVENIDA LALO GUERRERO CATHEDRAL CITY, CA 92234 Wednesday, February 10, 2016 STUDY SESSION 4:30 PM • CALL TO ORDER Mayor Stan Henry called the Study Session Meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. • ROLL CALL Present 4- Mayor Stan Henry, Council Member Shelley Kaplan, Council Member Mark Carnevale,and Council Member John Aguilar Absent 1 - Mayor Pro Tern Gregory S. Pettis A motion was made by Council Member Kaplan,seconded by Council Member Carnevale,to excuse the absence of Mayor Pro Tem Greg Pettis from the February 10,2016 Study Session Meeting.The motion carried by the following vote: Aye: 4- Mayor Henry, Council Member Kaplan, Council Member Carnevale, and Council Member Aguilar Absent: 1 - Mayor Pro Tern Pettis • AGENDA FINALIZATION • STATEMENT OF PARTICIPATION BY THE DEPUTY CITY CLERK 1. PUBLIC COMMENT Kathleen Jurasky, Palm Springs Cemetary District&Well In the Desert, was called to speak. She presented the City with an award of appreciation for the City's donation for the Dia de los Muertes. Adrian Williams,Big League Dreams, was called to speak. He announced that the NCAA Tournament is coming to the Big League Dreams. 45 teams will begin playing next Friday. 2. STUDY SESSION 2.A. 2016-49 Update from the Coachella Valley Mosquito and Vector Control District,Jeremy Wittie, General Manager Jeremy Wittie, General Manager, Coachella Valley Mosquito and Vector Control District, introduced himself as the new General Manager and presented an update on what the District is doing locally and througout the Valley. 2.B. 2016-40 Update on the Historic Preservation Task Force It was the consensus of the City Council to have staff move forward with a Request For Qualifications to conduct a City-wide historic and cultural resources assessment and inventory, evaluate the amount of staff time that will Cathedral City Page 1 City Council Study Session STUDY SESSION February 10,2016 be necessary to staff an additional Commission, and have the Planning Commission review the proposed Ordinance as well as legal Counsel to ensure that it is consistent with all of the City's adopted Ordinances. It was also requested that the El Galito adobe building be evaluated for preservation to possibly house a visitors center or something useful in order to preserve one of the oldest adobe buildings in the City. 2.C. 2016-45 Update on Recently-Adopted Ordinances: Plastic Bags; Shopping Carts; and Gender Neutral Restrooms Leisa Lukes, Economic Development Manager,gave an overview of her efforts to inform the residents and businesses on the recently adopted Ordinances relating to plastic bags, shopping carts and gender neutral restrooms. 2.D. 2016-46 Mobile Home Fair Practice Commission Charles McClendon, City Manager, gave an overview of the Mobile Home Fair Practice Commission. It was requested that the individuals that were appointed to serve on the Mobile Home Fair Practice Commission be trained prior to an appeal that needs to be heard. 3. CLOSED SESSION City Attorney Eric Vail announced that the City Council will recess to Closed Session to discuss all or some of the items listed on the Agenda if time permits, the remaining items will be heard at the end of the City Council Meeting. The City Council recessed to Closed Session at 5:30. The City Council reconvened at 6:30 p.m. The City Attorney announced that the Council was able to hear all of the Closed Session items listed on the Agenda, there was no reportable action taken. 3.A. 2016-51 CITY COUNCIL AS SUCCESSOR HOUSING AGENCY TO THE FORMER REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY - Conference with Real Property Negotiator Pursuant to CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8 Property Location: APN # 687-196-001 through 006 and APN # 687-198 -001 through 006 - Located at the southeast corner of East Palm Canyon Drive and West Buddy Rogers Avenue Property Owner: City of Cathedral City as Successor Housing Agency to the Former Redevelopment Agency Negotiating Parties: City of Cathedral City as Successor Housing Agency to the Former Redevelopment Agency and Saxony Living, LP 3.B. 2016-47 CITY COUNCIL - Conference with Real Property Negotiator Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8. Property Location: Approximately 7.5 acres generally east of Mission Drive APN 677-410-009, 30638 San Diego Drive APN 677-332-003 and Cathedral City Page 2 City Council Study Session STUDY SESSION February 10,2016 approximately 12.5 acres at the North and South sides of Vega Rd and Landau Blvd APN #s 678-060-001 to 005, 049 to 053, 678-030-061,063,065,067,069 Negotiating Parties: City of Cathedral City as Housing Successor, City of Cathedral City and Urban Housing Communities ("UHC") Property Owners: City of Cathedral City as Housing Successor & City of Cathedral City Under Negotiations: Property Negotiations 3.C. 2016-42 CITY COUNCIL - Conference with Real Property Negotiator Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8. Property Location: APN #674-020-051 & # 674-020-053 approximately 4.3 acres at the southeast corner of Buddy Rodgers Drive and Date Palm Drive. Negotiating Parties: City of Cathedral City and Meridian Realty Investors, LLC Property Owners: City of Cathedral City Under Negotiations: Property Negotiations ADJOURN Mayor Stan Henry adjourned the Study Sess on Meeting at 6:30 p.m. ,A4V C./ S A 'FY E. HENRY, Mayor ATTEST: 1 GARY F. HO, LL, City lerk Cathedral City Page 3 Cathedral City CITY COUNCIL MINUTES CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 68-700 AVENIDA LALO GUERRERO CATHEDRAL CITY, CA 92234 Wednesday, February 10, 2016 REGULAR MEETING 6:30 PM • CALL TO ORDER Mayor Stan Henry called the February 10, 2016 Regular Meeting of the City Council to order at 6:31 P.M. • PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Council Member John Aguilar led the Pledge of Allegiance. • INVOCATION (MOMENT OF REFLECTION) Council Member Mark Carnevale offered the Invocation. • ROLL CALL Present: 4- Mayor Stan Henry, Council Member Shelley Kaplan, Council Member Mark Carnevale, and Council Member John Aguilar Absent: 1 - Mayor Pro Tem Gregory S. Pettis A motion was made by Council Member Kaplan,seconded by Council Member Carnevale,to excuse the absence of Mayor Pro Tem Greg Pettis from the February 10,2016 City Council Meeting.The motion carried by the following vote: Aye: 4- Mayor Henry, Council Member Kaplan, Council Member Carnevale, and Council Member Aguilar Absent: 1 - Mayor Pro Tern Pettis • AGENDA FINALIZATION Council Member John Aguilar requested that Chris Parman give an update on upcoming Balloon Festival. Chris Parman, Communications/Events Manager, gave an overview of the upcoming Balloon Festival that will take place February 12, 2016 through February 14, 2016. • STATEMENT OF PARTICIPATION BY THE DEPUTY CITY CLERK 1. PUBLIC COMMENT Pedro Sandoval, Cathedral City, was called to speak. He requested that the City consider placing a park on the 7.5 acres discussed in Closed Session. Allen Worthy, Palm Springs, was called to speak. He spoke about his vehicle that he believes was stolen years ago. He indicated his desire to have a Ginger Rogers Theater in Cathedral City. Cathedral City Page 1 Printed on 2117/2016 City Council REGULAR MEETING February 10,2016 2. CONSENT AGENDA 2.A. 2016-41 Receive and file Payment of Claims and Demands Enactment No: M.O.6533 2.B. 2016-48 City Council Minutes of January 13, 2016 and Joint Meeting Minutes of the City Council and Parks and Community Events Commission of January 27, 2016 Enactment No: M.O.6534 2.C. 2016-36 Contract for an Assessment Engineer to Evaluate the Cost and Feasibility of a City-wide Landscaping and Maintenance District Enactment No: M.O.6535 2.D. 2016-37 Fire Department Strategic Plan 2016-2020 Enactment No: M.O.6536 3. PUBLIC HEARINGS 3.A. 2016-38 Ordinance Establishing Land Use Regulations on the Sale and Cultivation for Medical Cannabis Businesses Eric Vail, City Attorney presented the Staff Report. Mayor Stan Henry asked if the Council had any technicial questions with regard to the Ordinance. There being none, he opened the Public Hearing to accept testimony from the public. Rick Pantle,Rancho Mirage, was called to speak.He thanked the City Attorney for his explanation of the Ordinance. He would like to see the processing of the CUPS be done at the same time. He would like the Council at some point reconsider the 250 feet of Palm Canyon rule, he feels that there are locations located on Palm Canyon that may be a safer place to get medication. He feels the City has put together one of the best Ordinances in the Valley. Maria Scagliotti, Cathedral City, was called to speak. She expressed her concern with allowing unlimited dispensaries. Mayor Henry closed the Public Hearing and returned discussion to the Council. Mayor Stan Henry indicated that historically he has been opposed to medical marijuana, however, because there is already an Ordinance in place he will be in favor of this item. Deputy City Clerk Tracey Martinez read the title of the Ordinance for the record. A motion was made by Council Member Aguilar,seconded by Council Member Kaplan,to approve the introducation and first reading of an Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Cathedral City, California,Amending Sections 9.30,9.36,9.40,9.42,9.108 of the Cathedral City Municipal Code Relating to Medical Cannabis. The motion carried by the following vote: Aye: 4- Mayor Henry, Council Member Kaplan,Council Member Carnevale, and Council Member Aguilar Cathedral City Page 2 Printed on 2/17/2016 City Council REGULAR MEETING February 10,2016 Absent: 1 - Mayor Pro Tern Pettis Enactment No: M.O.6537 3.B. 2016-50 Public Hearing Regarding a Sales Tax Sharing Agreement with Garcadia Holdings, LLC for Honda of the Desert-CANCELLED This item has been pulled and will be heard at a later day. 4. LEGISLATIVE ACTIONS 4.A. 2016-43 Contract for Services with Samuel Eric Davis A motion was made by Council Member Kaplan,seconded by Council Member Carnevale,to approve a contract for services with Samuel Eric Davis.The motion carried by the following vote: Aye: 4- Mayor Henry, Council Member Kaplan,Council Member Carnevale,and Council Member Aguilar Absent: 1 - Mayor Pro Tern Pettis Enactment No: M.O.6538 4.B. 2016-44 Advertising Contract with the Desert Sun A motion was made by Council Member Aguilar,seconded by Council Member Carnevale,to approve a multi-month advertising contract with the Desert Sun Newspaper.The motion carried by the following vote: Aye: 4- Mayor Henry, Council Member Kaplan,Council Member Carnevale,and Council Member Aguilar Absent: 1 - Mayor Pro Tern Pettis Enactment No: M.O.6539 5. COUNCIL REPORTS Council Member John Aguilar reported that he attended the Chamber of Commerce Executive Board on behalf of the City, the members seem very engaged and appreciates their support. He reminded everyone of West Valley Wednesdays, which are held on the first Wednesday of every month. Council Member Mark Carnevale attended the Employee Appreciation Event for the Cathedral City Police Department as well as the Employee Quarterly Meeting and was glad to be able to attend both.He attended the Public Safety Meeting this week where Riverside County Sheriff reported that crime is on the rise. He would like to see training for employees to make City Hall safer. Council Member Shelley Kaplan, met with the new League of California Cities Transportation Representation and he was able to express his concerns regarding transportation. There was a 750 million dollar cut due to the lack of revenue from gas tax that will affect the Valley. He and Mayor Pro tem Pettis took a tour of Rescue Mission in Indio. He also attended the first Wayfinding Sign Task Force meeting, which was very good. RCTC held workshop, there was very good discussion on planning transportation issues. He was able to participate in the Amtrack experience, 35 individuals had an opportunity to take a bus to Los Angeles. They received a tour of the Maintenance Facilities Yard, Union Station and took a train back to the Valley to Palm Springs. They need to improve the rail system into the valley and provide times that are functional for residents. Cathedral City Page 3 Printed on 2/17/2016 City Council REGULAR MEETING February 10,2016 Mayor Stan Henry, congratulated Chief Crum and the Police Department for a wonderful recognition event. The Community needs to know how much work the Police Department employees are doing and what a great job they are doing. He attended the Coachella Valley Symphony, which was a good performance. He announced that there is a Cancer Walk at Rancho Mirage High School, and one at Cathedral City High School will be held as well. The Chamber, Staff and Council Subcommittee was held last week, fantastic things are happening. He announced that the State of the City put on by the Chamber of Commerce has bee changed to March 10 at the Double Tree, City Hall in Your Corner will be held tomorrow at the Jack n the Box on Vista Chino and on Friday from 4-6 p.m. a celebration of life for Bill Baker will be held. 6. CLOSED SESSION Eric Vail, City Attorney met in Closed Session during Study Session to dicuss the following items listed on the Agenda: Conference with Real Property Negotiator regarding APN#687-196-001 through 006 and APN#687-198-001 through 006-located at the southeast comer of East Palm Canyon Drive and West Buddy Rogers Avenue. Conference with Real Property Negotiator regarding approximately 7.5 acres generally east of Mission Drive APN# 677-410-009, 30638 San diego Drive APN 677-332-003 and approximately 12.5 acres at the North and South sides of Vega Road and Landau Blvd.APN#s 678-060-001 to 005 049 to 053, 678-030-061, 063,065, 067, 069. Conference with Real Property Negotiator regarding APN#674-020-051 &#674-020-053 approximately 4.3 acres at the southeast corner of Buddy Rodgers Drive and Date Plam Drive. There was no reportable action taken. 6.A. 2016-51 CITY COUNCIL AS SUCCESSOR HOUSING AGENCY TO THE FORMER REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY - Conference with Real Property Negotiator Pursuant to CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8 Property Location: APN # 687-196-001 through 006 and APN # 687-198 -001 through 006 - Located at the southeast corner of East Palm Canyon Drive and West Buddy Rogers Avenue Property Owner: City of Cathedral City as Successor Housing Agency to the Former Redevelopment Agency Negotiating Parties: City of Cathedral City as Successor Housing Agency to the Former Redevelopment Agency and Saxony Living, LP 6.B. 2016-47 CITY COUNCIL - Conference with Real Property Negotiator Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8. Property Location: Approximately 7.5 acres generally east of Mission Drive APN 677-410-009, 30638 San Diego Drive APN 677-332-003 and approximately 12.5 acres at the North and South sides of Vega Rd and Landau Blvd APN #s 678-060-001 to 005, 049 to 053, 678-030-061,063,065,067,069 Cathedral City Page 4 Printed on 2/17/2016 City Council REGULAR MEETING February 10,2016 Negotiating Parties: City of Cathedral City as Housing Successor, City of Cathedral City and Urban Housing Communities ("UHC") Property Owners: City of Cathedral City as Housing Successor & City of Cathedral City Under Negotiations: Property Negotiations 6.C. 2016-42 CITY COUNCIL - Conference with Real Property Negotiator Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8. Property Location: APN #674-020-051 & # 674-020-053 approximately 4.3 acres at the southeast corner of Buddy Rodgers Drive and Date Palm Drive. Negotiating Parties: City of Cathedral City and Meridian Realty Investors, LLC Property Owners: City of Cathedral City Under Negotiations: Property Negotiations ADJOURN Mayor Stan Henry adjourned the Regular Meeting at 7:30 p.m. TANLEY E. HENRY, Mayor ATTEST: GARY HO 'ELL, Ci Clerk Cathedral City Page 5 Printed on 2/17/2016