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• • DOC # 2015-0285880
07/01/2015 05:00 PM Fees: $0.00
Page 1 of 6
Recorded in Official Records
County of Riverside
Peter Aldana
When Recorded Return to: } Assessor-County Clerk-Recorder
CITY CLERK } "This document was electronically submitted
68700 Avenida Lalo Guerrero } to the County of Riverside for recording"
Receipted by: MGREGSTO
Cathedral City, CA 92234 }
„1iO-iLG (7-(0,66-/
(Government Code Sec. 66412d)
An application for Lot Line Adjustment No. 2015-478, for the adjustment of property lines
between the following described two (2) adjoining lots, located north of Grandview
Avenue, west of Charlesworth Drive, and east of the West Cathedral Channel, in the City
of Cathedral City, was received by the City of Cathedral City from the following record
owners of the said lots:
Parcel 4 of Parcel Map No. 11148, as per map recorded in Book 55, Page 35, of
Parcel Maps, in the office of the County Recorder of Riverside County, California;
(67920 Grandview Avenue, Cathedral City; APN 686-141-006)
Record owner: Timothy Noble Priehs, an unmarried man
A portion of the Northwest quarter of Section 4, Township 5 South, Range 5 East,
San Bernardino Meridian, also being a portion of Lot 3 of Assessors Map No. 52,
as per map filed in Book 2, at Page 11, of Assessor Maps, in the office of the
County Recorder of said Riverside County, California;
(38281 Charlesworth Drive, Cathedral City; APN 686-171-001)
Record Owner: Jenny Santana and Ernesto Munoz, wife and husband as joint
A legal description of the two lots, as adjusted, marked Exhibit"A", is attached hereto and
made a part hereof.
A sketch of the two lots, as adjusted, marked Exhibit "B", is attached hereto and made a
part hereof.
The said application has been duly reviewed in accordance with the Municipal Code of the
City of Cathedral City, and the lots as adjusted conform with the City General Plan,
applicable Specific Plans, and the City zoning ordinance.
aU/ ` -Js j
When Recorded Return to: }
68700 Avenida Lalo Guerrero }
Cathedral City, CA 92234 }
„2/0-i LG y(a4-/a
(Government Code Sec. 66412d)
An application for Lot Line Adjustment No. 2015-478, for the adjustment of property lines
between the following described two (2) adjoining lots, located north of Grandview
Avenue, west of Charlesworth Drive, and east of the West Cathedral Channel, in the City
of Cathedral City, was received by the City of Cathedral City from the following record
owners of the said lots:
Parcel 4 of Parcel Map No. 11148, as per map recorded in Book 55, Page 35, of
Parcel Maps, in the office of the County Recorder of Riverside County, California;
(67920 Grandview Avenue, Cathedral City; APN 686-141-006)
Record owner: Timothy Noble Priehs, an unmarried man
A portion of the Northwest quarter of Section 4, Township 5 South, Range 5 East,
San Bernardino Meridian, also being a portion of Lot 3 of Assessors Map No. 52,
as per map filed in Book 2, at Page 11, of Assessor Maps, in the office of the
County Recorder of said Riverside County, California;
(38281 Charlesworth Drive, Cathedral City; APN 686-171-001)
Record Owner: Jenny Santana and Ernesto Munoz, wife and husband as joint
A legal description of the two lots, as adjusted, marked Exhibit"A", is attached hereto and
made a part hereof.
A sketch of the two lots, as adjusted, marked Exhibit "B", is attached hereto and made a
part hereof.
The said application has been duly reviewed in accordance with the Municipal Code of the
City of Cathedral City, and the lots as adjusted conform with the City General Plan,
applicable Specific Plans, and the City zoning ordinance.
Lot Line Adjustment No. 2015-478 as described and shown on said Exhibit"A"and Exhibit
"B" is hereby APPROVED, subject to the recordation of a deed or deeds between the
record owners to effectuate the lot line adjustment.
Development of the adjusted lots described herein or their further subdivision or
adjustment may require issuance of a permit or permits, or other grants of approval. The
two adjusted lots described herein may not be divided or adjusted further without
compliance with the Subdivision Map Act and the provisions of the Cathedral City
Municipal Code.
Dated: 9/ , 201
John A. Corella, P.E.
City Engineer
City of Cathedral City ��'-
at Milos,
By: Director of Community Development
David R. Faessel, RCE 18731 City of Cathedral City
Engineering Division
As delegated by the City Engineer
pursuant to Government Code Sec. 66416.5(c)
4` 09
t 0 No. 18731 r' racey R. i'rtinez, CMC
��. Deputy City Clerk
, , CIY1 • City of Cathedral City
Of c -
Exhibit A: legal descriptions
Exhibit B: sketch
Exhibit "A"
Lot Line Adjustment No. 2015-478
Legal Description of Parcels Adjusted
Parcel 4, Parcel Map 11148 as per map recorded in Book 55, Page 35 of Parcel Maps, in the
Office of the County Recorder, County of Riverside.
Excepting therefrom:
BEGINNING at the most northerly corner of Parcel 4, Parcel Map 11148 as per map recorded in
Book 55, Page 35 of Parcel Maps, in the Office of the County Recorder, County of Riverside;
Thence southerly along the easterly property line of said Parcel 4, South 00°14'46" West, 128.73
Thence leaving said easterly property line North 89°45'14" West 58.42 feet more or less to a
point on a curve, concave Southeasterly having an radius of 1900.00 feet, a radial bearing
through said point bears North 67°28'35" West;
Thence Northeasterly through said 1900.000 feet radius curve through a central angle of
04°15'50" an arc length of 141.40 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING.
Said Lot"A"contains 83,158.6 square feet more or less.
Parcel 1
That portion of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 4, Township 5 South, Range 5 East, San Bernardino
Base and Meridian, in the City of Cathedral City, County of Riverside, State of California,
described as follows:
Commencing at a point on the Northerly line of said Northwest 1/4, 1461.33 feet Westerly from
the Northeast corner thereof, said point being the point of intersection of the Northerly line of
said Northwest 1/4 with the Easterly line of that certain easement, 30 feet wide, conveyed to
Cathedral City Water Company by deed recorded November 27, 1951, in Book 1322, Page 22,
Official Records;
Thence Southerly, along the Easterly line of said easement,499.33 feet,to the Southwest corner
of that certain Parcel conveyed to Onas M. Ward and Grace B. Ward, his wife, by deed recorded
in Book 1250, Page 540, Official Records;
Thence Westerly,parallel with the Northerly line of said Northwest 1/4, 626.16 feet,to the
Southwest corner of that certain Parcel conveyed to Mary E. Lee by deed filed for record March
5, 1953, as Instrument No. 10347, Official Records;
Thence South,parallel with the Easterly line of said Northwest 1/4, 208.72 feet;
Thence Westerly, parallel with the Northerly line of said Northwest 1/4,463.72 feet to the true
point of beginning:
Thence Southerly,parallel with the Easterly line of said Northwest quarter, 130.00 feet;
Thence Westerly,parallel with the Northerly line of said Northwest quarter, 91.20 feet to the
Westerly line of said Section;
Thence Northerly ,on the Westerly line of said Section, 103.88 feet to the Southeasterly line of
that certain 200.00 foot strip of land conveyed to Riverside County Flood Control and Water
Conservation District,by deed recorded March 19, 1947 as Instrument No. 2622,Official
Thence Northeasterly, on the Southeasterly line of said 200.00 foot strip of land. 29.42 feet to the
Southwest corner of that certain Parcel of land conveyed to Conrad B. Nelson and Pearl S.
Nelson, husband and wife, by deed recorded May 7, 1953 as Instrument No. 22411, Official
Thence Easterly, on the Southerly line of said Parcel conveyed to Conrad B.Nelson and Pearl S.
Nelson, husband and wife, 77.85 feet to the true point of beginning.
Said property is also shown on Record of Survey on file in Book 18,Pages 94 and 95 of Records
of Survey, records of Riverside County, California.
Said property is also shown as a portion of Lot 3 on Assessor's Map No.52.
TOGETHER WITH: that portion of Parcel 4, Parcel Map No. 11148 as per map recorded in
Book 55,Page 35 of Parcel Maps,in the Office of the County Recorder, County of Riverside.
BEGINNING at the most northerly corner of said Parcel 4;
Thence southerly along the easterly property line of said Parcel 4, South 00°14'46"West, 128.73
Thence leaving said easterly property line North 89°45'14" West 58.42 feet more or less to a
point on a curve, concave Southeasterly having an radius of 1900.00 feet, a radial bearing
through said point bears North 67°28'35" West;
Thence Northeasterly through said 1900.000 feet radius curve through a central angle of
04°15'50" an arc Iength of 141.40 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING.
Parcel 2: (Road Easement)
An easement for road purposes and public utility purposes over the following described property:
That portion of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 4, Township 5 South, Range 5 East, San Bernardino
Base and Meridian, in the City of Cathedral City, County of Riverside, State of California,
described as follows:
Commencing at a point on the Northerly line of said Northwest 1/4, 1461.33 feet Westerly from
the Northeast corner thereof, said point being the point of intersection of the Northerly line of
said Northwest 1/4 with the Easterly line of that certain easement, 30 feet wide, conveyed to
Cathedral City Water Company by deed recorded November 27, 1951, in Book 1322,Page 22,
Official Records;
Thence Southerly, along the Easterly line of said easement, 499.33 feet, to the Southwest corner
of that certain Parcel conveyed to Onas M. Ward and Grace B. Ward, his wife, by deed recorded
in Book 1250, Page 540, Official Records;
Thence Westerly,parallel with the Northerly line of said Northwest 1/4, 626.16 feet,to the
Southwest corner of that certain Parcel Conveyed to Mary B. Lee by deed filed for record March
5, 1953, as Instrument No.10347, Official Records;
Thence Southerly,parallel with the Easterly line of said Northwest 1/4, 208.72 feet;
Thence Westerly,parallel with the Northerly line of said Northwest 1/4,208.72 feet,to the true
point of beginning;
Thence Southerly,parallel with the Easterly line of said Northwest 1/4, 20 feet;
Thence Westerly,parallel with the Northerly line of said Northwest 1/4. 255.00 feet;
Thence Northerly,parallel with the Easterly line of said Northwest 114.20 feet;
Thence Easterly, parallel with the Northerly line of said Northwest 1/4, 255.00 feet,to the true
point of beginning; -
Excepting therefrom the Easterly 30 feet .V, --L LAND,5' ..0'
Said Lot`B" contains 15,518.4 square feet more or less. / 9 0
trepared by m, or under y direct supervision: No. 7037
* EXP. 9-30 16 'F/
•ittfallirl 22 /S qT
bp ''
( osep !fl Date ' OF CAL\'
LS 7037 :xp: 09/30/2016
M D=0'53'15"
EXHIBIT L=29.43 -
P.O.B. ME N 89'48'30" E
R=1900.00' 77.56'
L=141.40 N I N 00'14'46" E
�N (5',.. R=1900.00'� j 129.90'
?�`Z`s" ' o Lot "B" A.P.N. 686-171-001
\�,1 15,518.4 q.ft.
N 89'50 E
D=0'34'51" Nk 90.922''
L=19.26 25.00' \Lot Line to
R=1900.00' be removed
So`)thwPSe I N89'45'14"W
Prop. Lot Line after
�, A 1 u l , Adjustment
l'eyi n9
N e 1 koN 1
rn p ° k^ N hy
Scale: l''=100' Go v I N o0
z'o 4/ `? o ct A&' Parcel 4 • Z ��5� �4
° v/ P.M.B.P.M. 55 35 �'� � �� �`
(/ / o
.b Lot �Lot 'A"�r'�� / 83, 158.6 sq.ft. i ,
A.P.N. 686-141-006 O' CAS
/ N89'59'30'W 208.76' _ •N 64'42'39" E 31.88' Surveyors' Notes:
...i.„ AL All
N 21'47'45" E 36.00' Bearings and Distances
�, shown hereon are based
->.' upon a field survey.
\'o�� N 31'44'45" W 107.46'
WC'-`r' N 00'02'16" E 12.00'
89'59'30" W 20.00' Grandview Avenue
LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT 2015 — 478 1" = 100'
APPLICANT: Lot 'A'; Tim Priehs 12/25/2015
a+.� Lot "B", Jenny Santana &
�- Ernesto Munoz 1 of 1