HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Reso 2015-58 RESOLUTION NO. 2015- 58
66001 (d)
WHEREAS, Government Code Section 66006 requires that at the close of each
fiscal year the City review at a public meeting information regarding the disposition of
certain development fees; and
WHEREAS, said meeting is categorically exempt from environmental review
pursuant to State and local environmental guidelines; and
WHEREAS, development fee information has been made available for public
review for at least 15 days prior to said public meeting; and
WHEREAS, after close of said meeting and deliberation, the City Council by
formal action based upon the information presented during said meeting does hereby
find and determine as follows:
1. The City Council finds that the development fees identified on the attached
report, have been properly deposited and separately accounted for as
mandated by Government Code Section 66006 (a).
2. The City Council finds that all expenditures from the development fee
accounts have been used solely for the purpose for which the fee was
3. The City Council finds that there is a roughly proportional, reasonable
relationship between the new development upon which the reportable fees
are charged and the need for additional Public Facilities. ,
4. The City Council finds that those development fees on deposit that have been
held for more than five years are collected in an amount that is directly
commensurate with the costs estimated for planned projects as identified in
the City's Capital Improvement Plan Budget or by independent resolution.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of
Cathedral City, California, the aforesaid development fee report has been accepted.
PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 16th day of November, 2015.
C- CL7-K
/' ',
I, GARY F. HOWELL, CITY CLERK of the City of Cathedral City, do hereby
certify that the foregoing Resolution was introduced and adopted at a special meeting of
the City Council held on the 16th day of November, 2015 by the following vote:
AYES: Council Members Kaplan, Carnevale and Aguilar; Mayor Pro Tem
Pettis and Mayor Henry
NOES: None
Cathedral City
I. Introduction 1
II. Fiscal Year 2014/15 Annual Report 2
Ill. Tables
Table 1—Proposed Funding Sources—Ongoing and Future Projects 6
Table 2—Date Proposed Funding Sources Expected to be Received 7
IV. Appendices:
Appendix A Transit Development Fee Summary 8
Appendix B Traffic Signalization Fee Summary 9
Appendix C Fire & Police Facilities/Equipment Fee Summary 10
Appendix D Master Underground Plan Fee Summary 11
Appendix E City Yard Vehicle Storage Fee Summary 12
Appendix F Police Community Center Fee Summary 13
Appendix G Public Safety Training Site Fee Summary 14
Appendix H Public Safety Facilities Fee Summary 15
Appendix I Road and Traffic Facilities Fee Summary 16
Appendix J Interchange and Bridges Fee Summary 17
Appendix K Bikeway Facilities Fee Summary 18
Appendix L Trail Facilities Fee Summary 19
Appendix M Park and Recreation Facilities Fee Summary 20
Appendix N Art in Public Places Fee Summary 21
Sections 66001 and 66006 of the Government Code provide that the City of Cathedral City
("City") shall make available to the public certain information and adopt described findings
relative to development impact fees ("Reportable Fees") collected pursuant to Section 66000 et
seq. of the Government Code.
Government Code Section 66006 requires local agencies to submit an annual report detailing
the status of development impact fees. The annual report must be made available to the public
within 180 days after the last day of the fiscal year, and must be presented to the public agency
(City Council) at least 15 days after it is made available to the public.
The described information relates to Reportable Fees received, expended or to be expended in
connection with public facilities to accommodate new development, if funded or partially
funded with Reportable Fees. The Reportable Fees do not include mitigation payments, special
tax proceeds, proceeds of bonds, or letters of credit to secure payment of Reportable Fees at a
future date. Reportable Fees have not been levied, collected, or imposed for general revenue
For the fifth fiscal year following the first deposit, and every five years thereafter, Government
Code Section 66001(d) requires local agencies to make certain findings with respect to that
portion of the fund or account that remains unexpended, whether committed or uncommitted.
The following Annual Report for Fiscal Year (FY) 2014/15 includes the information the City
intends to review and adopt in accordance with Section 66006 of the Government Code.
Findings required by Government Code Section 66001(d) were last presented in FY 2010/11. As
such, findings are not included in this report and will be presented once again in the FY 2015/16
In accordance with Government Code Section 66006 (b)(1) and (2),the City hereby presents the
following information for FY 2014/15:
A. Description of the Type of Reportable Fees in the Account or Sub-account(s) of the City
[Government Code Section 66006 (b)(1)(A)1
The Reportable Fees of the City for FY 2014/15 consist of development impact fees for the
following public facilities:
• Transit Development (Appendix A)
To be used for construction of bus turnouts to mitigate traffic impacts caused by new
• Traffic Signalization (Appendix B)
To be used for signalization of additional intersections required by traffic safety
demands resulting from new developments.
• Fire and Police Facilities/Equipment (Appendix C)
To be used to provide sites, facilities, and equipment required by the demand for
services from new developments in the city.
• Master Underground Plan (Appendix D)
To be used for community lines and regional transmission lines which require
• City Yard Vehicle Storage (Appendix E)
To be used for construction of a Public Works City Yard to serve future development
north and south of 1-10.
• Police Community Center (Appendix F)
To be used for construction of a Police Community Center to serve future development
north and south of 1-10.
• Public Safety Training Site (Appendix G)
To be used for construction of a Public Safety Training Center to serve future
development north and south of 1-10.
• Public Safety Facilities (Appendix H)
To be used for construction of a public safety building and acquisition of marked
vehicles to serve future development north of 1-10.
• Road and Traffic Facilities (Appendix I)
To be used for construction of roads and installation of traffic signals to serve future
development north of 1-10.
• Interchange and Bridges (Appendix J)
To be used for construction of interchanges and bridges to serve future development
north and south of 1-10.
• Bikeway Facilities (Appendix K)
To be used for construction of bikeways to serve future development north of 1-10.
• Trail Facilities (Appendix L)
To be used for construction of citywide trails to serve future development north and
south of 1-10.
• Park and Recreation Facilities (Appendix M)
To be used for construction of park improvements and recreation facilities to serve
future development north and south of 1-10.
• Art in Public Places (Appendix N)
To be used for acquisition and installation of public art works. Funds may also be used
for insurance and maintenance of art works. Annually, up to 5% of the monies may be
used for art education.
B. Amount of the Reportable Fees [Government Code Section 66006(b)(1)(B)1
The Reportable Fee amounts for FY 2014/15 are identified on each fee's summary page,
which are included as Appendices A through N.
C. Beginning and Ending Fund Balances of Accounts and Sub-Accounts [Government Code
Section 66006 (b)(1)(C)1
Appendices A through N list the beginning and ending fund balances for each of the
Reportable Fee accounts for FY 2014/15. The appendices also include a summary of all fiscal
D. Amount of the Reportable Fees Collected and Interest Earned [Government Code Section
Appendices A through N show the amount of Reportable Fees collected, interest earned
and miscellaneous income, if any, during FY 2014/15. The appendices also include a
summary of all fiscal years.
E. Identification of Each Improvement on Which Reportable Fees Were Expended and the
Amount of the Expenditures on Each Improvement, Including the Total Percentage of the
Cost of Each Project of the City that Was Funded with Reportable Fees [Government Code
Section 66006(b)(1)(E)1
Appendices A through N show the amount of Reportable Fees expended on Public Facilities
during FY 2014/15.The appendices also include a summary of all fiscal years.
Table 1 (Proposed Funding Sources —Ongoing and Future Projects) on page 6 identifies the
total Reportable Fees projected to be used on public facilities projects currently in process
or that will be started in the future once the required funds have been accumulated. The
table also identifies the other funding sources to be utilized and the percentage of the total
cost proposed to be funded from Reportable Fees.
F. Identification of an Approximate Date by Which the Construction of Proiect(s) of the City
will Commence if the City Determines that Sufficient Funds Have Been Collected to
Complete Financing on an Incomplete Project of the City, as Identified in Paragraph (2) of
Subdivision (a) of Section 660001, and the Project of the City Remains Incomplete
[Government Code Section 66006 (b)(1)(F)1
At the end of FY 2014/15, the City determined that, if additional funding is obtained, it will
have sufficient funds to continue construction on projects funded through the Transit
Development Fee, Traffic Signalization Fee, Master Underground Plan Fee, Interchange and
Bridge Facilities Fee, and the Art in Public Places Fee. Funding for these projects is received
from traffic safety fines, Measure A monies, bond proceeds, grants, and the Reportable
Sufficient fees have not been collected or identified for projects to be funded through the
Fire & Police Facilities/Equipment Fee, City Yard Vehicle Storage Fee, Police Community
Center Fee, Public Safety Training Site Fee, Trail Facilities Fee, and Park and Recreation
Facilities Fee. As such, a construction start date is not available.
Fees have not yet been collected for projects to be funded through the Public Safety
Facilities Fee, Road and Traffic Facilities Fee and Bikeways Facilities Fee. The projects to be
funded with these fees are located north of Interstate 1-10 and development has yet to
occur. As such, a construction start date is not available.
Refer to Table 2 (Date Proposed Funding Sources Expected to Be Received) on page 7.
G. Description of Each Interfund Transfer or Loan Made from the Account or Sub-Account(s),
Including Proiect(s) of the City on Which the Transferred or Loaned Reportable Fees Will
Be Expended, and, in the Case of an Interfund Loan, the Date on Which the Loan Will Be
Repaid, and the Rate of Interest that the Account or Sub-Account(s) Will Receive on the
Loan f Government Code Section 66006 (b)(1)(G)1
No transfers or loans of Reportable Fees were made in FY 2014/15.
H. The Amount of Refunds Made or Revenues Allocated for Other Purposes if the
Administrative Costs of Refunding Unexpended Revenues Exceed the Amount to be
Refunded [Government Code Section 66006(b)(1)(H)1
No refunds of Reportable Fees under applicable laws were made in FY 2014/15.
Furthermore, no refunds are required under applicable law.
Proposed Funding Sources-Ongoing and Future Projects
Fiscal Year 2014/15
Edison Other %Funded
Development Impact Fee CIP Project Reportable Fees Measure A Rule 20 A Sources Total by Fees
Transit Development Bus Tumouts $ 400,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 400,000 100.0%
Traffic Signalization* Citywide-existing and new - - - - - 0.0%
Fire/Police Facilities/Equipment Fire Station 3,066,533 - - 4,466,500 7,533,033 40.7%
Master Underground Utility Undergrounding 2,783,706 - - - 2,783,706 100.0%
City Yard Vehicle Storage Vehicle Storage Facility 1,181,532 - - 2,019,325 3,200,857 36.9%
Police Community Center Police Community Center 265,845 - - 454,348 720,193 36.9%
Public Safety Training Site Public Safety Training Site 221,537 - - 378,624 600,161 36.9%
Public Safety Facilities Public Safety Building(north of 1-10) 2,133,905 - - - 2,133,905 100.0%
Public Safety Facilities Marked Vehicles(north of 1-10) 298,747 - - - 298,747 100.0%
Road&Traffic Facilities Road Construction 11,913,743 - - - 11,913,743 100.0%
Road&Traffic Facilities Traffic Signals 1,200,000 - - - 1,200,000 100.0%
Interchange&Bridges Bridge-Date Palm Drive Over 474,794 - - 18,706,692 19,181,486 2.5%
Interchange&Bridges Ramon Rd Bridge 114,375 1,230,850 - - 1,345,225 8.5%
Bikeway Facilities Bikeways-Vamer Road 69,352 - - - 69,352 100.0%
Bikeway Facilities Bikeways-Date Palm Drive 53,348 - - - 53,348 100.0%
Trail Facilities Citywide Trails 504,268 - - - 504,268 100.0%
Park&Recreation Facilities Festival Parks 242,000 - - 6,000,000 6,242,000 3.9%
Park&Recreation Facilities Parks,Community Center and Pool 14,978,469 - - 30,628,550 45,607,019 32.8%
Art In Public Places City Entrance Monuments/ 1,200,000 - - - 1,200,000 100.0%
Art in Public Places
Total $ 41,102,154 1,230,850 - 62,654,039 104,987,043 39.1%
The following projects have been identified,but not formally adopted at this time:Ramon Road,East Palm Canyon and Date Palm Drive.In addition,new development will
require additional signalization.
Table 1
Date Proposed Funding Sources
Expected to be Received
Fiscal Year 2014/15
_ Anticipated Date of Funding
Edison Other
Development Impact Fee CIP Project Project Start Reportable Fees Measure A Rule 20 A . Sources
Transit Development Bus Turnouts 1991 Ongoing NA NA NA
Traffic Signalization Citywide-existing new development Ongoing FY 2014-15 and beyond NA NA FY 2014-15 and beyond
Fire/Police Facilities/Equipment Fire Station Not Yet FY 2014-15 and beyond NA NA FY 2014-15 and beyond I
Master Underground Utility Undergrounding 1990 Ongoing NA NA NA
City Yard Vehicle Storage Vehicle Storage Facility Not Yet FY 2014-15 and beyond NA NA , FY 2014-15 and beyond
Police Community Center Police Community Center Not Yet FY 2014-15 and beyond NA NA FY 2014-15 and beyond
Public Safety Training Site Public Safety Training Site Not Yet FY 2014-15 and beyond NA NA FY 2014-15 and beyond
Public Safety Facilities Public Safety Building Not Yet Unknown* NA NA Unknown*
Public Safety Facilities Marked Vehicles Not Yet Unknown* NA NA Unknown*
Road&Traffic Facilities Road Construction Not Yet Unknown* NA NA Unknown*
Road&Traffic Facilities Traffic Signals Not Yet Unknown* NA NA Unknown*
Interchange&Bridges Bridge-Date Palm Drive Over 2006 FY 2014-15 and beyond NA NA FY 2014-15 through
Whitewater FY 2017-18
Interchange&Bridges Ramon Rd Bridge 2012 FY 2014-15 and beyond FY 2017-18 NA NA
FY 2018-19
Bikeway Facilities Bikeways-Vamer Road Not Yet Unknown* NA NA Unknown*
Bikeway Facilities Bikeways-Date Palm Drive Not Yet Unknown* NA NA Unknown*
Trail Facilities City-Wide Trails Not Yet FY 2014-15 and beyond NA NA FY 2014-15 and beyond
Park&Recreation Facilities Festival Parks 2015 FY 2014-15 and beyond NA NA FY 2016-17 through
(Preliminary) FY 2019-20
Park&Recreation Facilities Parks,Community Center and Pool Not Yet FY 2014-15 and beyond NA NA FY 2014-15 and beyond
Art In Public Places City Entrance Monuments/ 2001 Ongoing NA NA NA
Art in Public Places
The approximate dates on which the funds are expected to be available for the public facilities projects identified by the City are included above.
•Fees related to activities north of Interstate 1-10.No fees collected to date.Date(s)as to when development of this area will begin are unknown at this time.
Table 2
Transit Development
Fee Summary
Fiscal Year 2014-15
Fee Amount:$5.00 per lineal foot for arterial streets
Resolution No.91-52(Municipal Code-Chapter 14.10)
Date Adopted:7-2-1991
Account Description Amount
Beginning Fund Balance-7/1/14 $ 25,034
Sources of Funds:
D.I.F.Revenues 750
Interest Income/(Expense) 144 itt
Miscellaneous Income -
Total Sources of Funds 894
Uses of Funds:
Capital Projects -
Adjustment Prior Years -
Total Uses of Funds Cathedral City
Ending Fund Balance-6/30/15 $ 25,928
- Annual - Net
Unspent Funds Representing Ending Fund Interest Unspent Unspent
Balance - Collections ' Earned Expenditures Commitments Funds Funds
Carry Forward Net Unspent Funds _ $ 25,034
Activities in 2014-2015 $ 750 $ 144 $ - $ - $ 894 25,928
Total $ 750 $ 144 $ - $ - $ 894
Expenditure Summary
- Total Year
FY 2014-2015 Prior Fiscal Years Total Expenditures Future Projected Commitment
Capital Improvement Facilities Expenditures Expenditures To Date. Commitments Expenditures was Made
8945-Bus Turnouts $ $ 135,758 $ 135,758 $ 264,242 $ 400,000 2001
(city-wide major streets)
Total $ - $ 135,758 $ 135,758 $ 264,242 $ 400,000
Five Year Summary
= Fee Revenues/ Expenditures Annual Expenditures. Net
Fiscal Year Misc.Income Interest Incurred Unspent Funds Applied Unspent Funds
As of June 30,2010 $ 112,074 $ 39,845 $ 60,217 $ 91,702 $ 135,758 $ 16,161
FY 2010-11 - 835 - 835 - 835
FY 2011-12 - 850 5,205 (4,355) - 850
FY 2012-13 1,225 528 70,336 (68,583) - 1,753
FY 2013-14 5,220 215 - 5,435 - 5,435
FY 2014-15 750 144 - 894 - 894
Five year subtotal 7,195 2,572 75,541 (65,774) - 9,767
GRAND TOTAL $ 119,269_$ 42,417 $ 135,758 $ 25,928 $ 135,758 $ 25,928
Future commitments $ 264,242
Net unspent funds/ ,
(funding shortfall) $ (238,314)
Traffic Signalization
Fee Summary
Fiscal Year 2014-15
Fee Amount: 33.33%of$150 to$450 per 1,000 square feet of building area
Municipal Code-Chapter 3.17
Account Description Amount
Beginning Fund Balance-7/1/14 $ 140,825
Sources of Funds:
D.I.F.Revenues 6,250
Interest Income/(Expense) 685
Miscellaneous Income -
Total Sources of Funds 6,935
Uses of Funds:
Capital Projects (34,660)
Adjustment Prior Year Cathedral City
Total Uses of Funds (34,660)
Ending Fund Balance-6130115 $ 113,100
Annual Net
Unspent Funds Representing Interest Unspent Unspent
Ending Fund Balance Collections Earned Expenditures Commitments Funds Funds
Carry Forward Net Unspent Funds $ 140,825
Activities in 2014-2015 $ 6,250 $ 685 $ 34,660 $ - $ (27,725) 113,100
Total '$ 6,250 $ 685'$ 34,660 $ - $ (27,725)
Expenditure Summary
i Total Year
FY 2014-2015 Prior Fiscal Years Total Expenditures Future Projected Commitment
Capital Improvement Facilities Expenditures Expenditures To Date Commitments Expenditures was Made
Previously completed projects $ - $ 1,052,029 $ 1,052,029 $ - $ 1,052,029
6506c-Date Palm Sig Synch Improvements 34,660 53 34,713 - 34,713 2012
8910a-EPC Sig Synch Improvements 31 31 - 31 2012
mom-Citywide-existing/new development - - - - - NA
Total '$ 34,660 $ 1,052,113 19 1,086,773 $ - '$ 1,086,773
Five Year Summary
Fee Revenues/ Expenditures Annual Expenditures Net
Fiscal Year Misc.Income Interest Incurred Unspent Funds Applied Unspent Funds
As of June 30,2010 $ 1,106,842 $ 71,938 $ 1,030,429 $ 148,351 $ 1,086,773 $ 92,007
FY 2010-11 1,250 1,042 46,621 (44,329) - 2,292
FY 2011-12 1,750 852 (16,336) 18,938 - 2,602
FY2012-13 1,550 1,399 (8,666) 11,615 - 2,949
FY 2013-14 5,100 1,215 65 6,250 - 6,315
FY 2014-15 6,250 685 34,660 (27,725) - 6,935
Five year subtotal 15,900 5,193 56,344 (35,251) - 21,093
GRAND TOTAL $ 1,122,742 $ 77,131_$ 1,086,773_$ 113,100 $ 1,086,773 $ 113,100
Future commitments $ -
Net unspent funds/
(funding shortfall) $ 113,100
Fire&Police Facilities/Equipment
Fee Summary
Fiscal Year 2014-15
Fee Amount: 66.67%of$150 to$450 per 1,000 feet of building area
Municipal Code-Chapter 3.17
Account Description ' - Amount
Beginning Fund Balance-7/1/14 $ 31,580
Sources of Funds:
D.I.F.Revenues 12,500
Interest lncome/(Expense) (83) AA
Miscellaneous Income
Total Sources of Funds 12,417
Uses of Funds:
Capital Projects (33,989)
Total Uses of Funds (33,989) Cathedral City
Ending Fund Balance-6130/15 $ 10,008
Annual Net .,
Unspent Funds Representing Interest Unspent ' Unspent
Ending Fund Balance Collections Earned Expenditures Commitments Funds Funds
Carry Forward Net Unspent Funds $ 31,580
Activities in 2014-2015 $ 12,500 $ (83) $ 33,989 $ - $ (21,572) 10,008
Total $ 12,500 $ (83) $ 33,989 $ $ (21,572)
Expenditure Summary
Total - Year
- FY 2014-2015 ' Prior Fiscal Years 'Total Expenditures Future Projected Commitment
Capital Improvement Facilities . Expenditures Expenditures` To Date Commitments Expenditures was Made
Previously completed projects $ - $ 1,663,924 $ 1,663,924 $ - $ 1,663,924
Fire station refurbishment 33,989 - 33,989 - 33,989 2015
New Fire Station - - - 3,066,533 3,066,533 2006
Total $ 33,989 $ 1,663,924.$ 1,697,913 $ 3,066,533 $ 4,764,446 .
Five Year Summary
Fee Revenues/ Expenditures Annual ' .Expenditures. Net
Fiscal Year Misc.Income Interest Incurred Unspent Funds Applied Unspent Funds
As of June 30,2010 $ 1,628,504 $ 46,617 $ 1,651,835 $ 23,286 $ 1,675,121 $ -
FY 2010-11 2,500 229 - 2,729 2,729 -
FY 2011-12 3,500 265 - 3,765 3,765 -
FY 2012-13 3,100 289 7,625 (4,236) 3,389 -
FY 2013-14 10,200 300 4,464 6,036 10,500 -
FY 2014-15 12,500 (83) 33,989 (21,572) 2,409 10,008
Five year subtotal 31,800 1,000 46,078 (13,278) 22,792 10,008
GRAND TOTAL $ 1,660,304 $ 47,617 $ 1,697,913 $ 10,008 $ 1,697,913 $ 10,008
Future commitments $ 3,066,533
Net unspent funds/ ,
(funding shortfall) - - $ (3,056,525)
Master Underground Plan
Fee Summary
Fiscal Year 2014-15
Fee Amount: $0.15 per square foot of building area
Resolution No.90-94(Municipal Code-Chapter 8.30)
Date Adopted: 10-3-1990
Account Description Amount
Beginning Fund Balance-7/1/14 $ 1,656,406
Sources of Funds:
D.I.F.Revenues 13,885
Interest Income/(Expense) 9,656 44
Miscellaneous Income -
Total Sources of Funds 23,541
Uses of Funds:
Capital Projects _
Adjustment Prior Year Cathedral City
Total Uses of Funds -
Ending Fund Balance-6/30/15 $ 1,679,947
Annual Net
Unspent Funds Representing Interest Unspent Unspent
Ending Fund Balance Collections Earned Expenditures Commitments Funds Funds
Carry Forward Net Unspent Funds
$ 1,656,406
Activities in 2014-2015 $ 13,885 $ 9,656 $ - $ - $ 23,541 1,679,947
Total $' 13,885 $ 9,656 $ $ $ 23,541
Expenditure Summary
Total Year
FY 2014-2015 Prior Fiscal Years Total Expenditures Future Projected Commitment
Capital Improvement Facilities Expenditures Expenditures To Date Commitments Expenditures was Made
Completed projects $ - $ 492,753 $ 492,753 $ - $ 492,753
8989-Utility Undergrounding - 78,033 78,033 2,705,673 2,783,706 2001
Total $ - $ 570,786 $ 570,786 $ 2,705,673 $ 3,276,459
Five Year Summary
Fee Revenues/ Expenditures Annual Expenditures Net
Fiscal Year Misc.Income Interest Incurred Unspent Funds Applied Unspent Funds
As of June 30,2010 $ 1,696,237 $ 442,047 $ 294,273 $ 1,844,011 $ 570,786 $ 1,567,498
FY 2010-11 3,304 16,966 5,936 14,334 - 20,270
FY2011-12 4,196 17,448 - 21,644 - 21,644
FY 2012-13 4,386 17,252 270,577 (248,939) - 21,638
FY 2013-14 11,735 13,621 - 25,356 - 25,356
FY 2014-15 13,885 9,656 - 23,541 - 23,541
Five year subtotal 37,506 74,943 276,513 (164,064) - 112,449
GRAND TOTAL $ 1,733,743 $ 516,990 $ 570,786-$ 1,679,947 $ 570,786 $ 1,679,947
Future commitments $ 2,705,673
Net unspent funds/
(funding shortfall) ,
.. $ (1,025,726)
City Yard Vehicle Storage
Fee Summary
Fiscal Year 2014-15
Fee Amount: Residential:$95 per unit,Retail Commercial:$587 per acre,Non-Retail Commercial/Industrial:$454 per acre.
Resolution No.2006-1
Date Adopted: 1-25-06
Account Description Amount
Beginning Fund Balance-7/1/14 $ 52,538
Sources of Funds:
D.I.F.Revenues 6,298
Interest Income/(Expense) 335 44
Miscellaneous Income -
Total Sources of Funds 6,633
Uses of Funds:
Capital Projects - Cathedral Total Uses of Funds - City
Ending Fund Balance-6/30/15 $ 59,171
Annual Net
Unspent Funds Representing Interest Unspent Unspent
Ending Fund Balance Collections - Earned Expenditures Commitments Funds Funds
Carry Forward Net Unspent Funds $ 52,538
Activities in 2014-2015 $ 6,298 $ 335 $ - $ - $ 6,633 59,171
Total $ 6,298 $ 335 $ - $ - $ 6,633
Expenditure Summary
Total Year
FY 2014-2015° Prior Fiscal Years Total Expenditures Future Projected Commitment
Capital Improvement Facilities Expenditures Expenditures To Date Commitments Expenditures was Made
City Yard(Vehicle Storage Facility) $ - $ - $ - $ 1,181,532 $ 1,181,532 2006
Total $ - $ - $ $ 1,181,532 $ 1,181,532
Five Year Summary
° Fee Revenues/, Expenditures Annual Expenditures Net
Fiscal Year Misc.Income- Interest Incurred Unspent Funds Applied Unspent Funds
As of June 30,2010 $ 40,425 $ 3,791 $ - $ 44,216 $ - $ 44,216
FY 2010-11 475 405 - 880 - 880
FY2011-12 942 430 - 1,372 - 1,372
FY 2012-13 784 480 - 1,264 - 1,264
FY 2013-14 4,484 322 - 4,806 - 4,806
FY 2014-15 6,298 335 - 6,633 - 6,633
Five year subtotal 12,983 1,972 - 14,955 - 14,955
GRAND TOTAL $ 53,408 $ 5,763 $ - $ 59,171 $ - $ 59,171
Future commitments _ $ 1,181,532
Net unspent funds/
(funding shortfall) . $ (1,122,361)
Police Community Center
Fee Summary
Fiscal Year 2014-15
Fee Amount: Residential:$21 per unit,Retail Commercial:$132 per acre,Non-Retail Commercial/Industrial:$102 per acre.
Resolution No.2006-1
Date Adopted: 1-25-06
Account Description Amount
Beginning Fund Balance-7/1/14 $ 11,706
Sources of Funds:
D.I.F.Revenues 1,404
Interest Income!(Expense) 75 Ail
Miscellaneous Income -
Total Sources of Funds 1,479
Uses of Funds:
Capital Projects -
Total Uses of Funds - Cathedral City
Ending Fund Balance-6/30/15 $ 13,185
Annual Net
Unspent Funds Representing Interest Unspent Unspent
Ending Fund Balance Collections Earned Expenditures Commitments Funds Funds
Carry Forward Net Unspent Funds $ 11,706
Activities in 2014-2015 $ 1,404 $ 75 $ - $ - $ 1,479 13,185
Total $ 1,404 $ 75 $ $ $ 1,479
Expenditure Summary
Total Year
FY 2014-2015 Prior Fiscal Years Total Expenditures Future Projected ', Commitment
Capital Improvement Facilities Expenditures Expenditures To Date Commitments Expenditures was Made
Police Community Center $ - $ - $ - $ 265,845•$ 265,845 2006
Total $ - $ $ - $ 265,845 $ 265,845
Five Year Summary
Fee Revenues/ Expenditures Annual Expenditures Net
Fiscal Year Misc.Income Interest Incurred Unspent Funds Applied Unspent Funds
As of June 30,2010 $ 9,010 $ 843 $ - $ 9,853 $ - $ 9,853
FY 2010-11 105 90 - 195 - 195
FY 2011-12 209 96 - 305 - 305
FY 2012-13 174 107 - 281 - 281
FY2013-14 971 101 - 1,072 - 1,072
FY2014-15 1,404 75 - 1,479 - 1,479
Five year subtotal 2,863 469 - 3,332 - 3,332
GRAND TOTAL $ 11,873■$ 1,312 $ - $ 13,185_$ - $ 13,185
Future commitments $ 265,845
Net unspent funds/
(funding shortfall) $ (252,660)
Public Safety Training Site
Fee Summary
Fiscal Year 2014-15
Fee Amount: Residential:$18 per unit,Retail Commercial:$110 per acre,Non-Retail Commercial/Industrial:$85 per acre.
Resolution No.2006-1
Date Adopted: 1-25-06
Account Description Amount
Beginning Fund Balance-7/1/14 $ 9,901
Sources of Funds:
D.I.F.Revenues 1,186
Interest lncome/(Expense) 63
Miscellaneous Income -
Total Sources of Funds 1,249 44
Uses of Funds:
Capital Projects Cathedral City
Total Uses of Funds -
Ending Fund Balance-6/30/15 $ 11,150
ill' Annual Net
Unspent Funds Representing Interest Unspent Unspent
Ending Fund Balance , Collections Earned Expenditures Commitments Funds Funds
Carry Forward Net Unspent Funds $ 9,901
Activities in 2014-2015 $ 1,186 $ 63 $ - $ - $ 1,249 11,150
Total $ 1,186 $ 63,.$ - $ - $ 1,249
Expenditure Summary
Total Year
` FY 2014-2015' Prior Fiscal Years Total Expenditures Future Projected Commitment
Capital Improvement Facilities Expenditures Expenditures, To Date Commitments Expenditures was Made
Public Safety Training Site $ - $ - $ - $ 221,537 $ 221,537 2006
Total $ - $ $ - $ 221,537 $ 221,537 `
Five Year Summary
Fee Revenues/ Expenditures Annual Expenditures Net
Fiscal Year Misc.Income Interest ' Incurred Unspent Funds Applied Unspent Funds
As of June 30,2010 $ 7,617 $ 715 $ - $ 8,332 $ - $ 8,332
FY 2010-11 90 76 - 166 - 166
FY 2011-12 179 81 - 260 - 260
FY 2012-13 148 91 - 239 - 239
FY 2013-14 819
85 - 904 - 904
FY2014-15 1,186 63 - 1,249 - 1,249
Five year subtotal 2,422 396 - 2,818 - 2,818
GRAND TOTAL $ 10,039 $ 1,111_$ - $ 11,150 $ - $ 11,150
Future commitments , , $ 221,537
Net unspent funds/
(funding shortfall) ' ' ;' $ (210,387)
Public Safety Facilities
Fee Summary
Fiscal Year 2014-15
Fee Amount: Residential:$570 per unit,Retail Commercial:$3,513 per acre,Non-Retail Commercial/Industrial:$2,714 per acre.
I Resolution No.2006-1
Date Adopted: 1-25-06
Account Description Amount
Beginning Fund Balance-7/1/14 $ -
Sources of Funds:
D.I.F.Revenues -
Interest lncome/(Expense) -
Miscellaneous Income -
Total Sources of Funds -
Uses of Funds: AA
Capital Projects -
Total Uses of Funds - Cathedral City
Ending Fund Balance-6130/15 $ -
Annual Net
Unspent Funds Representing Interest Unspent Unspent
Ending Fund Balance Collections Earned Expenditures Commitments Funds Funds
Carry Forward Net Unspent Funds `$ -
Activities in 2014-2015 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - -
Total $ - $ $ - $ - 1$
Expenditure Summary
Total Year
FY 2014-2015 Prior Fiscal Years Total Expenditures Future Projected Commitment
Capital Improvement Facilities Expenditures Expenditures To Date Commitments Expenditures was Made
Public safety building(north of I-10) $ - $ - $ - $ 2,133,905 $ 2,133,905 2006
Marked vehicles(north of 1-10) - - - 298,747 298,747 2006
Total $ $ -n$ - $ 2,432,652 $ 2,432,652 ,.
Five Year Summary
Fee Revenues/ Expenditures Annual Expenditures Net
Fiscal Year Misc.Income Interest Incurred Unspent Funds Applied Unspent Funds
As of June 30,2010 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
FY2010-11 - - - - - -
FY2011-12 - - - - - -
FY2012-13 - - - - - -
FY2013-14 - - - - - -
FY2014-15 - - - - - -
Five year subtotal - - - - - -
GRAND TOTAL $ - $ -_$ - $ - $ - $ -
Future commitments $ 2,432,652
Net unspent funds/
(funding shortfall) $ (2,432,652)
Road and Traffic Facilities
Fee Summary
Fiscal Year 2014-15
Fee Amount: Residential:$987 per unit,Retail Commercial:$30,066 per acre,Non-Retail Commercial/Industrial:$10,165 per acre.
Resolution No.2006-1
Date Adopted: 1-25-06
Account Description , Amount
Beginning Fund Balance-7/1/14 $ -
Sources of Funds:
D.I.F.Revenues -
Interest Income/(Expense) -
Miscellaneous Income -
Total Sources of Funds -
Uses of Funds:
Capital Projects -
Total Uses of Funds - Cathedral City
Ending Fund Balance-6/30/15 $ -
Annual Net
Unspent Funds Representing Interest Unspent Unspent
Ending Fund Balance Collections Earned Expenditures Commitments Funds, Funds
Carry Forward Net Unspent Funds , $ -
Activities in 2014-2015 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - -
Total $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
Expenditure Summary
Total Year
FY 2014-2015 Prior Fiscal Years Total Expenditures Future Projected Commitment
Capital Improvement Facilities Expenditures Expenditures To Date Commitments Expenditures was Made
Road construction(north of I-10) $ - $ - $ - $ 11,913,743 $ 11,913,743 2006
Traffic signals(north of 1-10) - - - 1,200,000 1,200,000 2006
Total $ - $ - $ -:$ 13,113,743 $ 13,113,743 '
Five Year Summary
Fee Revenues/ Expenditures Annual Expenditures Net
Fiscal Year ' Misc.Income Interest Incurred - Unspent Funds Applied ' Unspent Funds
As of June 30,2010 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
FY2010-11 - - - - - -
FY 2011-12 - - - - - -
FY2012-13 - - - - - -
FY2013-14 - - - - - -
FY2014-15 - - - - - -
Five year subtotal - - - - -
GRAND TOTAL $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
Future commitments $ 13,113,743
Net unspent funds/
(funding shortfall) $ (13,113,743)
Interchange and Bridges
Fee Summary
Fiscal Year 2014-15
Fee Amount: Residential:$86 per unit,Retail Commercial:$4,145 per acre,Non-Retail Commercial/Industrial:$1,500 per acre.
Resolution No.2006-1
Date Adopted: 1-25-06
Account Description Amount -
Beginning Fund Balance-7/1/14 $ 146,209
Sources of Funds:
D.I.F.Revenues 15,523
Interest lncome/(Expense) 907
Miscellaneous Income -
Total Sources of Funds 16,430
Uses of Funds:
Capital Projects (560)
Total Uses of Funds (560) Cathedral City
Ending Fund Balance-6/30/15 $ 162,079
.' Annual Net
Unspent Funds Representing Interest Unspent Unspent
Ending Fund Balance Collections Earned Expenditures Commitments Funds, Funds
Carry Forward Net Unspent Funds e $ 146,209
Activities in 2014-2015 $ 15,523 $ 907 $ 560 $ - $ 15,870 162,079
Total $ 15,523 $ 907 $ 560 $ - $ 15,870
Expenditure Summary
Total Year ,
FY 2014-2015 Prior Fiscal Years Total Expenditures Future Projected Commitment
Capital Improvement Facilities Expenditures Expenditures To Date Commitments Expenditures was Made
2500-Ramon Rd Bridge $ 560 $ 10,212 $ 10,772 $ 104,163 $ 114,935 2012
8914-Bridge Widening-Date Palm Whitewater - 7,971 7,971 466,823 474,794 2006
Total $ 560 $ 18,183 $ 18,743 $ 570,986 $ 589,729
Five Year Summary
Fee Revenues/ Expenditures Annual Expenditures Net
Fiscal Year Misc.Income Interest Incurred Unspent Funds Applied` Unspent Funds ,
As of June 30,2010 $ 124,586 $ 11,988 $ - $ 136,574 $ 18,743 $ 117,831
FY2010-11 430 1,246 169 1,507 - 1,676
FY2011-12 1,973 1,294 4,476 (1,209) - 3,267
FY 2012-13 1,221 1,351 10,318 (7,746) - 2,572
FY 2013-14 19,046 1,257 3,220 17,083 - 20,303
FY 2014-15 15,523 907 560 • 15,870 - 16,430
Five year subtotal 38,193 6,055 18,743 25,505 - 44,248
GRAND TOTAL $ 162,779 $ 18,043_$ 18,743_$ 162,079 $ 18,743 $ 162,079
Future commitments $ 570,986
Net unspent funds/
(funding shortfall) . - $ (408,907)
Bikeway Facilities
Fee Summary
Fiscal Year 2014-15
Fee Amount: Residential:$51 per unit,Retail Commercial:$167 per acre,Non-Retail Commercial/Industrial: $129 per acre.
Resolution No.2006-1
Date Adopted: 1-25-06
Account Description Amount
Beginning Fund Balance-7/1/14 $ -
Sources of Funds:
D.I.F.Revenues -
Interest lncome/(Expense) -
Miscellaneous Income -
Total Sources of Funds -
Uses of Funds:
Capital Projects -
Total Uses of Funds - Cathedral City
Ending Fund Balance-6/30/15 $ -
Annual Net
Unspent Funds Representing Interest Unspent Unspent
Ending Fund Balance Collections Earned Expenditures Commitments Funds Funds
Carry Forward Net Unspent Funds ,$
Activities in 2014-2015 '$ -$ $ $ $ -
Total ,$ - $ -k$ -_$ $ -
Expenditure Summary
Total Year
FY 2014-2015 Prior Fiscal Years Total Expenditures Future Projected Commitment
Capital Improvement Facilities Expenditures Expenditures To Date Commitments Expenditures was Made
Bikeways-Varner Road $ - $ $ - $ 69,352 $ 69,352 2006
(north of 1-10)
Bikeways-Date Palm Drive - - - 53,348 53,348 2006
(north of 1-10)
Total $ - $ - $ - $ 122,700•$ 122,700- •
Five Year Summary
- Fee Revenues/ Expenditures Annual Expenditures Net
Fiscal Year Misc.Income Interest Incurred Unspent Funds Applied Unspent Funds
As of June 30,2010 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
FY2010-11 - - - - - -
FY2011-12 - - - - - -
FY2012-13 - - - - - -
FY2013-14 - - - - - -
FY2014-15 - - - - - -
Five year subtotal - - - - - -
GRAND TOTAL $ - $ - $ -_$ - $ - $ -
Future commitments $ 122,700
Net unspent funds/
(funding shortfall) $ (122,700)
Trail Facilities
Fee Summary
Fiscal Year 2014-15
Fee Amount: Residential:$53 per unit,Retail Commercial:$173 per acre,Non-Retail Commercial/Industrial: $134 per acre.
Resolution No.2006-1
Date Adopted: 1-25-06
Account Description Amount
Beginning Fund Balance-7/1/14 $ 22,764
Sources of Funds:
D.I.F.Revenues 2,658
Interest Income/(Expense) 145 44
Miscellaneous Income -
Total Sources of Funds 2,803
Uses of Funds:
Capital Projects -
Total Uses of Funds - Cathedral City
Ending Fund Balance-6/30/15 $ 25,567
Annual Net
Unspent Funds Representing Interest Unspent Unspent
Ending Fund Balance 1 Collections Earned Expenditures Commitments Funds Funds
Carry Forward Net Unspent Funds $ 22,764
Activities in 2014-2015 -$ 2,658 $ 145 $ - $ - $ 2,803 25,567
Total $ 2,658 $ 145 $ $ - $ 2,803
Expenditure Summary
Total Year
FY 2014-2015 Prior Fiscal Years Total Expenditures Future Projected Commitment
Capital Improvement Facilities Expenditures Expenditures To Date Commitments Expenditures was Made
Citywide Trails $ - $ - $ - $ 504,268 $ 504,268 2006
Total $ - $ - $ - $ 504,268 $ 504,268
Five Year Summary
Fee Revenues/ Expenditures Annual Expenditures Net
Fiscal Year Misc.Income - Interest Incurred Unspent Funds Applied Unspent Funds
As of June 30,2010 $ 17,419 $ 1,671 $ - $ 19,090 $ - $ 19,090
FY 2010-11 265 176 - 441 - 441
FY 2011-12 477 186 - 663 - 663
FY 2012-13 381 209 - 590 - 590
FY2013-14 1,783 197 - 1,980 - 1,980
FY 2013-14 2,658 145 - 2,803 - 2,803
Five year subtotal 5,564 913 - 6,477 - 6,477
GRAND TOTAL $ 22,983 $ 2,584_$ - $ 25,567_$ - $ 25,567
Future commitments $ 504,268
Net unspent funds/
(funding shortfall) $ (478,701)
Park and Recreation Facilities
Fee Summary
Fiscal Year 2014-15
Fee Amount: Residential:$1,577 per unit,Retail Commercial:$5,141 per acre,Non-Retail Commercial/Industrial: $3,973 per acre.
Resolution No.2006-1
Date Adopted: 1-25-06
Account Description Amount
Beginning Fund Balance-7/1/14 $ 657,075
Sources of Funds:
D.I.F.Revenues 78,981
Interest lncome/(Expense) 3,370
Miscellaneous Income -
Total Sources of Funds 82,351 AA
Uses of Funds:
Capital Projects (139,334)
Total Uses of Funds (139,334) Cathedral City
Ending Fund Balance-6/30/15 $ 600,092
Annual Net
Unspent Funds Representing Interest Unspent Unspent
Ending Fund Balance Collections Earned Expenditures Commitments Funds Funds
Carry Forward Net Unspent Funds • '$ 657,075- -
Activities in 2014-2015 $ 78,981 $ 3,370 $ 139,334 $ - $ (56,983) 600,092
Total $ 78,981 $ 3,370 $ 139,334 $ -.$ (56,983)
Expenditure Summary
i Total Year
FY 2014-2015 Prior Fiscal Years Total Expenditures Future Projected Commitment
Capital Improvement Facilities Expenditures Expenditures To Date Commitments Expenditures was Made
Completed projects $ - $ 19,242 $ 19,242 $ - $ 19,242
7017-Festival Parks 139,334 - 139,334 102,666 242,000 2015
Parks,Community Center,and Pool - - - 14,978,469 14,978,469 2006
Total $ - $ 19,242 $ 19,242 $ 14,978,469 $ 14,997,711
Five Year Summary
Fee Revenues/ Expenditures Annual Expenditures Net
Fiscal Year Misc.Income Interest Incurred Unspent Funds Applied Unspent Funds
As of June 30,2010 $ 517,881 $ 49,700 $ - $ 567,581 $ 158,576 $ 409,005
FY 2010-11 7,885 5,218 - 13,103 - 13,103
FY 2011-12 14,210 5,382 19,242 350 19,592
FY 2012-13 11,330 6,016 - 17,346 - 17,346
FY 2013-14 53,029 5,666 - 58,695 - 58,695
FY 2014-15 78,981 3,370 139,334 (56,983) - 82,351
Five year subtotal 165,435 25,652 158,576 32,511 - 191,087
GRAND TOTAL $ 683,316 $ 75,352 $ 158,576 $ 600,092_$ 158,576 $ 600,092
Future commitments $ 14,978,469
Net unspent funds/
(funding shortfall) $ (14,378,377)
Art In Public Places
Fee Summary
Fiscal Year 2014-15
Fee Amount: In-Lieu Fee is 1%of 90%of the Project Valuation
Ordinance No.538(Municipal Code-Chapter 11.45)
Date Adopted: 2-14-01
Account Description Amount
Beginning Fund Balance-7/1114 $ 209,948
Sources of Funds:
D.I.F.Revenues 25,008 tit
Interest Income/(Expense) 1,165
Miscellaneous Income -
Total Sources of Funds 26,173
Uses of Funds:
Capital Projects (30,234)
Total Uses of Funds (30,234) Cathedral City
Ending Fund Balance-6/30/15 $ 205,887
Annual Net
Unspent Funds Representing „ , Interest Unspent Unspent
Ending Fund Balance Collections Earned' Expenditures Commitments Funds .Funds
Carry Forward Net Unspent Funds $ 209,948
Activities in 2014-2015 $ 25,008 $ 1,165 $ 30,234 $ - $ (4,061) 205,887
Total $ 25,008 $ 1,165 $ 30,234 $ - $ (4,061)
Expenditure Summary
Total Year
FY 2014-2015 Prior Fiscal Years Total Expenditures Future Projected Commitment
Capital Improvement Facilities Expenditures Expenditures ' To Date" Commitments Expenditures was Made
Cathedral City Monuments/ $ 30,234 $ 416,636 $ 446,870 $ 753,130 $ 1,200,000 2006
Art in Public Places
Total $ 30,234 $ 416,636 $ 446,870 $ 753,130 $ 1,200,000
Five Year Summary
Fee Revenues/ Expenditures Annual Expenditures, Net
Fiscal Year Misc.Income Interest ;` Incurred Unspent Funds Applied Unspent Funds
As of June 30,2010 $ 505,690 $ 22,695 $ 243,910 $ 284,475 $ 446,870 $ 81,515
FY 2010-11 17,437 2,330 70,064 (50,297) - 19,767
FY 2011-12 16,392 2,250 14,587 4,055 - 18,642
FY 2012-13 10,260 2,190 57,742 (45,292) - 12,450
FY 2013-14 45,518 1,822 30,333 17,007 - 47,340
FY2013-14 25,008 1,165 30,234 (4,061) - 26,173
Five year subtotal 114,615 9,757 202,960 (78,588) - 124,372
GRAND TOTAL $ 620,305 $ 32,452 $ 446,870_$ 205,887 $ 446,870 $ 205,887
Future commitments $ 753,130
Net unspent funds/
(funding shortfall) $ (547,243)