HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Reso 2015-56 RESOLUTION NO. 2015- 56 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CATHEDRAL CITY, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO VACATE PORTIONS OF "B" STREET, "A" STREET, A PUBLIC ALLEY,AND TO VACATE PUBLIC HIGHWAY AND PUBLIC UTILITY USES ON PORTIONS OF LOTS 132 AND 133, AS SHOWN ON THE MAP OF CATHEDRAL CITY, PER MAP THEREOF FILED IN BOOK 13, AT PAGES 24 THROUGH 26 OF MAPS, RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, ALL LOCATED SOUTH OF EAST PALM CANYON DRIVE AND EAST OF VAN FLEET AVENUE. (VACATION NO. 2015-02) WHEREAS, there are shown on the official maps of the City of Cathedral City, California, certain public streets and alleys located south of East Palm Canyon and east of Van Fleet Avenue, which provide vehicular access and circulation and utility services to the adjoining and neighboring properties; and WHEREAS, the former Redevelopment Agency of the City of Cathedral City purchased a number of lots in this area for the purposes of removal of blight and to redevelop the area with new mixed use developments; and WHEREAS, in 2006, a majority of these lots were consolidated into a single parcel l Map No. 32932; and in 2008 by the Redevelopment Agency by the recordation of Parce ap 2008, the consolidated parcel was conveyed to the City Urban Revitalization Corporation ("CURC"), which in March, 2015, entered into a sale and development agreement with the Saxony Group for the development of a hotel on the parcel; and WHEREAS, Saxony has submitted a Planning Department application for the hotel development under Design Review case No. 2015-004; and WHEREAS, the sale and development agreement with Saxony contemplates the developer's possible acquisition of several privately owned parcels in the vicinity of the planned hotel, and the development of the hotel, as presently proposed, especially if the said private parcels are acquired, will require the vacation of the remaining public streets and alley south of East Palm Canyon and east of Van Fleet Avenue; WHEREAS, the City of Cathedral City, is now considering the vacation of certain public streets and an alley in the area south of East Palm Canyon and east of Van Fleet Avenue so that the development of the properties may proceed. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the City Cou ncil of the City of Cathedral City as follows: SECTION 1. It is the intention of this City Council to consider the vacation of all those portions of "B" Street and "A" Street, a public alley, as are more particularly described in Exhibit "A", and shown on Exhibit "B", which are attached to this Resolution and made a part hereof. SECTION 2. This vacation proceeding will be conducted under'Part 3 of Division 9 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, commencing at Sec. 8300, said Part 3 being the "Public Streets, Highways, and Service Easements Vacation Law", and subject to Section 892 of said Streets and Highways Code. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a public hearing on this Resolution and the proposed vacation of the streets, alley, and easements described in said Exhibit "A" and shown on Exhibit "B", will be held on Monday, November 16, 2015, at 6:30 p.m., in the Council Chambers, at the City of Cathedral City City Hall, located at 68700 Avenida Lalo Guerrero, Cathedral City, California, at which time and place the City Council will hear and consider the vacation proposal and statements from all parties interested in the proposed vacation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk is directed to cause Notice of this Public Hearing to be published and posted as follows: 1. Notice shall be forthwith posted in at least the three(3) public places designated for the posting of ordinances and notices. 2. Notice of the hearing shall be published twice for two successive weeks prior to the hearing in a daily, semi-weekly or weekly newspaper published in the County of Riverside and circulated in the City of Cathedral City. 3. Not later than by October 28, 2015, there shall be posted conspicuously along the streets, alley and easements to be considered for vacation, and not more than 300 feet apart, at least three (3) copies of a Notice of Public Hearing for this proposed vacation. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Cathedral City held on this 14th day of October, 2015, by the following vote: Ayes: Council Members KAplan, Carnevale and Aguilar; Mayor Pro Tem Pettis and Mayor Henry Noes: None Absent: None Abstain: None Stanley E. Henry, ayor ATTEST: ei(4111111, Gary F. Howell, Cr` Clerk (Signatures continued on next page) APPROVED AS TO FORM: Charles R. Green City Attorney Attachment: Exhibit A: Legal description of streets, alley and easements to be considered for vacation Exhibit B: Sketch EXHIBIT"A" VACATION NO. 2015-02 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF AREAS TO BE VACATED A VACATION OF ALL OR PORTIONS OF LOT"V" ("B" STREET), LOT"W"("A" STREET), AND LOT"X"(ALLEY LOT), AS SHOWN ON THE MAP OF CATHEDRAL CITY, FILED IN BOOK 13, AT PAGES 24 THROUGH 26, INCLUSIVE, OF MAPS, RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, TOGETHER WITH THE VACATION OF PUBLIC HIGHWAY AND PUBLIC UTILITY USES ON PORTIONS OF LOTS 132 AND 133, AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP OF CATHEDRAL CITY, ALL LOCATED WITHIN THE EAST HALF OF SECTION 33, TOWNSHIP 4 SOUTH, RANGE 5 EAST, SAN BERNARDINO MERIDIAN, AND ALL AS MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: 1 THAT PORTION OF LOT "V" ("B" STREET), BOUNDED ON THE WEST BY THE SOUTHERLY PROLONGATION OF THE EAST LINE OF THE WEST 18 FEET OF LOT 166 OF SAID CATHEDRAL CITY, AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP,AND BOUNDED ON THE EAST BY THE SOUTHERLY PROLONGATION OF THE EAST LINE OF LOT 173 OF SAID CATHEDRAL CITY,S SHOWN ON SAID MAP; 2 THAT PORTION OF LOT "W" ("A" STREET), BOUNDED ON THE WEST BY THE SOUTHERLY PROLONGATION OF THE EAST LINE OF THE WEST 18 FEET OF LOT 135 OF SAID CATHEDRAL CITY, AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP, AND BOUNDED EASTERLY BY A LINE, PARALLEL WITH AND SOUTHWESTERLY 58.40 FEET, MEASURED AT RIGHT ANGLES, FROM THE CENTERLINE OF BROADWAY,AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP OF CATHEDRAL CITY; 3 ALL OF LOT "X" (ALLEY LOT), AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP, LOCATED BETWEEN SAID LOT "V' ("B" STREET)AND SAID LOT"W" ("A"STREET); 4 ALL PUBLIC HIGHWAY AND PUBLIC UTILITY USES ON THOSE PORTIONS OF LOTS 132 AND 133,AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP, ALONG "A" STREET AS DESCRIBED IN THE GRANT DEED TO THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE RECORDED ON AUGUST 31, 1981, AS INSTRUMENT NO. 165118, IN OFFICIAL RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY; POR. E1/2 SEC. 33 T.45 R.5E ---'L- -TRA 019- 002 687-50 CITY OF CATHEDRAL CITY 019-038 ---_°.--__'r f I I 019-188 687-22 - __/-...,-.,-1, a. 5-1.1-r- • 111111111111111‘ X I CC PIA x1717 iv y j' c 4��c� OM® W E R. II 4 12 0 PARE s 171 172 � 173 4187 ,p, 1•=100 3; i ���50 TRA 019-002 TRA 019-030 4,40 Legend .0 —Lot L1n 4444, ---•• POR PAR 1 -— -q4 Wilma C4 .1% -— 'wbmu a0.w d$, 01 '' Other Esurr.w U t I 1.111•AM ` I,..___ F zA � ll 4.76 AC ML 'u ,.k. w POR PAR 1 8 TRA 019-002 m 18 R TRA 019-106 342m PM 217/7 1 — POR PAR 1 111.24 °I - \ 6.70 AC Na s 03 °C I$ a \ I-' Sn 16 �` OO CONTROL CHANNE4 w 1.06 AC ML I- 1f0A0 21a �G ON O�i 214 1 1 EO s• "''' �'PARA ` �N GP' 17 I cc 1 EXHIBIT"B" CITY OF CATHEDRAL CITY . PROPOSED VACATION NO.2015-02 .. i AREAS TO BE VACATED ' "X"OF CATHEDRAL CITY,MB 13124-26 : OA. I;;�.. , A PORTION OF LOT"W"OF CATHEDRAL CITY,MB 13124-26 � ' ' ,noor 14.17 4/15/209.4/2oo4 2 NAT OF LOTS 132 8132 DEDICATED PER 1981-165118 Mep Fbf�r�na • m 15'NB 13124-20 CATHERAL CITY • A PORTION OF LOT"V"OF CATHEDRAL CITY,MB 13/24-26 L12/20" 4 • RN 217!7-10 PARCEL MAP 32932 Apr 2013 3/12/2414 5 '°20.57 i