HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Min 2015-12-14 Cathedral City CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 68-700 AVENIDA LALO GUERRERO CATHEDRAL CITY, CA 92234 Monday, December 14, 2015 SPECIAL MEETING 5:00 PM CATHEDRAL CITY SPECIAL JOINT MEETING CITY COUNCIL AND PUBLIC ARTS COMMISSION • CALL TO ORDER Mayor Stan Henry called the Special Joint Meeting between the City Council and Parks and Community Events Commission at 5:00 p.m. • PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Public Arts Commission Co-Chair Alan Carvalho, led the Pledge of Allegiance. • ROLL CALL Present 5- Mayor Stan Henry, Mayor Pro Tern Gregory S. Pettis, Council Member Shelley Kaplan, Council Member Mark Carnevale,and Council Member John Aguilar Present 7- Alan Carvalho, Co-Chairman, Simeon Den, Co-chairman, Commissioner Greg Murphy, Commissioner Pam Price, Commissioner Denise Rodriguez Bowman, Commissioner Tim Parrott and Commissioner Sue Townsley. • STATEMENT OF PARTICIPATION BY DEPUTY CITY CLERK • PUBLIC COMMENT Dimitri Halkidis, Palm Springs, was called to speak. He indicated that he is the President of the Anti-Bullying Organization and presented some statistics on bullying. 1. ITEM FOR DISCUSSION AND ACTION • 2015-502 Receive and Discuss the Cathedral City Public Arts Commission (CCPAC) recommendation for the Location and Placement of two Simi Dabah Art Sculptures Recommendation: The Cathedral City Public Arts Commission (CCPAC) will make a recommendation to the City Council to consider approval of the placement locations of two Simi Dabah art sculptures known as "X" and "Massive". Pat Milos, Community Development Director presented the locations of the two Simi Dabah art scultures known as'X"and"Massive"that were recommended by the"Simi Dabah"Placement Subcommittee. • Discussion and Recommendation to the Cathedral City Public Arts Commission from the "Simi Dabah" Placement Subcommittee. Cathedral City Page 1 Printed on 1/27/2016 _ City Council Special Meeting SPECIAL MEETING December 14,2015 • Cathedral City Public Arts Commission Discussion/Action for Council Approval of the placement of the Simi Dabah Sculptures. Motion by Chairman Simeon Den, Seconded by Chairman Alan Carvalho, to approve the placement of the Simi Dabah sculptures'X"and"Massive"as presented by the"Simi Dabah"Placement Subcommittee. Motion carried all ayes. • Council Action on the Recommendation from the Cathedral City Public Arts Commission on the placement of the Simi Dabah Sculptures. Motion by Council Member Shelley Kaplan, seconded by Council Member Mark Carnevale, to approve the placement of the Simi Dabah sculptures'X""and"Massive"as presented by the Cathedral City Public Arts Commission. Motion carried all ayes. 2. CITY COUNCIL VISION FOR PUBLIC ARTS COMMISSION Council Member Mark Carnevale, thanked the Commission for all that they do. He feels that art brings life to the streets. He would like to see some art placed going down Ramon Road, some type of tribute to children, education and the working man. Council Member Shelley Kaplan, would like to see art that reflects the City's demographics. He would like to encourage arts education and unique art programs that will set the City aside from the other valley cities. He would like to see more art display opportunities and some type of publication on the art that is in the City. He would like to see the Commission work closely with the other Commissions and to have not just 3D art but other art forms that will attract and interest all residents of the City. Council Member John Aguilar, agrees with what Councilman Carnevale and Kaplan said in addition he is impressed that the Commission is action oriented. They seem to have all of the items mentioned on their radar so he would just suggest expanding the platform they already have established and to look into grants and other funding sources. Mayor Pro Tem Greg Pettis, stated that as the commission looks at the City's diversity,he would like them not to just focus on the Hispanic artists but all local artits in the community. He would like to see more live art, smaller events that could possibly be City sponsored and utilize the theaters that we have. We should look for art pieces, not just those that are donated in a lot of different forms. He would like to see art in neighborhoods not just the entries of the City, around the schools that could tie into their mascots. He would also like to see art events in the City parks. Mayor Stan Henry, agrees with what the rest of the Council has said. He would like to see art in the parks. He stated that the south wall at Ocotillo Park could be a possible place for art, maybe a chalk wall. He feels that the displays at City Hall are nice and need to continue. He also feels that theatre is important and suggested the front of City Hall being a stage where music or art can be displayed on Wednesday nights during market night. He feels that having opportunities for people to get together and experience the various types of art in the community would be great. Council Member Kaplan, feels taht there may be some opportunities for art in the entry ways with the upcoming projects. Council Member Aguilar questioned in the design for the Ramon Road bridge could include an opportunity for art. Cathedral City Page 2 Printed on 1/27/2018 City Council Special Meeting SPECIAL MEETING December 14,2015 Community Development Director Pat Milos,responded that the Vista Chino bridge plans will have an opportunity for art. Mayor Pro Tem Pettis, suggested that the Commission look into the future commercial building and how that development will affect their budget. Simeon Den, Co-Chairman, would like to see some financial support for art from home builders. Tim Parrott, Commissioner, would like to see the City Ordinance amended to include art fees for residential development. 3. PUBLIC ARTS COMMISSION COMMENTS FOR THE CITY COUNCIL Alan Carvalho, Co-chairman, stated that he is excited to be a part of this team. He talked about the art application that will be available soon for download that shows where all of the art is placed throughout the City and the different things it will do. He mentioned a few of the projects that the Commission will be working on in the near future and stated that they are a Commission of movers and shakers and want to get things done. Simeon Den, Co-Chairman, stated that they are working with staff to get their projects done. They are working on live arts,performing arts, education projects and children's programs. They are working towards finding funding sources for the Bone Yard Project and looking for space for exhibitions for pop-up gallery display and showcase Cathedral City artists. The mural project is on the back burner but still something they would like to accomplish. They would like to do a show with emerging latino artists who are working innovatively. Denise Rodriguez Bowman, feels that there is a lot of value with arts. She feels that live arts is lacking in the community and it is very limited. They would like to have a Glee type program with two different age groups. They do not want to duplicate programs in surrounding cities, they want it to be inclusive. They are looking at implementing a 12 week pilot program that will benefit children of all ages, with the exception of high school age initially, which will include dancing, movement, and interactive movements. They want to seek out instructors that will get paid for providing these services for a nominal fee and will need to secure a location. Alan Carvalho, Co-Chairman, stated that it is not a lack of young people, it's providing the service to the community. He is excited about all of the possibilities. Tim Parrott, Commissioner, stated that they are looking at ways to expand the limited budget they have. They are looking into honorarium instead of purchasing art. They would like to see the increase of funding through residential development. He stated that live arts is limited to 10%, they may have to come to the Council for an increase. He feels that Ocotillo Park is a great design and feels that the skate park is gorgeous and he wouldn't be opposed to designating that as art. He would like to see Perez Road as an art venue making it more of a destination than just a speed way. They are begining to work with all valley commissions to be a valley wide group not overlapping events. Greg Murphy, Commissioner, would like a rotating venue included in the Ramon Road. 139 Club was in Cathedral City and was a celebrity desitination. There are celebrity signed panels that they are selling, he would like to negotiate with the owner to purchase these pieces so that they stay in Cathedral City. Pam Price, Commissioner, thanked the Council for approving the placement of the sculptures. She referenced the book'The Art of the Journey." Sue Taylor, Commissioner,is excited to be a part of the Commission and is looking forward to the future. Mayor Stan Henry, stated that the Council is working on getting the youth involved in the Commissions. He thanked the Commision for all of their efforts and appreciates their involvement. Cathedral City Page 3 Printed on 1/27/2016 City Council Special Meeting SPECIAL MEETING December 14,2015 Council Member Shelley Kaplan indicated that the CV-Link project may be an opportunity for public art. ADJOURN Mayor Stan Henry adourned the Special Joint Meeting between the City Council and Public Arts Commission at 6:04 p.m. STANLEY E. HENRY, Mayor ATTEST abaft ,A -Y '..HO ELL, ity clerk Cathedral City Page 4 Printed on 1/27/2016