HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 1551 ORIGINAL • CITY OF CATHEDRAL CITY, CALIFORNIA AGREEMENT FOR SERVICES RELATED TO TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE AND ON CALL EMERGENCY SERVICES THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into by and between the City of Cathedral City, a municipal corporation of the State of California, hereinafter called City, and Siemens, hereinafter called Contractor. RECITALS WHEREAS, Contractor has submitted a bid or proposal to City to provide specific services; and WHEREAS, Contractor is in the business of providing specific services and is aware of the purposes for which City requires the services; and WHEREAS, City and Contractor wish to enter into a contract under which City shall purchase the services described in Contractor's bid or proposal; THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows: 1. SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED Contractor agrees to provide services related to traffic signal maintenance and on-going call services detailed in Exhibit A—Scope of Services and by this reference made a part hereof. 2. EFFECTIVE DATE AND DURATION Contractor shall initiate services upon receipt of City's notice to proceed, together with an executed copy of this Agreement. This Agreement shall become effective upon the date of execution and shall expire, unless otherwise terminated or extended, on April 25, 2014. All services shall be completed prior to the expiration of this Agreement. The City and Contractor may agree upon executing up to four (4) one (1) year contract extensions.The total length of this contract may not exceed five (5) years. 3. COMPENSATION City agrees to pay Contractor the amounts not exceeding those stated in Attachment C of the bid document, for performance of those services described therein, which payment shall be based upon the following applicable terms: A. Payment will be made in installments based on Contractor's invoice, subject to the approval by the City. Payment shall be made only for work actually completed as of the date of invoice. B. Payment by City shall release City from any further obligation for payment to Contractor, for services performed or expenses incurred as of the date of the invoice. Payment shall not be considered acceptance or approval of any work or waiver of any defects therein. C. Contractor shall make payments promptly, as due, to all persons supplying labor or materials for the prosecution of this work. D. Contractor shall not permit any lien or claim to be filed or prosecuted against the City on any account of any labor or material furnished. E. Contractor shall pay to the Department of Revenue all sums withheld from employees pursuant to all federal and state laws. • F. If Contractor fails, neglects or refuses to make prompt payment of any claim for labor or services furnished to Contractor or a subcontractor by any person as such claim becomes due, City may pay such claim and charge the amount of the payment against funds due or to become due the Contractor. The payment of the claim in this manner shall not relieve Contractor or their surety from obligation with respect to any unpaid claims. G. Contractor shall pay employees at least time and a half pay for all overtime worked in excess of 40 hours in any one work week except for individuals under the contract who are excluded under Federal and California state law. H. Contractor shall promptly, as due, make payment to any P erson, co-partnership, association or corporation, furnishing medical, surgical, hospital care or other needed care and attention incident to sickness or injury to the employees of Contractor or all sums which Contractor agrees to pay for such services and all moneys and sums which Contractor collected or deducted from the wages of employees pursuant to any law, contract or agreement for the purpose of providing or paying for such service. I. The City certifies that sufficient funds are available and authorized for expenditure to finance costs of this contract. 4. ASSIGNMENT/DELEGATION Neither party shall assign or transfer any interest in nor shall duty under this Agreement without the written consent of the other and any attempted assignment or transfer without the written consent of the other party be invalid. 5. SUBMITTING BILLS AND MAKING PAYMENTS All notices and bills shall be made in writing and may be submitted by personal delivery, mail or fax. Payments may be made by personal delivery, mail, or electronic transfer. The following addresses shall be used to transmit notices, bills, payments, and other information: Contract Manager for City Contract Manager for Contractor City of Cathedral City Company: Siemens Industy Inc. Attn: Pat Milos Attn: Jill Petrie 68-700 Avenida Lalo Guerrero, Address: 2240 Business Way Cathedral City, California 92234 Riverside. CA 92501 Phone: (760) 770-0390 Phone: (951)784-6600 Fax: (760) 328-8622 Fax: (951)784-6700 Email Address: pmilos @cathedralcity.gov Email Address:jill.petrie ansiemens.com 6. TERMINATION The parties agree that any decision by either party to terminate this Agreement before it's due course shall be accompanied by thirty (30) days written notice to the other party prior to the date termination would take effect. There shall be no penalty for early termination. If City terminates the contract pursuant to this paragraph, it shall pay Contractor for services rendered to the date of termination. 7. ACCESS TO RECORDS City shall have access to such books, documents, papers and records of Contractor as are directly pertinent to this Agreement for the purpose of making audit, examination, excerpts and transcripts. 8. FORCE MAJEURE Neither City nor Contractor shall be considered in default because of any delays in completion and responsibilities hereunder due to causes beyond the control and without fault or negligence on the part of the parties so disenabled, including but not restricted to, natural disaster, war, civil unrest, volcano, earthquake, fire, flood, epidemic, quarantine restriction, area-wide strike, freight embargo, unusually severe weather or delay of subcontractor or supplies due to such cause; provided that the parties so disenabled shall within ten (10) days from the beginning of such delay, notify the other party in writing of the cause of delay and its probable extent. Such notification shall not be the basis for a claim for additional compensation. Each party shall, however, make all reasonable efforts to remove or eliminate such a cause of delay or default and shall, upon cessation of the cause, diligently pursue performance of its obligation under the Agreement. 9. NON-DISCRIMINATION Contractor agrees to comply with all applicable requirements of federal and state civil rights and rehabilitation statues, rules, and regulations. Contractor also shall comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and all regulations and administrative rules established pursuant to those laws. 10. INDEMNITY/HOLD HARMLESS Contractor shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City, City Council and each member thereof, and every officer, employee and agent of the City, from any claim, demand, damage, liability, loss, cost or expense (including, without limitation, attorneys fees and costs) arising from any intentional, reckless, negligent, or otherwise wrongful acts, errors or omissions of the Contractor, or any of the Contractor's employees, or any of its subcontractors arising out of work under this contract. The City does not, and shall not, waive any rights that it may have against Contractor, any of the Contractor's employees, or any of its subcontractors under this Section because of the acceptance by the City, or the deposit with the City, of any insurance policy or certificate required pursuant to this Contract. The hold harmless indemnification and duty to defend provisions of this Section shall apply regardless of whether or not said insurance policies are determined to be applicable to the claim, demand, damage, liability, loss, cost or expense described herein. The City will not be liable for any accident, loss, or damage to the work prior to its completion and acceptance 11. INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS .Contractor shall maintain insurance acceptable to City in full force and effect throughout the term of this contract. Such insurance shall cover all risks arising directly or indirectly out of Contractor's activities or work hereunder. A. Commercial General Liability Insurance Contractor shall obtain, at contractor's expense, and keep in effect during the term of this contract, Comprehensive General Liability Insurance covering Bodily Injury and Property Damage on an "occurrence basis". This coverage shall include Contractual Liability insurance for the indemnity provided under this contract. The following insurance will be carried: Coverage Limit General Aggregate 2,000,000 Products-Completed Operations Aggregate 1,000,000 Personal &Advertising Injury 1,000,000 Each Occurrence 1,000,000 B. Business Automobile Liability Insurance If Contractor will be delivering any goods or services which require the use of a vehicle, Contractor shall provide City a certificate indicating t h a t Contractor has business automobile liability coverage for all owned, hired, and non-owned vehicles. The Combined Single Limit per occurrence shall not be less than $1,000,000. Said insurance shall name City as an additional insured and shall require written notice to City thirty (30) days in advance of cancellation. If Contractor hires a carrier to make delivery, Contractor shall ensure that said carrier complies with this paragraph. C. Workers' Compensation Insurance The Contractor shall take out and maintain during the life of the Contract, Worker's Compensation and Employers' Liability insurance providing coverage for any and all employees of Contractor: a. The required policy shall provide coverage for Workers' Compensation (Coverage A). b. This policy shall provide coverage for One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) Employer's Liability (Coverage B). D. Insurance Carrier Rating All coverage provided by the Contractor must be underwritten by an insurance company deemed acceptable by the City. The City reserves the right to reject all or any insurance carrier(s) with an unacceptable financial rating. E. Certificates of Insurance As evidence of the insurance coverage required by the contract, the Contractor shall furnish a Certificate of Insurance to the City. No contract shall be effected until the required certificates have been received and approved by the City. The procuring of such required insurance shall not be construed to limit contractor's liability hereunder. Notwithstanding said insurance, Contractor shall be obligated for the total amount of any damage, injury, or loss caused by negligence or neglect connected with this contract. 12. ATTORNEY'S FEES In case suit or action is instituted to enforce the provisions of this contract, the parties agree that the losing party shall pay such sum as the court may adjudge reasonable attorney fees and court costs, including witness fees (expert and non-expert), attorney's fees and court costs on appeal. • 13. COMPLIANCE WITH STATE AND FEDERAL LAWS/RULES Contractor shall comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws, rules and regulations, including, but not limited to, the requirements concerning working hours, overtime, medical care, workers. compensation insurance, health care payments, payments to employees and subcontractors and income tax withholding contained in Federal and State of California law, the provisions of which are hereby made a part of this agreement. 14. CONFLICT BETWEEN TERMS It is further expressly agreed by and between the parties hereto that should there be any conflict between the terms of this instrument in the proposal of the contract, this instrument shall control and nothing herein shall be considered as an acceptance of the terms of proposal conflicting herewith. 15. SEVERABILITY In the event any provision or portion of this Agreement is held to be unenforceable or invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, the validity of the remaining terms and provisions shall not be affected to the extent that it did not materially affect the intent of the parties when they entered into the agreement. 16. COMPLETE AGREEMENT This Agreement, including the exhibits, is intended both as a final expression of the Agreement between the parties and as a complete and exclusive statement of the terms. In the event of an inconsistency between a provision in the main body of the Agreement and a provision in the Exhibit, the provision in the main body of the Agreement shall control. No modification of this Agreement shall be effective unless and until it is made in writing and signed by both parties. No waiver, consent, modification, or change of terms of this Agreement shall bind either party unless in writing and signed by both parties. Such waiver, consent, modification, or change if made, shall be effective only in specific instances and for the specific purpose given. There are no understandings, agreements, or representations, oral or written, not specified herein regarding this Agreement. Contractor, by the signature of its authorized representative, hereby acknowledges that Contractor has read this Agreement, understands it and agrees to be bound by its terms and conditions. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, City has caused this Agreement to be executed by its duly authorized undersigned officer and Contractor has executed this Agreement on the date hereinabove first written. CITY OF CATHEDRAL CITY 14)#11 By: Date CONTRACTOR Gin's 7/7// 1 ignature of Authorized Representative lea.r Date EXHIBIT A SCOPE OF SERVICES PRICE PROPOSAL CONTRACTOR'S PROPOSAL CITY OF CATHEDRAL CITY, CALIFORNIA AGREEMENT FOR SERVICES RELATED TO TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE AND ON CALL EMERGENCY SERVICES 4. Local Government Solutions -- Helping our communities become Vibrant, Growing and Green fir* , a T "gtt 14'4 44,Ar-Af-41 .. 4..01 $ ., ±� .k q." �� N' .. ,� 'e, s'+w`s r Request for Proposal Traffic Signal Maintenance Prepared Specically For: City of Cathedral City January 24, 2013 C " :vim Siemens Proposal to Provide Contract Traffic Signal Maintenance Services Industry.Inc January 24, 2013 Patrick Milos Public Works, Parks and Facilities Manager City of Cathedral City-Public Works Division 68-700 Avenida Lalo Guerrero Cathedral City, CA 92234 RE: Proposal to Provide Traffic Signal Maintenance and On-Call Services Dear Mr. Milos, Siemens Industry, Inc. welcomes the opportunity-to submit this proposal for Traffic Signal Maintenance Services and On-Call Services. The prices and terms stated will remain in effect for 60 calendar days from the date of submission,January 24,2013. We are a California licensed and bonded Class A, B, C-10, C-16 and C-20 contractor(CA License#758796). Siemens Federal Tax ID: 13-2762488. Siemens has a long history and experience providing traffic signal maintenance services for its customers throughout the United States. For more than 150 years, Siemens has been a powerhouse.of technology and innovation. Our company specializes in construction and maintenance of traffic signals, streetlights and associated equipment. Siemens national staff of more than 320 employees includes an array of professional engineers and technicians with International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW), IMSA and numerous industry manufacturer and systems certifications. I will be the person authorized to represent the firm. My information is as follows: Jill Petrie Area Service Operations Manager 2240 Business Way • — Riverside, Ca.92501 Tel: (951) 784-6600 Cell : (909)376-5692 iill.Petrie@Siemens.com Siemens takes pride in providing complete solutions to all traffic signal maintenance projects. Knowledgeable and qualified personnel, fast response times and innovation in the traffic signal and streetlight business are priorities of our organization. This is highlighted by our broad experience, outstanding field staff,and our commitment to providing exceptional customer service. Respect )ly, 111 'etrie Area Service Operations Manager Proposal 10 Provide Contract Traffic Signal Maintenance Services Siemens Industry.Inc. ATTACHMENT C CITY OF CATHEDRAL CITY TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE AND ON CALL EMERGENCY SERVICES BID FORM (BIDS MUST BE SUBMITTED ON THIS FORM OR PROPOSAL WILL BE CONSIDERED NON-RESPONSIVE) Price Proposal Routine Maintenance Rates Item Estimated Unit Monthly No. Description Quantity Price Total 1 Routine Maintenance Signals 42 $117.00__ $4,914.00 2 Routine Maintenance-Flashing Beacon 2 ,360.00 $120.00 3 Routine Maintenance—Radar Feedback Sign _ $60.00 _ - 4 Routine Maintenance In Pavement Illuminated Crosswalk 2 $60,00 $120.00 MONTHLY SUB TOTAL $5,154.00 ANNUAL GRAND TOTAL(Monthly x 12) $61,848.00 • Labor and Equipment Rates • Item Regular No. Description Time Overtime Labor Hourly Rates a Traffic Signal Maintenance Technician $84.00 $130.00 b Laborer $65.00 $105.00 c Licensed Sr.Traffic F.,ngineer $135.00 $185.00 d Licensed Associate Traffic Engineer $125.00 $150.00 e Traffic Engineering Technician $95.00 $148.00 f Traffic Signal and Safety light Inspector $72.00 $120.00 2 Equipment Hourly Rates - - a Bucket Truck $30.00 $30.00 b Crane Truck $65.00 $65.00 Additional Work item Unit No. Description Price Clean and Paint Traffic Signal Head and Framework $280.00 Each Clean and Paint Controller and Service Cabinet $950.00 Each 3 Clean and Paint Pedestrian Buttons and frame work $100.00 Each 4 Replace Type A Detector Loop(1 to 6 loops) $475.00 Per Loop 5 Replace Type A Detector Loop(7 or more loops) $400.00 Per Loop 6 Replace Type D Detector Loop(Ito 6 loops) $500.00 Per Loop 7 Replace Type D Detector Loop(7 or more loops) $450.00 Per Loop i Ifyou would like to receive an electronic version ofAttachment C email dpressgrovegcathedralcity.gov Page 21 of 29 TABLE OF CONTENTS COMPANY OVERVIEW 1 QUALIFICATIONS 2 OFFICE LOCATIONS 2 FINANCIAL STABILITY 3 EQUIPMENT 3 INVENTORY 4 EMERGENCY SERVICES AND 24 HOUR PHONE ACCESS 4 FIBER OPTIC REPAIR,INSTALLATION,MAINTENANCE SERVICES MAINTENANCE RECORDS S WARRANTY 5 LAB SERVICES 5 SCOPE OF WORK 6 SERVICES PROVIDED TO CATHEDRAL CITY 6 MONTHLY INSPECTIONS 6 REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT 6 LOOP DETECTOR REPLACEMENT 7 AIR FILTERS 7 CONFLICT MONITOR 7 BATTERY BACK-UP SYSTEMS 7 NIGHT-TIME INSPECTIONS 7 . EXTRAORDINARY MAINTENANCE/ON-CALL SERVICES 7 TRAFFIC SIGNAL COMPONENTS 8 PERSONNEL AND QUALIFICATIONS 8 -- ASSOCIATE ENGINEER ENGINEERING AND PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 12 SUB-CONSULTANTS/SUB CONTRACTING 12 SIEMENS ENGINEERS 12 . INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 14 REFERENCES 16 SCHEDULE 18 EXCEPTIONS TO THE CITY REQUIREMENTS 18 SIEMENS INDUSTRY, INC.'S SCOPE OF WORK 19 MONTHLY INSPECTIONS 19 QUARTERLY INSPECTIONS 19 SIX MONTH INSPECTIONS 19 • ANNUAL PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE 19 CERTIFICATIONS 20 PROPOSAL REQUIRED FORMS 25 "' Proposal to Provide Contract ngffic Signal Maintenance Services Siemens Industry,Inc. ...,,,.,. ..,._. `"-:..,...?'..v >_. ,.n_.,�tn..w .,za_ ....,.._......._....:_,..a.. .. ,_,.a..,..: `>,y, .,__ _.., ,,....,,.,...a:`<.,_x.. ..P�., ...,....,..,__._._,.,_......... ._..F. '..,.,i.u......._n. Company Overview •— Siemens is a global powerhouse in electronics and electrical engineering, operating in the fields of industry, energy, healthcare, and providing infrastructure solutions, primarily for cities and metropolitan areas. Founded more than 150 years ago, Siemens stands for technological excellence, innovation, quality, and reliability. The company is the world's largest provider of environmental technologies and holds the answers to the challenges of growing global population, urbanization, climate change, and resource conservation. Siemens employs over 400,000 individuals globally and our worldwide revenues exceed $100 billion dollars annually. _ Siemens is a leader in the Intelligent Traffic Solutions °° market throughout the United States. Here at Siemens, s r 3 � i = ' -) we are dedicated to the partnership and development Asa rgi l of intelligent, economical, and integrated solutions that wi', - =1 will increase the quality of life in your city. With the most comprehensive portfolio of integrated -° transportation products, parking management a ." solutions, services and solutions, Siemens keeps America moving. �£ We provide intelligent solutions for the improvement of mobility, safety, and environmental protection in road traffics. The range of services includes energy-efficient LED signals, scalable traffic computers, entire traffic control centers, and even satellite-based toll systems for intercity traffic. Siemens is focused on delivering what cities need most today, safe, reliable infrastructure solutions that help decrease costs, increase revenue, and have a positive environmental impact for the city and its citizens. Proposal io pi-ovide Traffic Signal A4ainlcnance I Siemens Industry.Inc. %s 0 c .b..... . ......3>.xr_.,,,..., .:,:3, . _ .. ti k.,,.s,,M. . .,,- „:,Re .,. ... ....., .......-......m.V e.,..x,.,._c,,...S,,,�..3::e4 L....._..r,..:....._., ,,.?a._..._q. ....„Kgr, . Qualifications — Siemens understands that Cathedral City is soliciting proposals and pricing for Traffic Signal Maintenance Services and On-Call Services. Siemens has a long history of providing maintenance services to numerous municipal agencies throughout the State of California. We are dedicated to meeting and exceeding the -- challenging public safety requirements associated with the traffic signal and streetlight maintenance industry. The professionalism of our services is reflected in the over 10,000 traffic signalized intersections and 400,000 streetlights we currently maintain under long-term agreements nationwide. We guarantee –v customer satisfaction for the services we provide. We also currently: • Maintain traffic signals in over 200 communities across California. • Maintain streetlights in over 100 communities across Arizona, California,Texas and Massachusetts • Provide engineering services for over 30 public agencies and private companies • Have installed over half a million LED traffic signal retrofits across the United States • Have installed $60 M in energy efficient LED streetlight retrofits — As the leader in the private traffic signal and ri`� 1: -,-4'.4415c.,. streetlight maintenance industry, Siemens is able � � � � :, .` � to provide unparalleled expertise and outstanding .i . \i,.-,....,,.z_ , `i value. The strong partnerships established with a 1, `� ` s. '” multitude of traffic signal and street lighting �''' ,,, ., l � ,c6,., vendors, distributors, and wholesalers, allows us to ,, ; ,'„,:i°,..,....,/t 4�q ' "ti — ,d .14.:,14;" ,� provide low-cost solutions to our customers. i � ;�� �o� l far _ a Siemens understands the constant challenges of 74 ,� - �k � managing, maintaining, and effectively servicing �1 ,,'°�,, sophisticated traffic signal and street lighting . :E,.�� 1 , ,,. ', :., z , : systems. With an extensive staff of IMSA-certified traffic signal technicians, electricians, laborers, and — registered Professional Engineers, we believe Siemens will provide the best possible service to the City of Cathedral City. Office Locations Siemens Corporate Headquarters is located in Novato, California with additional California offices in Riverside,Anaheim, El Cajon, San Rafael, Fremont, and Sacramento. Our Riverside, office will be responsible for serving the City of Cathedral City. This office is located at 2240 Business Way in the City of Riverside, California. — Anaheim, CA:The Anaheim office is largest office located in Southern California is home to the regional e, headquarters. It is located at 1266 N. La Loma Circle,Anaheim, California.This facility houses all materials and equipment necessary to maintain traffic signals, streetlights and related projects for all of Southern California. Our Anaheim facility also houses our Southern California laboratory facility. The laboratory provides in house electrical testing and repair services which allow our customers to benefit from — immediate test results obtained independently from manufacturers. Proposal to provide Traffic Signal.Maintenance 2 Siemens Industry.Inc. F d P D +}. Z i y S 4 d 4 ?F J.; . El Cajon, CA: Siemens's San Diego office is located at 1820 John Towers Avenue in El Cajon, California. This facility houses all materials and equipment necessary to maintain electrical systems, traffic signals, -- streetlights and perform related projects for the San Diego area. Novato, CA: Siemens' Novato office is located at 371 Bel Marin Keys Blvd, Novato, California approximately 30 minutes North of San Francisco. The corporate staff supports all field offices and operations including training,safety, purchasing, and accounting. Financial Stability Siemens Industry, Inc. (SII) is a subsidiary member of the Siemens, A.G. corporate group, a multi-national, multi-billion dollar company listed on the New York Stock Exchange. As such, Siemens, A.G. files consolidated financial reports with the US Securities & Exchange Commission. A copy of Siemens, A.G. most recent annual report can be found at www.siemens.com through "Investor Relations". All required financial reports and filings are available at the SEC's website http:/Isec.govledgar.shtml" Equipment Siemens owns and operates approximately 150 service vehicles of various types and sizes within California. More than half of those trucks are located in Southern California. To help ensure safety, Siemens uses hydraulic "bucket" trucks with aerial lifts which are Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) approved, inspected and certified as required by law. All drivers are trained through the Sentry Program for Insulated Devices. Equipment Immediately Available for the City of Cathedral City: Year Make Model Equipment Type 2007 FORD F550 Bucket 2008 FORD F450 Bucket 2008 FORD F550 l Bucket 2009 FORD F550 Bucket 2009 FORD _ F550 Bucket 2009 FORD F550 Bucket W _ 2004 FORD F-750 Crane 2002 GMC C6500 Dump Truck 2004 FORD F450 Dump Truck 2002 CHEVROLET 3500 FLATBED Flatbed 2005 CHEVROLET KODIAK C4500 Flatbed ^� 2006 FORD F550 Flatbed 2005 FORD F550 Flatbed 2009 CHEVROLET COLORADO Pickup 2007 Carrier Trailer Individual Conductor Trailer ' 2004 MLBLT Trailer Cable Trailer 2008 DITCH WITCH T18B Bore Rig w/Trailer 2008 DITCH wrrcH ZT95 Vacuum w/Trailer E350 2005 FORD ECONOUNE Van(Paint Rig) Proposal to provide Traffic Signal Maintenance 3 Siemens Industry,Inc. In addition to the above referenced equipment, Siemens owns many other bucket trucks and construction vehicles. Inventory also includes, multiple arrow boards, towable air compressors, and towable changeable message signs, Bobcat furnished with auger & backhoe attachments, necessary hand tools, and all additional maintenance and construction tools essential to complete tasks. Siemens will ensure that employees working for the City of Cathedral City will be equipped with the necessary communications devices in order to correspond with City employees. Crews assigned to the City of Cathedral City will possess a digital camera, cellular phone, and a laptop in order to access, send, and receive real-time information. Inventory Siemens maintains an extensive inventory of traffic signal and streetlight equipment including controllers, cabinets, load switches, signal heads, poles, LED lamps, luminaries, service cabinets and other miscellaneous parts. This extensive inventory combined with our vast experience and testing facilities enable Siemens to repair or replace damaged equipment expeditiously and professionally. Siemens employees will be equipped with all spare parts necessary to place a signal system back in -- operation for ordinary trouble calls, including sensing devices for inductive loop detectors. No permanent or temporary change of controller mechanisms will be done without prior approval of the City except in case of an emergency. Siemens will notify the City that the equipment was removed and replaced with approved spare equipment. r �=-, � -- x t e t ' a ( R ' t..flis 1 , r fir^ P Inventory levels are maintained in order to accommodate each individual Agency's needs. Siemens continually monitors and modifies inventory levels as required by current maintenance and repair. Emergency Services and 24 hour Phone Access Siemens will respond to requests and reports of damaged or malfunctioning traffic signals within 90 (ninety) minutes for an emergency call and within two (2) hours for all other calls. Emergency repairs shall constitute work made necessary to return a traffic signal to proper operation following a device malfunction, failure, loss of indication, accident damage, construction damage, or any other emergency situation. Repairs will be completed within five (5) business days for all report safety light outages. Photos will be taken of any damage and submitted with a written report summarizing the results of examinations and inspection. — Reports of traffic signal or Streetlight problems can be initiated by calling our 24 hour number any time, day or night: 1-800-LIGHTS-ON. Proposal la provide Traffic Signal Maintenance 4 Siemens Industry.Inc. Siemens will provide temporary emergency replacements of an acceptable type to the City in the event of a knockdown, until permanent repairs can be made. Permanent replacement of equipment will not be -- made until written approval from the City of Cathedral City is received by Siemens. Permanent replacements are available if the City decides that this method of repair is more advantageous. — All emergency service calls will be recorded onto the inspection log located in each traffic signal controller cabinet indicating all emergency work performed. Siemens technicians responding to the report of a black-out will be equipped with the traffic control equipment such as traffic cones, arrow boards and warning signs necessary to make the intersection safe until signal repairs can be made. Fiber Optic Repair, Installation, Maintenance Services Siemens has a dedicated fiber optic placement, troubleshooting, and emergency repair team available for -' the City of Cathedral City. The team is fully equipped to perform OTOR testing, fusion splicing, and any documentation needs for the City. Siemens is currently a fiber optic systems and CCTV maintenance provider for Caltrans. Siemens owns the following equipment used for various ITS components- - ■ MMU/CMU Test and Certification Equipment for all Standard monitors • Backup Battery Capacity Analyzation and Testing Equipment • LED lumens Testers/various brands — Maintenance Records Siemens will maintain a record of all service calls and work performed for the City of Cathedral City. All proposed forms will be submitted to the City for its approval prior to use. A copy of all current operation records will be kept at each intersection, as well as Siemens offices. Two monthly reports, providing a complete record of all work performed on the City's traffic signal facilities and a status of pending work -- orders will be attached to each monthly invoice. Siemens will also be responsible for maintaining copies of the City records for performing underground marking of facilities. Warranty Siemens will be responsible for making contact between equipment manufacturers and City staff when service is needed during the warranty period. Siemens will remain in contact with the City to ensure their ,,. satisfaction. Siemens will warrant all work performed and materials installed for a 12 month period in addition to the manufacturer's warranty. Lab Services Siemens has laboratories and regional repair facilities that are available to the City of Fullerton to test, repair and certify their traffic signal components.We have a large testing facility in Anaheim.We specialize in controller /cabinet system testing to support services including: controller repair and conflict monitor/ CMU/MMU testing and certification. Our facilities service all types and brands of traffic signal control equipment including Cal Standard, NEMA TS-1 and TS-2 and ITS equipment. Siemens's laboratory personnel include degreed IMSA certified traffic signal technicians and certified Electricians. Our Field technicians perform all traffic signal related tasks with decades of cumulative traffic signal test and repair experience. We maintain the state of the art electronic servicing equipment. Proposal to provide Traffic Signal Maintenance .5 Siemens lndustry.Inc. !# 1 1. �fiY 3fi i Scope of Work Services Provided to Cathedral City Siemens will provide a comprehensive routine preventative maintenance program which includes: on-call services and extraordinary maintenance for Cathedral City. Services will be provided for signalized intersections, flashing beacons, radar feedback signs, and illuminated crosswalks or safety lights. Preventative maintenance services will be provided on a monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, and annual basis. The program is designed to eliminate or reduce incidences of malfunctions, complaints, and extend the useful life of the City's traffic signal equipment. The program includes monthly inspection, testing, recordkeeping,cleaning, repair,and replacement of equipment. Andy Briones will be the Service Manager dedicated to the City of Cathedral City. He will be responsible for maintaining communication with the City regarding daily operation and maintenance of all traffic signal equipment. Siemens will notify the City of the scheduled dates for preventive maintenance prior to performing the service. Our maintenance visits, findings, and recommendations will be noted in our electronic database and on the City's check list forms, if required.These completed forms will be sent to the City each month. Monthly Inspections The proposed program includes routine maintenance for traffic signals and flashing beacons, monthly ._ inspection, cleaning of cabinets, cleaning and realignment of signal indications, continuity checks, and the testing of the City's interconnect or fiber optic system to maintain existing operation. Siemens will inspect, clean, adjust, and make a routine inspection to each traffic signal location once per month per the approved proposal. Technicians will maintain a record of each controller cabinet showing the date and time checked. Controllers will not be replaced, except for repair, without prior approval of Cathedral City. The routine maintenance for illuminated street name signs, and safety lights will include one night-time inspection each month, as well as the replacement of lamps, photocells, starters, ballasts, and standard cobra fixtures within 5 working days of a notice of an outage. Repair and Replacement Siemens will replace or repair any and all defective parts of the signal system which cause signal failure or malfunction, as the occasion arises, such as the signal controllers and cabinets, flashers, detectors, detector loops, video detection cameras, push buttons, communication internal modems, etc. at the contract price for labor, equipment and materials. Siemens will complete all work within a timely manner, notifying the City within twenty-four (24) hours of the next working day when any equipment is replaced with temporary replacements and pending permanent repairs. Proposal to provide Trq r Signal Maintenance 6 Siemens Industry.Inc. - s'-L� 'a Rk aY b F z. Loop Detector Replacement Siemens will notify the City within 48 hours of discovering detector loop failures. Siemens will prepare a written proposal with pricing to replace failed loops within 7 calendar days of a receipt.of a notice to proceed from the City. -. Air Filters Siemens will replace the air filter elements in all cabinets so equipped every six (6) months in accordance with the organized schedule. Conflict Monitor Siemens will test conflict monitors using ATSI or equivalent conflict monitor tester on an annual basis. Siemens will supply the City a report for each test conducted. The testing will take place on a schedule approved by the City Public Works Director or approved City employee. Any conflict monitor that does not pass the test will be repaired or replaced and billed as extraordinary maintenance. Battery Back-Up Systems Battery Back-Up Systems including the inverter, any switches, and batteries will be tested monthly in -° accordance with the manufacturers recommended maintenance as a part of routine maintenance. Batteries will be replaced at the bid price stated per extraordinary maintenance. Night-time Inspections Siemens will perform a night time inspection of all traffic signal Safety Lights and Illuminated Street name Signs located on major arterial roadways once per month. Siemens will provide a report of outages found and repair all outages within five(5) business days. Extraordinary Maintenance/On-Call Services .., In addition to the previously mentioned routine maintenance activities, Siemens will provide the City with extraordinary maintenance services on an as needed basis. Extraordinary maintenance may include: • Repairing damage relating to signal knockdowns,vandalism or other accidents • Repair of damages from natural disasters • Repair of conduit and conductors damaged by construction activities • Complete Intersection re-wire(scheduled and emergency) • Upgrading of equipment that has failed due to age or deterioration • Replacing LED Modules and pedestrian indications • Painting cabinets or signal heads • Replacing lenses,detectors,video detection cameras,CCTV cameras • Replacement of failed detector loops • Installing interconnect • Responding to Underground Service Alert requests • Assisting in inspection of new installations Siemens will not perform any extraordinary maintenance without the approval of the Director of Public Works or his authorized representative. If Siemens staff encounters a situation wherein extraordinary maintenance is needed, Siemens will supply the City with a description of the work required as well as a proposed estimate for approval. Proposal to provide Ira&Signal Maintenance 7 Siemens Industry.Inc. 1 i..........o...a Traffic Signal Components Siemens will repair, replace or otherwise render in good working condition defective parts of the traffic signal control equipment with like make and model parts for temporary and permanent replacements, except as individually agreed upon by the City staff. — Defective or malfunctioning controller cabinet equipment will be reported to the City for approval to make the necessary changes. Changes made will be recorded on the maintenance or repair log within the traffic signal controller cabinet. Items that are no longer covered under the manufacturer's warranty will be repaired or replaced with working parts. If a controller becomes obsolete or deteriorated to the point of being beyond repair, Siemens will report such conditions to the City and provide evidence that replacement is necessary. We will provide an estimate indicating the costs for replacement of the controller and submit this information to the City. Permanent replacement of the traffic signal controller will not be completed without approval of City staff. Q Siemens Personnel employs and fully ualifications trained Journeymen Linemen, Electricians, and Traffic Signal Technicians to do all repairs. Our skilled and experienced technicians are among the best in the industry and we are proud to have over 25+ IMSA Level III certified technicians on our team. In general, we compensate our employees better than our competition, and we expect them to perform at a higher level. We aggressively train our team with a focus on work pride, quality, skills and safety. We remain cost competitive because of the productivity of our crews and our reliance on working smarter rather than harder. Siemens maintains an extensive inventory of traffic signal and streetlight equipment including controllers, cabinets, load switches, signal heads, poles, LED lamps, luminaries, service cabinets and other miscellaneous parts. Technicians will also be equipped with all spare parts necessary to place a signal system back in operation for ordinary trouble calls, including sensing devices for inductive loop detectors. — Alberto Ramirez will be assigned as Lead Technician for Cathedral City. Certified as a level III IMSA Technician, Alberto has the education and expertise to successful maintain and the complete the listed scope of work. As the lead technician,Alberto will have great knowledge of the city and the infrastructure within. Furthermore, by having an experienced and frequent presence servicing throughout Cathedral City, preventative issues may be forecasted and resolved promptly;many times allowing our technicians to prevent the issue before commencement. Alberto Ramirez is assigned a 2009 Dodge Ram truck. Tim Walker, also a certified level III IMSA Technician will be assigned to Cathedral City as the back-up to the lead technician. As the back-up technician,Tim will also gain vast knowledge of Cathedral City and the infrastructure; allowing superior detail to work and service. Tim Walker is assigned a 2010 Dodge Ram truck. _. There are a total of nine Traffic Signal Technicians in our Riverside office with IMSA level II or higher. In addition, Siemens has access to a national staff of hundreds which include an array of electricians, laborers and registered Professional Engineers. Proposal to provide l'raffic•Signal Maintenance 8 Siemens Industry,Inc. a....� _�.. _ d,,. .� ,r.. ..,_._,.x.... ........w... c.wv...,.... ,,.r�.ww.....«,u.«,..n.w..µ.i'.,._n.,HY,« ..... x4f..... n.2c., _5..._n..::........d.n.n.;d .. :.:,5e,......-.......,.x...,x-.,u...,..d,...... ...:...t.4 a_e The following will be available to the City of Cathedral City: Jill Petrie Steve Fitzsimons,P.E.,T.E. Area Service Senior Engineer Operations $ Manager Michael Kato,P.E. Associate Engineer ' I L Andy Briones Service Manager Christopher Slocum .�• _ .-.. Superintendent Alberto Ramirez '— Lead Maintenance i Utility/Construction Technician Cecil Terry-Forman E Tim Walker Pete Yanez-Forman/Crane Back-up Technician i Son Le-Forman/Lighting Mike De La Riva-Painting Traffic Signal Technician Lance Alm Fred Bond Jorge Luviano Chris Franco Brandon Meidl John Mulvihill-TS Specialist James Nelson-Fiber Optics Proposal to provide Tragic Signal Maintenance 9 Siemens Industry.Inc. _' Jill Petrie,Area Service Operations Manager • Over 10 years experience in the traffic signal and street lighting maintenance business • Provides project management for traffic signal maintenance and on call services for 29 agencies, with over 2000 intersection,flashing beacons, lighted crosswalks and speed feedback signs. • 8 years in purchasing, researching materials,inventory, scheduling, and shipping/receiving for various traffic signal projects. • Special Projects have Included LED retrofits, Battery Backup System Installation, Loop installations and Speed Feed Back Sign installations. • A few of the Current Cities under Jill's Management are Ontario,Rancho Cucamonga, Palm Springs,Cathedral City, and the County of San Bernardino. Andy Briones, Riverside County and San Bernardino County Service Account Manager -- • Over 6 years experience in the traffic signal and street lighting maintenance business. • Provides service management for traffic signal maintenance and on call services for 31 agencies, with over 1300 intersections, flashing beacons, lighted crosswalks and speed feedback signs. • 6 years in purchasing, researching materials, inventory, scheduling, and shipping 1 receiving for various traffic signal projects. • Special Projects have included LED retrofits, Battery Backup System Installation,Video Detection Installation, Loop Installation and Speed Feedback Installations. • A few of the current cities under Andy's management are Ontario,Rancho Cucamonga, Desert Hot Springs, Palm Springs,Chino,and the County of San Bernardino. Christopher Slocum,Maintenance&Construction Superintendent • Over 20 years experience with all aspects of Traffic Signal Maintenance, Construction and Repair • Ability to read and interpret electrical and construction plans • Extensive experience inspecting electrical installations in all phases of construction • Highly competent in resource planning and manpower allocation • OSHA Certified • Licensed Journeyman Electrician Alberto Ramirez, Traffic Signal Technician • 6 years experience as a traffic signal technician • IMSA Level I,II&III Certified • IMSA Work Zone Safety Certified • NEC Certified • Experience in working with Iteris video detection systems • Experience in programming, maintaining, and troubleshooting TS1,TS2 and 3321170 cabinets • A few of the cities currently working in are Palm Springs, Desert Hot Springs, Indio and Twenty- nine Palms • Stationed in Siemens'Riverside County office • Please see attached for Certifications Tim Walker,Traffic Signal Technician " • Over 10 years experience as a traffic signal technician • IMSA Level I,II & Ill Certified • IMSA Work Zone Safety Certified _. • NEC Certified • Experience in working with various video detection systems • Installation and wiring battery backup systems and traffic controller cabinets _ • Experience with BI-Tran 233&200 software • Certified in USA markings • Stationed in Siemens'Riverside County office • Please see attached for Certifications Proposal to provide Tra c Signal Maintenance 10 Siemens Industry.Inc. _....,,... ..n .�. ,M.,..__ev,._ _.,< .._.....�.. ,e...>...SZ..zw_ .. .".. ,__.r,�..m_...,........_...._. .. _.__.�....._..._.._____ -..,,r....,,...,n............ ..«...<......., 'c.,_».,,..-,-.. ...Q.._-:.s.,..�......�.z,..w.' Fred Bond,Traffic Signal Technician • Over 28 years experience in the traffic signal industry • IMSA Level t, II&Ill Certified • NEC Certified • Knowledge of TS-1 &TS-2,Type 170,and NEMA controllers • Proficient with Econolite ASC controllers • Experience in working with various video detection systems • Installation and wiring battery backup systems and traffic controller cabinets • Experience with BI-Tran 233&200 software • Stationed in Siemens'Riverside County Office Minh Tran, Traffic Signal Engineering Technician • Over 20 years experience in the traffic signal maintenance industry. • IMSA Level I, II &Ill Certified • IMSA Work Zone Safety Certified • IMSA Traffic Signal Inspector Certified g P • NEC Certified -- • Certified on Econolite TS-1 &TS-2 NEMA controllers • Certified on Type 170 controllers • Certified in Iteris ITS Video Detection • Extremely knowledgeable with all ATMS equipment • Extensive experience in the installation, diagnosis, and repair of CMS and CCTV Cecil Terry, Traffic Signal Construction Forman • Over 20 years experience in the traffic signal repair and construction • Longstanding history of successfully completing difficult wire pulls and cabinet installations for the City of Orange • IMSA Work Zone Safety Certified • NEC Certified Pete Yanez, Traffic Signal Construction Foreman/Crane Operator • Over 15 years experience in the traffic signal repair and construction industry Son Le,Streetlight Maintenance Technician • Over 15 years experience in the traffic signal and lighting industry • IMSA Level I, II & Ill Certified Traffic Signal Technician • IMSA Work Zone Safety Certified • NEC Certified • Skilled with all aspects of streetlight maintenance and troubleshooting. Mike De La Riva,Traffic Signal&Street Light Painter • Over 5 years experience in the traffic signal Painting _ I Proposal to provide 7rafc Signal Maintenance 11 Siemens Industry.Inc. a 4 i s; Engineering and Professional Services Siemens engineering staff is available to provide traffic signal modification design, signal timing and coordination enhancement, and many other traffic, civil, and electrical engineering related services. Our unique ability to design, construct, and maintain all facets of traffic signals and streetlights using in-house staff is one example of the many aspects that set Siemens apart from other maintenance companies. Siemens' Engineering Services Group offers a full spectrum of traffic, civil, and construction engineering services. Our team of licensed Traffic and Civil Engineers and IMSA technicians offer complete solutions to your transportation engineering needs. Our ultimate goal is to provide municipalities with exceptional, cost effective traffic engineering support to meet all transportation engineering requirements. We recognize that emerging Advanced Traffic Management Systems (ATMS) and ITS technologies are becoming a trend among forward-thinking municipalities. As such, Siemens has established powerful partnerships and gained extensive knowledge and experience in various ATMS and ITS system design, integration, implementation, and maintenance. As a service maintenance provider throughout the nation, we have acquired the unique ability to keep abreast of emerging technologies that are being implemented around the country. This creates the added benefit of allowing us to learn from other agencies, which provides a greater ability to provide expedient maintenance and troubleshooting to our customers. Sub-Consultants/Sub Contracting Siemens utilizes all Traffic Signal Manufactures when required. In addition, Siemens uses its own forces for all work and within this RFP and does not anticipate using any subcontractors. Siemens Engineers Steve Fitzsimons, P.E., T.E., Senior Engineer and Michael Kato, P.E, .Associate Engineer will be the -- anticipated engineers for the City of Cathedral City. Please see the attached resumes for a detailed outline of their experience and education. Proposal to provide Traffic Signal Maintenance 12 Siemens Industry,Inc. ..._`' .-' :t .,v..,....._.,a,�..�.............. �....aa.?`B_,.......r ..-a....,".. ,.,M.,. .... ..w..aF.?,..�....�W<......,.,M ,.�,zaz,x.,,... �d --.a..�.�.�...�. .aa.....,."...,w..,.,rf„a.........,...,.�....._. ....3, A�,k.;,�,,,;„.� Steve Fitzsimons,P.E.,T.E. Senior Engineer SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS Senior project manager with over 25 years experience with traffic studies and design projects. Expertise includes traffic signal design,traffic signal coordination,advanced traffic signal system planning and design,traffic operations studies,traffic calming,and traffic safety studies. Since joining Siemens he has recently focused on traffic signal designs,signal timing and on-call work. EDUCATION LICENSES/CERTIFICATES -� B.S.Civil Engineering,UC Berkeley,1980 Professional Civil Engineer,CA M.S.Civil Engineering(Transportation),UC Berkeley, 1986 Professional Traffic Engineer,CA ... EXPERIENCE Traffic Signal Design Mr. Fitzsimons has completed designs of new traffic signals or traffic signal modifications at more than 1,500 locations. Applications have addressed standard and customized signal'phasing; 170, NEMA, and advanced traffic signal controllers; and rural and urban settings. Recent projects have included design-build installations. Traffic Signal Coordination He has completed many traffic signal coordination projects ranging from 2 to 240 intersection systems. Work has included studies to determine when coordination should be implemented, considering time of day, day or week, or holidays; developing concept plans for interconnect media and the steps required to implement interconnect; and developing coordinated timing plans for time-of-day or traffic responsive systems. On-Call Services Mr.Fitzsimons has worked on numerous on-call contracts. His work at Siemens is almost exclusively on-call services to clients of Siemens,which are typically either small jurisdictions without traffic engineering staff or mid-sized jurisdictions with more traffic -- needs than staff can address. Recent examples of on-call projects include updating signal timing settings in Capitola to match MUTCD standards, updating streetlight standard plans for Elk Grove to be consistent with equipment installed in various parts of the City, preparing applications for grant funding in Gilroy,or preparing a Pedestrian Access Plan for a street upgrade project in Marin County. Michael Kato,P.E Associate Engineer SUMMARY OF QUAUFICATIONS Associate Engineer with 19 years of experience in transportation engineering. Mr. Kato has a strong understanding of the needs of a municipal jurisdiction having worked for the last six years on an on-call basis for several local public agencies and for the City&County of Honolulu for over 12 years before that. He has worked closely with elected officials, neighborhood boards and citizen committees. Expertise includes traffic controls; traffic safety studies; traffic impact study review; temporary traffic controls,bicycle and multi-use facilities,traffic signal design and traffic signal timing. EDUCATION LICENSES/CERTIFICATES -- B.S.Civil Engineering,University of Southern California, 1991 Professional Civil Engineer,HI Professional Civil Engineer,CA EXPERIENCE Traffic Signal Design He has assisted with preparing designs of new signals or signal modifications at more than 15 locations in the last six years. Experience includes solar powered wireless controlled flashing beacons, video detection, signal interconnect, pedestrian signals,automatic red light enforcement systems,and design-build. Traffic Controls Mr.Kato has designed and reviewed sign and striping plans for various applications including redesign of existing facilities to improve safety or traffic flow,and design of new facilities as part of new development. He also has experience evaluating installation warrants for yield and stop signs,all-way stops,traffic signals,crosswalks and flashing beacons. Traffic Signal Timing He has prepared isolated and coordinated signal timing plans for over 40 intersections in the last two years,including timings plans for new intersections and timing updates or modifications at existing intersections. Proposal to provide Trafc Signal Maintenance 13 Siemens Industry;Inn. r t r information Technology -- Our emphasis on utilizing technology in our maintenance operations has given us a considerable advantage in the maintenance industry. Our proprietary software, developed in-house, represents the forefront of customer account management and maintenance tracking in our industry. Siemens employs a Daily Maintenance Approach vs. Weekly Batch Approach and will be in the area daily. Reports of traffic signal problems can be initiated and resolved quickly. We recognize that speed, efficiency, and comprehensive service are the keys to customer satisfaction in our industry. With this in mind,we are constantly seeking innovative ways to improve our service delivery. Siemens is proud to present a detailed description of PLATO and WiRE, our computerized traffic signal maintenance and inventory/bar-coding management system. _ PLATO is Siemens's primary maintenance tracking and account management application, comprised of a detailed and flexible database system. It handles detailed project management, contractual information, and scheduling of both service requests and scheduled maintenance. It is the information backbone of _ Siemens and our investment in providing the best possible service to our customers. WiRE is our field access to PLATO, allowing our service crews to access real-time information and scheduling using Microsoft PC devices. Service response information is transmitted in real-time back to PLATO, allowing monitoring of service status and inventory information. _. PLATO was developed to provide rapid access to service requests, maintenance scheduling, and detailed work histories. Based on Microsoft's web application framework, PLATO is available to any workstation with access to Siemens intranet. This provides maximum flexibility in Plato's deployment, making it available to any internal computer with a browser. The information handled by PLATO includes: • Service Request Management and Scheduling, including time stamping and dispatching • Scheduled Maintenance Management and Scheduling • Streetlight Details, including inventories of equipment, maps, etc • Detailed Service Descriptions, allowing us to tailor the service rendered in the field to the precise specifications of the City • Agency Information Management, including contacts, billing information,etc • Contractual Information, including frequencies of scheduled maintenance, contract periods, "Not to Exceed"limits, etc • Internal communications,such as pertinent notes,etc • Report Generation, including invoices, materials use,etc `-' • Inventory control, including real-time tracking of available and installed equipment Information available to view or download through the Customer Extranet includes: • Real-time status of Scheduled Maintenance and Service Request calls • Real-time Streetlight Inventories • Real-time Equipment Inventories • Streetlight maintenance histories, maps, digital photographs,GIS information • Account information,such as contacts and billing Proposal to provide 7raffic Signal Maintenance 14 Siemens Industry.Inc. ; 1x WiRE allows our technicians to access to an array of useful data while in the field. This program allows access to maintenance records for the traffic signals, inventory, bar-codes, scanning, and digital rY g 9 photographic documentations.This access tool contributes to a quicker, more successful visit. In addition, our scheduled maintenance activities and responses to service requests are documented on-site, utilizing our hand-held devices. WiRE also functions as a dispatching tool; once a service request is dispatched to a --. technician, relevant information concerning the nature of the call and the traffic signal is immediately available. — The most important aspect of the applications described above is the flexible nature of their use and their future development. Siemens can work with Cathedral City to customize the applications in order to maximize the effectiveness and provide the level of service the City of Cathedral City desires. This flexibility includes types of information collected or viewable, downloading of information, visual representation, means of access,or other conveniences the City wishes to implement. • m2 L5. 4.0 4' h. ..--"`YC° Si5..5, RT.bSFR4.,tv re=i4" tie,:C3G S'C;w4C Y _zZ'rt ds: v^7 S rci:NI ' F.._ f j , %" Y ,. Y .e , �8 ,u t i, *' Sla€ •i refr '"7 a '^'-+ "6 3 5%.V:h^r �. a SSY eki.i'Ti. A A�2 .C..4. • ,`, - E..- E_. C,, cC Y $o s.m R --ti -..'f 8 ."a'. '.49..: I .J w CO /.y r i • ::y^x,,,„. 'MM.. .1V.4°.7,'',V' ca1.J "C9.cd- ?{,.e..6 6s6s:i.•.....Y.vvr a.-,n+Y.., e.... ?._ i j- i r � a • z::�s; tki ",C.5'd':Y ArsC :bG+r..Sq.. Y -°.Y 7,,r%hp a,Nrtn-3�:-'J VAC a.._ . 6.--V`.',=: ,. 7:( , tats-;;, i a r=a^;'...'_ri 1.... Sit3::. :SLat 9i ..,4'''c.r " .4 `e , d ..-, ‘,,,'rEtap 661‘666 ,7 / '�. .. G.� r`Li �r a .... ,R ;t r eyy. .'''V. '"A''',..' a v 4,,, m .� �K, Qx C.. s ,, �` xtia L`$- �"-r.:. �' se ...� A• ,,, ..cev,s. v �.r p, 6p .s _ ,,0 a M�ti L. F-a i r v#, ti/ 1 r d, N<. "'.. .,—.\ If r, v ..8_.. Fr, �'v..>.a Technician View of our system ar i 1 Proposal to provide Take Signal A4ainienance 15 Siemens Industry.Inc. References — Siemens has been extremely successful in retaining traffic signal, streetlight, and engineering customers due to our desire to offer the best possible customer service. Siemens has an exemplary customer service track-record highlighted by our well-qualified field personnel, knowledgeable customer service representatives, and proprietary detailed monthly reports. We understand what is required to maintain a community's electrical infrastructure and exceed our customer's expectations; Agency Contact Client/Agency Type of Work Person Telephone Number City of Banning Traffic Signal 99 E. Ramsey Street Maintenance Terri Escalante (909)922-3130 Banning,CA 92220 City of Ontario Traffic Signal 303 East B Street Maintenance and Mauricio Diaz Streetlight (909)395-2107 Ontario,CA 91764 Maintenance City of Grand Terrace 22795 Barton Road Traffic Signal Richard Shields (909)825-3825 Grand Terrace,CA Maintenance 92324 City of Palm Springs 3200 E.Tahquitz Traffic Signal David Barakian (760)323-8253 Canyon Maintenance Palm Springs,CA 92262 City of Rancho Cucamonga Traffic Signal James Harris (909)477-2740 10500 Civic Center Maintenance x4052 -- Drive Rancho Cucamonga,CA 91729 City of Anaheim Christopher Dahl, -- Public Works 200 South Anaheim Blvd. Traffic Signal Director/Traffic (714)765-6908 Anaheim,CA 92805 Maintenance Department City of Irvine Traffic Signal Dave Flanagan, 6427 Oak Canyon,#3 Maintenance Supervising Traffic (949)724-7684 Irvine,CA 92618 Systems Specialist City of Costa Mesa Traffic Signal John Cox,Traffic 77 Fair Drive (714)754-5184 Costa Mesa,CA 92628 Maintenance Operations Proposal to provide Tragic Signal Maintenance 16 Siemens Industry.Inc. p � a AE ,t _z x _ ___a.__.. .�. _.. ...__ ..-...._...�. ._.. ,_d...L.;., ,a„n _..c,::.. ..._,,.�.._....w.� _...._... .,,_�..._.. .. ...8..,,: ,x..,.,_.,.. ...a.a .wawsi.. ..^a.,,_.,:..,:;:.. ...,,...,6;.... �; Other notable projects include: -- 0,a Los Angeles County-Signal Modifications � 1 .ci, Siemens was awarded a $2 Million construction project contract that involves signal • :# modifications at 50 intersections in Western Los Angeles County for the Anita Street -- •°" A, °r• Improvements. Los Angeles County Contract: Donald Wolfe(626)458-5100 City of Irvine, California Signal Synchronization Project—Siemens is currently o s 14 _ under contract to handle all traffic signal maintenance and repair daily operations , for the City of Irvine. In addition to the current contract, the City has awarded to ' Siemens numerous contracts as well as expanding the current contract to support i a‘10.1 and assist with the expansion of the City's already extensive fiber optic '% ` - communication network.We have worked closely with the City to ensure minimal r ,; downtimes are met in order to have as little negative impact on traffic as possible during the construction process as well as maximum impact on relieving traffic congestion as the projects mature. City of Irvine — Contact: David Flanagan, Senior Project Manager(949) 724-7684 o F rim City of Irvine, Signal Upgrades Projects — Siemens completed traffic signal upgrades �, �"� g.. for the City of Irvine on Irvine Boulevard, Bake Parkway, Alton.Parkway, Culver Drive, Y Y A Bonita Canyon and Harvard Avenue totaling over $2 million. Upgrades included - controller and cabinet change-outs, fiber and Ethernet communications, CCTV, video .- by Y detection, inductive loops, conduit, SIC and extensive coordination b the City. City of Irvine Contact:David Flanagan, Senior Project Manager(949) 724-7684 9 J 9 ( ) Orange County Transportation Authority — Siemens was awarded the Orange County i . . Transportation Authority contract to provide Call Box System Operations and Maintenance ,g j° Services. This 5-year contract involves performing corrective and preventative maintenance ' P 9 p services for 600 call boxes throughout the OCTA service area. We were unanimously chosen �: t�4 ; by the OCTA because of our extensive public entity experience, excellent maintenance system, ` may qualified staff and lowest P rice. OCTA Contact: Sue Zuhlke p Director, Motorist Services and Special "' Projects, (714)560-5574 Caltrans Emergency Traffic Signal LED Retrofit for Five Counties in Southern California — Siemens was one of the only two contractors in California selected by ,t, w Caltrans to respond to a RFP to install approximately 22,000 LED modules in signalized i ,, , intersections throughout Southern California. Former Governor Gray Davis initiated this emergency project in order to quickly reduce electric load from the State electrical &Mans grid. Caltrans selected Siemens for the task of retrofitting all 22,000 LEDs in 60 days. Caltrans Contact: Gonzalo Gomez, Senior Transportation Electrical Engineer(916) 654-2461 Caltrans District 4—Weigh-in Motion & Electrical Repair for CHP Truck Inspection Facilities— On-Call — Siemens was awarded a contract to provide on-call electrical maintenance, r�1, troubleshooting and repair service for all state owned and California Highway Patrol l r occupied truck inspection facilities, platforms and scales throughout the nine county "` -'' -' San Francisco Bay Area.We are responsible for providing service 24 hours per day, seven "'"''t4 ` days per week. Examples of typical tasks included in this $795,000 contract include ailfrY /15 repairs or replacement of changeable message signs, truck counters, height indicators, and communication and video systems, under truck lighting, pumps and controls. Caltrans District 4 Contact: Gregory Klein, Deputy Regional Manager(415)330-6556 Proposal to provide Tropic Signal Maintenance 17 ,Sretneus Industry.Inc. fizeiww k� S�� 4 7N Y Schedule -- Siemens' proposed time for routine maintenance will be based on the convenience of the City. The duration of standard maintenance will differ, depending on the repairs, if any, required during a given month. Emergency response will be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.A more detailed schedule can be provided after the award of contracts. Exceptions to the City Requirements There are no exceptions for the City of Cathedral City Proposal to provide Trgffic Signal Maintenance IS Siemens Industry.Inc. • �....,5_'�AS..,a Siemens Industry, Inc.'s Scope of Work Monthly Inspections The monthly inspection of each signalized intersection will include the following: • Walk the intersection and visually inspect all signal heads and video detectors. Depress all pedestrian push buttons and observe proper timing. Report observed problems to the City. • Furnish and replace all standard LED signal modules as they become non-functional (at the agreed upon unit price). • Examine functioning of controller in relations to traffic. • Inspect,clean,and adjust controller,cabinet assembly,and video detection camera • Observe and check for proper operation of detector loops and amplifiers _ • Inspect all relays, switches and terminals • Check and adjust fan operation. Check filter. Clean and vacuum. Examine cabinet exterior for water,excessive dampness and plant or animal intrusion • Inspect battery backup system • Check operation of City-owned battery backup system and batteries. • Manually record inspection date and time in controller cabinet and send written confirmation to City -- • Make nighttime drive through to visually inspect for malfunctions of traffic signals, illuminated street name signs and highway safety lights Quarterly Inspections The quarterly inspection(which includes the monthly inspection)shall include at a minimum: • Check signal timing settings and match with timing sheet found in controller cabinet ._ • Visually inspection roadway along loop detectors for exposed wires, cracks and potholes. Fix as necessary • Manually record inspection date and time in controller cabinet and send written confirmation to City Six Month Inspections The six month inspection(in addition to monthly and quarterly)shall include at a minimum: • Replace air filter elements • Check ground rod clamps and wire • Check for all cabinet documentation • Check operation of ground fault receptacle • Visually check integrity of splices • Manually record inspection date and time in controller cabinet and send written confirmation to '— City. Annual Preventative Maintenance The annual preventative maintenance(in addition to monthly,quarterly and 6-month inspection) shall include at a minimum: • Check weatherproof gaskets on controller cabinet • Lubricate hinges and locks on controller cabinets • Check indicator lamps. Replace incandescent lamps • Open and inspect all pull boxes • Check all connectors • Test Conflict Monitor Unit/Malfunction Monitor Unit. • Manually record inspection date and time in controller cabinet and send written confirmation to City Proposal to provide Traffic Signal Maintenance 19 Siemens Industry,Inc. Certifications Proposal to provide Traffic Signal Maintenance 20 Siemens Industry.Inc. • • „. .:144 •• Atsq.;‘: ,r4.7,11 „API- - - • ° - I I I I I I , DiVi-SiOrt bf Apprenticeship Standirds . • _ _ .1 I 1 I • 1---- F-- t•-•- f--- 1— i . I---- 1------ 1 I L 1 _ • it-.IS,Z:„.., -;.*:`•,f r,-••,:. ;pp.,.-----7-7"-sv'-‘''..1.-'1-1K,---"*"---• ---------7?,pf'"4-f,,P(v- -,1,...,0Mvit.:(.6,v,,,,,,-;4";01:V. 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SECTION 7 '— PROPOSAL CERTIFICATIONS ****************************************** Non-discrimination Clause The Contractor agrees not to discriminate against any client, employee or applicant for employment or for services, because of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, handicap or age with regard to, but not limited to, the following.: employment upgrading, demotion or transfer; recruitment or recruitment advertising; layoffs or termination; rates of pay or other forms of compensation; selection for training; rendition of services. It is further understood that any contractor who is in violation of this clause shall be barred from receiving awards of any purchase order from the City, unless a satisfactory showing is made that discriminatory practices have terminated and that a recurrence of such acts is unlikely. Agreed by: :- - - . N. - A . ua Hager -- Firm Name: Siemens Ind!istry, Address: 1266,.(,LI a I oma Circe,Anaheim_CA 99806 -- Local: 2440 Business Way, Riverside, CA 92501 Resident Certificate Please Check One: Resident Vendor: Vendor has paid unemployment taxes and income taxes in this state during the last. twelve calendar months immediately preceding the submission of this proposal. Or ❑ Non-resident Vendor: Vendor does not qualify under requirement stated above. (Please specify your state of residence: Officer's signature: Type or print officer's name: :K*************************************.*** Page 17 of 29 SECTION 8 SIGNATURE PAGE The undersigned proposes to perform all work as listed in the Specification section, for the price(s) stated: and that all articles supplied under any resultant contract will conform to the specifications herein. The undersigned agrees to be bound b y all applicable laws and regulations, the accompanying specifications and by City policies and regulations. The undersigned.by submitting a proposal. represents that: A) The Proposer has read and understands the specifications. B) Failure to comply with the specifications or any terms of the Request for Proposal may disqualify the Proposer as being non-responsive. �- The undersigned certifies that the proposal has been arrived at independently and has been submitted without any collusion designed to limit competition. The undersigned certifies that all addenda to the specifications has been received and duly considered and that all costs associated with all addenda have been included in this proposal: — Addenda:No. N/A through No. N/A inclusive. We therefore offer and make this proposal to furnish services at the price(s) indicated herein in fulfillment of — the attached requirements and specifications of the City. Name of firm: ,SiemensJndustt3tr.ltu___ Address: 126_6_N....La Loma Circle,Anaheim, CA 9280,6 L Lc_aL22444._ i siness Way. Riverside. CA 92501 Telephone: (714) 630-2100 Fax : (714) 630-2828 By: —=—aw: Date:__Q1-24-2013 (Signature of Authorize JIcial. If partnership,signature of one partner.) Typed Name&Tide: Chris Reyes -Southwest Area,_Menager if corporation,attest: President-Daryl D. Dulaney Senior Director- D.ana Rasmussen (Corporate officer) © Corporation ❑ Partnership Individual — Federal Tax Identification Number(TIN): 13-2762488 —' Page 18 of 29 • ATTACHMENT A ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF ADDENDA -- CITY OF CATHEDRAL CITY,CALIFORNIA • REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE AND ON CALL EMERGENCY SERVICES CLOSE: (DAY OF WEEK),(MONTH-DAY-YEAR),(TIME)(AM/PM) I/WE HAVE RECEIVED THE FOLLOWING ADDENDA: If none received, write "None Received" I. NQ ecieyed _. 3. 4. January 24, 2013 Date .,nature of Proposer Southwest.Area Manager Title Siemens Ind ,try, Ind Corporate Nanie Page 9 Page I of 29 ~~ - ATTACHMENT lN STATEMENT OF PROPOSAL Name ufConsultant: Siemens Industry, -~ Mailing Address: _f2.68 N. L@ Loma Circle -- _-__- - Anaheim, CA 92806 Contact Person: h a Rayes-Southw etA[em Manager Telephone: (714) 03{-2.1{.0 Fax: (714) Email: a.cono — all the terms and conditions contained in the City of Cathedral City Request for Proposal for Traffic -- ~----- 01-24'2013 rized representative Date _ _ Please Type or print name of authorized representative Telephone Number Same as above - Type or print name of pe,son(s)uuthorized to negotiate contracts Telephone Number ^- REFERENCES - 99 E. Ro at, Banning CA 92220 (9091_922-3130 Reference#.1 7eleo6nneNxmbx/' ~~ naOCe Terri Ote __ Project Title Contact Individual -- Reference#2 Telephone Number al-Maintenmno nce _MaurioioDiGz ~- Project Title Contact Individual _City 24 Reference#3 Telephone Numbe / ___ ___- FU Project Title Contact Individual ~ Page 20o[2u it v� CERTIFICATION OF SIGNATURE AUTHORIZATION SIEMENS INDUSTRY, INC. I, Daniel W. Hislip,the undersigned Secretary, do hereby certify that: DARYL D. DULANEY President&CEO HELMUTH LUDWIG Executive Vice President AXEL MEIER Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer DANIEL W. HISLIP Vice President, General Counsel& Secretary of SIEMENS INDUSTRY, INC. (the"Corporation"), a corporation duly organized and existing under the State of Delaware,are duly authorized to execute any and all Agreements without limitation regarding the amount,subject to the requirement of dual signature authorization. I further certify that the above named Officers are authorized to execute on behalf of the Corporation,without regard to amount, bids,proposals, requests for proposals or quotations, bid bonds, payment bonds, performance bonds,maintenance bonds, change orders, Technical Support Program Agreements, and work orders and their signatures on these documents are binding on the Corporation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed the corporate seal of the Corporation, on this 1st day of October 2011. f VI,44-K*4i *4":444:r4'. Vole"ek4VVIA: Daniel W. Hislip ° CA A Vice President, l p • v + .° General Counsel& Secretary ' 3 Siemens Industry, Inc. w i � is F�D. ... Signe before me this 1st day of October 2011. " �94 , ----Na�` Public ct. 10 L`oN074g n i fi gyv&L\G • I• M 42\Hu y Z C 4,� ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF APPOINTED SIGNATURE AUTHORITY FROM PRESIDENT AND CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER.DARYL DULANEY AND CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER AXEL MEIER OF THE INFRASTRUCTURE& CITIES SECTOR OF SIEMENS INDUSTRY, INC. • A. We, the undersigned, Daryl Dulaney, President and Chief Executive Officer and, Axel Meier, Chief Financial Officer of the Infrastructure& Cities Sector of Siemens Industry, Inc. (the"Corporation') — a corporation duly organized and existing Under the laws of the State of Delaware, by virtue of the authority vested by the Board of Directors of Siemens Industry, Inc.and in accordance with the By- Laws of the Corporation and the laws of said State, do hereby acknowledge that the following individuals: (1) have been appointed to their respective offices as set out herein below in accordance with the By-Laws of the Corporation; and (2) are hereby authorized to sign or countersign and otherwise execute in the name, or on behalf of their respective Divisions or Business Units of the Corporation, any bids, proposals, bonds, releases and waivers of liens, and any certificates, affidavits, or ancillary documents in connection therewith; any licensing — qualification or registration filings, returns, certifications or questionnaires; any contracts, leases, agreements, guarantees and any certificates, affidavits, or ancillary documents in connection therewith, up to and including a transactional limit of $10,000,000.00; and any releases, compromises or settlements in connection with claims or disputes arising out of any such — transaction. r-- Authorized Signatories Business Operations y Finance/Central Support Function (Name/Office) (Name/Office) Matthias Rebellius Mark Evans President, Building Technologies Division Vice President, Finance and Business Administration, Building Technologies –� Division Kevin Yates Anton Duvall President, Low and Medium Voltage Division Vice President, Finance and Business Administration, Low and Medium Voltage • Division Terry Heath Martin Schultz President, Mobility and Logistics Division Vice President, Finance and Business Administration, Mobility and Logistics Division Thierry Godart Martin Schultz President, Smart Grid Division Vice President. Finance and Business -- Administration, Smart Grid Division Michael Cahill ' Christopher Halleus President. Rail Systems Division Vice President, Finance and Business Administration, Rail Systems Division Tom Kopanski Steve Monetta Sr.Vice President, Industry Sales Vice President, Finance and Business Administration, Industry Sales Alex Stuebler Mitch Flanagan { Vice President, Strategy Vice President, Corporate Controller B. We further acknowledge that each of the signatures of the persons referred to in paragraph A is binding upon the Corporation. C. We further acknowledge that any document shall require the signature of two (2) of the above Authorized Signatories, one each from Business Operations and Finance/Central Support Function, -- whom shall have the requisite signature authority to be legally binding upon the Corporation. I of 2 D. We further acknowledge that each of the persons referred to herein is authorized to delegate such person's authority hereunder to additional members of his or her management team up to the limit of such person's delegation of authority,provided that such delegation is In written form signed by the delegator and filed vwith the Legal Department, E. We further acknowledge that the Secretary or an Assistant Secretary of the Corporation Is authorized to Issue certifications attesting to the Incumbency, authority and status of any of the persons referred to In this resolution. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,we have hereunto subscribed our names and affixed the corporate seal of the said Corporation,on this 1 of June,2012, 74 #'„' Y Daryl Dulaney a y`` President&CE• " "ta ]gc r t ztfyw3 dye fly�#uP., Siemens Indus c: • vOs Axel 1 star Executive VP,CFO Siemens Industry,Inc. 2 of ...................... • DELEGATION OF APPROVAL AUTHORITY FROM PRESIDENT TERRY HEATH AND VICE PRESIDENT FINANCE & BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION MARTIN SCHULTZ SIEMENS INDUSTRY,INC.—MOBILITY AND LOGISTICS DIVISION A. We, the undersigned,Terry Heath,President and Martin Schultz,Vice President,Finance and Business Administration of the Mobility and Logistics Division of Siemens Industry,Inc. (the 'Corporation'), a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of the State of Delaware, by virtue of the authority vested in us as President and Vice President Finance& Business Administration to sign or countersign and otherwise execute in the name, or on behalf of the Corporation,any bids,projects,contracts,agreements and any certificates,affidavits or ancillary documents in connection therewith for and on behalf of the Corporation,do hereby delegate to and acknowledge that the following person(s)may exercise such authority for and on our behalf up to$2 million. -- AUTHORIZED SIGNATORIES Business Operations Finance/Central Support Function LName/Posi'on -- Dana ) NamelPositionZ ana Rasmussen Service Segment Head FBA Neway Redia Service Segment FBA B. We further acknowledge that the following individuals are hereby authorized to sign or countersign and otherwise execute in the name,or on behalf of the Corporation,the same documents as referenced in paragraph A,up to and including a transactional limit of$500,000. Any such delegation extends to but is limited to the same scope,documents and subject matter as referenced and granted in Paragraph A, limited to the monetary amount stated in this Paragraph. — AUTHORIZED SIGNATORIES Business Operations Finance/Central Support Function (Name/Position Andrew Poster "�'�� �NamelPositionj Area Jeffrey Engel rea Manager FBA Chris Reyes Tara Inbonboon Area Manager FBA Jil Petrie Operations manager Tim Carter Operations manager Andrew Rist Operations manager Christopher Romeo Operations manager Steven Teal Operations manager C. We further acknowledge that each of the signatures of the persons referred to in paragraphs A and B are binding upon the Corporation. WNW -• D. We further acknowledge that any document shall require the signature of two(2)of the above Authorized Signatories,one each from Business Operations and from Finance/Central Support Functions,whom shall have the requisite signature authority to be legally binding upon the Corporation. E. We further acknowledge that each of the persons referred to herein is authorized to delegate such person's authority hereunder to additional members of his or her management team up to the limit of such person's delegation of authority,provided that such delegation is in written form signed by the delegator and filed with the Legal Department. F. We further acknowledge that the Secretary or an Assistant Secretary of the Corporation is authorized to issue certifications attesting to the incumbency,authority and status of any of the persons referred to in this resolution. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,we have hereunto subscribed our names and affixed the corporate seal of the said Corporation,as of the 1st day of October,2012. • j Terry Heath President -- �- Siemens Industry, Inc. el• Mobility and Logistics Division • • Marti c ultz !v ----r' Vice President, Finance and Business Administration ti Siemens Industry,Inc. Mobility and Logistics Division 2