HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Min 2018-06-13 1 / Cathedral City CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION MINUTES CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 68-700 AVENIDA LALO GUERRERO CATHEDRAL CITY, CA 92234 Wednesday, June 13, 2018 STUDY SESSION 3:30 PM • CALL TO ORDER Mayor Stan Henry called the June 13, 2018 Study Session Meeting to order at 3:30 p.m. • ROLL CALL Present 5- Mayor Stan Henry, Mayor Pro Tem Gregory S. Pettis, Council Member Shelley Kaplan, Council Member Mark Carnevale,and Council Member John Aguilar • AGENDA FINALIZATION Mayor Stan Henry announced that two of the Planning Commission applicants have had an unexpected work conflict come up and were unable to attend the meeting. He suggested interviewing the two applicants that are in attendance this evening and postpone the appointment to July 11, 2018 so the Council can accept further applications and interview those who were not available this evening and any new applicants on July 11, 2018. • STATEMENT OF PARTICIPATION BY THE DEPUTY CITY CLERK 1. PUBLIC COMMENT Alejandro Daniel, Cathedral City, was called to speak. He indicated that he attended a City Council meeting two years ago to discuss the streets in his neighborhood yet nothing has happened. He stated that his neighborhood street are in poor shape and questioned when his concerns will be addressed. He stated that money is being spent in other areas on the City, however, not in his neighborhood. 2. STUDY SESSION 2.A. 2018-245 Commissions and Committees Interviews A computer generated number draw was done for each Commission. The following individuals were interviewed in the listed order: Planning Commission: Juan Carlos Vizaga Barry Jaquess Public Arts Commission: James Arthur Spalding Denise Rodriguez Bowman Sue Townsley Biff Geiser Palm Springs International Airport Cathedra/City Page 1 City Council Study Session STUDY SESSION June 13,2018 Richard Altman Vrej Greg Gregorian John(Jack)Andrew Delaney 2.B. 2018-241 Presentation on Desert Health Care District Proposed District Zones Lisa Houston, COO, Desert Health Care District, gave an overview of what the Health Care District does. She indicatd that they are currently going through a district zoning process and gave an overview of what they have done and what to expect. It was the consensus of the City Council to send a letter to Desert Health Care District indicating their desire to keep Cathedral City whole, as much as possible, in one District and expressing their support for the Orange Map/Kaplan Map. 2.C. 2018-250 Discussion on a Resolution to Support Dreamers and a DACA Legislative Agreement Councilmember Shelley Kaplan requested that this item be placed on the Agenda for discussion. He gave an overview of the issues and stated that he would like to see the Council consider a Resolution calling for a legislative solution to DACA. Alan Carvalho, Cathedral City, was called to speak. He stated that this is a human issue not a political issue and something needs to be done. It was the consensus of the City Council to form a sub-committee to draft a Resolution to bring back to the City Council for approval. Councilmember Shelley Kaplan and Councilmember John Aguilar will serve on the sub-committee. 2.D. 2018-251 Discussion on Signing the Amicus Brief in Support of Three Pro-immigrant California Laws Councilmember Shelley Kaplan requested that this item be placed on the Agenda for discussion. He feels strongly that something needs to be done to reform the immigration issues. It was the consensus of the City Council not to support the signing of the Amicus Brief, however, language should be added to the DACA Resolution regarding the Federal Government issues related to the treatment of the children. 2.E. 2018-252 Discussion on SB 905 the Wiener Bill Alan Carvalho, Cathedral City, was called to speak. He indicated that he supports the bill and Cathedral City being included as one of the pilot program cities. It was the consensus of the City Council to send a letter of request to Senator Wiener requesting that Cathedral City be added to the list of qualified cities to be included in the Pilot Program in SB 905. 3. CLOSED SESSION City Attorney Eric Vail announced that the City Council will meet in Closed Session to discuss the following items listed on the Agenda. The City Council adjourned to Closed Session at 6:04 p.m. 3.A. 2018-197 Conference with Real Property Negotiator Pursuant to Government Cathedral City Page 2 City Council Study Session STUDY SESSION June 13,2018 Code Section 54956.8. Property Location: Approximately 13.5 acres south of East Palm Canyon Drive at Date Palm Drive Negotiating Parties: City of Cathedral City as the Successor Agency to the former Redevelopment Agency and the City Urban Revitalization Corporation Property Owner: City Urban Revitalization Corporation Under Negotiations: Price and Terms for potential sale of real property 33. 2018-249 Conference with Real Property Negotiator pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8 Property Location: Approximately 120 acres in the vicinity of Landau Boulevard and Vista Chino Property Owners: City of Cathedral City and Verano Recovery, LLC Negotiating Parties: City of Cathedral City and Verano Recovery, LLC The City Council reconvened at 6:30 p.m. City Attorney Eric Vail announced that the City Council met in Closed Session and discussed the following. Real Property Negotiations at the following property locations: Approximately 120 acres in the vicinity of Landau Boulevard and Vista Chino. There was no reportable action taken. ADJOURN Mayor Stan Henry adjourned the June 13, 2018 Study Session Meeting at 6:30 p.m. STANLEY E. HENRY, Mayor AT-WIT.. GAO F. HOWELL, City blerk Cathedral City Page 3 Cathedral City CITY COUNCIL MINUTES CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 68-700 AVENIDA LALO GUERRERO CATHEDRAL CITY, CA 92234 Wednesday, June 13, 2018 REGULAR MEETING 6:30 PM • CALL TO ORDER Mayor Stan Henry called the June 13, 2018 Regular City Council Meeting to order at 6:35 p.m. • PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Councilmember Shelley Kaplan led the Pledge of Allegiance. • INVOCATION (MOMENT OF REFLECTION) Councilmember Mark Carnevale offered the Invocation. • ROLL CALL Present: 5- Mayor Stan Henry, Mayor Pro Tem Gregory S. Pettis,Council Member Shelley Kaplan, Council Member Mark Carnevale, and Council Member John Aguilar • AGENDA FINALIZATION Mayor Henry announced that the following items will be removed from the Consent Calendar.- 3D. Banking Services Agreement 3K. Biennial on-call and/or as needed Service Contract Awards for Land Surveying and Mapping, Geotechnical and Material Testing, Traffic Engineering and Traffic Signal Maintenance and Emergency Services. Mayor Henry also indicated that the appointments to the Planning Commission will be continued to July 11, 2018. • STATEMENT OF PARTICIPATION BY THE DEPUTY CITY CLERK 1. PUBLIC COMMENT Thommy Kocan, Cathedral City, was called to speak. He announced that he will be holding a Fundraiser, a sock-hop, which will be held on Friday,June 15, 2018. All proceeds will go towards the Senior Center. Mayor Henry stated that he will be out of town but will donate$100.00 to the event. Mark Irving, Urban Housing Communities, was called to speak. He thanked the City Council for their continued support and encouraged the City Council to approve the Disposition and Development Agreement with Urban Housing Communities for a 60-Support of Veterans Housing. 2. COUNCIL REPORTS Council Member Mark Carnevale,reported that he attended two memorial services, one at Forest Lawn and one at Cathedral City Page 1 Printed on 8/29/2018 City Council REGULAR MEETING June 13,2018 the cemetary. He met with Barbara and Chuck Knox of the Elk's Lodge, along with the Chief of Police, they were able the secure another$1,500 for the "Shop with the Cops"program for the coming year, they discussed a program for Veterans to get them household items and assistance with paying for a statue for fallen officers. He reported that he will have some pictures to share at the July 11, 2018 City Council meeting to display the great job the Police Department is doing with the homeless issue. Council Member John Aguilar reported that several membes of the City Concil attended the Transgender Wellness Center that just opened on Date Palm. He requested that an update be given to the City Council at a future Study Session Meeting on CVLink, there has been a lot of social media chat on potential problems. Council Member Shelley Kaplan, reported that he, along with other Council Members, attended the Orion Awards. He announced that Mayor Henry was the City Official/Employee of the Year. Public Arts Commission held their awards presentation for DATA Students. There was a great turn-out and everyone had a great time. He attended the renaming of the streets that is done each year after high school students. One was named after Anthony Pechao, Cathedral City High School and the other after Stephanie Lopez Jurado from San Jacinto High School. He also announced that the City is moving forward with the first project funded by SB 1, which is the Date Palm Dinah Shore Project. Mayor Pro Tem Greg Pettis, announced that Stepahnie Lopez Jurado will be going to COD and Anthony Pechao will be going to USC. He reported that the Cathedral City High School Choir had their vocal awards ceremony the same night that the DATA awards were held. The CCHS Choir will be leaving next Wednesday for Rome for 10 days. They are very excited for this opportunity and thanked the businesses for their support and sponsorship. In partnership with the Desert Health Care District,a community clean-up will be held in the Dream Homes neighborhood. They will also be promoting the Water Smart Program. Mayor Stan Henry, reported that the Palm Springs Unified School District Foundation held a fundraiser. Their non-profit is what gives the schools the opportunity to do the extra curricular activities. Graduation was last Wednesday. He congratulated all of the graduates. He reported that they held a meeting with the CVWD and announced that they will not be raising their rates this year. He encourage residents to take advantage of their rebate programs. He announced that Southern California Edison has a new representative for the area, Jennifer Cuesack. He stated that he and Mayor Pro Tem Pettis met with Palm Springs and Desert Hot Springs for a Tri-Cities Task Force meeting on Cannabis to make sure we are all operating consistently. He attended the CVB Oasis Awards, Mary Pickford was one of the nominees for the sustainability award for their solar project. He attended the Shelter from the Storm Board Meeting. He will be attending a County-Wide breakfast for Mayors in Beaumont on Friday. 3. CONSENT AGENDA Approval of the Consent Agenda A motion was made by Council Member Kaplan,seconded by Council Member Aguilar,to approve the following Consent Agenda Items,Mayor Pro Tem Greg Pettis abstained from voting on item 3J.The motion carried by the following vote: Aye: 5- Mayor Henry, Mayor Pro Tem Pettis, Council Member Kaplan, Council Member Carnevale, and Council Member Aguilar 3.A. 2018-244 Receive and file Payment of Claims and Demands This item was approved. Enactment No: M.O.6963 3.6. 2018-219 Expenditure Plan for the Supplemental Law Enforcement Services Account(SLESA)for FY 2018-2019 Cathedral City Page 2 Printed on 812912018 City Council REGULAR MEETING June 13,2018 This item was approved. Enactment No: M.O.6964 2018-221 3.C. Acceptance of the Grant Award from the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control FY 201812019, and the Police Department's Expenditure Plan for said Grant Funds This item was approved. Enactment No: Reso 2018-22 3.D. 2018-220 Banking Services Agreement Motion by Mayor Henry,seconded by Council Member Carnevale,to enter into a one-year banking services agreement with a(1)one-year extension,with Council approval,exercisable at the discretion of the City upon sixty(60)days prior written notice to Wells Fargo before the expiration of the term or extended term. Motion carried by the following vote: Aye: 3- Mayor Henry, Council Member Kaplan,and Council Member Carnevale Nay: 2- Mayor Pro Tem Pettis,and Council Member Aguilar Enactment No: M.O.6965 3.E. 2018-231 Accept Donation of Property from the City Urban Revitalization Corporation i This item was approved. Enactment No: Reso 2018-23 3.F. 2018-227 Disposition of Certain Housing Parcel This item was approved. Enactment No: M.O.6966 3.G. 2018-228 Second Reading by title only of Zone Ordinance Amendment No. 18-001 -Amendment to Section 9.60.120 (Permitted Enclosures) of the Municipal Code to allow alternative Fencing This item was approved. Enactment No: Ord 814 3.H. 2018-235 Health Assessment and Research for Communities (HARC) Grant This item was approved. Enactment No: M.O.6967 3.1. 2018-242 Disposition and Development Agreement with Urban Housing Communities Cathedral City Page 3 Printed on 812912018 City Council REGULAR MEETING June 13,2018 This item was approved. Enactment No: M.O.6968 3.J. 2018-247 Vacation of Drainage Easement over Lot"S" in the Dream Homes neighborhood, located south of Diamond Road between San Joaquin Drive and Dia Place This item was approved. Enactment No: Reso 2018-25 3.K. 2018-238 Biennial on-call and/or as needed Service Contract Awards for Land Surveying and Mapping, Geotechnical and Material Testing, Traffic Engineering and Traffic Signal Maintenance and Emergency Services Jill Petrie, St. Francis Electric, expressed her dissatisfaction with staffs decision to move forward with a contract with Siemens for Traffic Maintenance and Emergency on-call services. It was the consensus of the City Council to continue item number 4.: Contract with Siemens ITS, Riverside, CA for Traffic Signal Maintenance and Emergency on-call Services, and authorize the City Engineer and Public Works Manager to negotiate the final routine maintenance rates for traffic signal maintenance to the July 11, 2018 City Council Meeting. This Contract/Agreement was approved. Enactment No: M.O.6969 3.L. 2018-243 Assessment of Special Assessments Against Properties for Nuisance Abatement Costs This item was approved. Enactment No: Reso 2018-24 4. PUBLIC HEARINGS 4.A. 2018-233 Approve the Community Development Block Grant FY 2018 Annual Action Pan for submittal to HUD Mayor Stan Henry opened the Public Hearing for public comments, there being none, he returned discussion to the City Council. A motion was made by Council Member Aguilar,seconded by Council Member Carnevale,to approve the FY 2018-2019 Annual Action Plan(AAP)for submittal to HUD and authorize the City Manager(or designees)to execute the new SF-424 application to receive entitlement funding.The motion carried by the following vote: Aye: 5- Mayor Henry, Mayor Pro Tem Pettis, Council Member Kaplan, Council Member Carnevale, and Council Member Aguilar Enactment No: M.O.6970 4.B. 2018-234 Annual Renewal of the Lighting & Landscaping District Budget Cathedral City Page 4 Printed on 8/29/2018 City Council REGULAR MEETING June 13,2018 Mayor Stan Henry opened the Public Hearing for public comment, there being none, he returned discussion to the City Council. A motion was made by Council Member Kaplan,seconded by Council Member Carnevale,to adopt resolutions approving the final engineer's report and ordering the levy and collection of annual assessments for the sixteen(16)existing benefit zones for the annual renewal of the Lighting and Landscaping District Budget for FY 2018-2019.The motion carried by the following vote: Aye: 5- Mayor Henry, Mayor Pro Tem Pettis, Council Member Kaplan, Council Member Carnevale, and Council Member Aguilar Enactment No: Reso 2018-30/2018-31 5. LEGISLATIVE ACTIONS 5.A. 2018-248 Commissions and Committees Appointments It was the concensus of the City Council to continue the appointments to the Planning Commission to July 11, 2018 and directed staff to advertise again for the Planning Commission and Parks and Community Events Commission. A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Pettis,seconded by Council Member Carnevale,to appoint Denise Rodriguez Bowman and Sue Townsley to the Public Arts Commission for a three year term expiring on June 30,2021.The motion carried by the following vote: Aye: 5- Mayor Henry, Mayor Pro Tem Pettis, Council Member Kaplan, Council Member Carnevale, and Council Member Aguilar Enactment No: M.O.6971 A motion was made by Council Member Aguilar,seconded by Council Member Kaplan,to appoint Richard Altman to represent Cathedral City on the Palm Springs International Airport Commission for a three year term expiring on June 30,2021. The motion carried by the following vote: Aye: 5- Mayor Henry, Mayor Pro Tem Pettis, Council Member Kaplan, Council Member Carnevale, and Council Member Aguilar Enactment No: M.O.6972 A motion was madeby Mayor Pro Tem Pettis,seconded by Council Member Kaplan,to appoint Ray Lopez to the Architectural Review Committee for a one-year term expiring on June 30,2019. The motion carried by the following vote: Aye: 5- Mayor Henry, Mayor Pro Tem Pettis, Council Member Kaplan, Council Member Carnevale,and Council Member Aguilar Enactment No: M.O.6973 53. 2018-237 Chamber of Commerce Service Provider Agreement for FYI 8/19 A motion was made by Council Member Carnevale,seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Pettis,to approve the Chamber of Commerce Service Provider Agreement for FY 18/19,authorize the City Manager to sign the Agreement and approve payment of$60,000 for the agreed-upon services in accordance with the FY 18/19 budget.The motion carried by the following vote: Aye: 5- Mayor Henry, Mayor Pro Tem Pettis, Council Member Kaplan, Council Member Carnevale, and Councilmember Aguilar Enactment No: M.O.6974 5.C. 2018-177 Updated Review of Replacement of Fire Station 411 at 36-913 Date Cathedral City Page 5 Printed on 8/29/2018 City Council REGULAR MEETING June 13,2018 Palm Dr. A motion was made by Council Member Carnevale,seconded by Council Member Kaplan,to receive an update on the replacement of Fire Station 411 located at 36-913 Date Palm Drive.The motion carried by the following vote: Aye: 5- Mayor Henry, Mayor Pro Tem Pettis, Council Member Kaplan, Council Member Carnevale, and Council Member Aguilar Enactment No: M.O.6975 S.D. 2018-148 New Fire Station 411 Funding &CEQA Exemption A motion was made by Council Member Carnevale,seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Pettis,to authorize the City Manager to execute all documents necessary to provide a secured loan from the City of Cathedral City to City Urban Revitalization Corporation in the principal amount of$2.5 million to fully fund development of replacement Fire Station 411,and approve an exemption to the California Environmental Quality Act(CEQA)pursuant to Section No.15303,Class No.3(New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures). The Fire Station is approximately 9,080 square feet in floor area,is in an area that is not environmentally sensitive,is served by public utilities,and the Fire Station will not involve the use of significant amounts of hazardous material. The motion carried by the following vote: Aye: 5- Mayor Henry, Mayor Pro Tem Pettis, Council Member Kaplan, Council Member Carnevale, and Council Member Aguilar Enactment No: M.O.6976 S.E. 2018-222 Contract Award to Urban Habitat Environmental Landscapes to construct the East Palm Canyon Median Hardscape Improvements A motion was made by Council Member Aguilar,seconded by Council Member Kaplan,to do the following: 1. Approve the award of a contract to Urban Habitat Environmental Landscapes in the amount of $142,556 to construct the East Palm Canyon Median Hardscape(Project);and 2. Approve an approximate 10%contingency on the contract in the amount of Fourteen Thousand Four Hundred Forty-Four Dollars($14,444.00)for unforeseen construction contingencies;and 3. Approve$8,000 for inspection and testing,thereby,making the total encumbrance One Hundred Sixty-Five Thousand Dollars($165,000)fog the Project;and 4. Authorize the City Engineer to issue a Notice of Award and request bonds and insurance for the Project;and 5. Authorize the City Manager to execute the contract. The motion carried by the following vote: Aye: 5- Mayor Henry, Mayor Pro Tem Pettis, Council Member Kaplan, Council Member Carnevale, and Council Member Aguilar Enactment No: M.O.6977 5.F. 2018-232 Contract award to All American Asphalt in the amount of $2,023,923 for construction of the Dinah Shore/Date Palm Drive Intersection Reconstruction and Dinah Shore Drive Pavement Rehabilitation Cathedral City Page 6 Printed on 8/29/2018 City Council REGULAR MEETING June 13,2018 A motion was made by Council Member Aguilar,seconded by Council Member Kaplan,to do the following: 1. Award a contract to All American Asphalt in the amount of$2,023,923 for the Dinah Shore/Date Palm Drive Intersection Reconstruction and Dinah Shore Drive Pavement Rehabilitation;and 2. Approve an approximate 10%contingency of$200,000;and 3.Approve City construction inspection at a cost of$25,000 and materials testing services at a cost of $15,000;thereby,making a total Project encumbrance of$2,263,923;and 4.Authorize the City Engineer to issue a Notice of Award and request bonds and insurance for the Project;and 5. Authorize the City Manager to execute the contract with All American Asphalt. The motion carried by the following vote: Aye: 5- Mayor Henry, Mayor Pro Tem Pettis, Council Member Kaplan, Council Member Carnevale, and Council Member Aguilar Enactment No: M.O.6978 5.G. 2018-253 Authorization to Replace the Front Counter Workstations at City Hall A motion was made by Council Member Carnevale,seconded by Council Member Kaplan,to authorize the replacement of the entire front counter information and building license workstations to make the work environment more ergonomically functional in an amount not to exceed$26,500. The motion carried by the following vote: 5- Aye:Mayor Henry,Mayor Pro Tem Pettis,Council Member Kaplan,Council Member Carnevale,and Council Member Aguilar Enactment No: M.O.6979 5.1-1. 2018-224 Network Infrastructure Upgrade Alan Carvalho, Cathedral City, was called to speak. He suggested having music playing in the downtown area. A motion was made by Council Member Kaplan,seconded by Council Member Aguilar,to approve the upgrade of the Network Infrastructure in City and Public Safety Buildings.The motion carried by the following vote: Aye: 5- Mayor Henry, Mayor Pro Tem Pettis, Council Member Kaplan, Council Member Carnevale, and Council Member Aguilar Enactment No: M.O.6980 5.1. 2018-246 Public Arts Funding Guidelines for Art Education Programs A motion was made by Council Member Kaplan,seconded by Council Member Aguilar,to approve the proposed funding guidelines for the Public Arts Educational fund.The motion carried by the following vote: Aye: 5- Mayor Henry, Mayor Pro Tem Pettis, Council Member Kaplan, Council Member Carnevale, and Council Member Aguilar Enactment No: M.O.6981 6. CLOSED SESSION Cathedral City Page 7 Printed on 8/2912018 City Council REGULAR MEETING June 13,2018 The City Council adjourned to Closed Session at 6:41 p.m. to discuss item 6A.listed on the Agenda. 6.A. 2018-197 Conference with Real Property Negotiator Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8. Property Location: Approximately 13.5 acres south of East Palm Canyon Drive at Date Palm Drive Negotiating Parties: City of Cathedral City as the Successor Agency to the former Redevelopment Agency and the City Urban Revitalization Corporation Property Owner: City Urban Revitalization Corporation Under Negotiations: Price and Terms for potential sale of real property 6.13. 2018-249 Conference with Real Property Negotiator pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8 Property Location: Approximately 120 acres in the vicinity of Landau Boulevard and Vista Chino Property Owners: City of Cathedral City and Verano Recovery, LLC Negotiating Parties: City of Cathedral City and Verano Recovery, LLC The City Council reconvened at 8:55 p.m. Mayor Henry announced that the City Council met in Closed Session to discuss Real Property Negotiations for the property located approximately 13.5 acres south of East Palm Canyon Drive at Date Palm Drive. There was no reportable action taken. Item 68. was heard during the Study Session portion of the meeting and is reflected in the Study Session Minutes of June 13, 2018. ADJOURN Mayor Stan Henry adjourned the June 13, 2018 Regular City Council Meeting at 8:55 p.m. oe STANLEY E. HENRY, Mayor ATTEST. GARY F' City Clerk Cathedral City Page 8 Printed on 8/29/2018